Friday, November 22, 2013
Live as if you were to die tomorrow #quote

the Zambezi River passing the town of Tete in central Mozambique
"Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards." Soren Kierkegaard

Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts." — Winston S. Churchill

Palolem beach, Goa
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." — Mahatma Gandhi

It is not the position where you are standing, but which direction you are going." - Oliver Wendell Holmes
The doors we open and close each day - decide the lives we live" ~Flora Whittemore

light house
Whatever good things we build end up building us. Jim Rohn

“Ordinary riches can be stolen, real riches cannot. In your soul are infinitely precious things that cannot be taken from you.”Oscar Wilde

"Pay no attention to what the critics say; no statue has ever been put up to a critic." - Jean Sibelius

“For most of history, Anonymous was a woman.” Virgina Woolf

Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned... nor hell a fury like a woman scorned. ~William Congreve

South Georgia Island
A Promise is most given when the least is said. ~George Chapman

“We have just enough religion to make us hate... but not enough to make us love one another." ~Jonathan Swift

“Passion is energy. Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you.” Oprah Winfrey

"MUSIC is the Mediator between the Spiritual & the Sensual Life." ~Ludwig van Beethoven

Pair of blue-footed boobies, Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
When one door closes another door opens; but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the ones which open for us - Alexander Graham Bell

Lavender fields near Sault, Provence-Alpes-Cote d’Azur, France
A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds - Francis Bacon

Body painting art by Craig Tracy
Love is not consolation. It is light. ~Friedrich Nietzsche
Insight enables you to know your own heart. Clarity enables you to accept without illusion. Deepak Chopra

"Some people dream of success... While others get up and work at it!"
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. Aristotle
Greatness is born of Heart: Richard Branson and Steve Jobs
All the love you ever gave was real. All the love you ever received was real. Everything else was and is an illusion, and will fall away - Marianne Williamson
"Feel the world instead of trying to understand it" Deepak Chopra
"If you are not living in Joy, you are out of integrity with your Soul." - Michael Bernard Beckwith
When we are unable to find tranquility within ourselves, it is useless to seek it elsewhere,__ -Francois de La Rochefoucauld
Love is when you look into someone's eyes and see their heart. ~Jill Petty
Four things come not back-the spoken word, the sped arrow, the past life, and the neglected opportunity- Arabian Proverb
In the NEWS: Tarun Tejpal
Tarun Tejpal is in the country, he will speak to the committee now: Shoma Choudhary
Sunday, November 3, 2013
The Healthiest Foods On Earth
The Healthiest Foods On Earth
The most important consideration in constructing a healthy diet: Eat whole food with minimal processing. These 12 foods do the trick.
What is the best diet for human beings?
Vegetarian? Vegan? High-protein? Low-fat? Dairy-Free?
Hold on to your shopping carts: There is no perfect diet for human beings. At least not one that's based on how much protein, fat or carbohydrates you eat.
People have lived and thrived on high-protein, high-fat diets (the Inuit of Greenland); on low-protein, high-carb diets (the indigenous peoples of southern Africa); on diets high in raw milk and cream (the people of the Loetschental Valley in Switzerland); diets high in saturated fat (the Trobriand Islanders) and even on diets in which animal blood is considered a staple (the Massai of Kenya and Tanzania). And folks have thrived on these diets without the ravages of degenerative diseases that are so epidemic in modern life--heart disease, diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, osteoporosis and cancer.
In Depth: The Healthiest Foods On Earth
The only thing these diets have in common is that they're all based on whole foods with minimum processing. Nuts, berries, beans, raw milk, grass-fed meat. Whole, real, unprocessed food is almost always healthy, regardless of how many grams of carbs, protein or fat it contains.
All these healthy diets have in common the fact that they are absent foods with bar codes. They are also extremely low in sugar. In fact, the number of modern or ancient societies known for health and longevity that have consumed a diet high in sugar would be ... let's see ... zero.
Truth be told, what you eat probably matters less than how much processing it's undergone. Real food--whole food with minimal processing--contains a virtual pharmacy of nutrients, phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and healthful fats, and can easily keep you alive and thriving into your 10th decade.
Berries, for example, are phenomenally low in calories, high in fiber and loaded with plant compounds that improve memory and help fight cancer. Studies have consistently shown that nut-eaters have lower rates of heart disease. Beans are notorious for their high fiber content and are a part of the diet of people--from almost every corner of the globe--who live long and well.
Protein--the word comes from a Greek word meaning "of prime importance"--is a feature of every healthy diet ever studied. Meat , contrary to its terrible reputation, can be a health food if--and this is a big if--the meat comes from animals that have been raised on pasture land, have never seen the inside of a feedlot farm and have never been shot full of antibiotics and hormones.
If you liked this story read:
Eleven Ways To Boost Your Energy
Foods You Should Be Eating, But Aren't
Surprising Superfoods
Ditto for raw milk, generally believed to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet by countless devotees who often go to great expense and inconvenience to obtain it from small, sustainable farms. Wild salmon, whose omega-3 content is consistently higher than its less-fortunate farm-raised brethren, gets its red color from a powerful antioxidant called astaxathin. The combination of protein, omega-3s and antioxidants makes wild salmon a contender for anyone's list of great foods.
Another great food: eggs--one of nature's most perfect creations, especially if you don't throw out the all-important yolk. (Remember "whole" foods means exactly that--foods in their original form. Our robust ancestors did not eat "low-fat" caribou; we don't need to eat "egg-white" omelets.)
There are really no "bad" vegetables, but some of them are superstars. Any vegetable from the Brassica genus--broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale--is loaded with plant chemicals called indoles, which help reduce the risk of cancer.
In the fruit kingdom, apples totally deserve their reputation as doctor-repellants: they're loaded with fiber, minerals (like bone-building boron) and phytochemicals (like quercetin, which is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and to have anti-cancer properties). Some exciting new research suggests that pomegranate juice slows the progression of certain cancers. Other research shows it lowers blood pressure and may even act as a "natural Viagra."
Tea deserves special mention on any list of the world's healthiest foods. The second most widely consumed beverage in the world (after water), all forms of tea (black, oolong, white, green and the newer Yerba Matte) are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Some types (green tea, for example) contain plant chemicals called catechins which have decided anti-cancer activity
Finally, let's not forget members of the Alliaceae family of plants--onions, garlic and shallots. Garlic has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties; hundreds of published studies support its antimicrobial effects as well as its ability to lower the risk of heart disease. A number of studies have shown an inverse relationship between onion consumption and certain types of cancer.
A healthy diet doesn't have to contain every one of the "healthiest foods on earth," but you can't go wrong putting as many of the above mentioned foods in heavy rotation on your personal eating plan.
Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., CNS, is a board-certified nutritionist and the author of seven books on health and nutrition, including The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy and The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.
source: Forbes
The most important consideration in constructing a healthy diet: Eat whole food with minimal processing. These 12 foods do the trick.
What is the best diet for human beings?
Vegetarian? Vegan? High-protein? Low-fat? Dairy-Free?
Hold on to your shopping carts: There is no perfect diet for human beings. At least not one that's based on how much protein, fat or carbohydrates you eat.
People have lived and thrived on high-protein, high-fat diets (the Inuit of Greenland); on low-protein, high-carb diets (the indigenous peoples of southern Africa); on diets high in raw milk and cream (the people of the Loetschental Valley in Switzerland); diets high in saturated fat (the Trobriand Islanders) and even on diets in which animal blood is considered a staple (the Massai of Kenya and Tanzania). And folks have thrived on these diets without the ravages of degenerative diseases that are so epidemic in modern life--heart disease, diabetes, obesity, neurodegenerative diseases, osteoporosis and cancer.
In Depth: The Healthiest Foods On Earth
The only thing these diets have in common is that they're all based on whole foods with minimum processing. Nuts, berries, beans, raw milk, grass-fed meat. Whole, real, unprocessed food is almost always healthy, regardless of how many grams of carbs, protein or fat it contains.
All these healthy diets have in common the fact that they are absent foods with bar codes. They are also extremely low in sugar. In fact, the number of modern or ancient societies known for health and longevity that have consumed a diet high in sugar would be ... let's see ... zero.
Truth be told, what you eat probably matters less than how much processing it's undergone. Real food--whole food with minimal processing--contains a virtual pharmacy of nutrients, phytochemicals, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, anti-inflammatories and healthful fats, and can easily keep you alive and thriving into your 10th decade.
Berries, for example, are phenomenally low in calories, high in fiber and loaded with plant compounds that improve memory and help fight cancer. Studies have consistently shown that nut-eaters have lower rates of heart disease. Beans are notorious for their high fiber content and are a part of the diet of people--from almost every corner of the globe--who live long and well.
Protein--the word comes from a Greek word meaning "of prime importance"--is a feature of every healthy diet ever studied. Meat , contrary to its terrible reputation, can be a health food if--and this is a big if--the meat comes from animals that have been raised on pasture land, have never seen the inside of a feedlot farm and have never been shot full of antibiotics and hormones.
If you liked this story read:
Eleven Ways To Boost Your Energy
Foods You Should Be Eating, But Aren't
Surprising Superfoods
Ditto for raw milk, generally believed to be one of the healthiest beverages on the planet by countless devotees who often go to great expense and inconvenience to obtain it from small, sustainable farms. Wild salmon, whose omega-3 content is consistently higher than its less-fortunate farm-raised brethren, gets its red color from a powerful antioxidant called astaxathin. The combination of protein, omega-3s and antioxidants makes wild salmon a contender for anyone's list of great foods.
Another great food: eggs--one of nature's most perfect creations, especially if you don't throw out the all-important yolk. (Remember "whole" foods means exactly that--foods in their original form. Our robust ancestors did not eat "low-fat" caribou; we don't need to eat "egg-white" omelets.)
There are really no "bad" vegetables, but some of them are superstars. Any vegetable from the Brassica genus--broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale--is loaded with plant chemicals called indoles, which help reduce the risk of cancer.
In the fruit kingdom, apples totally deserve their reputation as doctor-repellants: they're loaded with fiber, minerals (like bone-building boron) and phytochemicals (like quercetin, which is known to be a powerful anti-inflammatory and to have anti-cancer properties). Some exciting new research suggests that pomegranate juice slows the progression of certain cancers. Other research shows it lowers blood pressure and may even act as a "natural Viagra."
Tea deserves special mention on any list of the world's healthiest foods. The second most widely consumed beverage in the world (after water), all forms of tea (black, oolong, white, green and the newer Yerba Matte) are loaded with antioxidants and anti-inflammatories. Some types (green tea, for example) contain plant chemicals called catechins which have decided anti-cancer activity
Finally, let's not forget members of the Alliaceae family of plants--onions, garlic and shallots. Garlic has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal properties; hundreds of published studies support its antimicrobial effects as well as its ability to lower the risk of heart disease. A number of studies have shown an inverse relationship between onion consumption and certain types of cancer.
A healthy diet doesn't have to contain every one of the "healthiest foods on earth," but you can't go wrong putting as many of the above mentioned foods in heavy rotation on your personal eating plan.
Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., CNS, is a board-certified nutritionist and the author of seven books on health and nutrition, including The 150 Most Effective Ways to Boost Your Energy and The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth.
source: Forbes
The worst pop song of all time? - 10 million YouTube hits for Rebecca Black's & Friday - News, Music - The Independent
The worst pop song of all time? - 10 million YouTube hits for Rebecca Black's 'Friday' - News, Music - The Independent: "It could be the robotic vocal delivery. Or the inane chorus of 'tomorrow is Saturday and Sunday comes afterwards'. But 'the worst pop song of all time' has become a global sensation, catapulting its 13 year-old performer to stardom.
'Friday' by Rebecca Black is either a witty parody of saccharine teen-pop or a new low in manufactured song production. The song, which details the fresh-faced California girl's excitement at the impending weekend, has become a YouTube sensation since she posted the video last month."
'Friday' by Rebecca Black is either a witty parody of saccharine teen-pop or a new low in manufactured song production. The song, which details the fresh-faced California girl's excitement at the impending weekend, has become a YouTube sensation since she posted the video last month."
The Innovation Lecture Series | Economist Conferences UK
The Innovation Lecture Series | Economist Conferences UK
Sam Pitroda on how innovation can lift people out of poverty and why this should inspire us
Sam Pitroda on how innovation can lift people out of poverty and why this should inspire us
Joy is contagious

I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells” ~Dr. Seuss
There are many things in life that will catch your eye. But only a few will catch your heart -Ben Crenshaw

Infinite Patience brings Immediate Results” ~Wayne Dyer

Kathryn Bigelow
Kathryn Bigelow, director of "The Hurt Locker", speaks after winning best director during the 82nd Academy Awards in Hollywood, March 7, 2010
"The CATERPILLAR does ALL the work, but the butterfly... gets all the PUBLICITY!"~George Carlin

Las Vegas, Nevada
Do not WORRY about whether or not the sun will rise. Be prepared... to ~E N J O Y~ it." - Anonymous

Sand Dunes in Death Valley, on the California and Nevada border
Every quality, taken to extremes, becomes a weakness - paulo coelho

Joy is contagious - paulo coelho

virender sehwag
If you have a work instead of a job, every day is holiday- paulo coelho

Only a fool makes threats. Only another fool feels threatened- paulo coelho

Emancipation from the bondage of the soil is no freedom for the tree.
Rabindranath Tagore
Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.
Rabindranath Tagore
I have become my own version of an optimist. If I can't make it through one door, I'll go through another door - or I'll make a door. Something terrific will come no matter how dark the present.
Rabindranath Tagore
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
Rabindranath Tagore
inspirational quotations
WikiLeaks: Hero or villain? The shackled and naked U.S. soldier in freedom of speech row as Julian Assange preens himself in UK | Mail Online
WikiLeaks: Hero or villain? The shackled and naked U.S. soldier in freedom of speech row as Julian Assange preens himself in UK | Mail Online: "This weekend, demonstrators will take to the streets of cities across the world, including London, to protest against America’s treatment of the man it holds responsible for the WikiLeaks debacle — the release of 250,000 confidential U.S. embassy cables last November that revealed devastatingly damaging details of what the diplomats really thought about everybody else."
Journalistic irony - Glenn Greenwald -
Journalistic irony - Glenn Greenwald - "On Wednesday, the Chairman of the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Gregory Jaczko, depicted the threat posed by Japanese nuclear reactors as much graver than had been suggested by Japanese officials. Yesterday, this is how The New York Times described the impact (or lack thereof) of Jaczko's statements in Japan:"
Limitless; memory? It may not be a good thing - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience -
'Limitless' memory? It may not be a good thing - Technology & science - Science - LiveScience - "'Everything I ever read, heard or seen was just organized and available,' Eddie Mora narrates. 'I knew exactly what I needed to do and how to do it.'"
BELIEVING... requires A C T I O N!

Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was." - Robert Louis Stevenson
Sameera Reddy - Lady in Black...oozingsexiness... that's Sameera for you! Shot this pic in Hongkong in the night.
"Nice people have a healthy relationship with food, and miserable people don't. " - Jamie Oliver

Feedback is the breakfast of champions- Rich Tate

The USS Missouri and Arizona Memorial in Pearl Harbor, Oahu, Hawaii
BELIEVING... requires A C T I O N!" ~James E. Faust

Keelbilled toucan in a rainforest in central Mexico
Man's MIND once stretched by a new idea... never regains its original dimension." ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
Think wrongly, if you please, but in all cases think for yourself - Doris Lessing
Breakthrough paves way for early-warning diabetes test - Science, News - The Independent
Breakthrough paves way for early-warning diabetes test - Science, News - The Independent: "A test to detect diabetes up to 10 years before the first symptoms appear could soon emerge from preliminary research showing that it is possible to find changes in the blood of people who go on to develop the disease."
6 Healthy Habits For Living Longer - AskMen
6 Healthy Habits For Living Longer - AskMen: "studies suggest that daily exercise can add up to three years to your life"
7 Tips for a Healthy Spine - Back Pain Center - Everyday Health
7 Tips for a Healthy Spine - Back Pain Center - Everyday Health: "Millions of people are affected by back pain every day. And beyond living with the pain itself, this kind of condition diminishes your quality of life — you often miss work and social activities that you enjoy and may not be able to accomplish even simple, everyday necessities."
Be passionate about profession just like Sachin: Srikkanth
Manorama Online | Be passionate about profession just like Sachin: Srikkanth: "BCCI chairman of selectors Krishmachari Srikkanth has said that one needs to be passionate about his or her profession just 'like how Sachin Tendulkar is about cricket'.
'Tendulkar, despite having scored 99 international centuries in his career spanning across two decades, almost never engaged a runner. At 37 years, he still exudes a passion as was seen during his last century against South Africa,' Srikkanth said addressing students of Anna University of Technology here."
'Tendulkar, despite having scored 99 international centuries in his career spanning across two decades, almost never engaged a runner. At 37 years, he still exudes a passion as was seen during his last century against South Africa,' Srikkanth said addressing students of Anna University of Technology here."
The world's top 10 airports
The world's top 10 airports
1. Incheon International Airport
2. Hong Kong International Airport
3. Changi International Airport, Singapore
4. Zurich International Airport
5. Munich International Airport
6. Kansai International Airport, Japan
7. Kuala Lumpur International Airport
8. Amsterdam International Airport
9. Centrair Nagoya Airport, Japan
10. Auckland Airport, New Zealand
posted on : 8/30/09
source: rediff
1. Incheon International Airport
2. Hong Kong International Airport
3. Changi International Airport, Singapore
4. Zurich International Airport
5. Munich International Airport
6. Kansai International Airport, Japan
7. Kuala Lumpur International Airport
8. Amsterdam International Airport
9. Centrair Nagoya Airport, Japan
10. Auckland Airport, New Zealand
posted on : 8/30/09
source: rediff
7 Tips for Launching a Successful Podcast
7 Tips for Launching a Successful Podcast: "Podcasts are among the oldest types of syndicated content on the web. Yet the format remains a popular choice among content producers looking to connect with a wide audience. Audio podcasts were the norm for many years, but video has taken the podcasting world to new heights."
Expert's guide to living longer
Expert's guide to living longer
WE all know smoking can kill. Or drinking too much. Or unsafe sex.
But your doc is unlikely to warn of the life-threatening perils of wearing a tie. Or winding down a car window.
Deaths can be seriously daft and now an expert has written a book on unlikely killers to watch out for.
American pathologist Jan Garavaglia penned How Not To Die after carrying out autopsies on one too many freaky fatalities.
She says: "You can avoid meeting your maker prematurely with the simplest life-saving acts."
Here, we look at some of her weirdest health warnings - while on the right are some unlikely mortality odds.
One of Jan's bugbears is RUGS scrunched up against sofas and other furniture in the home.
She tells the tale of one poor lass who was carrying a hairbrush, with the handle end pointed up, when she tripped and fell on an uneven rug.
The end of the brush went through her eye into her brain and she died in a puddle of blood.
Jan adds that falling is a serious problem, particularly for the elderly. You have a one-in-4,870 chance of being killed in a fall involving a bed or other furniture and a one-in-6,455 chance of doing yourself in by slipping, tripping or stumbling.
But all of us, no matter how old or how young, can take simple precautions.
Remove rugs from doorways and halls and look out for where they roll up and could turn into booby traps.
Also, keep your home clutter-free and install good lighting, slip-resistant flooring, grab rails and a night-light in the bathroom.
And don't get Jan started on TIES. She is not a fan.
Why? Because they swing into things, setting off all sorts of calamities.
But also because they are riddled with germs after being constantly fiddled with - yet seldom washed - by their owners.
CAR WINDOWS are another wind-up for Jan - because winding them down can leave you open to trouble.
She says you run a one-in-84 risk of dying in a road crash - and having a window down increases the risk of traumatic injury.
Rolling a window half-down can be even more deadly if you are thrown from your seat.
Open car windows also cause distraction. Most lads eyeing up passing girls will know this. But one poor trucker died when a bee flew into his cab, causing a crash.
Speed can also kill - when you are forced to decelerate in an emergency. The sudden force can be so intense that your insides will try to pass through your outsides.
And Jan says she has seen people almost cut in half by their lap belt because they did not also use the shoulder harness.
If all that has not put the heebie-jeebies up you, Jan also advises that SNORING can be a sure sign of trouble.
If a person on painkillers, with or without sedatives, snores loudly but does not normally do this, and you can't rouse him, call an ambulance. It may be the sound of his throat relaxing, signalling he is about to slip into a coma.
Beware holidays too - trying out new daredevil activities such as JET-SKIING sends your risk of a heart attack soaring.
source: the sun
WE all know smoking can kill. Or drinking too much. Or unsafe sex.
But your doc is unlikely to warn of the life-threatening perils of wearing a tie. Or winding down a car window.
Deaths can be seriously daft and now an expert has written a book on unlikely killers to watch out for.
American pathologist Jan Garavaglia penned How Not To Die after carrying out autopsies on one too many freaky fatalities.
She says: "You can avoid meeting your maker prematurely with the simplest life-saving acts."
Here, we look at some of her weirdest health warnings - while on the right are some unlikely mortality odds.
One of Jan's bugbears is RUGS scrunched up against sofas and other furniture in the home.
She tells the tale of one poor lass who was carrying a hairbrush, with the handle end pointed up, when she tripped and fell on an uneven rug.
The end of the brush went through her eye into her brain and she died in a puddle of blood.
Jan adds that falling is a serious problem, particularly for the elderly. You have a one-in-4,870 chance of being killed in a fall involving a bed or other furniture and a one-in-6,455 chance of doing yourself in by slipping, tripping or stumbling.
But all of us, no matter how old or how young, can take simple precautions.
Remove rugs from doorways and halls and look out for where they roll up and could turn into booby traps.
Also, keep your home clutter-free and install good lighting, slip-resistant flooring, grab rails and a night-light in the bathroom.
And don't get Jan started on TIES. She is not a fan.
Why? Because they swing into things, setting off all sorts of calamities.
But also because they are riddled with germs after being constantly fiddled with - yet seldom washed - by their owners.
CAR WINDOWS are another wind-up for Jan - because winding them down can leave you open to trouble.
She says you run a one-in-84 risk of dying in a road crash - and having a window down increases the risk of traumatic injury.
Rolling a window half-down can be even more deadly if you are thrown from your seat.
Open car windows also cause distraction. Most lads eyeing up passing girls will know this. But one poor trucker died when a bee flew into his cab, causing a crash.
Speed can also kill - when you are forced to decelerate in an emergency. The sudden force can be so intense that your insides will try to pass through your outsides.
And Jan says she has seen people almost cut in half by their lap belt because they did not also use the shoulder harness.
If all that has not put the heebie-jeebies up you, Jan also advises that SNORING can be a sure sign of trouble.
If a person on painkillers, with or without sedatives, snores loudly but does not normally do this, and you can't rouse him, call an ambulance. It may be the sound of his throat relaxing, signalling he is about to slip into a coma.
Beware holidays too - trying out new daredevil activities such as JET-SKIING sends your risk of a heart attack soaring.
source: the sun
7 Steps to Center Yourself and Acheive Good Sleep | Reader's Digest Version
7 Steps to Center Yourself and Acheive Good Sleep | Reader's Digest Version: "Sometimes it seems as though our culture has begun to view the need for sleep as a sign of weakness. It’s the new macho — and women are buying into it big-time. But your body was genetically programmed to spend one-third of its life asleep and to sleep in specific cycles of light sleep, deep sleep, and active-brain sleep. Each cycle takes 90 minutes, and each has a specific assignment that affects thinking, memory, growth, your immune system, and even your weight. Trying to tuck anything that important into an hour here and an hour there just won’t get the job done." Of Buffett's mistakes and wisdom Of Buffett's mistakes and wisdom: "For an active investor tracking the stock markets, Warren Buffett needs no introduction. Reams and reams of paper have been consumed in trying to explain the man behind the phenomenon.
Something that has not been adequately covered though are Buffett's mistakes. Before you pass this off as a joke, let us tell you that since investing is more of an art than science, mistakes cannot be completely eliminated and Warren Buffett was no different. As a matter of fact, in his letters to shareholders, he religiously highlights all his mistakes!
'We all learn a great deal more from our failures than our successes.' This is the wisdom that has been passed onto us from generations and if those failures or mistakes come from one of the greatest investors the world has ever known, imagine the kind of learning that can take place.
With this intention in mind, over the next few slides, we will cover a few lessons that Warren Buffett has learned from his own mistakes and how they can be of tremendous benefit to us."
Something that has not been adequately covered though are Buffett's mistakes. Before you pass this off as a joke, let us tell you that since investing is more of an art than science, mistakes cannot be completely eliminated and Warren Buffett was no different. As a matter of fact, in his letters to shareholders, he religiously highlights all his mistakes!
'We all learn a great deal more from our failures than our successes.' This is the wisdom that has been passed onto us from generations and if those failures or mistakes come from one of the greatest investors the world has ever known, imagine the kind of learning that can take place.
With this intention in mind, over the next few slides, we will cover a few lessons that Warren Buffett has learned from his own mistakes and how they can be of tremendous benefit to us."
Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work

Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most people don't recognize them. Ann Landers

WOMEN are like teabags; you never know how strong they are... until they're put in hot water." ~Eleanor Roosevelt

River Douro, Portugal
A dark horse, which had never been thought of, rushed past the grandstand in sweeping triumph - Benjamin Disaraeli

sometimes our greatest strength comes from our weakness - paulo coelho

The three great essentials to achieve anything worth while are, first, hard work; second, stick-to-itiveness; third, common sense - Thomas A Edison

Dubai mega-tower `last hurrah' to age of excess(ap)
They can conquer who believe they can- William Dryden
Great Face Masks | Real Simple
Great Face Masks | Real Simple: "These intensive treatments will help address a range of skin problems–from acne to dryness.
Best for Acne-Prone Skin
Use Kate Somerville’s kaolin clay-based Clearing Mask to banish breakouts. The phytic acid (a soybean-derived antioxidant) keeps skin smooth and diminishes the appearance of old acne scars."
Best for Acne-Prone Skin
Use Kate Somerville’s kaolin clay-based Clearing Mask to banish breakouts. The phytic acid (a soybean-derived antioxidant) keeps skin smooth and diminishes the appearance of old acne scars."
Animation - An UpComing Career Option

It's boom time for the Rs.13 billion ($approx $306 million) Indian animation industry with the likes of Hanuman, the monkey god, and Bal Ganesha, the elephant god, transforming the economics of the animation film industry.
Animation - An UpComing Career Option
Just in case you haven’t noticed the film world is being overrun by cartoon characters-from Toy story to a bug’s life to shark tales. Not content with children’s films. Animation has firmly established itself in mainstream cinema advertising, television and the gaming industry.
On one end of the spectrum are the fully animated features such as the recent blockbuster The Incredible or shark (1&2) lion king, and finding Nemo while even regular Titanic, The Matrix, lord of the rings and Harry Potter series extensively rely on digital photography and animation to bring alive breath-taking environment, monsters and fight sequences. And the is final fantasy whose entire cast is computer generated giving birth to a new term-“Synthespians” or digital actors!
The Indian animation industry is fast catching up –Pandavas – The Five Warriors, Ramayana the legend of prince Ram, Sindabad, Hum-tum Bhagmati and Hanuman have captured the fancy of US studios and won prestigious awards, a part from raking in several millions.
In fact the lead animators for the Hollywood blockbusters ANTZ, Batman forever, Titanic and Broken Arrow are Indian.
Employment opportunities
Although the animation industry in India still in its infancy (compared to other countries in the Asia pacific region such as Philippines, Taiwan and South Korea). It is fast emerging as a mega base for outsourcing animation and digital special effects production for Hollywood blockbusters and global studios such as Disney pictures, cartoon network, nickelodeon. John Carey, U.K; Rainbow, Italy and Neptuno, Spain besides catering to the local market.
The cost for making a full length animated film in America is $100 -$175 million while it costs not more than $15-$25 million in India which is leveraging this costs advantage to divert business from Canada and SE Asian countries
Internationally the animation industry can be categorised into two: outsourcing and original content .a majority of Indian companies are servicing contracts for the west and earn their bread and butter from low-end jobs like ‘in-betweening’ and ‘key farming’. The Magic words for opening the doors to success are ownership of the intellectual Property Rights of the animated feature. All outsourcing companies in India will eventually need to consider a paradigm shift and move over to creating original content.
To move up the value chain India animators must emulate the successful American formula of building their own IP to commercially exploit the licensing, video game and merchandising opportunities. Tenali Rama, adventures of chota Birbal, Panchatantra, are some examples.
While there are 10,000 –odd animators in the country presently, there is a demand for at least 50,000. About 1000-1,500animnators are churned out every year but animation studios feel that they need additional training to match international quality benchmarks.
Besides film and television the potential of this medium extends to diverse fields ranging from education to orthopedics, aeronautics, robotics, reverse engineering, digitizing, fashion and research. While high–end gaming technology is emerging as a hot field globally, animation is touted to be the next big thing on the internet as soon as the bandwidth constraints are resolved.
Some of our skilled English-speaking animators and graphic designers are also heading westward lured by attractive dollar salaries.
The work
The work animation process begins with the preparation of a storyboard, which provides a visual script for the animation sequence. Then modelling is used to convert real objects to animated ones by optically scanning them and converting them to digital form. The next step is scripting/movement control, which involves manipulating static images to give the illusion of moving pictures. Finally, rendering is used to make and objector characters appear lifelike by manipulating light, colour, texture, shadow and transparency.
2-D animation is so manpower-intensive that it takes a team of 50-60 people working full-time for 2weeks to make a simple 5-minute animation film! At an average of 24 frames per second, a film could end up using over 50,000 separate drawings (over 1.14 lakh frames were rendered for Toy story, using 8 lakh computer hours).
The hierarchy is as follows; every project has the main/lead animator who draws the main character its movements and expression. The in-between or clean-up Artist ‘rinders’ or fills the intermediate gaps in the key drawings left by the lead animator. Then there are Junior Artist, layout Artist background Artist and character designers. Typically the complete Pre-Production package, including the blueprint or storyboard, recorded dialogues and exposure sheets come from the client. Indian artists then work online drawing, colour filling, motion and detailing and send them to the client via satellite.
What it Takes
Animators must have excellent creative and artistic abilities-a flair for drawing, sketching or caricaturing(preferably a degree in graphic/applied/ fine art ) plus a good sense of humour and an observant eye to spot the incongrous. You need through knowledge of classical 2-d animation follwed by profiency in handling current animation and multimedia software i.e. ANIMO,MAYA, 3D STUDIO Max adobe after Effects ,tictactoon, flash Gift Animator, ULead and a good compositing software like Adobe Photo Shop, Illustrate or Corel Draw. While 2-D animation has almost reached a plateau globally, Flash and 3-D animation, being much more realistic are now the rage.
The skill-set required for 3D animation is far more intricate than for 2D and animation houses in the US, UK and Canada are on the lookout for alternate low cost production centers for 3D animation.
For the Indian animation industry this is an excellent opportunity just waiting to be exploited provided we have competent manpower.
While an animator can do an entire 2Dframe on his own, an entire team of artists have to work in tandem to get the lighting, composition, modelling and rigging right to compose a frame in 3D
A good portfolio is the primary means by which employers evaluate animators. The portfolio is a collection of handmade computer generated, or printed examples of the artist’s work. Internship also provides excellent opportunities to gain hands-on experience.
What you’ll make
Starting off with approx. Rs.7, 000 -Rs10, 000p.m as a trainee, and between Rs.12, 000-Rs 40,000 p.m., within a few years.
Where to Train
Numerous institutes have sprung up to turn into a multimedia pro. But a word of advice; Don’t just settle for any of the two –bit courses offered at every nukkad these days. They won’t get you anywhere most of these teaching shops focus on the software instead of honing your animation skills.
Animation is also taught as paper in many BFA courses like those offered at the college of Art, Delhi and Chandigarh for instance as there are few formal courses in this subject some companies recruit fresh BFA graduates and put them through rigorous in-house training.
o Aptech university (at arena multimedia centers)www.arena – /
o Birla institute of Technology, MESHRA (Extn centers: Jaipur &A-7, sector-1, Noida-2010301)
o C-DAC ( multi-location, A-34 Indl Area, phase-viii, SAS Nagar,Mohali 160071
o C-DAC,National Multimedia Resource Center , Agriculture college,near District Industries Center, Shivajinagar, Pune 411005(Mah)
o Centre for Development of Imaging Technology , chitranjali studio omplex Thirunvallom PO, Thiruvananthapuram 695027 (C-DIT ) & intergrated information Technology centre Thiruvananthapuram (ker)
o Film & Television institute of India , law college road Pune 411004(mah)
o Heat Animatoin Academy , 7a road #12, Banjara Hills hyderabad –500034 (Ap)&Mumbai
o IIT-Guwahati , North Guwahati ,Guwahati 781039 (Ass) www.iitb.ernetin
o IIT Mumbai, Industrial Design Centre ,powai Mumbai 400076 (MAH)
o National institute of Design (NID), paldi ,Ahmedabad 380007(guj)
(employment news)
Celebrate Internet @ 40

Timothy Berners-Lee holds the Quadriga prize.
Celebrate Internet@forty
When two adjacent computers began to exchange data on September 2, 1969 in a UCLA lab, no one saw it as a giant step for humankind. The Internet started as a university project and was nurtured by visionary professionals and enthusiastic amateurs as an open access network for exchanging information and knowledge. A tremendous combination of idealism, creativity, and hard work, along with game-changing inventions in computing, has made the Internet what it is today. The ability to connect easily and communicate extensively and ‘the rewards of unanticipated opportunities’ are some of the benefits hundreds of millions of people around the world reap from this revolution. According to, a handy data source, the estimated number of Net users worldwide is 1.67 billion or about 25 per cent of the global population; this represents a growth of 360 per cent over 2000. The Future of Internet III, a survey of internet leaders and analysts conducted by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project (2008), shows that there is much more technological innovation to come. This will advance the architecture and use of the Internet, with the mobile device becoming the primary device for online access. While there is no reason to doubt the basis of this optimism, the Internet faces several challenges today.
Jonathan Zittrain, an Internet guru, sees the ‘counter-revolutionary’ drive from ‘generativity’ — the greatest gift of the Internet — to a centrally controlled ‘appliancized network’ and ‘tethered’ appliances as the greatest concern. He believes the generative Internet can be preserved for everybody through new technologies and changed behaviour. The lack of ‘net neutrality’ is a barrier to healthy growth. The increasing presence of proprietary networks, the unwillingness of service providers to allow the free flow of ‘various forms of data traffic,’ and stiff pricing tend to discourage both use and innovation. The other side of the coin is that the generative Internet has perpetuated the ‘cult of the amateur,’ which tends to undermine its credibility. The way forward is not to hand over the World Wide Web to `experts’ — but to foster the collaborative nature of the vast creative space. The Internet faces serious security threats with juvenile behaviour, unethical hacking, and spamming far from overcome. Technology can help make the Internet a safer place but it must not become the basis for authoritarian controls. Developing countries, including India, are a long way from empowering their people through the Internet. Improved and accessible bandwidth and cheaper hardware hold the key to bringing the benefits of the Internet to the unconnected millions. The next generation Internet Protocol, which will provide a wider base for creating web addresses and facilitate Internet growth, can make a real difference to this situation — provided bold and progressive policies are pursued.
source: Hindu
Saina eyes Olympic gold

President Pratibha Patil presents the Arjuna Award to ace shuttler Saina Nehwal from Hyderabad during a ceremony in Rashtrapati Bhavan on Saturday. Saina and cricketer Gautam Gambhir were among 15 sportspersons to receive the award.
"I am happy that my performance and hard work is being rewarded. It motivates me to perform better. I want to dedicate it to my parents and coach"
saina nehwal
winds of change

"If a man hasn’t discovered something that he will die for, he isn’t fit to live" ~Martin Luther King Jr

It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge – Albert Einstein

Sometimes in the winds of change we find our true direction. - Anonymous
inspirational quotes
Saturday, November 2, 2013
Concentrate all of your thoughts on the task at hand

“Remember that failure is an event, not a person” -Zig Ziglar
"A HUNCH... is C R E A T I V I TY trying to tell you something" ~Frank Capra
I will speak to youth which can accomplish everything, precisely because it accepts no past, obeys no present and fears no future – Rudyard Kipling

Never let your memories be greater than your dreams.” ~Doug Ivester

Concentrate all of your thoughts on the task at hand. The sun's rays do not burn until brought to a focus - Alexander Graham Bell
Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes

Ideas are the beginning points of all fortunes. ~ Napoleon Hill

"Beware of the man of one book." ~Italian saying

If you're a champion, you have to have it in your heart.~Chris Evert

Ignore those who talk behind your back, it simply means that you are two steps ahead ~Unknown

The purpose of life is a life of purpose - Ralph Waldo Emerson
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