Do pigs fly? Well, Gwen and Steve Howell's pig does. Scarlett loves to jump on their trampoline at the family home on Airedale Farm in Shropshire
PISCATORIAL : (adj.) relating to or characteristic of the activity of fishing; usage : He was quite satisfied with his piscatorial life.
SOOTHSAYER : (noun) someone who makes predictions of the future (usually on the basis of special knowledge); synonyms : forecaster,predictor
PRIVATION : (noun) act of depriving someone of food or money or rights; usage : nutritional privation; synonyms : deprivation
EUTHANASIA : (noun) the act of killing someone painlessly (especially someone suffering from an incurable illness); synonyms : mercy killing
SANGUINARY : (adj.) marked by eagerness to resort to violence and bloodshed; synonyms : bloodthirsty , bloody-minded;
SQUEAMISH : (adj.) excessively fastidious and easily disgusted; usage :so squeamish he would only touch the toilet handle with his elbow;
TRENCHANT : (adj.) clearly or sharply defined to the mind; Ex :trenchant distinctions between right and wrong; Synonyms : clear-cut,distinct
Usage : He hoped his claims would have a semblance of authenticity
SEMBLANCE : (n) an outward or token appearance or form that is deliberately misleading; synonyms : color , colour , gloss
SCRIMMAGE : (n) a noisy riotous fight; Synonyms : battle royal, melee; Usage : letting out a shrill war cry, he plunged into the scrimmage.
LANGUID : (adj.) lacking spirit or liveliness; Synonyms : dreamy , lackadaisical , languorous; Usage : a languid mood
LUDICROUS : (adj.) broadly or extravagantly humorous; resembling farce; Synonyms : farcical , ridiculous; Usage : ludicrous green hair
INSOLENCE : (n) the trait of being rude and impertinent; inclined to take liberties; usage : She had a lot of insolence in her.
FOOLHARDY : (adj.) marked by defiant disregard for danger or consequences; foolhardy enough to try to seize the gun from the hijacker
IMPECCABLE : (adj.) without fault or error; usage :speaks impeccable French; synonyms : faultless , immaculate - by MnemonicDictionary.com
IMMACULATE : (adj.) completely neat and clean; usage : the apartment was immaculate; synonyms : speckless , spic , spic-and-span , spick
GERMANE : (adj.) relevant and appropriate; usage : He asks questions that are germane and central to the issue. by MnemonicDictionary.com
IMPREGNABLE : (adj.) incapable of being overcome, challenged or refuted; Usage : an impregnable argument; synonyms : inexpugnable
MUNIFICENT : (adj.) very generous; Synonyms : lavish,overgenerous, too-generous,unsparing,unstinted,unstinting; Usage : a munificent gift
FOIBLE (n) a behavioral attribute that is distinctive and peculiar to an individual; Usage : His eccentric mannerisms made him notorious.
INKLING : (n) a slight suggestion or vague understanding; Usage : he had no inkling what was about to happen. synonyms : glimmer, glimmering
PLIABLE : (adj.) able to adjust readily to different conditions; synonyms:elastic, flexible,pliant; she took advantage of his pliant nature.
GARGANTUAN : (adj.) of great mass; huge and bulky; synonyms : elephantine , giant , jumbo; usage : a gargantuan jet -by Mnemonic Dictionary
NOSTRUM : (n) hypothetical remedy for all ills or diseases; once sought by the alchemists; synonyms : catholicon , cure-all , panacea
COMMEMORATE : (v)be or provide a memorial to a person or an event; - This sculpture commemorates the victims of the concentration camps.
CALLOUS : (v) make insensitive or callous; deaden feelings or morals; usage : Ravi makes callous statements about his step mother.
DEXTEROUS : (adj.) skillful in physical movements; especially of the hands; usage :dexterous of hand and inventive of mind; synonyms : deft
PROGENITOR : (noun) an ancestor in the direct line; Mrs. Smith believes King George to be her progenitor! by MnemonicDictionary.com
SULTRY : (adj.) characterized by oppressive heat and humidity; usage :the summer was sultry and oppressive; synonyms : stifling, sulfurous
proletariat (n) : the class of workers, esp. industrial wage earners, who do not possess capital and must sell their labor to survive
TOUT : (v) show off; synonyms : blow, bluster, boast , brag, shoot a line, swash, vaunt; He had a tendency to tout about his adventures
PROVENDER : (n) a stock or supply of foods; synonyms : commissariat , provisions , viands , victuals
INCOGNITO : (adv) without revealing one's identity; in Holland he lived incognito as a carpenter in the shipyards of the East India company
Some examples of the mistakes which are often encountered are:-



diktat: an authoritative decree or order.
sinuous: having many curves, bends, or turns; winding; also, indirect; devious
lovat [LUHV-uht]: a grayish blend of colors, esp. of green, used in textiles, as for plaids
predilection: an established preference
traduce: to vilify
innocuous: harmless; also, unlikely to offend or provoke.
orthography [awr-THOG-ruh-fee]: the art or study of correct spelling according to established usage
lexis [lek-sis]: the vocabulary of a language, as distinct from its grammar; lexicon.
redolent: having or exuding fragrance; also, evocative, reminiscent.
penultimate [pi-NUHL-tuh-mit]: next to last
glib: performed with a natural ease, also, readily fluent, often thoughtlessly or insincerely so.
fetor: a strong, offensive smell
bardolatry: the idolization of William Shakespeare
agio: premium on money in exchange or an allowance given or taken on exchange from other countries.
pukka: genuine, authentic, or good; proper.
pluvial: relating to rain; rainy. (Geology) formed by abundant rainfall; also, an extended period of abundant rainfall.
jouk [jook]: a sudden, elusive movement; also, to dodge or duck
discombobulate [dis-kuhm-BOB-yuh-leyt]: to throw into a state of confusion.
cavort: to bound or prance about
mig: a playing marble, esp. one that is not used as a shooter
assiduous: constant in application or attention.
haku [HAH-koo]: (in Hawaii) a crown of fresh flowers
eldritch: unearthly; weird; eerie.
avaricious [av-uh-RISH-uhs]: immoderately desirous of wealth or gain; greedy.
ort [awrt]: a small scrap or leaving of food after a meal is completed. Often in the plural
cognoscente: a person with special knowledge
jorum [JAWR-uhm, JOHR-uhm]: large drinking bowl; also, the amount that such a bowl contains
equivocate: to be deliberately ambiguous or unclear
tchotchke: a trinket; a knickknack
farrago: an assortment; a medley
alacrity: a cheerful readiness, willingness, or promptness
curmudgeon [ker-MUHJ-uh n]: an ill-tempered person full of resentment and stubborn notions
qiviut: the soft wool lying beneath the long coat of the musk ox, used in making fabrics
efficacious: producing, or capable of producing, a desired effect.
didgeridoo: musical instrument of Australian Aborigines composed of a long hollow branch or stick.
bumf [buhmf]: 1. memorandum, official notices, or the like. 2. (Slang) toilet paper
logorrhea: excessive talkativeness.
ut [uht, oot]: (Music) syllable once generally used for the first tone or keynote of a scale.
lucubration: laborious work, study, thought, etc., esp. at night.
crapulous: sick from, or marked by, excessive drinking
bucolic: rustic; pastoral
inure: to make used to; also, to take or have effect
nudnik [NOOD-nik]: a persistently dull, boring pest
grok: to understand profoundly through intuition or empathy
defenestration [dee-fen-uh-STREY-shuhn]: the act of throwing a thing or esp. a person out of a window.
pugnacious [puhg-NEY-shuhs]: combative in nature; quarrelsome.
jugum: an anatomical ridge or groove connecting two structures
noisome: offensive or disgusting; also, harmful; unwholesome
gongoozler: an idle spectator, esp. one who stares for a long time at something
prow [prou]: the front the forepart of a ship or boat; bow.
malapropism: the usually unintentionally humorous misuse of a word
somniferous [som-NIF-er-uhs]: inducing sleep.
pandiculation [pan-dik-yuh-LEY-shuhn]: the act of stretching oneself.
foin: a thrust with a pointed weapon; also, to thrust with a pointed weapon; lunge
refulgent: brilliant; resplendent
awl: a pointed instrument for piercing small holes in leather, wood, etc.
sacrosanct: sacred; inviolable
acquiesce: to accept or consent passively or without objection.
voluptuary: a person devoted to luxury and the gratification of sensual appetites.
nincompoop: a fool or simpleton
veery [VEER-ee]: a thrush (bird) common in the eastern and northern US, noted for its song.
gadabout: one who roams about in search of amusement or social activity
crwth [krooth]: an ancient Celtic stringed instrument that was bowed or plucked
Have nothing interesting to do this weekend? Melody queen and a movie buff Lata Mangeshkar lists down 5 of her fave films you could watch.
carom: to strike and rebound; also, a glancing off
deipnosophist [dahyp-NOS-uh-fist]: someone who is skilled in table talk
qanat: a gently sloping underground tunnel for irrigation purposes, esp. in ancient Persia.
abecedarian: pertaining to the alphabet; also, rudimentary; also, a beginner
kylix: A shallow, stemmed, two-handled drinking cup of ancient Greece
fecund: fruitful; prolific; also, marked by intellectual productivity.
mura [MOOR-uh]: (in Japan) a village
interlocutor: a person who takes part in a conversation or dialogue
chary: wary; cautious
flimflam: 1. (noun) nonsense; also, a deception; a swindle. 2. (verb) to swindle or cheat.
dewlap: a pendulous fold of skin under the throat of a bovine animal
zebu: a domesticated ox (Bos indicus) having a prominent hump on the back and a large dewlap.
delectation: great pleasure; delight.
bis: again (used as an enthusiastic call for the repetition of a musical performance)
ameliorate: to make or grow better.
gaucherie: a socially awkward or tactless act; also, lack of tact.
hirsute [HUR-soot, hur-SOOT]: covered with hair; hairy.
ulu [OO-loo]: Eskimo knife with a broad, nearly semicircular blade joined to a short haft.
beneficent [buh-NEF-uh-suhnt]: doing good or causing good to be done; conferring benefits; kindly in action or purpose.
aalii [ah-LEE-ee]: a tropical shrub with sticky foliage.
adjuvant: serving to help or assist; auxiliary; also, a person or thing that aids or helps
–noun Informal. a person, thing, action, or statement of remarkable excellence or effect.
–noun 1. a going out; a departure or emigration, usually of a large number of people: the summer exodus to the country and shore.
2. the Exodus, the departure of the Israelites from Egypt under Moses.
3. (initial capital letter) the second book of the Bible, containing an account of the Exodus.
battle of wits - a contest in which intelligence rather than violence is used
downplay - represent as less significant or important
play down
To minimize the importance of; make little of: played down the defect to protect the troops' morale.
make the cut
1. (idiom) To succeed; to be chosen out of a field of candidates or possibilities.
Out of a pool of twenty applicants, only 3 made the cut.
Idiom Definitions for 'Up the ante'
If you up the ante, you increase the importance or value of something, especially where there's an element of risk as the term comes from gambling, where it means to increase the stake (the amount of money bet).
Loiter: wait, hang around, linger, dally, lurk, skulk, dawdle, loaf
Undercurrent: hint, suggestion, trace, tinge, air, feeling, connotation, nuance
Plank: board, flat timber, floorboard, piece of wood, lath
Ignite: catch fire, catch light, go up in flames, burst into flames, set fire to, light, put a march to (antonym: go out)
Tout: advertise, hype, flaunt, push, plug, publicize, peddle, ballyhoo
Ineptitude: incompetence, clumsiness, uselessness, ineffectiveness, lack of ability, lack of skill (Antonym: competence)
Wrath: anger, rage, fury
Vulnerable: susceptible, weak, defenseless, helpless, open,
Ordain: order, decree, proclaim, lay down, command, establish
Disgruntle: dissatisfy, displease, disappoint, frustrate (antonym: satisfy)
Cliché: chestnut, truism, formula, line
Ethereal: ghostly, otherworldly, unearthly, wraithlike, eerie, delicate, insubstantial, airy
Defiant: disobedient, insolent, insubordinate, rebellious, bold, (Antonym: meek, compliant)
String: cord, thread, filament, twine, rope, sequence, series, run
Flux: fluctuation, change, instability, unrest, (antonym: stability)
Subtle: slight, delicate, faint, restrained, fine, understand, (antonym: obvious)
Blueprint: plan, drawing, design, proposal, outline, draft
Subservient: submissive, obedient, compliant, acquiescent, docile, deferential, passive, meek
Buckle: clasp, clip, fastener, collapse, crumple, cave in, bulge, fold
Gullible: naïve, susceptible, easy to fool, easy to fleece, innocent, trusting, credulous, (antonym: smart)
Prowl: stalk, lurk, skulk, hang around, lie in waiting, creep around, hang about
Savor: relish, enjoy, delight in, take pleasure in, appreciate, value, taste, smell
Boom: bang, roar, explosion, rumble, report, detonation, thunder
Cache: hoard, store, supply, accumulation, reserve, collection
Rebuff: rejection, refusal, snub, slighting, denial, refuse, reject, repulse
Eventuality: possibility, chance, prospect, possible event, possible occurrence, contingency
Carnival: festival, celebration, street party, fair, fete, parade, pageant, cavalcade
Orchestrate: arrange, coordinate, organize, plan, devise, scheme
Premise: basis, principle, idea, foundation, argument, hypothesis, assertion, ground
Dismantle: take to pieces, take apart (antonym: assemble)
Face-off: argument, confrontation, showdown, challenge, first play
Toll: fee, charge, tax, levy, payment, duty, excise, ring
Effervescent: fizzy, sparkling, bubbly, bubbling, lively, vibrant, bouncy (antonym: still)
Shambles: mess, muddle, dump, hash, fiasco, disaster, shamble
Squalid: filthy, dirty, foul, nasty, fetid, unclean, neglected, (antonym: clean)
Stuff: material, substance, matter, things, objects, bits and pieces, possessions, belongings
Rift: crack, gap, hole, fissure, split, crevice, cleft, aperture
Relegation: demotion, downgrading, (antonym: promotion)
Exude: give off, radiate, display, show, convey, emanate, give out (antonym: absorb)
Rumpled: unkempt, ragged, shabby, scruffy, bedraggled, disheveled, (antonym: smart)
Hedonistic: self-indulgent, riotous, wild, pleasure seeking, self gratifying
Recliner: adjustable seat, lounger
–noun 1. a ruffian or hoodlum.
–adjective 2. of or like hooligans.
–noun 1. a great or complete devastation or destruction, esp. by fire.
2. a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering.
3. (usually initial capital letter) the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II (usually prec. by the).
4. any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life.
–adjective, tooth·i·er, tooth·i·est. 1. having or displaying conspicuous teeth: a toothy smile.
2. savory; appetizing; toothsome.
3. possessing a rough surface: toothy paper.
4. Archaic. sharp or caustic: toothy commentary.
stick to your guns:-
If you stick to your guns, you keep your position even though people attack or criticise you.
–noun 1. a young cat.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 2. (of cats) to give birth; bear.
–verb (used with object), -snared, -snar·ing. to capture in, or involve as in, a snare: to be ensnared by lies; to ensnare birds.
–noun a person who takes an opposing view, esp. one who rejects the majority opinion, as in economic matters.
–noun 1. a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind, caused by various physical and mental disorders, or by reaction to certain toxic substances, and usually manifested as visual or auditory images.
2. the sensation caused by a hallucinatory condition or the object or scene visualized.
3. a false notion, belief, or impression; illusion; delusion
–adjective 1. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid.
2. acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.
3. caustic, biting, or sharply expressive: pungent remarks.
4. mentally stimulating or appealing: pungent wit.
5. Biology. piercing or sharp-pointed.
–noun Often, misgivings. a feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension
–verb (used with object) 1. to overcome completely in mind or feeling: overwhelmed by remorse.
2. to overpower or overcome, esp. with superior forces; destroy; crush: Roman troops were overwhelmed by barbarians.
3. to cover or bury beneath a mass of something, as floodwaters, debris, or an avalanche; submerge: Lava from erupting Vesuvius overwhelmed the city of Pompeii.
4. to load, heap, treat, or address with an overpowering or excessive amount of anything: a child overwhelmed with presents; to overwhelm someone with questions.
5. to overthrow.
–noun an act or instance of buying out, esp. of buying all or a controlling percentage of the shares in a company.
–noun 1. a person who deserts a party or cause for another.
2. an apostate from a religious faith.
–adjective 3. of or like a renegade; traitorous.
paedophile :an adult who is sexually attracted to children [syn: pedophile]
–adjective Slang. mentally unbalanced; mad; crazy.
–noun 1. an ornament or decoration.
2. a fictitious addition, as to a factual statement.
3. Music. a. ornament (def. 8).
b. auxiliary tone.
4. the act of embellishing.
5. state of being embellished.
–noun, plural -ries for 6.
1. the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.
2. the rules and customs of medieval knighthood.
3. the medieval system or institution of knighthood.
4. a group of knights.
5. gallant warriors or gentlemen: fair ladies and noble chivalry.
6. Archaic. a chivalrous act; gallant deed.
"Cash is king" is a cliched expression sometimes used in analyzing businesses; it refers to the importance of cash flow in the overall fiscal health of the business. The phrase is a favorite of Alex Spanos and has sometimes appeared in Motley Fool articles and commentaries. It describes the importance of sufficient cash as an asset in the business for short term operations, purchases and acquisitions. A company could have a large amount of accounts receivables on its balance sheet which would also increase equity, but the company could still be short on cash with which to make purchases, including paying wages to workers for labor. Unless it was able to convert its accounts receivable and other current assets to cash quickly, it could be technically bankrupt despite a positive net worth.
India’s Muslims are the second-largest Muslim community in the world after Indonesia.
AP tops in lock-up death:- Andhra Pradesh has acquired the dubious distinction of recording the highest number of custodial death cases in the country during 2005-07, accounting for more than 55 per cent of such cases in India.
The Times of India received one of the world’s leading media awards for simple and effective use of English. TOI recently became Asia’s first paper to get Britain’s Plain English Campaign International Media award for 2008 for clarity in news and reporting. The award has previously gone to BBC Online, The Guardian and Financial Times.
Buzz: hum, drone, murmer, telephone call, phone call, ring, noise, buzzing
Alacrity: eagerness, enthusiasm, readiness, quickness, promptness, speed, swiftness, rapidness
Hue and cry: uproar, furor, discontent, public outcry, public outrage, protest
"Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it." - Henry Davi thor
“Frequently, the difference between success and failure is the resolve to stick to your
plan long enough to win. - David Cottrell
“Teamwork is the ability to work together towards a common vision.
It’s the fuel that allows common people obtain uncommon results.” - Andrew Cargegie
“Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary greatly in their abilities.
They vary in their desires to reach their potential.” - John Maxwell
The growth and development of people is the highest calling of leadership. - Harvey
S Firestone.
WORD POWER: words commonly used in the media
Poetic justice is a literary device in which virtue is ultimately rewarded or vice punished, often in modern literature by an ironic twist of fate intimately related to the character's own conduct. In Western literature, the structure of poetry, prose and drama to have justice originates in Aristotle's Poetics. Aristotle says that poetry is superior to history in that it shows what should or must occur, rather than merely what does occur.
Pound of flesh
something which is owed that is ruthlessly required to be paid back.
–noun, plural -fuls. 1. the quantity or amount that the hand can hold: a handful of coins.
2. a small amount, number, or quantity: a handful of men.
3. Informal. a person or thing that is as much as one can manage or control: The baby's tantrums made him a handful.
To "make a mountain out of a molehill" or "making a mountain out of a molehill" is an English idiom which means to make a big deal out of a minor issue.
–noun 1. a bent or curved piece of tough wood used by the Australian Aborigines as a throwing club, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower.
2. something, as a scheme or argument, that does injury to the originator.
3. Theater. a. a mobile platform, adjustable to different levels, for painting scenery.
b. a batten, usually suspended vertically in the wings, for holding lighting units.
–verb (used without object) 4. to come back or return, as a boomerang.
5. to cause harm to the originator; backfire.
Pound of flesh
Something which is owed that is ruthlessly required to be paid back.
lim·bo 1 (lim'bo) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. lim·bos
often Limbo Roman Catholic Church The abode of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls, as those of infants or virtuous individuals who lived before the coming of Christ.
A region or condition of oblivion or neglect: Management kept her promotion in limbo for months.
A state or place of confinement.
An intermediate place or state.
dole1 /do?l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [dohl] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, doled, dol·ing.
–noun 1. a portion or allotment of money, food, etc., esp. as given at regular intervals by a charity or for maintenance.
2. a dealing out or distributing, esp. in charity.
3. a form of payment to the unemployed instituted by the British government in 1918.
4. any similar payment by a government to an unemployed person.
5. Archaic. one's fate or destiny.
–verb (used with object) 6. to distribute in charity.
7. to give out sparingly or in small quantities (usually fol. by out): The last of the water was doled out to the thirsty crew.
—Idiom8. on the dole, receiving payment from the government, as relief: They couldn't afford any luxuries while living on the dole.
a cushion on a throne for a prince in India
geek Slang.
–noun 1. a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.
2. a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often considered offensive when used by outsiders.)
3. a carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, as biting off the head of a live chicken.
tu·mul·tu·ous /tu'm?lt?u?s, tyu-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [too-muhl-choo-uhs, tyoo-] Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar: a tumultuous celebration.
2. raising a great clatter and commotion; disorderly or noisy: a tumultuous crowd of students.
3. highly agitated, as the mind or emotions; distraught; turbulent.
tat·ter1 /'tæt?r/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tat-er] Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a torn piece hanging loose from the main part, as of a garment or flag.
2. a separate torn piece; shred.
3. tatters, torn or ragged clothing: dressed in rags and tatters.
–verb (used with object) 4. to tear or wear to tatters.
–verb (used without object) 5. to become ragged.
cut no ice : to fail to make an impression
cut no ice with someone
if something cuts no ice with someone, it does not cause them to change their opinion or decision. I've heard her excuses and they cut no ice with me.
/'h?m?b?g/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [huhm-buhg] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, -bugged, -bug·ging, interjection
1. something intended to delude or deceive.
2. the quality of falseness or deception.
3. a person who is not what he or she claims or pretends to be; impostor.
4. something devoid of sense or meaning; nonsense: a humbug of technical jargon.
5. British. a variety of hard mint candy.
–verb (used with object)
6. to impose upon by humbug or false pretense; delude; deceive.
–verb (used without object)
7. to practice humbug.
8. nonsense!
–adjective 1. entailing great expense, as from choice materials, fine work, etc.; costly: a sumptuous residence.
2. luxuriously fine or large; lavish; splendid: a sumptuous feast.
PR fans, partymen clash
strand 1 (strand) Pronunciation Key
n. The land bordering a body of water; a beach.
v. strand·ed, strand·ing, strands
v. tr.
To drive or run ashore or aground.
To bring into or leave in a difficult or helpless position: The convoy was stranded in the desert.
Baseball To leave (a base runner) on base at the end of an inning.
Linguistics To separate (a grammatical element) from other elements in a construction, either by moving it out of the construction or moving the rest of the construction. In the sentence What are you aiming at, the preposition at has been stranded.
v. intr.
To be driven or run ashore or aground.
To be brought into or left in a difficult or helpless position.
kow·tow /'ka?'ta?, -?ta?, 'ko?-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kou-tou, -tou, koh-] Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used without object) 1. to act in an obsequious manner; show servile deference.
2. to touch the forehead to the ground while kneeling, as an act of worship, reverence, apology, etc., esp. in former Chinese custom.
–noun 3. the act of kowtowing.
The buck stops here
Responsibility is not passed on beyond this point.
not controvertible; not open to question or dispute; indisputable: absolute and incontrovertible truth.
1. perilous; dangerous.
2. Obsolete. clever; shrewd.
3. to a large extent; greatly.
/'s?n?k?l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sin-i-kuhl] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. like or characteristic of a cynic; distrusting or disparaging the motives of others.
2. showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, esp. by actions that exploit the scruples of others.
3. bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.
1. (before 1872) the temporary platform on which candidates for the British Parliament stood when nominated and from which they addressed the electors.
2. any place from which political campaign speeches are made.
3. the political campaign trail.
4. Also called hustings court. a local court in certain parts of Virginia.
1. a burlesque act in which a dancer removes garments one at a time to the accompaniment of music.
–verb (used without object)
2. to do a striptease.
coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited; casual: His nonchalant manner infuriated me.
1. to burn superficially or slightly; scorch.
2. to burn the ends, projections, nap, or the like, of (hair, cloth, etc.).
3. to subject (the carcass of an animal or bird) to flame in order to remove hair, bristles, feathers, etc.
4. a superficial burn.
5. the act of singeing.
Manthan - Meaning. The name ‘Manthan’ is a Hindi word which means ‘to churn out something’
take a leaf out of someone's book
to copy something that someone else does because it will bring you advantages. Maybe I should take a leaf out of Robert's book and start coming in at ten every morning.
1. the act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship.
2. instruction; teaching; guidance: His knowledge of Spanish increased under private tutelage.
3. the state of being under a guardian or a tutor.
the spirit, policy, or practice of jingoes; bellicose chauvinism.
below the belt
Not according to the rules; unfairly.
Altercation: argument, row, quarrel, disagreement, dispute, exchange, squabble, clash
Rebuff: rejection, refusal, snub, slighting, denial, repulse
a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
Pitch: playing field, area of plea, terrain, field, arena, ground, throw, hurl
1. to adhere closely; stick to: The wet paper clings to the glass.
2. to hold tight, as by grasping or embracing; cleave: The children clung to each other in the dark.
3. to be or remain close: The child clung to her mother's side.
4. to remain attached, as to an idea, hope, memory, etc.: Despite the predictions, the candidate clung to the belief that he would be elected.
5. to cohere.
–noun 6. the act of clinging; adherence; attachment.
1. the handle of a sword or dagger.
2. the handle of any weapon or tool.
–verb (used with object) 3. to furnish with a hilt.
—Idiom4. to the hilt, to the maximum extent or degree; completely; fully: to play the role to the hilt. Also, up to the hilt.
Wild goose chase: A hopeless quest.
Word power: synonyms for words appeared in newspapers
Pitch: playing field, area of play, terrain, field, arena, ground, throw, hurl, chuck, lob, toss, fling, (antonym: catch), tone, highness, lowness, quality of sound, timbre, propose, sell, throw, offer, deliver, erect, set up, fix, plant, put up, place, (antonym: dismantle), sway, slope, move, teeter, lurch, roll, plunge
Notch: nick, indentation, cut, mark, slash, score, gash, scratch, level, grade, degree, step, stage, rung, achieve, score, get, make, attain, gain, accomplish
Vibrant: lively, vivacious, animated, exciting, pulsating, energetic, effervescent, alive, vital, bubbly, (antonym: listless), bright, vivid, brilliant, dazzling, flamboyant, colorful, luminous, day-glow, garish, glowing, lurid, (antonym: dull)
Wave: gesticulate, gesture, signal, beckon, gesture, signal, sign, brandish, flourish, wield, wag, shake, flail, flutter, flap, sway, undulate, breaker, ripple, surge, surf, swell, upsurge, groundswell, tendency, trend, movement, surge, flood, rash, spate, outbreak, epidemic, series, flood, eruption, current, surge, impulse, oscillation, undulation, curl, kink, undulation.
Bickering: internal strife, backbiting, squabbling, wrangling, power struggle
Squabbling: internal strife, backbiting, bickering, wrangling, power struggle
Slighted: affronted, insulted, hurt, upset, snubbed
Caustic: scathing, cutting, biting, sarcastic, mordant, acerbic, acid, sharp, razor sharp, unkind, (antonym: mild), corrosive, acid, acidic
Augment: supplement, add to, enlarge, expand, enhance, increase, boost, bump up, (antonym: diminish)
Acrimony: bitterness, spite, rancor, animosity, hostility, unfriendliness, ill will, bad blood, bad feeling, (antonym: harmony)
Realm: kingdom, monarchy, dominion, empire, land, territory, area, sphere, field, ambit, space, domain, jurisdiction, department, branch
Rider: proviso, qualification, provision, condition, stipulation, requirement, criterion, clause, specification, prerequisite, disclaimer
Renaissance: rebirth, new start, new beginning, resurgence, revitalization, revival, regeneration, recovery, reawakening, (antonym: decline)
Fuss: commotion, excitement, argument, bother, upheaval, to-do, protest, ruckus, objection, ado, bustle, activity, quarrel, spat, controversy, complaint, fret, worry, be anxious, nag, be agitated
Deft: skillful, adroit, clever, smart, nifty, neat, nimble, dexterous, precise, adept (antonym: clumsy)
Cipher: code, secret message, symbols, nobody, nonentity, nothing, zero
Unbridled: unrestrained, uncontrolled, uninhibited, unconcealed, unchecked, rampant, (antonym: contained)
Humbug: hypocrisy, insincerity, false piety, lip service, (antonym: sincerity)
Embedded: entrenched, fixed, rooted, surrounded, set in, implanted
Report: coverage, treatment, exposure
Conflict: disagreement, clash, divergence, difference, argument, variance, quarrel, inconsistency, discord, contraction, dispute, tension, controversy, fracas, (antonym: concord) (antonym: convergence), battle, fight, war, struggle, encounter, skirmish, clash, (antonym: peace), be at odds, be at variance, be incompatible, differ, diverge (antonym: concur)
Calamity: disaster, catastrophe, mishap, misfortune, tragedy, blow
Disaster: tragedy, ruin, blow, adversity, catastrophe, calamity, failure, debacle, misfortune, mess (antonym: success)
Issue: subject, matter, question, topic, concern, problem, copy, number, edition, installment, back issue, back number, back copy, give out, hand out, deliver, distribute, supply, deal out, production, release, distribution, circulation, publication, delivery, publish, release, broadcast, put out, send out, announce, make, originate, stem, come forth, spring, rise, arise, emanate, emerge, issue forth, gush, flow, come out
Development: growth, expansion, progress, advance, increase, maturity, enlargement, improvement, (antonym: decrease), training, education, advancement, promotion, expansion, enhancement, event, happening, occurrence, change, incident, stage
Editorial: leader, editorial column, viewpoint, perspective
Concept: idea, notion, thought, perception, impression, conception, theory, model, hypothesis, view, belief
Policy: rule, strategy, plan, guiding principle, course of action, guidelines, procedure, document, certificate, statement
Conference: meeting, discussion, talks, consultation, symposium, seminar, forum, convention, meeting, congress, summit, league, association, alliance, union, federation
Feature: characteristic, trait, mark, attribute, quality, facet, aspect, element, highlight, countenance, include, present, introduce, bring out, highlight, bring forward, article, piece, story, report, item, figure, appear, be included, star, play a part
Column: article, feature, editorial, piece, paragraph, line, file, row, string, procession, rank, pillar, pilaster, post, support, stake, pole
Rejuvenate: revitalize, invigorate, revive, make younger, revivify, refresh, renew, restore
Achieve: attain, get, realize, accomplish, reach, do, complete, pull off (antonym: fail)
Workshop: clinic, seminar, practicum, class, meeting
Mission: assignment, task, job, work, charge, undertaking, duty, operation, exercise, delegation, deputation, task force, legation, group, embassy, calling, vocation, purpose, goal, aim, objective, duty
Desired: preferred, pet, much loved, beloved, most wanted
Results: consequences, fallout, outcome, domino effect
Dream: vision, daydream, reverie, nightmare, hallucination, delusion, trance, (antonym: reality), fantasy, pipe dream, castle, in the sky, aspiration, wish, goal, hope, ambition, desire, fantasize, visualize, imagine, fancy, envisage, hallucinate, think, delight, joy, pleasure, marvel, ideal (antonym: nightmare)
Realize: understand, comprehend, become conscious, appreciate, grasp, apprehend, recognize, take in, make real, fulfill, achieve, accomplish, carry out, bring to fruition, make happen, complete, reach, attain
Contribute: add, give, donate, make a payment, supply, put in, have a say, add, throw in, say, be a factor, be part of the cause, play a part, play a role
Appeal: plea, petition, application, demand, request, call, request, ask, plead, demand, urge, petition, call, charm, attractiveness, attraction, allure, influence, draw, pull, interest, fascination, temptation, (antonym: repulsion), attract, interest, fascinate, charm, tempt, please, draw, pull, grab (antonym: repel)
Produce: create, make, manufacture, construct, fabricate, bring into being, turn out, generate, give, give off, yield, churn out, be the source of engender, emit, supply, deliver, crop, foodstuffs, harvest, products, goods, food, yield
Campaign: movement, crusade, operation, drive, fight, battle, war, promotion, fight, work, push, struggle, canvass, battle, run for election
Reiterate: repeat, say again, go over, restate, do again, recap, retell
Fertile: lush, productive, abundant, rich, fruitful, productive, prolific, lush, fruitful, luxuriant, rich, bountiful, fecund
Security: safety, refuge, sanctuary, safekeeping, safety measures, defense, protection, precautions, confidence, wellbeing, self-assurance, self-confidence, collateral, guarantee
Diversion: distraction, entertainment, pastime, hobby, leisure activity, amusement, recreation, change, alteration, departure, digression
Prominently: highly, importantly, outstandingly, significantly, notably
Ban: forbid, outlaw, prohibit, veto, bar, proscribe, disallow, interdict, prohibition, veto, bar, injunction, court order, embargo, sanction, interdict
Essential: necessary, vital, indispensable, important, crucial, critical, fundamental, basic, elemental, key, central, chief
Alarming: disturbing, upsetting, frightening, distressing, shocking, startling, disquieting
Hope: expect, trust, anticipate, wish, look forward to, expectation, optimism, anticipation, faith, hopefulness, (antonym: despair), desire, aspiration, dream, expectation, plan, wish, chance, prospect, likelihood, possibility, look-in,
Express: state, articulate, utter, communicate, put across, convey, say, fast, rapid, direct, nonstop, prompt, precise, definite, explicit, exact, specific, squeeze out, extract, press out
Effect: result, consequence, outcome, upshot, end product, achieve, cause, produce, bring about, realize, provoke, prompt, stimulate, make, get done, make happen, bring into being, appearance, look, impression, air
Bid: offer, proposal, proposition, tender, submission, tender, offer, propose, submit, proffer, attempt, try, effort, undertaking, endeavor, try, attempt, undertake, endeavor
Move: go, shift, budge, stir, be in motion, move about, travel, progress, walk, step, jump, run, turn, dance, reposition, shift, shove, push, pull, rearrange, transfer, transport, shuffle, redistribute, (antonym: leave), change, transfer, progress, relocate, refocus, redeploy, (antonym: stay), attempt, effort, step, start, action, shift, step, realignment, rearrangement, repositioning, relocation, change, cause, provoke, persuade, encourage, prod, nudge
Spot: mark, blemish, stain, smudge, speck, dot, pimple, pustule, boil, blackhead, whitehead, blocked pore, zit, notice, see, spy, recognize, catch a glimpse of, catch sight of, perceive, bit, soupcon, tad, touch, smidgen, dash, place, location, site, setting, corner, situation, position, point
Adventure: escapade, exploit, quest, venture, exciting activity, journey, exploration, voyage: journey, trip expedition, passage, crossing, cruise, flight, tour, travel, journey, go on a journey, cross, trek, sail, cruise, tour
Accelerate: go faster, speed up, increase speed, gather speed, pick up the pace, hurry, hasten, step up, quicken, rush, (antonym: slow down)
Preliminary: beginning, first round, introduction, opening, groundwork, preface, prelude, (antonym: finale), initial, first, opening, pilot, introductory, (antonym: closing)
Submit: present, put forward, propose, tender, offer, suggest, (antonym: withdraw), surrender, give in, yield, accept, agree to, acquiesce, succumb, resign yourself to (antonym: resist)
Intent: intention, aim, goal, target, objective, plan, meaning, purpose, concentrating, absorbed, focused, directed, fixed, rapt, engaged
Liberal: open-minded, broadminded, moderate, noninterventionist, freethinking, tolerant, laissez-faire, (antonym: narrow-minded), generous, copious, abundant,
Note: letter, memo, memorandum, message, communication, reminder, make a note of, note down, write down, record, jot down, log, write, document, notice, take note of , take notice of, take in, observe, be aware of (antonym: disregard), footnote, annotation, comment, addendum, commentary, observe, see, remark, mention, tone, edge, tinge, shade, hint, suggestion.
Inequality: disparity, dissimilarity, variation, difference, discrimination, unfairness, inequity, disproportion, (antonym: equality)
Comparatively: moderately, reasonably, relatively, fairly, rather, somewhat (antonym: absolutely)
Opinion: view, estimation, belief, judgment, attitude, outlook
Perception: insight, awareness, acuity, discernment, observation, sensitivity, view, opinion, picture, reading, take on, slant, assessment, experience
Alleviate: ease, lessen, assuage, improve, lighten, (antonym: aggravate)
Perform: do, carry out, execute, achieve, make, act upon, complete, present, act, play, put on, stage, do, function, work, act, go, run, operate
Instance: example, case, case in point, occurrence, illustration, occasion, request, order, demand, command, insistence
Verdict: decision, judgment, finding, result, outcome, ruling, decree, conclusion.
Ensure: make sure, make certain, guarantee
Hamper: basket, picnic basket, hinder, obstruct, get in the way, impede, slow down, weigh down, hold back, fetter, shackle, encumber, debilitate, (antonym: facilitate)
Backlog: accumulation, build up, excess, surfeit, log jam
Position: place, location, site, spot, point, situation, arrangement, pose, stance, attitude, posture, put, place, locate, stand, sit, set, arrange, rank, title, status, standing, station, importance, opinion, take, stance, view, perception, side, attitude, thinking, outlook, standpoint
Strategic: planned, tactical, calculated, deliberate, premeditated, considered, intentional
Sweep: brush, sweep up, clean, clear, remove, flounce, brush off, brush away, speed, zoom, race, fly, zip, whiz, rush, (antonym: creep), carry, move, take, seize, grab, arc, curve, arch, bend, bow, scope, range, extent, span, stretch
Stump: base, stub, end, remains, remnant, puzzle, perplex, baffle, mystify, nonplus, bewilder, flummox, confound, confuse, bamboozle
Conceding: yielding, surrendering, granting, giving way, compromise
Blast: explosion, detonation, discharge, flash, flare, gust, blow up, explode, detonate, shoot, blow away, discharge, demolish, criticize, slate, attack, vilify, carpet, damage, blight, disfigure, burn, blister, scar, sear, scorch, party, rave, rave-up, ball, scream,
Testimony: indication, proof, evidence, witness, demonstration, statement, evidence, authentication, acknowledgement, declaration, affidavit, deposition
Celebrate: rejoice, have fun, have a good time, party, enjoy yourself, make merry, commemorate, observe, mark, keep, remember, honour
Theme: subject, topic, idea, subject matter, matter, argument, premise, thesis
Enact: pass, ratify, endorse, perform, act out
Spontaneously: impulsively, of your own accord, of your own volition, instinctively, on impulse, artlessly, suddenly, unexpectedly, all of a sudden, without warning
Script: writing, handwriting, characters, lettering, screenplay, play, libretto, draft, words, speech
Spectacular: stunning, impressive, amazing, fantastic, fabulous, extravagant, magnificent, brilliant, dramatic, dazzling, breathtaking, astonishing, marvelous, wonderful, exciting, incredible, (antonym: humdrum), huge, great, enormous, mighty, outstanding
Suggest: propose, put forward, put it to somebody, advise, recommend, advocate, imply, hint, insinuate, intimate, indicate, bring to mind, call to mind, evoke, hint at, conjure up, be redolent of, smack of
Integrated: included, incorporated
Warn: caution, advise, counsel, presage, inform, notify, tell, tip off, alert, forewarn, advise, tell, notify, let somebody know, give notice
Outline: draw round, sketch, draw, delineate, chart, (antonym: fill in), summarize, sketch out, delineate, run through, give a rough idea, make a rough draft, (antonym: expand), plan, rough draft, summary, sketch, rough idea, skeleton, framework, shape, form, figure, contour, silhouette, profile
Ghoulish: macabre, ghastly, grisly, chilling, gruesome, horrid, morbid, deathly
Butchery: slaughter, massacre, carnage, bloodshed, killing, bloodbath
Outrage: indignation, anger, rage, fury, ire, annoyance, infuriate, offend, insult, anger, enrage, affront.
Semblance: appearance, impression, air, resemblance, façade, veneer
Far-fetched: unbelievable, fantastic, implausible, mind-boggling, incredible, fanciful, unlikely, improbable.
Thrive: flourish, prosper, succeed, boom, blossom, increase (antonym: deteriorate)
Spur: urge, encourage, incite, prompt, stimulate, goad, impel, drive, prod, provoke, spur on (antonym: discourage), hurry up, hasten, speed up, speed, rush, press forwards, drive on, (antonym: delay), incentive, stimulus, incitement, provocation, motive, fillip, goad, impulse, inducement, catalyst, (antonym: disincentive), spike, barb, spine, point, ridge, mountainside, projection, edge, saddle, outcrop, branch, limb, division, subdivision.
Euphoria: elation, ecstasy, joy, jubilation, rapture, excitement, exhilaration (antonym: despair)
Beacon: bonfire, fire, flare, inspiration, encouragement, symbol of hope, guiding light, signal, sign, warning, flare, alarm, warning light
Inspiration: motivation, stimulation, encouragement, muse, idea, brainwave, insight, flash, bright idea, revelation.
Rage: fury, anger, wrath, temper, ire, frenzy, fume, rant and rave, storm, seethe, thunder, boil with rage, blow your top, craze, fad, thing, fashion, trend, mania
Torso: trunk, chest, upper body
Decapitate: behead, guillotine, cut off somebody’s head, execute.
Hatchet: cut, chop up, slice, hack, ax, sever, split, hew, fell, lop, slay, strike, slash
Haunt: trouble, disturb, irk, worry, bother, preoccupy, disturb, appear, hand around in, frequent, visit, revisit, go to regularly, meeting place, stomping ground, rendezvous,
Squalor: nastiness, unpleasantness, immorality, meanness, filth, foulness, dirt, dirtiness, (antonym: luxury)
Exhume: dig up, disinter, unearth, (antonym: bury)
Seamless: faultless, flawless, not to be faulted, textbook, picture perfect, unspoiled (antonym: flawed)
Rope: cord, line, cable, lead, twine, tie, fasten, lash, secure, attach, moor
Rampant: out of control, uncontrolled, unbridled, unchecked, widespread, extensive, wild, raging, epidemic (antonym: contained)
Stuff: material, substance, matter, things, objects, bits and pieces, possessions, belongings, things, kit, gear, equipment, fill, pack, cram, ram, jam, stow, load, squeeze
1890-dabbawallas in Mumbai
Consensus: agreement, accord, harmony, compromise, consent, (antonym: disagreement)
Falter: hesitate, waver, weaken, fade, tail off, pause, wane, abate, become fainter, vacillate, (antonym: continue)
Gobble: guzzle, gobble up, gobble down, bolt, wolf down, gorge, gulp, (antonym: nibble)
Ovation: prolonged applause, applause, acclaim, approval, praise, great reception, enthusiastic response
Every day is a new adventure, a new challenge. A new moment that was never lived before. But you come with an old mind. You have to set yourself free of the old mind that binds you. – Swami Sukhabodhananda
Occur: happen, take place, crop up, arise, come about, transpire, come to mind, suggest itself, strike, appear.
Portend: foreshadow, foretell, signify, mean, warn of, herald, threaten, indicate
Permeate: infuse, pervade, flood, fill, saturate, filter through, seep into, leak into, pervade, pass through, enter
Seamlessly: Flawlessly, Faultlessly, impeccably, effortlessly, like a dream, without a glitch, badly (antonym)
Rope: cord, line, cable, lead, twine, tie, fasten, lash, secure, attach, moor
Renege: go back on, break your word, break a promise
Churn: mix, roil, agitate, shake, whip, toss, stir up, stir, blend
Coveted: popular, in demand, desirable, (antonym: unpopular)
Clutter: mess, litter, disorder, confusion, untidiness, muddle, (antonym: space), encumber, litter, strew, fill, cover, mess up, (antonym: free)
Barrage: bombardment, salvo, volley, onslaught, hail, torrent, stream, storm, flood, salve, (antonym: trickle), dam, dike, bank
Peddle: sell, market, get rid of, flog, advertise, publicize, advocate, market, promote, (antonym: buy)
Confound: stun, amaze, puzzle, leave speechless, mystify, confuse, bewilder, baffle, perplex, floor, defeat, rout, thwart, annihilate, vanquish, conquer
Propensity: tendency, inclination, partiality, proclivity, predisposition, susceptibility, predilection, penchant
Churn: mix, roll, agitate, shake, whip, toss, stir up, stir, blend
Hog: control, dominate, take over, corner the market, (antonym: share)
Horizon: prospect, possibility, perspective, sphere, scope
Bottleneck: block, blockage, restricted access, holdup, traffic jam, tailback, jam, log jam
Cool off: calm down, compose yourself, settle down, simmer down, cool down, regain yourself-control, (antonym: flare up)
Nimble: lively, quick, agile, lissome, dexterous, (antonym: awkward)
Tap: valve, faucet, spout, spigot, knock, beat, strike, hit, pat, drum, rap, bang, rap, knock, beat, pat, blow, bang, use, utilize, draw on, draw off, exploit, milk, mine, take advantage of
Scramble: mix up, mess up, jumble, move quickly, rush, run, scuttle, jostle, push, climb, clamber, crawl, struggle, clamber, climb, crawl, struggle, rush, run, stampede, commotion, free-for-all
Savvy: know-how, confidence, sense, savoir-faire, knowledge, ability
Austere: severe, strict, stern, grave, sober, ascetic, serious, rigorous, plain, stark, severe, simple, basic, harsh, Spartan, ascetic, somber, unadorned, undecorated, unembellished, (antonym: fussy)
Turf: grass, lawn, sod, territory, neighborhood, home turf
Incumbent: in office, current, present, serving, sitting, now, (antonym: past)
Expediency: convenience, practicality, pragmatism, usefulness, feasibility, fitness, suitability, appropriateness, advisability, convenience, (antonym: unsuitability)
Shell: case, casing, covering, shield, crust, defense, skin, armor, husk, skeleton, carcass, remains, bomb, explosive, missile, mortar, bombard, shoot at, fire at, open fire on, shoot down, bomb
Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. – HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON
Perverse: wicked, bad, mean, vicious, (antonym: good), stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, pertinacious, willful, (antonym: agreeable), contrary, disobedient, rebellious, unreasonable, difficult, (antonym: obliging)
Vestige: trace, sign, mark, indication, hint, remnant, evidence
Tweak: pinch, nip, squeeze, jerk, twist, tug, pull, yank, nip, pinch, squeeze, twist, jerk, tug, pull, yank, fine-tune, correct, adjust, modify, regulate
Synonyms for words used in news papers:
Dock: wharf, pier, harbor, port, waterfront, come in, tie up, land, berth, moor, disembark, cut, cut off, crop, stop, reduce, curtail, deduct
Tumble: fall, fall over, fall down, stumble, trip up, topple, drop, plummet, plunge, dive
Trim: neat, tidy, orderly, smart, spruce, dapper, natty, spick and span, (antonym: messy)
Slim, fit, shapely, sleek, slender, lean, in shape, (antonym: out of shape), clip, cut, shear, pare, prune, shave, lop off, (antonym: lengthen), reduce, cut back, prune, decrease, lower, shave, lop off, edit, truncate, (antonym: augment), decorate, adorn, embroider, embellish, edge, border, adornment, frill
Virtually: almost, nearly, near, practically, nigh on, in effect, close to, next to, effectively, to all intents and purposes
Massacre: butchery, slaughter, carnage, annihilation, mass murder, mass execution, mass destruction, bloodbath, butcher, execute, exterminate, wipe out, murder,
Deadline: limit, time limit, goal, aim, target, cut-off date, closing date, (antonym: extension)
Expression: look, face, air, appearance, phrase, idiom, turn of phrase, term, saying, set phrase, manifestation, illustration, example, demonstration, representation, articulation, extraction, squeezing out, pressing out,
Step: pace, footstep, stride, stair, rung, tread, walk, march, move, movement, action, measure, stage, phase
Defender: protector, guard, warden, guardian, (antonym: attacker), supporter, champion, advocate, guardian, upholder, backer (antonym: opponent)
Honor: respect, admiration, credit, reputation, tribute, (antonym: dishonor), principle, nobility, pride, (antonym: baseness), privilege, mark of respect, distinction, (antonym: insult), mark of distinction, award, tribute, prize, revere, reverence, respect, venerate, pay tribute to, pay homage to, keep, respect, stick to, (antonym: break)
Cadet: trainee, military student, plebe, police cadet, army cadet
Academy: school, college, conservatory, arts school, private school, military institute
Latest: newest, most recent, most modern, most up-to-date, up-to-the-minute, hottest
Burgeoning: growing, mushrooming, rapidly increasing, escalating, (antonym: dwindling), budding, promising, up-and-coming
Prowl: stalk, lurk, skulk, hand around, lie in waiting, creep around, hang about
Overture: proposal, proposition, offer, advance, approach, gambit, suggestion
Dilemma: quandary, tight spot, catch-22, predicament, impasse, problem
Cave: cavern, grotto, fissure, yield, cave in, give, give up, admit defeat, surrender, concede, give in, (antonym: stand firm)
Tag: ticket, label, mark, card, attach a label to
Forge: falsify, counterfeit, fake, copy, form, build, create, fashion, furnace, hearth, kiln
Amid: in the middle of, among, in the midst of, accompanied by, along with, in the course of
Strain: damage, injure, hurt, pull, sprain, twist, nervous tension, tension, stress, worry, anxiety, pressure, trauma, burden, effort, wrench, tension, pull, force, exertion, drain liquid from, sieve, filter, sift, separate, make a great effort, try hard, struggle, labor, endeavor, strive, injury, sprain, crick, breed, species, type, form, sort, variety, kind, subspecies
Viable: feasible, practical, practicable, workable, possible, doable, (antonym: impossible)
Aggressive: violent, hostile, destructive, belligerent, antagonistic, forceful, insistent, hard line, assertive, hard-hitting, uncompromising
Circumstance: condition, situation, incident, fact, event, accident
Inclusive: comprehensive, wide-ranging, all-encompassing, complete, broad, general, (antonym: narrow)
Courage: bravery, guts, nerve, valor, daring, audacity, (antonym: cowardice)
Mad: foolish, crazy, barmy, nutty, nuts, round the bend, (antonym: sensible), angry, furious, livid, irate, infuriated, fuming, annoyed, beside yourself, up in arms, (antonym: pleased), absurd, madcap, preposterous, ridiculous, ludicrous, wacky, misguided, illogical, crazy, foolish, (antonym: sensible)
Pinch: touch, smidgen, dash, soupcon, bit, taste, squeeze, nip, tweak, grasp, press, steal, take, make off with, nab, pilfer, thieve
Attrition: abrasion, slow destruction, erosion, wear and tear, eating away, gnawing away, wearing away, grinding down
Turbulence: commotion, confusion, turmoil, disorder, unrest, instability, hurly-burly, uproar, tumult, furor, chaos, mayhem, havoc, (antonym: calm)
Blues: sadness, melancholy, dejection, depression, despair, unhappiness, despondency, pessimism, doldrums (antonym: happiness)
Empathize: identify with, understand, sympathize, have compassion
Ramification: consequence, result, implicati8on, corollary, effect, outcome, upshot
Stipulation: condition, requirement, proviso, demand, specification, prerequisite, provision, clause
Potential: possible, latent, probable, likely, budding, impending, prospective, would-be, (antonym: unlikely), promise, capability, ability, the makings, possibility, aptitude
Envisage: imagine, envision, foresee, predict, visualize, picture, see
Apex: top, peak, summit, climax, tip, zenith, height, head, high point, (antonym: base)
Extant: existing, in existence, present, (antonym: lost)
Slash: cut, hack, slice, gash, slit, rip, lacerate, reduce, lower
Draw: sketch, illustrate, copy, depict, describe, pencil in, represent, portray, dead heat, tie, stalemate, deadlock, pull out, extract, withdraw, take out, (antonym: put away), pull, drag, haul, move, tow, tug, (antonym: shove), get, obtain, extract, derive, gain, take, attract, pull, lure, appeal to , entice, bring in, attraction, magnet, crow-puller, inducement, lure, finish equal, tie
Fad: fashion, craze, trend, vogue, whim, cult
Tackle: undertake, begin, embark upon, attempt, engage in, deal with, equipment, gear, apparatus, rigging, tools, outfit, trappings, implements, kit, challenge, block, wrestle, confront, stop, throw, seize, grab, bring down, halt, grasp
Scale: level, weighing machine, size, balance, range, degree, extent, amount, magnitude, dimension, climb up, climb over, mount, climb, ascend, shin up
Foray: raid, incursion, venture, sorties, attack, assault, venture, expedition
Hammer: mallet, tack hammer, sledge hammer, beat, strike, hit, knock, pound, nail, drive, batter, drum
Canon: standard, rule, norm, principle, tenet, law, list, catalog, roll, annals
Canyon: gorge, valley, ravine, chasm, gully, rift, gap, coulee, gulch
Outfit: group, company, team, unit, business, setup, furnish, equip, kit out
Vindicate: justify, prove correct, prove right, maintain, claim, support, defend, assert, prove, free from blame, clear, exonerate, pardon, exculpate, absolve, acquit, (antonym: convict)
Strip: narrow piece, band, sliver, shred, ribbon, slip, bit, stripe, belt, remove clothes, undress, take your clothes off, get undressed, strip off, disrobe
Spoilsport: killjoy, wet blanket, curmudgeon
Tube: pipe, cylinder, hose
Skew: tilt, slant, twist, be at an angle, place at an angle, (antonym: straighten), distort, bias, slant, twist
Collision: crash, smash, accident, impact, rear-ender, fender-bender, clash, conflict, confrontation, disagreement, difficulty, overlap
Garner: gather, acquire, get, gain, collect, earn, bring together, harvest, reap, (antonym: scatter)
Blip: jinx, bug, malfunction
Pan out: work out, turn out, develop, evolve, end up, resolve itself
Nullify: invalidate, annul, cancel out, abolish, reverse, quash, (antonym: validate)
Coffer: chest, casket, treasure chest, strongbox, safe, treasury
Kitty: pooled money, fund, pot, pool
Ranking: position, place, status, grade, standing, level
Places: seats, chairs, spaces, sitting room
Mile stone: landmark, highlight, high point, sign, signpost, target, objective, goal, achievement, record.
Feat: achievement, accomplishment, deed, exploit, act
Crushing: devastating, severe, overwhelming, humiliating, serious, grave, (antonym: mild)
Rock bottom: the lowest, the bottom, the depths, all-time low, nadir
Fate: destiny, fortune, chance, providence, luck, doom, outcome, upshot, end, future, lot, fatality
Successful: winning, victorious, triumphant, unbeaten, flourishing, thriving, doing well, booming, profitable, lucrative
Picking: option, alternative, selection, preference, pick
Restricted: limited, controlled, constrained, (antonym: open), classified, top secret, confidential
Lead: guide, show the way, direct, escort, pilot, go in front, go ahead, front, head, conduct, (antonym: follow), be in charge of, run, control, command, direct, manage, head, be in the lead, be the forerunner, be winning, be in front, have an advantage, (antonym: trail), advantage, advance, start, head start, leadership, vanguard, principal, chief, main, central, prime, clue, indication, information, hint, pointer
Fine: well, very well, in good health, all right, okay, (antonym: unwell), excellent, superior, exceptional, select, first-rate, good quality, top quality, bright, sunny, warm, beautiful, fair, pleasant, (antonym: dull), satisfactory, adequate, sufficient, acceptable, (antonym: unsatisfactory), subtle, slight, faint, tenuous, thin, minute, (antonym: considerable), delicate, dainty, slender, thin, gauzy, diaphanous, flimsy, translucent, (antonym: thick, heavy, solid), penalty, punishment, payment, charge, refined, discerning, discriminating, perceptive, fastidious, keen, analytical, penalize, punish, charge
Impasse: stalemate, standoff, deadlock, gridlock, bottleneck
Tight spot: fix, scrape, difficult position, tricky situation, predicament
Insist: be adamant, be firm, not take no for an answer, persist, be resolute, persevere, maintain, claim, assert, contend, swear, aver, vow
Skid: slip, slide, slew, spin out
Tango: ballet, tap, jazz, salsa, foxtrot, waltz, rumba, bop
Conclusive: decisive, beyond question, definite, convincing, irrefutable, sure, certain, final, categorical, (antonym: unconvincing), final, closing, concluding, last, ultimate, (antonym: opening)
Hallmark: seal, stamp, trademark, characteristic, brand, trait, feature, property, quality, guarantee, assurance, promise, pledge, token
Enthrall: captivate, rivet, charm, mesmerize, beguile, fascinate, enchant, engross, grip, entrance
Fierce: violent, ferocious, brutal, severe, stern, angry, vicious, furious, (antonym: gentle), intense, violent, strong, powerful, turbulent, forceful, aggressive, ardent, (antonym: calm)
Onslaught: attack, assault, ambush, offensive, blitz
Mayhem: chaos, disorder, confusion, turmoil, havoc, pandemonium, bedlam, anarchy, (antonym: order)
Impeccable: faultless, flawless, perfect, unimpeachable, above reproach, immaculate, spotless, unsullied
Acumen: insight, sharpness, shrewdness, penetration, good judgment, intelligence, wisdom, expertise
Surmount: overcome, prevail, conquer, triumph, get through, defeat, (antonym: fail)
Pretty: attractive, beautiful, cute, nice-looking, appealing, sweet, (antonym: unattractive)
Apprehension: anxiety, uneasiness, worry, trepidation, nervousness, fear, hesitation, dread, fearfulness, concern, angst, misgiving, (antonym: confidence), capture, arrest, detention
Perpetrate: commit, carry out, pull off, do, be responsible for, be behind
Veracity: reality, actually, authenticity, genuineness, sincerity, trueness, truth
Gory: violent, gruesome, brutal, bloodthirsty, fierce, horrific, (antonym: pleasant), bloody, bloodstained
Censure: fault, criticize, reprimand, show disapproval, condemn, knock, reproach, scorn, denounce, (antonym: praise), criticism, disapproval, condemnation, denunciation, deprecation, scorn, contempt, (antonym: approval)
Treat: luxury, extravagance, indulgence, delicacy, pleasure, delight, care for, doctor, nurse, minister to, cure, heal, remedy, behave toward, act toward, regard, consider, think of, deal with, handle, do by, deal with, go into, discuss, be concerned with, touch on, talk about, talk over, talk of, consider, take up, pay for, pick up the check, pick up the tab, pay the bill
Woo: persuade, encourage, court, entice, pursue, flatter, (antonym: discourage)
Allegedly: supposedly, purportedly
Absurd: ridiculous, silly, strange, illogical, meaningless, bizarre, incongruous, (antonym: reasonable)
Tardy: late, delayed, behind, overdue, belated, slow, (antonym: prompt, sluggish, unhurried, (antonym: speedy)
Bracing: invigorating, stimulating, brisk, healthy, cold, refreshing, revitalizing, restorative, fortifying, (antonym: soporific)
Surge: rush, rush forward, flow, pour, gush, course, heave, pitch, swell, rise, well up, flood, stream, spill over, spill out, outpouring, upwelling
Rebuke: reprimand, reprove, censure, reproach, haul over the coals, scold, admonish, chide, give a talking-to, (antonym: praise), reproach, reproof, censure, scolding, telling off, lecture, slap on the wrist, (antonym: compliment)
Stalwart: strong, muscular, athletic, brawny, sturdy, robust, rugged, hefty, well-built, strapping, burly, powerfully built, (antonym: feeble), resolute, redoubtable, vigorous, stanch, determined, committed, unfaltering, steadfast, (antonym: uncommitted),brave, courageous, daring, fearless, bold, valiant, audacious, (antonym: cowardly)
Scion: implant, graft, slip, implantation, shoot, bud
Ante: bet, gamble, stake, pot
Blush: go red, flush, feel embarrassed, feel ashamed, color, go red in the face redden, (antonym: blench)
Face-off: argument, confrontation, showdown, challenge, first play
Stray: wander away, wander off, go astry, get lost, drift, lose your way, lost, wandering, abandoned, homeless, vagrant
Slam: bang, crash, smash, thump, criticize, condemn, (antonym: praise), pan, blast
Punter: customer, client, consumer
Whim: impulse, urge, notion, quirk, caprice, fad, craze
Eccentricity: peculiarity, strangeness, weirdness, oddity, odd behavior, unconventional behavior, (antonym: normality), quirk, peculiarity, foible, idiosyncrasy, funny habit, oddity
Rage: fury, anger, wrath, temper, ire, frenzy, fume, rant and rave, storm, seethe, thunder, boil with rage, blow your top, craze, fad, thing, fashion, trend, mania
Torso: trunk, chest, upper body
Decapitate: behead, guillotine, cut off somebody’s head, execute.
Hatchet: cut, chop up, slice, hack, ax, sever, split, hew, fell, lop, slay, strike, slash
Haunt: trouble, disturb, irk, worry, bother, preoccupy, disturb, appear, hand around in, frequent, visit, revisit, go to regularly, meeting place, stomping ground, rendezvous, hangout
Squalor: nastiness, unpleasantness, immorality, meanness, filth, foulness, dirt, dirtiness, (antonym: luxury)
Exhume: dig up, disinter, unearth, (antonym: bury)
Seamless: faultless, flawless, not to be faulted, textbook, picture perfect, unspoiled (antonym: flawed)
Rope: cord, line, cable, lead, twine, tie, fasten, lash, secure, attach, moor
Rampant: out of control, uncontrolled, unbridled, unchecked, widespread, extensive, wild, raging, epidemic (antonym: contained)
Stuff: material, substance, matter, things, objects, bits and pieces, possessions, belongings, things, kit, gear, equipment, fill, pack, cram, ram, jam, stow, load, squeeze
Consensus: agreement, accord, harmony, compromise, consent, (antonym: disagreement)
Falter: hesitate, waver, weaken, fade, tail off, pause, wane, abate, become fainter, vacillate, (antonym: continue)
Gobble: guzzle, gobble up, gobble down, bolt, wolf down, gorge, gulp, (antonym: nibble)
Ovation: prolonged applause, applause, acclaim, approval, praise, great reception, enthusiastic response
Every day is a new adventure, a new challenge. A new moment that was never lived before. But you come with an old mind. You have to set yourself free of the old mind that binds you. – Swami Sukhabodhananda
Occur: happen, take place, crop up, arise, come about, transpire, come to mind, suggest itself, strike, appear.
Portend: foreshadow, foretell, signify, mean, warn of, herald, threaten, indicate
Permeate: infuse, pervade, flood, fill, saturate, filter through, seep into, leak into, pervade, pass through, enter
Seamlessly: Flawlessly, Faultlessly, impeccably, effortlessly, like a dream, without a glitch, badly (antonym)
Rope: cord, line, cable, lead, twine, tie, fasten, lash, secure, attach, moor
Renege: go back on, break your word, break a promise
Churn: mix, roil, agitate, shake, whip, toss, stir up, stir, blend
Coveted: popular, in demand, desirable, (antonym: unpopular)
Clutter: mess, litter, disorder, confusion, untidiness, muddle, (antonym: space), encumber, litter, strew, fill, cover, mess up, (antonym: free)
Barrage: bombardment, salvo, volley, onslaught, hail, torrent, stream, storm, flood, salve, (antonym: trickle), dam, dike, bank
Peddle: sell, market, get rid of, flog, advertise, publicize, advocate, market, promote, (antonym: buy)
Confound: stun, amaze, puzzle, leave speechless, mystify, confuse, bewilder, baffle, perplex, floor, defeat, rout, thwart, annihilate, vanquish, conquer
Propensity: tendency, inclination, partiality, proclivity, predisposition, susceptibility, predilection, penchant
Churn: mix, roll, agitate, shake, whip, toss, stir up, stir, blend
Hog: control, dominate, take over, corner the market, (antonym: share)
Horizon: prospect, possibility, perspective, sphere, scope
Bottleneck: block, blockage, restricted access, holdup, traffic jam, tailback, jam, log jam
Cool off: calm down, compose yourself, settle down, simmer down, cool down, regain yourself-control, (antonym: flare up)
Nimble: lively, quick, agile, lissome, dexterous, (antonym: awkward)
Tap: valve, faucet, spout, spigot, knock, beat, strike, hit, pat, drum, rap, bang, rap, knock, beat, pat, blow, bang, use, utilize, draw on, draw off, exploit, milk, mine, take advantage of
Scramble: mix up, mess up, jumble, move quickly, rush, run, scuttle, jostle, push, climb, clamber, crawl, struggle, clamber, climb, crawl, struggle, rush, run, stampede, commotion, free-for-all
Savvy: know-how, confidence, sense, savoir-faire, knowledge, ability
Austere: severe, strict, stern, grave, sober, ascetic, serious, rigorous, plain, stark, severe, simple, basic, harsh, Spartan, ascetic, somber, unadorned, undecorated, unembellished, (antonym: fussy)
Turf: grass, lawn, sod, territory, neighborhood, home turf
Incumbent: in office, current, present, serving, sitting, now, (antonym: past)
Expediency: convenience, practicality, pragmatism, usefulness, feasibility, fitness, suitability, appropriateness, advisability, convenience, (antonym: unsuitability)
Shell: case, casing, covering, shield, crust, defense, skin, armor, husk, skeleton, carcass, remains, bomb, explosive, missile, mortar, bombard, shoot at, fire at, open fire on, shoot down, bomb
Just living is not enough. One must have sunshine, freedom, and a little flower. – HANS CHRISTIAN ANDERSON
Perverse: wicked, bad, mean, vicious, (antonym: good), stubborn, obstinate, headstrong, pertinacious, willful, (antonym: agreeable), contrary, disobedient, rebellious, unreasonable, difficult, (antonym: obliging)
Vestige: trace, sign, mark, indication, hint, remnant, evidence
Tweak: pinch, nip, squeeze, jerk, twist, tug, pull, yank, nip, pinch, squeeze, twist, jerk, tug, pull, yank, fine-tune, correct, adjust, modify, regulate
[juhg-er-nawt, -not]
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1. (often lowercase ) any large, overpowering, destructive force or object, as war, a giant battleship, or a powerful football team.
2. (often lowercase ) anything requiring blind devotion or cruel sacrifice.
3. Also called Jagannath. an idol of Krishna, at Puri in Orissa, India, annually drawn on an enormous cart under whose wheels devotees are said to have thrown themselves to be crushed.
1630–40; < Hindi Jagannāth < Skt Jagannātha lord of the world (i.e., the god Vishnu or Krishna), equiv. to jagat world + nātha lord
Realm: kingdom, monarchy, dominion, empire, land, territory, area, sphere
Prickly: spiky, spiny, thorny, barbed, bristly, itchy, tickly, (antonym: smooth)
Stymie: bewilder, confuse, confound, baffle, stump, perplex, bamboozle, puzzle
Twitter: chirp, peep, cheep, tweet, chirrup
Pull up: stop, halt, draw to halt, brake, criticize, tell off, reprimand, rebuke
Muffle: quiet, soften, stifle, gag, mute, silence, deaden, dampen
Phenomenon: occurrence, fact, observable fact, experience, happening, incident, event, trend
Insurrection: rebellion, revolution, revolt, mutiny, uprising, rising, civil disobedience
Runoff: excess, overflow, extra, surfeit, surplus, overspill, (antonym: lack)
Buck: dollar, money, cash, dough, jump, rear, kick, resist
Siege: blockade, cordon
Dodgy: dishonest, unprincipled, corrupt, crooked, immoral, deceitful, devious, ruthless,
Ruthless: cruel, callous, brutal, pitiless, merciless, cold blooded, hardnosed, unfeeling
Nasty: spiteful, mean, malicious, vicious, cruel, horrible, malevolent, wicked
Budge: move, shift, dislodge, nudge, shunt, push, shove
Snub: ignore, cold-shoulder, slight, fail to acknowledge, look right through, cut, rebuff, rebuke
Dovetail: fit together, merge, slot in, join together, come together, unite, (antonym: separate)
Decry: criticize, condemn, complain about, be little, disparage, deprecate, run down, (antonym: praise)
Rhetoric: oratory, public speaking, speech making, speechifying, language, expression, style
Indignation: righteous anger, resentment, annoyance, crossness, fury, ire, offense,
Insidious: sinister, dangerous, subtle, menacing
Rile: anger, enrage, annoy, irritate, bug, irk, peeve, aggravate
Brass: nerve, self assurance, self confidence, cheek, imprudence, gall
Clandestine: secret, underground, covert, concealed, stealthy, furtive, undercover, surreptitious,
Albeit: although, though, even though, even if, notwithstanding
Mollycoddle: pamper, fuss over, spoil, over protect, cosset, indulge, humor, cater to
Garrison: barracks, stronghold, fort, battalion, defense force, occupying force
Veneer: thin covering, facing, finish, surface, layer, coating, appearance, façade
Dossier: file, record, report, folder, profile, database
Sustenance: nourishment, nutrition, food, provisions, rations, edibles, fuel
Sway: bend, lean, swing, rock, wave, influence, affect, control
Cohere: join together, stick together, fit together, come together, go together
Conundrum: puzzle, mystery, challenger, poser, problem, riddle
largess: generous giving; also, gifts of money or other valuables.
palliate: to make an offense seem less serious; also, to relieve or lessen without curing.
recalcitrant: stubbornly resistant to and defiant of authority or restraint
MELLIFLUOUS : (adj.) pleasing to the ear; synonyms : dulcet , honeyed , mellisonant , sweet; The mellifluous music of the flute soothed he
gesticulate: to make gestures or motions.
Stumble: stagger, trip, trip up, lurch, slip, fall, hesitate, falter
Bizarre: strange, weird, peculiar, out of the ordinary, odd, uncanny, wacky, fantastic
De facto: in effect, to all intents and purposes, in reality, actually, effectively, actual, real, genuine
Fluke: accident, coincidence, stroke of luck
Peg: dowel, hook, bolt, hanger, attach, hang, nail, fasten
Precarious: shaky, unstable, insecure, uncertain, wobbly, unsafe, unsteady, (antonym: stable)
Punter: customer, client, consumer
Squander: waste, spend, throw away, fritter away, dissipate, misuse, lavish, consume
Vigorous: energetic, dynamic, vital, forceful, strong, hearty, enthusiastic, strong
Roughage: fiber, cellulose, bran
Poignant: moving, emotional, touching, distressing, sad, affecting, heartrending, heartbreaking
Renaissance: rebirth, new start, new beginning, resurgence, revitalization, revival, regeneration, recovery
Conspire: plot, scheme, connive, plan, work against, combine, work together, unite
Stoke: put fuel on, stoke up, add fuel to, strengthen, make stronger, stir up, fuel, encourage
Fumble: grope, mishandle, shuffle, scuffle, scrabble, drop, let slip, do awkwardly
Chide: reproach, scold, reprimand, express disapproval, rebuke, blame, take to task, reprove
Romp: frolic, prance, caper, gambol, dance around, horse around, dance
Decamp: run away, run off, escape, flee, abscond, leave, retreat, desert
Brazen: bold, barefaced, shameless, brash, unabashed, unashamed, blatant, bald-faced
Pummel: hit, beat, strike, punch, pound, batter
Pip: kernel, stone, pit, germ
Drub: beat, pound, hammer, thrash, whip, defeat, lick
Nudge: push, bump, elbow, shove, jolt, prod
Poke: jab, stab, push, prod, thrust, dig, nudge, punch
Bay: cove, inlet, bark, woof, yap, yelp, howl, cry
Jig: dance, skip, hop, caper, leap, spring
Stalker: follower, shadow, tail
Mantle: layer, blanker, covering, shroud, veil, cloak, responsibility, function
Fume: stink, smoke, reek, smolder, smell, emit, exude, seethe
Imbroglio: mess, embarrassing situation, embarrassment, entanglement
Rap: blow, tap, knock, smack, crack, hit, strike
Tirade: outburst, invective, rant, diatribe, harangue, lecture
Salvo: barrage, bombardment, round
Blitz: bombardment, blitzkrieg, saturation bombing, bombard, saturate, target, attack, crackdown on
Beckon: signal, sign, summon, gesture, make a gesture, indicate, motion (antonym: dismiss)
Contrition: repentance, penitence, remorse, regret, sorrow, apology
Pulverize: grind, crush, macerate, pulp, mash, chop up, chop into pieces, pound
Botch: spoil, damage, do something badly, make a botch of, make a mess of, make a hash of, fail, mess up
Bottom line: outcome, end result, end product, upshot, main thing, sine qua non
Hallmark: seal, stamp, trade mark, characteristic, brand, trait, feature, property
Gauge: measure, weigh, estimate, test, determine, guess, judge, measurement
Emanate: originate, come, stem, spring, derive, start, radiate, emit
Pertinent: relevant, applicable, related, relatable, important, significant, (antonym: irrelevant)
Creep: move stealthily, tiptoe, sneak, skulk, steal, crawl, slither
Flank: side, edge, border, line
Fling: throw, toss, hurl, chuck, pitch, lob, let fly
Spear: lance, spike, javelin, impale, stab, pierce, run through, gouge
Shudder: shake, tremble, quake, quiver, jolt, wobble, vibrate, trembling
Frantic: anxious, worried, frenzied, frenetic, hysterical, uptight, beside yourself, (antonym: calm)
Rampart: fortification, wall, earthwork, battlement, parapet, barricade
Unearthly: outrageous, ridiculous, unreasonable, absurd, (antonym: acceptable), weird, bizarre, strange
Rage: fury, anger, wrath, temper, ire, frenzy, fume, rant and rave
Hammer: mallet, tack hammer, sledge hammer, beat, strike, hit, knock, pound
Twilight: dusk, nightfall, evening, sunset, sundown, (antonym: dawn)
Constellation: group, gathering, collection, assemblage
Ransom: payment, payoff, money, sum, set free, release, liberate, rescue
Citadel: fortress, stronghold, bastion, fort, castle, refuge, sanctuary
Forte: strong point, specialty, strong suit, gift, (antonym: falling)
Tiff: quarrel, argument, row, falling-out, squabble, disagreement, spat
Bemoan: lament, bewail, regret, mourn, complain about, moan about, grumble about (antonym: applaud)
Chunk: large piece, hunk, mass, lump, portion, amount, break apart, cut up
Pan out: work out, turn out, develop, evolve, end up, resolve itself
Chink: gap, crack, crevice, clink, clunk, tinkle
Singe: scorch, burn, char, sear
Profligacy: extravagance, wastefulness, recklessness, licentiousness, dissolution, decadence, (antonym: parsimony)
Parsimony: thriftiness, frugality, stinginess, skimpiness, cost-cutting, prudence, thrift (antonym: generosity)
Perpetuate: be responsible for, effect, bring about, complete, enable, achieve, continue, carry on
Adept: skillful, skilled, expert, proficient, adroit, practiced, clever
Intractable: stubborn, obstinate, obdurate, willful, inflexible, pig-headed, difficult, (antonym: easygoing)
Leeway: scope, flexibility, margin, freedom, latitude, breathing space
Predilection: fondness, liking, partiality, preference, penchant, taste, weakness, tendency
Solemn: somber, grave, serious, sober, sad, glum, formal, (antonym: cheerful)
Clang: clank, ring, sound, toll, reverberate, resound, clash
Pale: light, pastel, soft, whitish, insipid, watery, wishy-washy, (antonym: dark)
Stroll: leisurely walk, amble, saunter, promenade, turn, breath of air, wander, meander
Casket: chest, coffer, treasure chest, strong box, safe, treasury
Abyss: gulf, chasm, deep hole, void
Junta: military rule, government by the army, stratocracy, state of emergency, (antonym: democracy)
cupidity: eager or excessive desire, especially for wealth
duplicity: deliberate deceptiveness in behavior or speech
flibbertigibbet\FLIB-ur-tee-jib-it\ , noun;
1.A silly, flighty, or scatterbrained person, especially a pert young woman with such qualities
panacea\pan-uh-SEE-uh\ , noun;
1.A remedy for all diseases, problems, or evils; a universal medicine; a cure-all.
cacophony: harsh or discordant sound.
verb (used without object)
to wave, flap, or toss about: Banners fluttered in the breeze.
to flap the wings rapidly; fly with flapping movements.
to move in quick, irregular motions; vibrate.
to beat rapidly, as the heart.
to be tremulous or agitated.
to go with irregular motions or aimless course: to flutter back and forth.
–verb (used with object)
to cause to flutter; vibrate; agitate.
to throw into nervous or tremulous excitement; cause mental agitation; confuse.
a fluttering movement: He made little nervous flutters with his hands.
a state of nervous excitement or mental agitation: a flutter of anticipation.
flutter kick.
Audio. a variation in pitch resulting from rapid fluctuations in the speed of a
recording.Compare wow2 (def. 1).
Chiefly British. a small wager or speculative investment.
–verb (used with object)
to swallow or eat hastily or hungrily in large pieces; gulp.
to seize upon eagerly (often fol. by up): After being gone for so long, they gobbled up all the local news.
–verb (used without object)
to eat hastily.
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