it's raining cats and dogs – means it's raining very heavily.

Success is useless, if we become ill thereby. Exercise, raw food, and leisure can extend our life. - Rainer Seiffert
kick ass, Slang: Vulgar .
to act harshly or use force in order to gain a desired result.
to defeat soundly.
flaunt[flawnt] Show IPA
–verb (used without object)
to parade or display oneself conspicuously, defiantly, or boldly.
to wave conspicuously in the air.
–verb (used with object)
to parade or display ostentatiously: to flaunt one's wealth.
to ignore or treat with disdain: He was expelled for flaunting military regulations.
the act of flaunting.
Obsolete . something flaunted.
Zeitgeist is a German language expression literally translated: Zeit, time; Geist, spirit, meaning "the spirit of the age and its society". The word zeitgeist describes the intellectual, cultural, ethical and political climate, ambience and morals of an era or also a trend. In German, the word has more layers of meaning than the English translation, including the fact that Zeitgeist can only be observed for past events.
Buzz: hum, drone, murmer, telephone call, phone call, ring, noise, buzzing
Alacrity: eagerness, enthusiasm, readiness, quickness, promptness, speed, swiftness, rapidness
Hue and cry: uproar, furor, discontent, public outcry, public outrage, protest
Loiter: wait, hang around, linger, dally, lurk, skulk, dawdle, loaf
Undercurrent: hint, suggestion, trace, tinge, air, feeling, connotation, nuance
Plank: board, flat timber, floorboard, piece of wood, lath
Ignite: catch fire, catch light, go up in flames, burst into flames, set fire to, light, put a march to (antonym: go out)
Tout: advertise, hype, flaunt, push, plug, publicize, peddle, ballyhoo
Ineptitude: incompetence, clumsiness, uselessness, ineffectiveness, lack of ability, lack of skill (Antonym: competence)
Wrath: anger, rage, fury
Vulnerable: susceptible, weak, defenseless, helpless, open,
Ordain: order, decree, proclaim, lay down, command, establish
Disgruntle: dissatisfy, displease, disappoint, frustrate (antonym: satisfy)
Cliché: chestnut, truism, formula, line
Ethereal: ghostly, otherworldly, unearthly, wraithlike, eerie, delicate, insubstantial, airy
Defiant: disobedient, insolent, insubordinate, rebellious, bold, (Antonym: meek, compliant)
String: cord, thread, filament, twine, rope, sequence, series, run
Flux: fluctuation, change, instability, unrest, (antonym: stability)
Subtle: slight, delicate, faint, restrained, fine, understand, (antonym: obvious)
Blueprint: plan, drawing, design, proposal, outline, draft
Subservient: submissive, obedient, compliant, acquiescent, docile, deferential, passive, meek
Buckle: clasp, clip, fastener, collapse, crumple, cave in, bulge, fold
Gullible: naïve, susceptible, easy to fool, easy to fleece, innocent, trusting, credulous, (antonym: smart)
Prowl: stalk, lurk, skulk, hang around, lie in waiting, creep around, hang about
Savor: relish, enjoy, delight in, take pleasure in, appreciate, value, taste, smell
Boom: bang, roar, explosion, rumble, report, detonation, thunder
Cache: hoard, store, supply, accumulation, reserve, collection
Rebuff: rejection, refusal, snub, slighting, denial, refuse, reject, repulse
Eventuality: possibility, chance, prospect, possible event, possible occurrence, contingency
Carnival: festival, celebration, street party, fair, fete, parade, pageant, cavalcade
Orchestrate: arrange, coordinate, organize, plan, devise, scheme
Premise: basis, principle, idea, foundation, argument, hypothesis, assertion, ground
Dismantle: take to pieces, take apart (antonym: assemble)
Face-off: argument, confrontation, showdown, challenge, first play
Toll: fee, charge, tax, levy, payment, duty, excise, ring
Effervescent: fizzy, sparkling, bubbly, bubbling, lively, vibrant, bouncy (antonym: still)
Shambles: mess, muddle, dump, hash, fiasco, disaster, shamble
Squalid: filthy, dirty, foul, nasty, fetid, unclean, neglected, (antonym: clean)
Stuff: material, substance, matter, things, objects, bits and pieces, possessions, belongings
Rift: crack, gap, hole, fissure, split, crevice, cleft, aperture
Relegation: demotion, downgrading, (antonym: promotion)
Exude: give off, radiate, display, show, convey, emanate, give out (antonym: absorb)
Rumpled: unkempt, ragged, shabby, scruffy, bedraggled, disheveled, (antonym: smart)
Hedonistic: self-indulgent, riotous, wild, pleasure seeking, self gratifying
Recliner: adjustable seat, lounger
–noun 1. a ruffian or hoodlum.
–adjective 2. of or like hooligans.
–noun 1. a great or complete devastation or destruction, esp. by fire.
2. a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering.
3. (usually initial capital letter) the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II (usually prec. by the).
4. any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life.
–adjective, tooth·i·er, tooth·i·est. 1. having or displaying conspicuous teeth: a toothy smile.
2. savory; appetizing; toothsome.
3. possessing a rough surface: toothy paper.
4. Archaic. sharp or caustic: toothy commentary.
stick to your guns:-
If you stick to your guns, you keep your position even though people attack or criticise you.
–noun 1. a young cat.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 2. (of cats) to give birth; bear.
–verb (used with object), -snared, -snar·ing. to capture in, or involve as in, a snare: to be ensnared by lies; to ensnare birds.
–noun a person who takes an opposing view, esp. one who rejects the majority opinion, as in economic matters.
–noun 1. a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind, caused by various physical and mental disorders, or by reaction to certain toxic substances, and usually manifested as visual or auditory images.
2. the sensation caused by a hallucinatory condition or the object or scene visualized.
3. a false notion, belief, or impression; illusion; delusion
–adjective 1. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid.
2. acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.
3. caustic, biting, or sharply expressive: pungent remarks.
4. mentally stimulating or appealing: pungent wit.
5. Biology. piercing or sharp-pointed.
–noun Often, misgivings. a feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension
–verb (used with object) 1. to overcome completely in mind or feeling: overwhelmed by remorse.
2. to overpower or overcome, esp. with superior forces; destroy; crush: Roman troops were overwhelmed by barbarians.
3. to cover or bury beneath a mass of something, as floodwaters, debris, or an avalanche; submerge: Lava from erupting Vesuvius overwhelmed the city of Pompeii.
4. to load, heap, treat, or address with an overpowering or excessive amount of anything: a child overwhelmed with presents; to overwhelm someone with questions.
5. to overthrow.
–noun an act or instance of buying out, esp. of buying all or a controlling percentage of the shares in a company.
–noun 1. a person who deserts a party or cause for another.
2. an apostate from a religious faith.
–adjective 3. of or like a renegade; traitorous.
paedophile :an adult who is sexually attracted to children [syn: pedophile]
–adjective Slang. mentally unbalanced; mad; crazy.
–noun 1. an ornament or decoration.
2. a fictitious addition, as to a factual statement.
3. Music. a. ornament (def. 8).
b. auxiliary tone.
4. the act of embellishing.
5. state of being embellished.
–noun, plural -ries for 6.
1. the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.
2. the rules and customs of medieval knighthood.
3. the medieval system or institution of knighthood.
4. a group of knights.
5. gallant warriors or gentlemen: fair ladies and noble chivalry.
6. Archaic. a chivalrous act; gallant deed.
Altercation: argument, row, quarrel, disagreement, dispute, exchange, squabble, clash
Rebuff: rejection, refusal, snub, slighting, denial, repulse
a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
Pitch: playing field, area of plea, terrain, field, arena, ground, throw, hurl
1. to adhere closely; stick to: The wet paper clings to the glass.
2. to hold tight, as by grasping or embracing; cleave: The children clung to each other in the dark.
3. to be or remain close: The child clung to her mother's side.
4. to remain attached, as to an idea, hope, memory, etc.: Despite the predictions, the candidate clung to the belief that he would be elected.
5. to cohere.
–noun 6. the act of clinging; adherence; attachment.
1. the handle of a sword or dagger.
2. the handle of any weapon or tool.
–verb (used with object) 3. to furnish with a hilt.
—Idiom4. to the hilt, to the maximum extent or degree; completely; fully: to play the role to the hilt. Also, up to the hilt.
Wild goose chase: A hopeless quest.
WORD POWER: words commonly used in the media
Poetic justice is a literary device in which virtue is ultimately rewarded or vice punished, often in modern literature by an ironic twist of fate intimately related to the character's own conduct. In Western literature, the structure of poetry, prose and drama to have justice originates in Aristotle's Poetics. Aristotle says that poetry is superior to history in that it shows what should or must occur, rather than merely what does occur.
Pound of flesh
something which is owed that is ruthlessly required to be paid back.
–noun, plural -fuls. 1. the quantity or amount that the hand can hold: a handful of coins.
2. a small amount, number, or quantity: a handful of men.
3. Informal. a person or thing that is as much as one can manage or control: The baby's tantrums made him a handful.
To "make a mountain out of a molehill" or "making a mountain out of a molehill" is an English idiom which means to make a big deal out of a minor issue.
–noun 1. a bent or curved piece of tough wood used by the Australian Aborigines as a throwing club, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower.
2. something, as a scheme or argument, that does injury to the originator.
3. Theater. a. a mobile platform, adjustable to different levels, for painting scenery.
b. a batten, usually suspended vertically in the wings, for holding lighting units.
–verb (used without object) 4. to come back or return, as a boomerang.
5. to cause harm to the originator; backfire.
Pound of flesh
Something which is owed that is ruthlessly required to be paid back.
lim·bo 1 (lim'bo) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. lim·bos
often Limbo Roman Catholic Church The abode of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls, as those of infants or virtuous individuals who lived before the coming of Christ.
A region or condition of oblivion or neglect: Management kept her promotion in limbo for months.
A state or place of confinement.
An intermediate place or state.
dole1 /do?l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [dohl] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, doled, dol·ing.
–noun 1. a portion or allotment of money, food, etc., esp. as given at regular intervals by a charity or for maintenance.
2. a dealing out or distributing, esp. in charity.
3. a form of payment to the unemployed instituted by the British government in 1918.
4. any similar payment by a government to an unemployed person.
5. Archaic. one's fate or destiny.
–verb (used with object) 6. to distribute in charity.
7. to give out sparingly or in small quantities (usually fol. by out): The last of the water was doled out to the thirsty crew.
—Idiom8. on the dole, receiving payment from the government, as relief: They couldn't afford any luxuries while living on the dole.
a cushion on a throne for a prince in India
geek Slang.
–noun 1. a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.
2. a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often considered offensive when used by outsiders.)
3. a carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, as biting off the head of a live chicken.
tu·mul·tu·ous /tu'm?lt?u?s, tyu-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [too-muhl-choo-uhs, tyoo-] Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar: a tumultuous celebration.
2. raising a great clatter and commotion; disorderly or noisy: a tumultuous crowd of students.
3. highly agitated, as the mind or emotions; distraught; turbulent.
tat·ter1 /'tæt?r/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tat-er] Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a torn piece hanging loose from the main part, as of a garment or flag.
2. a separate torn piece; shred.
3. tatters, torn or ragged clothing: dressed in rags and tatters.
–verb (used with object) 4. to tear or wear to tatters.
–verb (used without object) 5. to become ragged.
cut no ice : to fail to make an impression
cut no ice with someone
if something cuts no ice with someone, it does not cause them to change their opinion or decision. I've heard her excuses and they cut no ice with me.
/'h?m?b?g/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [huhm-buhg] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, -bugged, -bug·ging, interjection
1. something intended to delude or deceive.
2. the quality of falseness or deception.
3. a person who is not what he or she claims or pretends to be; impostor.
4. something devoid of sense or meaning; nonsense: a humbug of technical jargon.
5. British. a variety of hard mint candy.
–verb (used with object)
6. to impose upon by humbug or false pretense; delude; deceive.
–verb (used without object)
7. to practice humbug.
8. nonsense!
–adjective 1. entailing great expense, as from choice materials, fine work, etc.; costly: a sumptuous residence.
2. luxuriously fine or large; lavish; splendid: a sumptuous feast.
strand 1 (strand) Pronunciation Key
n. The land bordering a body of water; a beach.
v. strand·ed, strand·ing, strands
v. tr.
To drive or run ashore or aground.
To bring into or leave in a difficult or helpless position: The convoy was stranded in the desert.
Baseball To leave (a base runner) on base at the end of an inning.
Linguistics To separate (a grammatical element) from other elements in a construction, either by moving it out of the construction or moving the rest of the construction. In the sentence What are you aiming at, the preposition at has been stranded.
v. intr.
To be driven or run ashore or aground.
To be brought into or left in a difficult or helpless position.
kow·tow /'ka?'ta?, -?ta?, 'ko?-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kou-tou, -tou, koh-] Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used without object) 1. to act in an obsequious manner; show servile deference.
2. to touch the forehead to the ground while kneeling, as an act of worship, reverence, apology, etc., esp. in former Chinese custom.
–noun 3. the act of kowtowing.
The buck stops here
Responsibility is not passed on beyond this point.
not controvertible; not open to question or dispute; indisputable: absolute and incontrovertible truth.
1. perilous; dangerous.
2. Obsolete. clever; shrewd.
3. to a large extent; greatly.
/'s?n?k?l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sin-i-kuhl] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. like or characteristic of a cynic; distrusting or disparaging the motives of others.
2. showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, esp. by actions that exploit the scruples of others.
3. bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.
1. (before 1872) the temporary platform on which candidates for the British Parliament stood when nominated and from which they addressed the electors.
2. any place from which political campaign speeches are made.
3. the political campaign trail.
4. Also called hustings court. a local court in certain parts of Virginia.
1. a burlesque act in which a dancer removes garments one at a time to the accompaniment of music.
–verb (used without object)
2. to do a striptease.
coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited; casual: His nonchalant manner infuriated me.
1. to burn superficially or slightly; scorch.
2. to burn the ends, projections, nap, or the like, of (hair, cloth, etc.).
3. to subject (the carcass of an animal or bird) to flame in order to remove hair, bristles, feathers, etc.
4. a superficial burn.
5. the act of singeing.
Manthan - Meaning. The name ‘Manthan’ is a Hindi word which means ‘to churn out something’
take a leaf out of someone's book
to copy something that someone else does because it will bring you advantages. Maybe I should take a leaf out of Robert's book and start coming in at ten every morning.
1. the act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship.
2. instruction; teaching; guidance: His knowledge of Spanish increased under private tutelage.
3. the state of being under a guardian or a tutor.
the spirit, policy, or practice of jingoes; bellicose chauvinism.
below the belt
Not according to the rules; unfairly.
having a strong effect on someone or something; forceful; powerful
exceptionally good; spectacular, impressive, etc.

Success is useless, if we become ill thereby. Exercise, raw food, and leisure can extend our life. - Rainer Seiffert
kick ass, Slang: Vulgar .
to act harshly or use force in order to gain a desired result.
to defeat soundly.
flaunt[flawnt] Show IPA
–verb (used without object)
to parade or display oneself conspicuously, defiantly, or boldly.
to wave conspicuously in the air.
–verb (used with object)
to parade or display ostentatiously: to flaunt one's wealth.
to ignore or treat with disdain: He was expelled for flaunting military regulations.
the act of flaunting.
Obsolete . something flaunted.
Zeitgeist is a German language expression literally translated: Zeit, time; Geist, spirit, meaning "the spirit of the age and its society". The word zeitgeist describes the intellectual, cultural, ethical and political climate, ambience and morals of an era or also a trend. In German, the word has more layers of meaning than the English translation, including the fact that Zeitgeist can only be observed for past events.
Buzz: hum, drone, murmer, telephone call, phone call, ring, noise, buzzing
Alacrity: eagerness, enthusiasm, readiness, quickness, promptness, speed, swiftness, rapidness
Hue and cry: uproar, furor, discontent, public outcry, public outrage, protest
Loiter: wait, hang around, linger, dally, lurk, skulk, dawdle, loaf
Undercurrent: hint, suggestion, trace, tinge, air, feeling, connotation, nuance
Plank: board, flat timber, floorboard, piece of wood, lath
Ignite: catch fire, catch light, go up in flames, burst into flames, set fire to, light, put a march to (antonym: go out)
Tout: advertise, hype, flaunt, push, plug, publicize, peddle, ballyhoo
Ineptitude: incompetence, clumsiness, uselessness, ineffectiveness, lack of ability, lack of skill (Antonym: competence)
Wrath: anger, rage, fury
Vulnerable: susceptible, weak, defenseless, helpless, open,
Ordain: order, decree, proclaim, lay down, command, establish
Disgruntle: dissatisfy, displease, disappoint, frustrate (antonym: satisfy)
Cliché: chestnut, truism, formula, line
Ethereal: ghostly, otherworldly, unearthly, wraithlike, eerie, delicate, insubstantial, airy
Defiant: disobedient, insolent, insubordinate, rebellious, bold, (Antonym: meek, compliant)
String: cord, thread, filament, twine, rope, sequence, series, run
Flux: fluctuation, change, instability, unrest, (antonym: stability)
Subtle: slight, delicate, faint, restrained, fine, understand, (antonym: obvious)
Blueprint: plan, drawing, design, proposal, outline, draft
Subservient: submissive, obedient, compliant, acquiescent, docile, deferential, passive, meek
Buckle: clasp, clip, fastener, collapse, crumple, cave in, bulge, fold
Gullible: naïve, susceptible, easy to fool, easy to fleece, innocent, trusting, credulous, (antonym: smart)
Prowl: stalk, lurk, skulk, hang around, lie in waiting, creep around, hang about
Savor: relish, enjoy, delight in, take pleasure in, appreciate, value, taste, smell
Boom: bang, roar, explosion, rumble, report, detonation, thunder
Cache: hoard, store, supply, accumulation, reserve, collection
Rebuff: rejection, refusal, snub, slighting, denial, refuse, reject, repulse
Eventuality: possibility, chance, prospect, possible event, possible occurrence, contingency
Carnival: festival, celebration, street party, fair, fete, parade, pageant, cavalcade
Orchestrate: arrange, coordinate, organize, plan, devise, scheme
Premise: basis, principle, idea, foundation, argument, hypothesis, assertion, ground
Dismantle: take to pieces, take apart (antonym: assemble)
Face-off: argument, confrontation, showdown, challenge, first play
Toll: fee, charge, tax, levy, payment, duty, excise, ring
Effervescent: fizzy, sparkling, bubbly, bubbling, lively, vibrant, bouncy (antonym: still)
Shambles: mess, muddle, dump, hash, fiasco, disaster, shamble
Squalid: filthy, dirty, foul, nasty, fetid, unclean, neglected, (antonym: clean)
Stuff: material, substance, matter, things, objects, bits and pieces, possessions, belongings
Rift: crack, gap, hole, fissure, split, crevice, cleft, aperture
Relegation: demotion, downgrading, (antonym: promotion)
Exude: give off, radiate, display, show, convey, emanate, give out (antonym: absorb)
Rumpled: unkempt, ragged, shabby, scruffy, bedraggled, disheveled, (antonym: smart)
Hedonistic: self-indulgent, riotous, wild, pleasure seeking, self gratifying
Recliner: adjustable seat, lounger
–noun 1. a ruffian or hoodlum.
–adjective 2. of or like hooligans.
–noun 1. a great or complete devastation or destruction, esp. by fire.
2. a sacrifice completely consumed by fire; burnt offering.
3. (usually initial capital letter) the systematic mass slaughter of European Jews in Nazi concentration camps during World War II (usually prec. by the).
4. any mass slaughter or reckless destruction of life.
–adjective, tooth·i·er, tooth·i·est. 1. having or displaying conspicuous teeth: a toothy smile.
2. savory; appetizing; toothsome.
3. possessing a rough surface: toothy paper.
4. Archaic. sharp or caustic: toothy commentary.
stick to your guns:-
If you stick to your guns, you keep your position even though people attack or criticise you.
–noun 1. a young cat.
–verb (used with object), verb (used without object) 2. (of cats) to give birth; bear.
–verb (used with object), -snared, -snar·ing. to capture in, or involve as in, a snare: to be ensnared by lies; to ensnare birds.
–noun a person who takes an opposing view, esp. one who rejects the majority opinion, as in economic matters.
–noun 1. a sensory experience of something that does not exist outside the mind, caused by various physical and mental disorders, or by reaction to certain toxic substances, and usually manifested as visual or auditory images.
2. the sensation caused by a hallucinatory condition or the object or scene visualized.
3. a false notion, belief, or impression; illusion; delusion
–adjective 1. sharply affecting the organs of taste or smell, as if by a penetrating power; biting; acrid.
2. acutely distressing to the feelings or mind; poignant.
3. caustic, biting, or sharply expressive: pungent remarks.
4. mentally stimulating or appealing: pungent wit.
5. Biology. piercing or sharp-pointed.
–noun Often, misgivings. a feeling of doubt, distrust, or apprehension
–verb (used with object) 1. to overcome completely in mind or feeling: overwhelmed by remorse.
2. to overpower or overcome, esp. with superior forces; destroy; crush: Roman troops were overwhelmed by barbarians.
3. to cover or bury beneath a mass of something, as floodwaters, debris, or an avalanche; submerge: Lava from erupting Vesuvius overwhelmed the city of Pompeii.
4. to load, heap, treat, or address with an overpowering or excessive amount of anything: a child overwhelmed with presents; to overwhelm someone with questions.
5. to overthrow.
–noun an act or instance of buying out, esp. of buying all or a controlling percentage of the shares in a company.
–noun 1. a person who deserts a party or cause for another.
2. an apostate from a religious faith.
–adjective 3. of or like a renegade; traitorous.
paedophile :an adult who is sexually attracted to children [syn: pedophile]
–adjective Slang. mentally unbalanced; mad; crazy.
–noun 1. an ornament or decoration.
2. a fictitious addition, as to a factual statement.
3. Music. a. ornament (def. 8).
b. auxiliary tone.
4. the act of embellishing.
5. state of being embellished.
–noun, plural -ries for 6.
1. the sum of the ideal qualifications of a knight, including courtesy, generosity, valor, and dexterity in arms.
2. the rules and customs of medieval knighthood.
3. the medieval system or institution of knighthood.
4. a group of knights.
5. gallant warriors or gentlemen: fair ladies and noble chivalry.
6. Archaic. a chivalrous act; gallant deed.
Altercation: argument, row, quarrel, disagreement, dispute, exchange, squabble, clash
Rebuff: rejection, refusal, snub, slighting, denial, repulse
a man who likes many women and has short sexual relationships with them
Pitch: playing field, area of plea, terrain, field, arena, ground, throw, hurl
1. to adhere closely; stick to: The wet paper clings to the glass.
2. to hold tight, as by grasping or embracing; cleave: The children clung to each other in the dark.
3. to be or remain close: The child clung to her mother's side.
4. to remain attached, as to an idea, hope, memory, etc.: Despite the predictions, the candidate clung to the belief that he would be elected.
5. to cohere.
–noun 6. the act of clinging; adherence; attachment.
1. the handle of a sword or dagger.
2. the handle of any weapon or tool.
–verb (used with object) 3. to furnish with a hilt.
—Idiom4. to the hilt, to the maximum extent or degree; completely; fully: to play the role to the hilt. Also, up to the hilt.
Wild goose chase: A hopeless quest.
WORD POWER: words commonly used in the media
Poetic justice is a literary device in which virtue is ultimately rewarded or vice punished, often in modern literature by an ironic twist of fate intimately related to the character's own conduct. In Western literature, the structure of poetry, prose and drama to have justice originates in Aristotle's Poetics. Aristotle says that poetry is superior to history in that it shows what should or must occur, rather than merely what does occur.
Pound of flesh
something which is owed that is ruthlessly required to be paid back.
–noun, plural -fuls. 1. the quantity or amount that the hand can hold: a handful of coins.
2. a small amount, number, or quantity: a handful of men.
3. Informal. a person or thing that is as much as one can manage or control: The baby's tantrums made him a handful.
To "make a mountain out of a molehill" or "making a mountain out of a molehill" is an English idiom which means to make a big deal out of a minor issue.
–noun 1. a bent or curved piece of tough wood used by the Australian Aborigines as a throwing club, one form of which can be thrown so as to return to the thrower.
2. something, as a scheme or argument, that does injury to the originator.
3. Theater. a. a mobile platform, adjustable to different levels, for painting scenery.
b. a batten, usually suspended vertically in the wings, for holding lighting units.
–verb (used without object) 4. to come back or return, as a boomerang.
5. to cause harm to the originator; backfire.
Pound of flesh
Something which is owed that is ruthlessly required to be paid back.
lim·bo 1 (lim'bo) Pronunciation Key
n. pl. lim·bos
often Limbo Roman Catholic Church The abode of unbaptized but innocent or righteous souls, as those of infants or virtuous individuals who lived before the coming of Christ.
A region or condition of oblivion or neglect: Management kept her promotion in limbo for months.
A state or place of confinement.
An intermediate place or state.
dole1 /do?l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [dohl] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, doled, dol·ing.
–noun 1. a portion or allotment of money, food, etc., esp. as given at regular intervals by a charity or for maintenance.
2. a dealing out or distributing, esp. in charity.
3. a form of payment to the unemployed instituted by the British government in 1918.
4. any similar payment by a government to an unemployed person.
5. Archaic. one's fate or destiny.
–verb (used with object) 6. to distribute in charity.
7. to give out sparingly or in small quantities (usually fol. by out): The last of the water was doled out to the thirsty crew.
—Idiom8. on the dole, receiving payment from the government, as relief: They couldn't afford any luxuries while living on the dole.
a cushion on a throne for a prince in India
geek Slang.
–noun 1. a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp. one who is perceived to be overly intellectual.
2. a computer expert or enthusiast (a term of pride as self-reference, but often considered offensive when used by outsiders.)
3. a carnival performer who performs sensationally morbid or disgusting acts, as biting off the head of a live chicken.
tu·mul·tu·ous /tu'm?lt?u?s, tyu-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [too-muhl-choo-uhs, tyoo-] Show IPA Pronunciation
–adjective 1. full of tumult or riotousness; marked by disturbance and uproar: a tumultuous celebration.
2. raising a great clatter and commotion; disorderly or noisy: a tumultuous crowd of students.
3. highly agitated, as the mind or emotions; distraught; turbulent.
tat·ter1 /'tæt?r/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [tat-er] Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun 1. a torn piece hanging loose from the main part, as of a garment or flag.
2. a separate torn piece; shred.
3. tatters, torn or ragged clothing: dressed in rags and tatters.
–verb (used with object) 4. to tear or wear to tatters.
–verb (used without object) 5. to become ragged.
cut no ice : to fail to make an impression
cut no ice with someone
if something cuts no ice with someone, it does not cause them to change their opinion or decision. I've heard her excuses and they cut no ice with me.
/'h?m?b?g/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [huhm-buhg] Show IPA Pronunciation
noun, verb, -bugged, -bug·ging, interjection
1. something intended to delude or deceive.
2. the quality of falseness or deception.
3. a person who is not what he or she claims or pretends to be; impostor.
4. something devoid of sense or meaning; nonsense: a humbug of technical jargon.
5. British. a variety of hard mint candy.
–verb (used with object)
6. to impose upon by humbug or false pretense; delude; deceive.
–verb (used without object)
7. to practice humbug.
8. nonsense!
–adjective 1. entailing great expense, as from choice materials, fine work, etc.; costly: a sumptuous residence.
2. luxuriously fine or large; lavish; splendid: a sumptuous feast.
strand 1 (strand) Pronunciation Key
n. The land bordering a body of water; a beach.
v. strand·ed, strand·ing, strands
v. tr.
To drive or run ashore or aground.
To bring into or leave in a difficult or helpless position: The convoy was stranded in the desert.
Baseball To leave (a base runner) on base at the end of an inning.
Linguistics To separate (a grammatical element) from other elements in a construction, either by moving it out of the construction or moving the rest of the construction. In the sentence What are you aiming at, the preposition at has been stranded.
v. intr.
To be driven or run ashore or aground.
To be brought into or left in a difficult or helpless position.
kow·tow /'ka?'ta?, -?ta?, 'ko?-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [kou-tou, -tou, koh-] Show IPA Pronunciation
–verb (used without object) 1. to act in an obsequious manner; show servile deference.
2. to touch the forehead to the ground while kneeling, as an act of worship, reverence, apology, etc., esp. in former Chinese custom.
–noun 3. the act of kowtowing.
The buck stops here
Responsibility is not passed on beyond this point.
not controvertible; not open to question or dispute; indisputable: absolute and incontrovertible truth.
1. perilous; dangerous.
2. Obsolete. clever; shrewd.
3. to a large extent; greatly.
/'s?n?k?l/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [sin-i-kuhl] Show IPA Pronunciation
1. like or characteristic of a cynic; distrusting or disparaging the motives of others.
2. showing contempt for accepted standards of honesty or morality by one's actions, esp. by actions that exploit the scruples of others.
3. bitterly or sneeringly distrustful, contemptuous, or pessimistic.
1. (before 1872) the temporary platform on which candidates for the British Parliament stood when nominated and from which they addressed the electors.
2. any place from which political campaign speeches are made.
3. the political campaign trail.
4. Also called hustings court. a local court in certain parts of Virginia.
1. a burlesque act in which a dancer removes garments one at a time to the accompaniment of music.
–verb (used without object)
2. to do a striptease.
coolly unconcerned, indifferent, or unexcited; casual: His nonchalant manner infuriated me.
1. to burn superficially or slightly; scorch.
2. to burn the ends, projections, nap, or the like, of (hair, cloth, etc.).
3. to subject (the carcass of an animal or bird) to flame in order to remove hair, bristles, feathers, etc.
4. a superficial burn.
5. the act of singeing.
Manthan - Meaning. The name ‘Manthan’ is a Hindi word which means ‘to churn out something’
take a leaf out of someone's book
to copy something that someone else does because it will bring you advantages. Maybe I should take a leaf out of Robert's book and start coming in at ten every morning.
1. the act of guarding, protecting, or guiding; office or function of a guardian; guardianship.
2. instruction; teaching; guidance: His knowledge of Spanish increased under private tutelage.
3. the state of being under a guardian or a tutor.
the spirit, policy, or practice of jingoes; bellicose chauvinism.
below the belt
Not according to the rules; unfairly.
having a strong effect on someone or something; forceful; powerful
exceptionally good; spectacular, impressive, etc.
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