Saturday, October 5, 2013
Wednesday, October 2, 2013
freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope ...

I want freedom
If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with success unexpected in common hours.
-- Henry David Thoreau

All the great things are simple, and many can be expressed in a single word: freedom, justice, honor, duty, mercy, hope - Winston Churchill

The tableau of Karnataka
In the truest sense, freedom cannot be bestowed; it must be achieved - Franklin D. Roosevelt

The tableau of Ministry of Culture
"Pessimism never won any battle." - Dwight D. Eisenhower

The Rohini Radar DRDO passes through Rajpath
"We need men who can dream of things that never were." - John F. Kennedy

The Agni-III passes through Rajpath
"I tried marijuana once. I did not inhale." -Bill Clinton

The Multiple Launch Rocket System passes through Rajpath
"The things I want to know are in books; my best friend is the man who'll get me a book I ain't read." -Abraham Lincoln

india republic
"People are just about as happy as they make up their minds to be." - Abraham Lincoln

Favorite Gandhi Quotes #1 Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #2 Fear is not a disease of the body; fear kills the soul.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #3 The difference between what we do and what we are capable of doing would suffice to solve most of the world's problems.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #4 We must become the change we want to see.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #5 The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #6 An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #7 Weeding is as necessary to agriculture as sowing.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #8 When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall -- think of it, ALWAYS.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #9 Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into.
Favorite Gandhi Quotes #10 The only tyrant I accept in this world is the still voice within.
inspirational quotes
Why separate #Telangana?
My dear friends, there is something happening in southern part of India in the region of
Telangana, people are agitating, Students who are supposed to write their exams in 1st
and 2nd weeks of December are on roads farmers, workers, lecturers, doctors, lawyers
etc., every employee are in a mood to agitate.
I am writing this mail to you all who are -working in private, government firms, NRI’s
(people here felt very happy when NRI’s from many states in USA agitated for
Telangana state in Washington D.C)-students who are still pursuing their education in
India and abroad-to remind you if you know about it or to tell you if you don’t know the
reasons behind it. This is just an attempt to awaken you to let you know the truth.
Dear comrades of Telangana this is the time to debate and tell others what is the
significance of the struggle and win over their hearts. For this, it is must that we should
know what is the struggle about? (Unfortunately most of us do not know or just don’t
care about it as we do not find time in our busy and luxurious lives).
History and statistics of Telangana and Andhra regions:
It is yet to be established about the point of origin of the Telugu language. Telugu
is a predominant language in Southern part of India. Speakers of Telugu are
spread from Deccan region to the East coast region of India.
Hyderabad state had total 16 districts: 8 Telangana + 5 Marat Wada + 3 Kannada
speaking districts.
Nizam dynasty ruled it from 1724 to 1948.
Struggle against the king started somewhere in 1943 and it reached new heights
after 17th August 1947 as king refused to join the Indian union as he had an idea
of making it a part of Pakistan.
Police action started on September 13th and on September 17th of 1948 Hyderabad
state became a part of Indian Union.
Telangana saw its 1st elected government of Boorgula Ramakrishna Rao in 1952,
the 4 years vacuum in government sector was filled by people of Andhra region.
Then started the MULKI struggle (mulk stands for state in Urdu), GAIR MULKI
GO BACK was the slogan at that time. It was a very simple but effective tactic
by the Govt of India to control the people, officers from Andhra region were
placed to monitor the activities in Telangana, for example police of Telangana
state was formed by constables from Telangana region and officers from Andhra
region. I need not remind you how well will our police department work and it is
the direct govt in many places.
Andhra Rastra creation and role of Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Garu:
On 19th of October 1952 Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Garu
started indefinite hunger strike for separation of Telugu speaking people from Madras
presidency, with Madras as its capital. He died on 15th December 1952 the 63rd day of
fasting and Delhi cleared the way for Andhra Rastra, and on 1st October 1953 Andhra
Rastra was created with Kurnool as capital. But our great leaders and stupid students of
Andhra Pradesh will praise him as the father of AP on every November 1st .
Then what is November 1st -the day of treachery!
There was a demand for language based state in several parts of the country and so
among few Telugu speaking people of south India.
SRC was commissioned by Delhi and was headed by Supreme Court judge Fazal
Ali. He clearly mentioned that 8 Telugu speaking districts of Hyderabad state should
be clubbed into a state called Telangana and if interested in future its assembly must
vote with 2/3rd majority so that Telangana can be a part of a United Telugu state.
He made points both for and against the unification:
AGAINST unification:
It is not good to merge two regions which are unequal in development
Andhra is in deficit budget and Telangana is in surplus and there is every danger
of the surplus being used by deficit region
People of Andhra are well versed with English and telugu education if a state is
unified under telugu banner then Telangana people will be the losers because for
generations telugu was not administrative language (Urdu was the administrative
language here)
Telangana is a plateau region where as the Andhra is plain and fertile utilization
of water resources will be unequal under a unified state.
FOR unification:
Andhra region will benefit from the infrastructure of Hyderabad and hence the
problem of their capital (read it as capital in tents) will be solved.
Both regions can exchange food and mineral resources so that there can be an
all around development. (now anyone can easily verify what amount of
minerals Telangana lost to this unified state but what amount of food it got in
In 1956 C.M’s (chief ministers) of Hyderabad and
Andhra Rastra met in Hyderabad, and leaders from both regions participated in it.
ANDHRA leaders: Bejawada Gopal Reddy, Neelam Sanjeev Reddy, Alluri
Satyanarayana Raju, Gautu Lacchnna
TELANGANA leaders: Boorgula Ramakirshna Rao, konda Venkata Reddy, Marri
Chenna Reddy, J.V. Narsimhlu
Both the groups came to an agreement on the formation of state and on 1st November
1956. Thus Andhra Pradesh became 1st state which formed on basis of language.
(Leaders made a mockery of democracy don’t they know how things are run in a
democracy? Did they seek permission of people from both the regions for the
unification? The attitude was similar to Scottish noble men, in English we call it
Horse trading.
The then P.M Jawaharlal Nehru on 5th march 1955 while he was in tour of
Nizamabad district of Telangana state was asked to comment on Andhra
Pradesh state, in reply he made a statement “EK MASOOM BHOLI BHALI
need to know a bit poetry and politics to understand this, he said an innocent girl
(Telangana) is being wed to a clever boy (Andhra Rasthram) it is of their choice
to continue or to get separated. Here he speaks about a plebiscite ie., a referendum
(people can vote yes or no in it). When will government seek the decision by
direct vote?
The main points of the treaty made during unification:
If one region gets post of chief minister then the other region has to get the
post of deputy chief minister and out of ministries of home, finance, revenue,
trade, planning , industries any of the two ministries should be given to
Telangana MLA’s. (as soon as Sanjeev reddy of Andhra region became CM
of AP he abolished the post of Deputy CM)
Prohibition of liquor consumption in Andhra region but not in Telangana ( the
excise amount collected in Telangana was used by AP but not Telangana)
Cost of administration should be in ratio of 2:1 (Andhra: Telangana) (the
surplus of Telangana which was left by Nizam was used by AP state)
Appointment for jobs on ratio of population (now the qualifications were set
high which made the Urdu educated youth as unqualified)
If there is a need to remove government job holders then they should be
removed in equal ratio (if the recruitment is not in a equal ratio don’t expect
the removal to be in equal ratio)
Residence of 12 years was compulsory to get jobs. (which was brought down
to 4 years by agitation of JAI ANDHRA in 1970’s)
Andhra people should not buy lands of Telangana farmers
(implementation of this point need not be explained by me).
Cabinet allocation must be in ration of 3:2(Andhra: Telangana) and a Muslim
from Telangana must be in the cabinet.
The only two commonalities in between these two regions is they speak Telugu and they
are all Indians. The story of Rayalaseema was altogether different, after winning
Rayalaseema which was in hands of different rulers Britishers included it in its madras
Now let us try to look into things that happened after independence.
Nizam who remained here had no political significance he feared the charges of
genocide and left to turkey with his family, and what was left in Telangana was a
huge power vacuum.
Andhra region was lucky enough as they had a first hand experience of how
things will run in post independence India because Indian union adopted the same
British democracy which Andhra people were well acquaintance with.
Local landlords of Telangana remained intact as they were not talking of union
with Pakistan and Delhi did not feel they were a threat to the union. Moreover as
the landlords had access to modern education they realized the benefit of joining
the congress party. Now the people of Telangana fell into the fire from the pan,
the new enemy was a part of the system and any move against them will be
counted as an outlaw
The whole story in India and even in Telangana starts here, as it is free India now
everyone has equal right on assets. But practically land lords were holding long
stretches of land and were reluctant to give the rights.
Here the ruling party at the centre (I need not name it) found a best way to solve
this problem the same old way of asking and persuading which brought us freedom.
This might work in every other place but will that work in Telangana?
The answer would be NO because we did not beg for freedom, we SNATCHED it
from the oppressor and so will be the case of lands, so began the struggle for the land.
That is why the Naxalbury movement on 1967 turned into an alternate solution for
the problems of land distribution in Telangana, the state which should look after its
people once again stood by the oppressor and crushed the people of Telangana.( please
read about the radical movement against the local land lords from any sources you have)
Struggle of 1969:
This movement was raised by Marri Chenna Reddy when kasu Bramhananda
Reddy was the then CM of AP, people agitated fiercely and the new PM Inidra
Gandhi was observing the events (as what Sonia Gandhi is doing now). Nearly
400 people (90% students) of Telangana died.
In 1969 few points were made to ease the tensions:
All the employees who got employment against the rules shall be removed
( not implemented till date)
Action against those who got in with JAALI certificates ( no action taken
against any such persons)
Extension of mulki rules to local administration.
Seniority must be respected as per the Supreme Court orders.
Funds siphoned from Telangana must be given back ( ?????)
Increase the educational facilities in Hyderabad (nothing from government
was established but we can feel the heat of Andhra corporate colleges here
in Telangana now)
Telangana praja samiti party won 10 MP (Member of Parliament) seats
but same old story of noble men, treachery followed victory. All the winners
joined in congress and Chenna Reddy became CM of AP and hence called off
the struggle.
You find statues of potti sriramulu all over AP but all the 400 odd who died in
1969 Separate Telangana agitation did not find place even in Government
JAI ANDHRA movement:
Supreme Court of India denied to accept the case filed by people of
Andhra region and solidified the MULKI rules, then started Jai Andhra
movement and result was a death blow to Telangana, the following decisions
were taken to ease the tensions:
All the mulki rules were quashed
Telangana regional committee was cancelled
People started claiming Hyderabad as FREE ZONE (it is written no
where in records about free zone)
Period of residence brought down from 12 to 4 years
Govt stopped maintaining separate accounts for both the regions
Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana
Junior colleges 266 138 176
Degree colleges 167 70 74
All kinds of schools 26,786 12,857 17,594
Teachers in schools 88,435 38,552 65,040
Literacy rate 39% 38% 30%
Amount spent on
aided Junior
colleges (in crores)
17.4 7.73 2.63
Amount spent on
aided Junior
colleges (in crores)
from 1969
365 162 55
Amount spent on
aided degree
colleges (in crores)
38.52 8.74 5.76
Amount spent on
aided Junior
colleges (in crores)
from 1956
848 181 121
Primary schools (%) 48 23 29
Information as per 2001-02 government records
At any point Telangana with its 10 districts is either given a status equal to or less than
Rayalaseema with 4 districts, now if you compare with Andhra the picture will be
For every 1 lakh Andhra people and 70,000 Rayalaseema people there is a government
junior college and in Telangana for every 6 lakhs students there is a government junior
In case of govt degree college in both the regions for every 1,75,000 students there is a
college and 3,75,000 Telangana students have a college.
Osmania was established by Nizam in 1918 so that cant be a credit of AP, now let us look
at the universities in AP:
Andhra+ Rayalaseema regions:
Nagarjuna University-Guntur : 1976
Srikrishna devaraya University-Anantapur:1978
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam -Tirupathi : 1983
NTR University of Health Sciences – Vijayawada : 1986
Dravida bhasa University-kuppam-2002
Vemana University-kadapa-2006
Raja Raja narendra University-rajamundry-2006
Andhra University-vishakapatnam-1925 (this cant be credited to independent
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha-Tirupathi (Chittoor) -1985
10. Sri Vinkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (upgraded to medical university in
National Institute of Technology-warangal-1959
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University –Hyderabad-1964
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-Hyderabad-1972
The English & Foreign language university-Hyderabad-upgraded to university
kakatiya University-warangal-1976
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open university-Hyderabad-1982
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University-Hyderabad-1985
Maulana Azad National Urdu University-Hyderabad-1998
International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad-1998
10. Telangana University-nizamabad-2006
11. mahatma Gandhi university-Nalgonda-2006
University of Hyderabad was established in 1974, it is similar to all other central
universities 80% of its seats should be filled by local (Telangana students) as per the
initial rules but once again think rationally in 1970’s you establish a central university
for P.G’s and further education what was the basic qualification in Telangana at that
time? What was the political scene then? Were people ready for it?
Result administration felt that seats are not being filled, so they are now being filled by
people from all over India and other regions of AP.
Many of the colleges in Telangana region as you see are limited to Hyderabad and here
government calls that they lie in Telangana but recruitment is done by treating them as
free zone colleges.
I would like to start with the Singur Project on Mangeera River it was built to irrigate
the fields of Medak but it was used to quench thirst of Hyderabad which is filled with
settlers. Why are they fetching water from a Telangana district? And the Rs 250 crores
that was spent on this project was shown to be spent on Telangana.
When this question was raised government brought Krishna water to Hyderabad in a
gigantic feat by laying huge pipe lines. Are we not acting like Romans by just taking care
of capital and leaving other places to their fate and when their raise voice state uses
police to crush their voices?
Built on: River Krishna.
Location: Nalgonda district. 21 villages of Nalgonda got submerged.
Krishna will enter in Mahboobnagar and 69% of its path is in Telangana and 13% in
Andhra region and Rayalaseema 18%.
But Andhra uses 65% of its water, and Rayalaseema uses 20% of its water.
Right canal and left canal of this dam are supposed to provide equal water to Andhra and
Telangana regions respectively, now for various reasons Andhra are getting water to
irrigate 20 lakhs acres and Telangana is getting water for only for 5 lakh acres.
Thanks to K.L Rao, the designer of the dam.
The result is the fields which are being cultivated in Guntur are more than 10 Telangana
Built on: river Krishna
Location: Kurnool district of Rayalaseema
Mahboobnagar which fell in the catchment area of the dam lost 117 villages. 2 lakhs
people were made homeless, now I need not talk about compensation it is similar all over
India 1st vacate them and they had to leave it to fate and lead rest of their life in slums
Palamoor of Mahboobnagar got its name as it was rich in cultivation and domestic
animals were very abundant. Now after this dam was constructed the picture turned
upside down, after Orissa Palamoor is the largest provider of Migrating labour.
Project Tungabhadra:
Built on: river Tungabhadra
Nizam started the project in 1948 and is supposed to give 20TMC (Thousand Million
Cubic Feet) of water to Mahboobnagar, but the canal which was to siphon water till
Mahboobnagar was stopped abruptly.
Rajolibanda diversion
Laid the last nail to the coffin to irrigation in Mahboobnagar it is diverting all water to
Rayalaseema as you know how decent are the leaders of Rayalaseema and their style of
handling democracy.
Bachawat tribunal awarded 17TMC (Thousand Million Cubic Feet) of water to Jurala
project(on river Krishna) and 30 years after the verdict the project capacity has been
reduced to 10 TMC and it is still on hold as govt of AP is hesitating to pay 30crore
compensation to villages in Karnataka and Palamoor is still starving.( government
recently started some work here in agreement with Karnataka government and people are
full confident that it will stop for one or the other reason)
Of its entire path in AP Godavari flows 79% in Telangana and 21% in Andhra but
numbers change when it comes to irrigation 10% of land in Telangana is irrigated and I
need not tell u about delta irrigation of Andhra.
Pochampad project of Nizamabad which was stared 35 years ago got rechristened as
SRSP (Sri Ram Sagar Project) and it is still waiting for some or the other work to be
done. Gutpa Lift irrigation is yet to function fully. But Telugu Ganga of Andhra region
which was stated 13 years ago is completed and is functioning well.
1. Azam jahi mills-Warangal,
2. Osmania chemicals,
3. Nizam sugars-Nizamabad,
4. Taj glass factory-Hyderabad,
5. Praga tools-Hyderabad,
6. Sirpur paper mills-Adilabad,
7. Singareni Collieries-Adilabad, Karimnagar, Khammam
8. Hyderabad asbestos
Are they sounding something like they were brought by settlers who claim that
they bought investments? Andhra districts had just rice mills before independence, now
by the grace of AP people of Telangana lost what they have. All the companies that I
mentioned above are evidences of rich and varied industrial strength of Telangana region
which are no more.
Let us take a look at the statistics about concessions(subsidies) and number of labourers.
Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana
60% 7.5% 12.5%
Agro based
54 23 23
National bank
54 16 30
Industries 6000 750 1250
Workers (lakhs) 2.56 0.30 0.95
Daily labours(lakhs) 3.16 0.70 0.81
This clearly shows the step motherly treatment of government of AP towards Telangana.
The industries were spread in all districts when it was under nizam but now industries are
located in Hyderabad, whole Rangareddy district is Walloped by Greater Hyderabad,
Medak which has highest number of chemical factories is chocking of pollution, and all
the other districts are still waiting for industries to come. All the industries of Nizam
which gave people of Telangana a great opportunity are now dwindling due to lack of
support or else this can be put in this way that AP govt left them to grow older decay and
610 GO (Government Order):
The then CM N.T. Rama Rao on 30th December 1985 issued G.O number 610 to correct
the mistakes in allocation of jobs from 1975 to 1985. Its main function was to transfer the
Andhra employees to their region and Telangana people will be given jobs in that vacated
places. And 31st march 1986 was dead line for its implementation.
High lights of 610 G.O:
All job holders filled in contrast with the rules must be sent back by 31st march
All non gazette cadre employees appointed under Jurala, Srisailam ,Sri ram Sagar
projects should be transferred to their zones.
Strict action against those who turned to mal practices
All appeals regarding this issues must be solved by 31st march 1986
All appointments that took place after presidential order must be corrected by 31st
march 1986
As per 1986 calculations 59,000 such jobs were given to non locals in Telangana region
and no discrepancies in Rayalaseema and Andhra regions.
Now what is the solution as per 610 G.O?
Simple and straight the jobs of non locals increased to 2,50,000 + in 20 years of
time after 1986.
I don’t know why great legendary C.M’s words are not implemented?
How will be the implementation of GO 610 is possible, the orders are implemented by
secretariat, by this time you might have understood which region people work in
secretariat. Over a period of time people of Telangana were not given jobs only for the
reason that they cant read and write proper telugu!
Apply a bit rationality 224 years of Urdu rule and all of a sudden you ask us to
compete with Andhra region. Is this a way a people’s govt deal with its people?
The questions regarding Hyderabad:
“Hyderabad is developed by us (Andhra people)”
I feel puzzled when I hear this sentence from few
(under educated) youth , once again into the history when the great floods of 1900’s
ravaged away the Hyderabad, Nizam ordered engineers to design the city in a proper
way the result was moksha gundam vishveshwarayya the legendary civil engineer
designed the city with good sanitary system with well lined drainages canals to
discharge the downpour etc., the city was constructed for growing population on
calculated basis (ask a civil engineer you will know how this can be done ).
Now the only aberration here is the addition of 13 more districts to Telangana
districts and Hyderabad was named as the capital. What kind of justice is this? Taxes
of Telangana people were used to build the capital and who are enjoying it?
“We (people of Andhra) brought infrastructure to Hyderabad”
Its the worlds most pathetic joke I ever
heard. What was the capital of Andhra Rastra? KURNOOL, fine where was its
secretariat? Guess where? It was in tents.
Now Hyderabad was a place with an Airport, Railway lines to connect it to main
land(built by nizam) , and of all the greatest technical advantage is the one who
knows to use it is now in Turkey and the one who should actually use them are
struggling to survive and secure their rights.
Now all those offices and buildings were used by the new govt of Andhra
Yes things were also built here even after unification of state but to my doubt
were all those things were of no use to settlers? Did they build them just for
philanthropic purpose?
And if the people of coastal Andhra were that great in their Entrepreneurship
skills they could have invested it right there where they were and developed it.
This clearly indicates that they had some easy benefits which brought them here.
“Telangana is backward”:
Few intellectuals (please read it rather as fools) argue that Telangana is
rather backward, after reading the data that I gave it will be easy for
you to understand how good was its GDP when it was it with nizam,
though despotic Nizam rulers built industries, how many big industries
did Telangana get after 1956 and how many did Andhra region get.
And now nizam sugars which gave a huge sum of Rs 6 lakhs as a relief
fund during 1962 Indo-china war is no more a public sector (owned by
people’s govt) company it is in the hands of private management.
Read about the glory in Mahboobnagar and Karimnagar from any
sources, you understand the pathetic condition of them after the
If some would argue that we had problem of radical movement, then
the state and such people should be ashamed of blaming them.
Radicals are different from dacoits and thugs they are born out of
system which is incompetent to solve their problem. Here people
prefer not to live in darkness and accept the terms imposed on them.
Many people accuse people of Telangana as people who lack interest
in development here is a straight question for those people what is
development? First you define it and go ahead with the discussion;
development varies from region to region. We need peace and security
to develope , which Telangana lacked almost till 1990’s and who is to
be blamed for it ? Obviously Both the centre and state governments ,
now if some one say that state was busy dealing with such matters then
let them advice what else could people do if they were being
persecuted by the very forces of state?
And can you please find a person in this world who does not want
good health facilities? Good education? Security? And a respectful and
peaceful life? Some one claim that they bring investment which we
lack, then let them take it back, no one would have stopped the British
if they took away the parliament building , Raisina palace(raj bhavanpresidential
palace of India), prakasham barrage which they built
during their rule. Did they built these all just for us to look and feel the
beauty? No they had some use out of it and so are the investments of
the settlers.
Now after decades long fight against landlords’ things turned to normalcy in rural
Telangana, but we lost more that 4 decades in that now you suddenly announce the
liberalization in 1990’s and ask business men of Telangana to compete with Andhra
business men? Is the race between two equals or between unequal’s? Now to fill the gap
business men from North India also came with their huge investments to AP to establish
their companies. Even if a Business men from Telangana wants to invest by borrowing a
loan from a bank whom will the bank issue a loan? To a company which has huge
amount of security and history or to a person who came from no where?
The answer is known. People of Telangana are not against the people who are poor, poor
people will migrate only when there is no other choice left for them , we are against the
greedy land grabbers and industrialists.
Now the state (India) says if separate state is created it will be hub of Maoists and they
point their fingers at Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh! It is senseless to say so giving a
separate state does not mean it is the end the centre has to take some additional care,
human being with this long history of evolution will always take care of a pregnant
women and mother with an infant, we won’t leave them expecting them to learn from the
history. If a state with such a great mechanism can’t utilize its resources to take care of its
people then what use of that state will be? Don’t you know what happened to Mughal
empire and Roman empire?
“It is good to be one as we all speak a common language”
The concept of discrimination starts
from naming of the state when Marathi speaking people named their state as
Maharashtra, Guajarati people as Gujarat, Tamil speaking people as Tamil nadu, why did
they name telugu speaking people as Andhra Pradesh why could not this be Telugu Nadu
or Telugu Pradesh?
If common language is the base of unity then why did British and USA fight 2 bitter wars
(1776 & 1812) though they speak common language?
If u say that they are not geographically connected then atleast say why does not Canada
and USA cant join to form a nation, they both speak English right?
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Delhi all speak in Hindi
should we combine them? Will they accept it?
Go to Scotland and ask any one are you English? Then he will angrily reply that he is a
Scottish, and the bombs of Ireland republican association went off till last decade in
streets of London.
Even though their struggle traces back to 13th century Scottish and Irish people kept their
struggle alive.
The argument is simple it is not language or land that make a state it is the people and
culture make them a state. State stands for people but not a land mass. They concept of
centralizing everything is a myth you cant run this big country sitting in Delhi until and
unless it shows some respect to regional feelings. Why did all the previous empires did
not withstand in India. Could Alla-Ud-Din-khilji and mughal rulers establish their
authority by force?
“Telangana will once again move into muslim domination”
There is no place for communalism (atleast) in
Telangana, when Razakars of nizam of were harassing people of Telangana many
Muslim youth stood by the side of the oppressed, maqdoom moinuddin is the best
example for it.
Abid Hassan was the deputy of Subash Chandra Bose in INA and he hails from
Hyderabad. Go and look in rural Telangana who will dance for PIR’s Of Muslims?
And there is no need for Muslims to prove their patriotism. Telangana has common
enemies as the poor of other parts of world has hunger, corruption, oppression,
inequality, are our enemies but not a single religion and we will fight the inequality till
victory is ours.
“Demand for separate state will lead to disintegration of country”
If that is the case Telangana was a separate country
altogether for 13 months why did people fight to join Indian union? Our fight isn’t like
Khalistan or any other separatist movement. Just refer to contributions of Telangana
during 1962 indo china war and other national catastrophes?
Time has come to correct the policy at the centre. The centre must take care of only
Finance, Defense & external affairs it should give chance for the states to evolve,
people of north east, Telangana, vidharabha, bhundelkhand, etc., must be given a chance
to prove themselves they must be given time to evolve and understand the main stream
Differences between both regions:
Political system Governed by king at the centre
and landlords at the village level
Governed by British
Police local landlords looked after law
and order
Police of British similar
to today’s police system
Civil administration Controlled by land lords Controlled by state
machinery which is
similar to today’s
Legal system Old styled system which was
slightly corrected to modern one
in later part of 20th century.
Most of the cases were solved
by caste councils
Courts solved the disputes
and everything was
Position of Dalit’s Enjoyed no rights and VETTI
(slavery) system was
predominant, debt bondage kept
people in grips of land lords. No
Major caste movements until
the radical movement in began
in 1970’s
Though it was not good
but at least some had
access to missionary
education and modern
education. more over
campaign against
untouchability and caste
movements were present
Industries Huge industries were present all
industries were owned by state
ie., the king.
large scale Industries
were not present
Connectivity Connectivity was excellent
because of railways and
Most of the places which fall in
line with Bombay and
Hyderabad were connected with
It was similar to rest of
Agriculture Fairly good but land was
unequally distributed. Taxes
were very high and were
sometime up to 50% of
production, that made Nizam
one of the richest kings.
Cultivation was a
respectful occupation
because of Delta
irrigation and other
Status of education Urdu was official language,
Urban People were educated
with what they were required,
they were good at Nizams local
legal system and every other
aspect to lead a life in nizam
state. But such education was of
no use after unification as the
system was changed, and even
the educated in the old system is
now not worth of a single pie
Good at education
because of missionary
education and other
Health Unani hospitals were
predominantly present Nizam
charitable trust(1961 later
rechristened to NIMS) and
Niloufer hospital(1949) are the
British styled hospitals
established by colonialists
best examples of medical
services here
Freedom struggle Were not integrated with main
land India’s freedom struggle
Were in full integration
with main land India’s
Fight against People of Telangana fought
against a despotic ruler and
wanted to be a part of Indian
Andhra people were part
of madras presidency and
were already a part of
India like all other places
Kind of struggle It was more or less a class
struggle which started in 1943
and became a large scale armed
struggle after august 15 1947 to
integrate into free India
It was a fight against
Date of independence After a year long struggle by its
people and the police action the
state of Nizam became a part of
Indian Union on 17th September
It got independence on
17th august 1947
If you have not thought all this till date, please spend some time thinking. SOCHA
NAHIN THO SOCHO ABHI…….please my dear friends this is the right time to ask for
your rights raise your voice or atleast show that there is some difference atleast protest
wearing black badges or working for over time. Read more and debate about it. If you
are in government firms please participate in PEN DOWN agitations.
NOTE: If you find any mistakes in the statistics you can always write back to me, I got
this all information from different books, open sources and from discussions of
Telangana students of University of Hyderabad Campus. The arguments I made are
views and mine and several other people of Telangana who are agitating for separate state
source: internet
Telangana, people are agitating, Students who are supposed to write their exams in 1st
and 2nd weeks of December are on roads farmers, workers, lecturers, doctors, lawyers
etc., every employee are in a mood to agitate.
I am writing this mail to you all who are -working in private, government firms, NRI’s
(people here felt very happy when NRI’s from many states in USA agitated for
Telangana state in Washington D.C)-students who are still pursuing their education in
India and abroad-to remind you if you know about it or to tell you if you don’t know the
reasons behind it. This is just an attempt to awaken you to let you know the truth.
Dear comrades of Telangana this is the time to debate and tell others what is the
significance of the struggle and win over their hearts. For this, it is must that we should
know what is the struggle about? (Unfortunately most of us do not know or just don’t
care about it as we do not find time in our busy and luxurious lives).
History and statistics of Telangana and Andhra regions:
It is yet to be established about the point of origin of the Telugu language. Telugu
is a predominant language in Southern part of India. Speakers of Telugu are
spread from Deccan region to the East coast region of India.
Hyderabad state had total 16 districts: 8 Telangana + 5 Marat Wada + 3 Kannada
speaking districts.
Nizam dynasty ruled it from 1724 to 1948.
Struggle against the king started somewhere in 1943 and it reached new heights
after 17th August 1947 as king refused to join the Indian union as he had an idea
of making it a part of Pakistan.
Police action started on September 13th and on September 17th of 1948 Hyderabad
state became a part of Indian Union.
Telangana saw its 1st elected government of Boorgula Ramakrishna Rao in 1952,
the 4 years vacuum in government sector was filled by people of Andhra region.
Then started the MULKI struggle (mulk stands for state in Urdu), GAIR MULKI
GO BACK was the slogan at that time. It was a very simple but effective tactic
by the Govt of India to control the people, officers from Andhra region were
placed to monitor the activities in Telangana, for example police of Telangana
state was formed by constables from Telangana region and officers from Andhra
region. I need not remind you how well will our police department work and it is
the direct govt in many places.
Andhra Rastra creation and role of Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Garu:
On 19th of October 1952 Sri Potti Sri Ramulu Garu
started indefinite hunger strike for separation of Telugu speaking people from Madras
presidency, with Madras as its capital. He died on 15th December 1952 the 63rd day of
fasting and Delhi cleared the way for Andhra Rastra, and on 1st October 1953 Andhra
Rastra was created with Kurnool as capital. But our great leaders and stupid students of
Andhra Pradesh will praise him as the father of AP on every November 1st .
Then what is November 1st -the day of treachery!
There was a demand for language based state in several parts of the country and so
among few Telugu speaking people of south India.
SRC was commissioned by Delhi and was headed by Supreme Court judge Fazal
Ali. He clearly mentioned that 8 Telugu speaking districts of Hyderabad state should
be clubbed into a state called Telangana and if interested in future its assembly must
vote with 2/3rd majority so that Telangana can be a part of a United Telugu state.
He made points both for and against the unification:
AGAINST unification:
It is not good to merge two regions which are unequal in development
Andhra is in deficit budget and Telangana is in surplus and there is every danger
of the surplus being used by deficit region
People of Andhra are well versed with English and telugu education if a state is
unified under telugu banner then Telangana people will be the losers because for
generations telugu was not administrative language (Urdu was the administrative
language here)
Telangana is a plateau region where as the Andhra is plain and fertile utilization
of water resources will be unequal under a unified state.
FOR unification:
Andhra region will benefit from the infrastructure of Hyderabad and hence the
problem of their capital (read it as capital in tents) will be solved.
Both regions can exchange food and mineral resources so that there can be an
all around development. (now anyone can easily verify what amount of
minerals Telangana lost to this unified state but what amount of food it got in
In 1956 C.M’s (chief ministers) of Hyderabad and
Andhra Rastra met in Hyderabad, and leaders from both regions participated in it.
ANDHRA leaders: Bejawada Gopal Reddy, Neelam Sanjeev Reddy, Alluri
Satyanarayana Raju, Gautu Lacchnna
TELANGANA leaders: Boorgula Ramakirshna Rao, konda Venkata Reddy, Marri
Chenna Reddy, J.V. Narsimhlu
Both the groups came to an agreement on the formation of state and on 1st November
1956. Thus Andhra Pradesh became 1st state which formed on basis of language.
(Leaders made a mockery of democracy don’t they know how things are run in a
democracy? Did they seek permission of people from both the regions for the
unification? The attitude was similar to Scottish noble men, in English we call it
Horse trading.
The then P.M Jawaharlal Nehru on 5th march 1955 while he was in tour of
Nizamabad district of Telangana state was asked to comment on Andhra
Pradesh state, in reply he made a statement “EK MASOOM BHOLI BHALI
need to know a bit poetry and politics to understand this, he said an innocent girl
(Telangana) is being wed to a clever boy (Andhra Rasthram) it is of their choice
to continue or to get separated. Here he speaks about a plebiscite ie., a referendum
(people can vote yes or no in it). When will government seek the decision by
direct vote?
The main points of the treaty made during unification:
If one region gets post of chief minister then the other region has to get the
post of deputy chief minister and out of ministries of home, finance, revenue,
trade, planning , industries any of the two ministries should be given to
Telangana MLA’s. (as soon as Sanjeev reddy of Andhra region became CM
of AP he abolished the post of Deputy CM)
Prohibition of liquor consumption in Andhra region but not in Telangana ( the
excise amount collected in Telangana was used by AP but not Telangana)
Cost of administration should be in ratio of 2:1 (Andhra: Telangana) (the
surplus of Telangana which was left by Nizam was used by AP state)
Appointment for jobs on ratio of population (now the qualifications were set
high which made the Urdu educated youth as unqualified)
If there is a need to remove government job holders then they should be
removed in equal ratio (if the recruitment is not in a equal ratio don’t expect
the removal to be in equal ratio)
Residence of 12 years was compulsory to get jobs. (which was brought down
to 4 years by agitation of JAI ANDHRA in 1970’s)
Andhra people should not buy lands of Telangana farmers
(implementation of this point need not be explained by me).
Cabinet allocation must be in ration of 3:2(Andhra: Telangana) and a Muslim
from Telangana must be in the cabinet.
The only two commonalities in between these two regions is they speak Telugu and they
are all Indians. The story of Rayalaseema was altogether different, after winning
Rayalaseema which was in hands of different rulers Britishers included it in its madras
Now let us try to look into things that happened after independence.
Nizam who remained here had no political significance he feared the charges of
genocide and left to turkey with his family, and what was left in Telangana was a
huge power vacuum.
Andhra region was lucky enough as they had a first hand experience of how
things will run in post independence India because Indian union adopted the same
British democracy which Andhra people were well acquaintance with.
Local landlords of Telangana remained intact as they were not talking of union
with Pakistan and Delhi did not feel they were a threat to the union. Moreover as
the landlords had access to modern education they realized the benefit of joining
the congress party. Now the people of Telangana fell into the fire from the pan,
the new enemy was a part of the system and any move against them will be
counted as an outlaw
The whole story in India and even in Telangana starts here, as it is free India now
everyone has equal right on assets. But practically land lords were holding long
stretches of land and were reluctant to give the rights.
Here the ruling party at the centre (I need not name it) found a best way to solve
this problem the same old way of asking and persuading which brought us freedom.
This might work in every other place but will that work in Telangana?
The answer would be NO because we did not beg for freedom, we SNATCHED it
from the oppressor and so will be the case of lands, so began the struggle for the land.
That is why the Naxalbury movement on 1967 turned into an alternate solution for
the problems of land distribution in Telangana, the state which should look after its
people once again stood by the oppressor and crushed the people of Telangana.( please
read about the radical movement against the local land lords from any sources you have)
Struggle of 1969:
This movement was raised by Marri Chenna Reddy when kasu Bramhananda
Reddy was the then CM of AP, people agitated fiercely and the new PM Inidra
Gandhi was observing the events (as what Sonia Gandhi is doing now). Nearly
400 people (90% students) of Telangana died.
In 1969 few points were made to ease the tensions:
All the employees who got employment against the rules shall be removed
( not implemented till date)
Action against those who got in with JAALI certificates ( no action taken
against any such persons)
Extension of mulki rules to local administration.
Seniority must be respected as per the Supreme Court orders.
Funds siphoned from Telangana must be given back ( ?????)
Increase the educational facilities in Hyderabad (nothing from government
was established but we can feel the heat of Andhra corporate colleges here
in Telangana now)
Telangana praja samiti party won 10 MP (Member of Parliament) seats
but same old story of noble men, treachery followed victory. All the winners
joined in congress and Chenna Reddy became CM of AP and hence called off
the struggle.
You find statues of potti sriramulu all over AP but all the 400 odd who died in
1969 Separate Telangana agitation did not find place even in Government
JAI ANDHRA movement:
Supreme Court of India denied to accept the case filed by people of
Andhra region and solidified the MULKI rules, then started Jai Andhra
movement and result was a death blow to Telangana, the following decisions
were taken to ease the tensions:
All the mulki rules were quashed
Telangana regional committee was cancelled
People started claiming Hyderabad as FREE ZONE (it is written no
where in records about free zone)
Period of residence brought down from 12 to 4 years
Govt stopped maintaining separate accounts for both the regions
Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana
Junior colleges 266 138 176
Degree colleges 167 70 74
All kinds of schools 26,786 12,857 17,594
Teachers in schools 88,435 38,552 65,040
Literacy rate 39% 38% 30%
Amount spent on
aided Junior
colleges (in crores)
17.4 7.73 2.63
Amount spent on
aided Junior
colleges (in crores)
from 1969
365 162 55
Amount spent on
aided degree
colleges (in crores)
38.52 8.74 5.76
Amount spent on
aided Junior
colleges (in crores)
from 1956
848 181 121
Primary schools (%) 48 23 29
Information as per 2001-02 government records
At any point Telangana with its 10 districts is either given a status equal to or less than
Rayalaseema with 4 districts, now if you compare with Andhra the picture will be
For every 1 lakh Andhra people and 70,000 Rayalaseema people there is a government
junior college and in Telangana for every 6 lakhs students there is a government junior
In case of govt degree college in both the regions for every 1,75,000 students there is a
college and 3,75,000 Telangana students have a college.
Osmania was established by Nizam in 1918 so that cant be a credit of AP, now let us look
at the universities in AP:
Andhra+ Rayalaseema regions:
Nagarjuna University-Guntur : 1976
Srikrishna devaraya University-Anantapur:1978
Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam -Tirupathi : 1983
NTR University of Health Sciences – Vijayawada : 1986
Dravida bhasa University-kuppam-2002
Vemana University-kadapa-2006
Raja Raja narendra University-rajamundry-2006
Andhra University-vishakapatnam-1925 (this cant be credited to independent
Rashtriya Sanskrit Vidyapeetha-Tirupathi (Chittoor) -1985
10. Sri Vinkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences (upgraded to medical university in
National Institute of Technology-warangal-1959
Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University –Hyderabad-1964
Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University-Hyderabad-1972
The English & Foreign language university-Hyderabad-upgraded to university
kakatiya University-warangal-1976
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open university-Hyderabad-1982
Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University-Hyderabad-1985
Maulana Azad National Urdu University-Hyderabad-1998
International Institute of Information Technology-Hyderabad-1998
10. Telangana University-nizamabad-2006
11. mahatma Gandhi university-Nalgonda-2006
University of Hyderabad was established in 1974, it is similar to all other central
universities 80% of its seats should be filled by local (Telangana students) as per the
initial rules but once again think rationally in 1970’s you establish a central university
for P.G’s and further education what was the basic qualification in Telangana at that
time? What was the political scene then? Were people ready for it?
Result administration felt that seats are not being filled, so they are now being filled by
people from all over India and other regions of AP.
Many of the colleges in Telangana region as you see are limited to Hyderabad and here
government calls that they lie in Telangana but recruitment is done by treating them as
free zone colleges.
I would like to start with the Singur Project on Mangeera River it was built to irrigate
the fields of Medak but it was used to quench thirst of Hyderabad which is filled with
settlers. Why are they fetching water from a Telangana district? And the Rs 250 crores
that was spent on this project was shown to be spent on Telangana.
When this question was raised government brought Krishna water to Hyderabad in a
gigantic feat by laying huge pipe lines. Are we not acting like Romans by just taking care
of capital and leaving other places to their fate and when their raise voice state uses
police to crush their voices?
Built on: River Krishna.
Location: Nalgonda district. 21 villages of Nalgonda got submerged.
Krishna will enter in Mahboobnagar and 69% of its path is in Telangana and 13% in
Andhra region and Rayalaseema 18%.
But Andhra uses 65% of its water, and Rayalaseema uses 20% of its water.
Right canal and left canal of this dam are supposed to provide equal water to Andhra and
Telangana regions respectively, now for various reasons Andhra are getting water to
irrigate 20 lakhs acres and Telangana is getting water for only for 5 lakh acres.
Thanks to K.L Rao, the designer of the dam.
The result is the fields which are being cultivated in Guntur are more than 10 Telangana
Built on: river Krishna
Location: Kurnool district of Rayalaseema
Mahboobnagar which fell in the catchment area of the dam lost 117 villages. 2 lakhs
people were made homeless, now I need not talk about compensation it is similar all over
India 1st vacate them and they had to leave it to fate and lead rest of their life in slums
Palamoor of Mahboobnagar got its name as it was rich in cultivation and domestic
animals were very abundant. Now after this dam was constructed the picture turned
upside down, after Orissa Palamoor is the largest provider of Migrating labour.
Project Tungabhadra:
Built on: river Tungabhadra
Nizam started the project in 1948 and is supposed to give 20TMC (Thousand Million
Cubic Feet) of water to Mahboobnagar, but the canal which was to siphon water till
Mahboobnagar was stopped abruptly.
Rajolibanda diversion
Laid the last nail to the coffin to irrigation in Mahboobnagar it is diverting all water to
Rayalaseema as you know how decent are the leaders of Rayalaseema and their style of
handling democracy.
Bachawat tribunal awarded 17TMC (Thousand Million Cubic Feet) of water to Jurala
project(on river Krishna) and 30 years after the verdict the project capacity has been
reduced to 10 TMC and it is still on hold as govt of AP is hesitating to pay 30crore
compensation to villages in Karnataka and Palamoor is still starving.( government
recently started some work here in agreement with Karnataka government and people are
full confident that it will stop for one or the other reason)
Of its entire path in AP Godavari flows 79% in Telangana and 21% in Andhra but
numbers change when it comes to irrigation 10% of land in Telangana is irrigated and I
need not tell u about delta irrigation of Andhra.
Pochampad project of Nizamabad which was stared 35 years ago got rechristened as
SRSP (Sri Ram Sagar Project) and it is still waiting for some or the other work to be
done. Gutpa Lift irrigation is yet to function fully. But Telugu Ganga of Andhra region
which was stated 13 years ago is completed and is functioning well.
1. Azam jahi mills-Warangal,
2. Osmania chemicals,
3. Nizam sugars-Nizamabad,
4. Taj glass factory-Hyderabad,
5. Praga tools-Hyderabad,
6. Sirpur paper mills-Adilabad,
7. Singareni Collieries-Adilabad, Karimnagar, Khammam
8. Hyderabad asbestos
Are they sounding something like they were brought by settlers who claim that
they bought investments? Andhra districts had just rice mills before independence, now
by the grace of AP people of Telangana lost what they have. All the companies that I
mentioned above are evidences of rich and varied industrial strength of Telangana region
which are no more.
Let us take a look at the statistics about concessions(subsidies) and number of labourers.
Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana
60% 7.5% 12.5%
Agro based
54 23 23
National bank
54 16 30
Industries 6000 750 1250
Workers (lakhs) 2.56 0.30 0.95
Daily labours(lakhs) 3.16 0.70 0.81
This clearly shows the step motherly treatment of government of AP towards Telangana.
The industries were spread in all districts when it was under nizam but now industries are
located in Hyderabad, whole Rangareddy district is Walloped by Greater Hyderabad,
Medak which has highest number of chemical factories is chocking of pollution, and all
the other districts are still waiting for industries to come. All the industries of Nizam
which gave people of Telangana a great opportunity are now dwindling due to lack of
support or else this can be put in this way that AP govt left them to grow older decay and
610 GO (Government Order):
The then CM N.T. Rama Rao on 30th December 1985 issued G.O number 610 to correct
the mistakes in allocation of jobs from 1975 to 1985. Its main function was to transfer the
Andhra employees to their region and Telangana people will be given jobs in that vacated
places. And 31st march 1986 was dead line for its implementation.
High lights of 610 G.O:
All job holders filled in contrast with the rules must be sent back by 31st march
All non gazette cadre employees appointed under Jurala, Srisailam ,Sri ram Sagar
projects should be transferred to their zones.
Strict action against those who turned to mal practices
All appeals regarding this issues must be solved by 31st march 1986
All appointments that took place after presidential order must be corrected by 31st
march 1986
As per 1986 calculations 59,000 such jobs were given to non locals in Telangana region
and no discrepancies in Rayalaseema and Andhra regions.
Now what is the solution as per 610 G.O?
Simple and straight the jobs of non locals increased to 2,50,000 + in 20 years of
time after 1986.
I don’t know why great legendary C.M’s words are not implemented?
How will be the implementation of GO 610 is possible, the orders are implemented by
secretariat, by this time you might have understood which region people work in
secretariat. Over a period of time people of Telangana were not given jobs only for the
reason that they cant read and write proper telugu!
Apply a bit rationality 224 years of Urdu rule and all of a sudden you ask us to
compete with Andhra region. Is this a way a people’s govt deal with its people?
The questions regarding Hyderabad:
“Hyderabad is developed by us (Andhra people)”
I feel puzzled when I hear this sentence from few
(under educated) youth , once again into the history when the great floods of 1900’s
ravaged away the Hyderabad, Nizam ordered engineers to design the city in a proper
way the result was moksha gundam vishveshwarayya the legendary civil engineer
designed the city with good sanitary system with well lined drainages canals to
discharge the downpour etc., the city was constructed for growing population on
calculated basis (ask a civil engineer you will know how this can be done ).
Now the only aberration here is the addition of 13 more districts to Telangana
districts and Hyderabad was named as the capital. What kind of justice is this? Taxes
of Telangana people were used to build the capital and who are enjoying it?
“We (people of Andhra) brought infrastructure to Hyderabad”
Its the worlds most pathetic joke I ever
heard. What was the capital of Andhra Rastra? KURNOOL, fine where was its
secretariat? Guess where? It was in tents.
Now Hyderabad was a place with an Airport, Railway lines to connect it to main
land(built by nizam) , and of all the greatest technical advantage is the one who
knows to use it is now in Turkey and the one who should actually use them are
struggling to survive and secure their rights.
Now all those offices and buildings were used by the new govt of Andhra
Yes things were also built here even after unification of state but to my doubt
were all those things were of no use to settlers? Did they build them just for
philanthropic purpose?
And if the people of coastal Andhra were that great in their Entrepreneurship
skills they could have invested it right there where they were and developed it.
This clearly indicates that they had some easy benefits which brought them here.
“Telangana is backward”:
Few intellectuals (please read it rather as fools) argue that Telangana is
rather backward, after reading the data that I gave it will be easy for
you to understand how good was its GDP when it was it with nizam,
though despotic Nizam rulers built industries, how many big industries
did Telangana get after 1956 and how many did Andhra region get.
And now nizam sugars which gave a huge sum of Rs 6 lakhs as a relief
fund during 1962 Indo-china war is no more a public sector (owned by
people’s govt) company it is in the hands of private management.
Read about the glory in Mahboobnagar and Karimnagar from any
sources, you understand the pathetic condition of them after the
If some would argue that we had problem of radical movement, then
the state and such people should be ashamed of blaming them.
Radicals are different from dacoits and thugs they are born out of
system which is incompetent to solve their problem. Here people
prefer not to live in darkness and accept the terms imposed on them.
Many people accuse people of Telangana as people who lack interest
in development here is a straight question for those people what is
development? First you define it and go ahead with the discussion;
development varies from region to region. We need peace and security
to develope , which Telangana lacked almost till 1990’s and who is to
be blamed for it ? Obviously Both the centre and state governments ,
now if some one say that state was busy dealing with such matters then
let them advice what else could people do if they were being
persecuted by the very forces of state?
And can you please find a person in this world who does not want
good health facilities? Good education? Security? And a respectful and
peaceful life? Some one claim that they bring investment which we
lack, then let them take it back, no one would have stopped the British
if they took away the parliament building , Raisina palace(raj bhavanpresidential
palace of India), prakasham barrage which they built
during their rule. Did they built these all just for us to look and feel the
beauty? No they had some use out of it and so are the investments of
the settlers.
Now after decades long fight against landlords’ things turned to normalcy in rural
Telangana, but we lost more that 4 decades in that now you suddenly announce the
liberalization in 1990’s and ask business men of Telangana to compete with Andhra
business men? Is the race between two equals or between unequal’s? Now to fill the gap
business men from North India also came with their huge investments to AP to establish
their companies. Even if a Business men from Telangana wants to invest by borrowing a
loan from a bank whom will the bank issue a loan? To a company which has huge
amount of security and history or to a person who came from no where?
The answer is known. People of Telangana are not against the people who are poor, poor
people will migrate only when there is no other choice left for them , we are against the
greedy land grabbers and industrialists.
Now the state (India) says if separate state is created it will be hub of Maoists and they
point their fingers at Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh! It is senseless to say so giving a
separate state does not mean it is the end the centre has to take some additional care,
human being with this long history of evolution will always take care of a pregnant
women and mother with an infant, we won’t leave them expecting them to learn from the
history. If a state with such a great mechanism can’t utilize its resources to take care of its
people then what use of that state will be? Don’t you know what happened to Mughal
empire and Roman empire?
“It is good to be one as we all speak a common language”
The concept of discrimination starts
from naming of the state when Marathi speaking people named their state as
Maharashtra, Guajarati people as Gujarat, Tamil speaking people as Tamil nadu, why did
they name telugu speaking people as Andhra Pradesh why could not this be Telugu Nadu
or Telugu Pradesh?
If common language is the base of unity then why did British and USA fight 2 bitter wars
(1776 & 1812) though they speak common language?
If u say that they are not geographically connected then atleast say why does not Canada
and USA cant join to form a nation, they both speak English right?
Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Jharkhand, Haryana, Delhi all speak in Hindi
should we combine them? Will they accept it?
Go to Scotland and ask any one are you English? Then he will angrily reply that he is a
Scottish, and the bombs of Ireland republican association went off till last decade in
streets of London.
Even though their struggle traces back to 13th century Scottish and Irish people kept their
struggle alive.
The argument is simple it is not language or land that make a state it is the people and
culture make them a state. State stands for people but not a land mass. They concept of
centralizing everything is a myth you cant run this big country sitting in Delhi until and
unless it shows some respect to regional feelings. Why did all the previous empires did
not withstand in India. Could Alla-Ud-Din-khilji and mughal rulers establish their
authority by force?
“Telangana will once again move into muslim domination”
There is no place for communalism (atleast) in
Telangana, when Razakars of nizam of were harassing people of Telangana many
Muslim youth stood by the side of the oppressed, maqdoom moinuddin is the best
example for it.
Abid Hassan was the deputy of Subash Chandra Bose in INA and he hails from
Hyderabad. Go and look in rural Telangana who will dance for PIR’s Of Muslims?
And there is no need for Muslims to prove their patriotism. Telangana has common
enemies as the poor of other parts of world has hunger, corruption, oppression,
inequality, are our enemies but not a single religion and we will fight the inequality till
victory is ours.
“Demand for separate state will lead to disintegration of country”
If that is the case Telangana was a separate country
altogether for 13 months why did people fight to join Indian union? Our fight isn’t like
Khalistan or any other separatist movement. Just refer to contributions of Telangana
during 1962 indo china war and other national catastrophes?
Time has come to correct the policy at the centre. The centre must take care of only
Finance, Defense & external affairs it should give chance for the states to evolve,
people of north east, Telangana, vidharabha, bhundelkhand, etc., must be given a chance
to prove themselves they must be given time to evolve and understand the main stream
Differences between both regions:
Political system Governed by king at the centre
and landlords at the village level
Governed by British
Police local landlords looked after law
and order
Police of British similar
to today’s police system
Civil administration Controlled by land lords Controlled by state
machinery which is
similar to today’s
Legal system Old styled system which was
slightly corrected to modern one
in later part of 20th century.
Most of the cases were solved
by caste councils
Courts solved the disputes
and everything was
Position of Dalit’s Enjoyed no rights and VETTI
(slavery) system was
predominant, debt bondage kept
people in grips of land lords. No
Major caste movements until
the radical movement in began
in 1970’s
Though it was not good
but at least some had
access to missionary
education and modern
education. more over
campaign against
untouchability and caste
movements were present
Industries Huge industries were present all
industries were owned by state
ie., the king.
large scale Industries
were not present
Connectivity Connectivity was excellent
because of railways and
Most of the places which fall in
line with Bombay and
Hyderabad were connected with
It was similar to rest of
Agriculture Fairly good but land was
unequally distributed. Taxes
were very high and were
sometime up to 50% of
production, that made Nizam
one of the richest kings.
Cultivation was a
respectful occupation
because of Delta
irrigation and other
Status of education Urdu was official language,
Urban People were educated
with what they were required,
they were good at Nizams local
legal system and every other
aspect to lead a life in nizam
state. But such education was of
no use after unification as the
system was changed, and even
the educated in the old system is
now not worth of a single pie
Good at education
because of missionary
education and other
Health Unani hospitals were
predominantly present Nizam
charitable trust(1961 later
rechristened to NIMS) and
Niloufer hospital(1949) are the
British styled hospitals
established by colonialists
best examples of medical
services here
Freedom struggle Were not integrated with main
land India’s freedom struggle
Were in full integration
with main land India’s
Fight against People of Telangana fought
against a despotic ruler and
wanted to be a part of Indian
Andhra people were part
of madras presidency and
were already a part of
India like all other places
Kind of struggle It was more or less a class
struggle which started in 1943
and became a large scale armed
struggle after august 15 1947 to
integrate into free India
It was a fight against
Date of independence After a year long struggle by its
people and the police action the
state of Nizam became a part of
Indian Union on 17th September
It got independence on
17th august 1947
If you have not thought all this till date, please spend some time thinking. SOCHA
NAHIN THO SOCHO ABHI…….please my dear friends this is the right time to ask for
your rights raise your voice or atleast show that there is some difference atleast protest
wearing black badges or working for over time. Read more and debate about it. If you
are in government firms please participate in PEN DOWN agitations.
NOTE: If you find any mistakes in the statistics you can always write back to me, I got
this all information from different books, open sources and from discussions of
Telangana students of University of Hyderabad Campus. The arguments I made are
views and mine and several other people of Telangana who are agitating for separate state
source: internet

Labourers dig a drain in a dry field at Mankapally in Adilabad district of the southern Indian state of Andhra Pradesh April 21, 2010. World Earth Day is observed on Thursday.
TELANGANAM prepared by srinivas raj bairi
(Private message: Hi,
Please read this doc. prepared by me, and printed as a booklet by Telangana Development Forum USA, and is being widely circulated (20,000 copies already printed) in Telangana now. Its been published in Telugu, English and Urdu. Soon converting into Kannada, Malayalam and Tamil.
also see my interview on on telangana)
Telangana (Hyderabad state) was historically well known as a prosperous state.
Telangana Region was erstwhile Hyderabad State till 1956, ruled by the Asaf Jahi Nizam VII (Mir Osman
Ali Khan Bahadur). During his days, he was reputed to be the richest man in the world, having a fortune
estimated at $2 billion in the early 1940s, which is double the annual revenue ($1 billion) of the newly
independent Union Government of India in 1950 (Union Government of India's treasury). He was featured
on the cover of TIME magazine ( on February 22, 1937. However, today he ranks 5th
richest person in the history of the world, the wealthiest-ever Asian, the wealthiest-ever Indian and the
second-wealthiest monarch in world history.
The state of Hyderabad was the largest of the princely states in pre-independence India, among other 600
princely states; with an area of 86,000 square miles (223,000 km²) (roughly the size of present-day United
Kingdom). The Nizam VII was the highest-ranking prince in India, entitled to a 21-gun salute, held the
unique title of "Nizam", was created "His Exalted Highness" and "Faithful Ally of the British Crown" after
World War one, for his financial contribution to the British Empire's war effort.
Nizam is held to have been a benevolent ruler who patronized education, science and development,
literature, art, architecture, culture, jewelry collection and rich food. His 37-year rule witnessed the
introduction of electricity, railways, roads and airways were developed, several lakes in and around
Hyderabad city were excavated and some irrigation projects on the Tungabhadra river were undertaken.
Nearly all the major public buildings in Hyderabad city, such as the Osmania General Hospital, High Court,
Asafiya Library now known as State Central Library, Town Hall now known as Assembly Hall, Jubilee
Hall, Hyderabad Museum, now known as State Museum, Nizamia Observatory and many other monuments
were built during his reign.
Nizam started his own bank, the Hyderabad State Bank (now State Bank of Hyderabad) as the state's
central bank, which managed the Osmania sikka, the currency of the Hyderabad state. It was the only state
which had its own currency, the Hyderabadi Rupee, which was different from the rest of India, and stamps.
Hyderabad was the only state in British India where the ruler was allowed to issue currency notes. A 100
rupee note was introduced in 1918.
Nizam issued Mulki Rules for reserving the Jobs for the locals.
Nizam used to encourage local artisans, wherein the Telangana Weaver created world history by weaving a
Saree, a six-meter drape worn by women that fits into a matchbox.
Hyderabad was the fifth largest city in India before 1947, with excellent administrative buildings, roads,
railway network, airports, police, army and other infrastructure. Let’s look at developments done in the
Nizam’s period in detail in Annexure I.
Geographically, Hyderabad occupies a pivotal position in the heart of the country. Dr.BR Ambedkar once
said that, Hyderabad should be made Second Capital of India. He also said that, Hyderabad fulfils all the
requirements of a capital for India.
After Indian independence in 1947, the country was partitioned on communal lines. The Nizam ruled over
more than 16 million people of territory when the British withdrew from the sub-continent in 1947. The
Nizam refused to join either India or Pakistan, preferring to form a separate kingdom within the British
Commonwealth of nations, but the proposal was rejected by the British government. Nizam also
concurrently encouraged the activities of the Razakars (A private army). The Nizam cited the Razakars as
evidence that the people of the state were opposed to any agreement with India.
Thousands of peasants in the entire state of Hyderabad revolted against the Nizam. The Communist Party
of India leaders also joined in fighting against the Nizam and Razakars. Four Thousand people laid down
their lives, and finally, the Telangana Peasant Armed Struggle of 1948 was successful in driving out local
landlords (zamindars, doras, and deshmukhs), and distributing their land to the landless. This was
considered to be the greatest rebellion movement in the Indian history. But, Nizam was able to suppress the
armed struggle.
Similar to Jalianwalabagh in Punjab, there were several incidents in Telangana villages like Bhairanpally,
Kutigal, Akunuru, Machireddypally, Renigunta, Gundrampally, and Perumalla. Hundreds of people were
burnt alive by private army Razakars.
Mahatma Gandhi said: The situation in Hyderabad is deteriorating day-by-day. People over there are
undergoing lot of pain and agony, they are not torturing anybody but they are being tortured. I am sure they
will succeed (Vijaya Laxmi). I really praise their courage and their fight for the truth.
Jawaharlal Nehru said: People in Hyderabad should fight against human rights violation and all parties
should fight against the oppression and injustice to the people.
Since majority of the people of Hyderabad State were Hindus and as the Hyderabad state was surrounded
on all sides by Indian territory, the violence in Hyderabad state prompted the new Indian government to
invade and annex Hyderabad in 1948.
Hyderabad state was liberated from Nizam on September 17, 1948, using military force, in what was
known as Operation Polo, led by Sri Sardar Vallabhai Patel and made part of Indian Union. So, Hyderabad
state was a separate State during 1948-56.
Major General Choudhari took over as Major General of Hyderabad and stayed in that position till the end
of 1949. In January 1950, Mr. M K Vellodi, Senior Civil Servant was made the Chief Minister of the state
by Central Government. From this time Andhra Officers started occupying the government jobs in
Hyderabad state citing the reason that they had good English language skills.
In 1952, the first legislative Assembly elections were held wherein, Sri Burgula Ramakrishna Rao, was
elected as the first Chief Minister.
Next to Hyderabad state, leaders from Andhra area which was part of Madras Presidency, were keen on
fighting for a separate state for the Telugu speaking people.
DEMAND FOR ANDHRA STATE:The ceded districts of Madras presidency known as coastal Andhra put
forward their case for a separate state in 1950 on the ground of domination of TAMILS in employment and industry
and for neglecting the Andhra area. Hence, they demanded for a separate state of Andhra.
SRI POTTI SRIRAMULU’S FAST: A Gandhian, Sri Potti Sri Ramulu undertook fast-unto-death in October,
1952, demanding that Madras be made capital of the separate Andhra State. After 58 days of fasting, he passed
away on December 15, 1952. While taking out his funeral procession, violence broke out in several parts of Madras
and Andhra areas. The Andhra people made several statements that they were unable to adjust under Tamil
domination in Madras state, so they demanded for separate state.
Yielding to the pressures of Andhra leaders, the then Central Government declared the Andhra state on
19th December, 1952, retaining Madras city for Tamils as it was the home for Tamils. At this point in time,
we need to mention that based on JVP (Jawaharlal Nehru, Vallabhai Patel & Pattabhi Seethramaiah)
committee report, the Andhra state was decided to be formed in 1950 itself, but since, Andhra people were
demanding Madras city for the Andhra state, it was delayed.
The Andhra State came into effect from October 1, 1953 with Kurnool as its capital city. Due to lack of
minimum requirements, at certain stage, not even have a place to set up head quarters; they failed to rule
the state as all major administrative offices were housed in tents, and they had a deficit budget of 5cr.
and the state govt., was unable to pay staff salaries.
After formation of Andhra State on linguistic basis, there were demands on creation of states on linguistic
basis in several other parts of the country.
In 1953, the Central Govt, has appointed Supreme Court Judge, Sayyid Fazal Ali to head the States
Reorganization Committee (SRC) to recommend reorganizing the states on linguistic basis, and the report
was submitted in the year 1955.
The SRC committee clearly mentioned that 8 Telugu speaking districts of Telangana area should be made
into a separate state called Hyderabad and if interested in future its assembly must vote with 2/3rd majority
in 1961(after two elections), so that Telangana can be a part of a United Telugu State, because the
committee felt that these two regions are unequal partners. Lets look at what is given in the SRC report:
“... It will be in the interest of Andhra as well as Telangana if, for the present, the Telangana area is
constituted into a separate state which may be known as the Hyderabad state, with provision for its
unification with Andhra after the general elections likely to be held in or about 1961, if by two-thirds
majority the legislature of the residuary Hyderabad state expresses itself in favour of such unification”.
(SRC Report: Para 386)
The SRC commission further recommended:
“Andhra and Telangana have common interests and we hope these interests will tend to bring the
people closer to each other. If, however, our hopes for the development of the environment and
conditions congenial to the unification of the areas do not materialize and if public sentiment in
Telangana crystallizes itself against the unification of the two states, Telangana will have to continue
as a separate unit”. (SRC Report: Para 388)
In addition, the then Prime Minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, also was not in favour of merging Telangana
with the Andhra state. He ridiculed the demand for Visalandhra as an idea bearing a “tint of expansionist
imperialism”. (Indian Express, October 17, 1953)
The main reason, for the Andhra leaders to propagate Telugu brotherhood in the name of
Vishalandra was that the Hyderabad had readymade infrastructure.
Some of the proponents of Vishalandra included the following Leaders of Independent Andhra
(Separated from Madras). Lets us look at what they said at that time::
If Hyderabad joins us, then all our problems will be resolved, but how it is possible, how we
can achieve, we have to think" -Tanguturi Prakasam, 1953
We do not have any place which is capable of holding Capital City resources – Neelam
Sanjeeva Reddy, 1953 (The first Chief Minister of united Andhra Pradesh)
(He demanded that Kurnool, to be made capital city of Andhra State, otherwise, they
(Rayalaseema) were not willing to join Andhra State rather continue with Madras State).
Kurnool became the capital of the new State, under the terms of the Sri Bagh Pact between
the leaders of the Coastal Andhra and Rayalaseema for forming Andhra State.
We do not have a place to put-up Capital City, not even a place to setup District head
quarters" -Kadapa Koti Reddy, 1953
In Andhra, we do not have cities which are developed in Trading, we have VISHAKA (harbor)
that too a small one". A. Gopala Rao in 1954
Telangana has got good industrial development and chances of growth there are more" -
Pusapati Vijayaram Gajapathi Raju 1955
In Andhra, we do not have COAL and Oil Resources and there is no provision to generate
Electricity" -Bezawada Gopal Reddy, 1953
Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru speaking at Nizamabad on 5th March 1956, made a statement on proposed
Andhra Pradesh state “Ek Maasoon bholi bhali Ladki ko ek Natkat Ladke ke saath Shaadi kiya jaa
raha hain, chahe toh woh milke reh sakte hai, ya Bichad sakte hain”. i.e., an innocent Girl (Telangana)
is being married to a clever Boy (Andhra), it is of their choice to CONTINUE OR GET SEPARATED.
This is for the first time Telangana people got to know that Telangana is being merged with Andhra region
for a united state against the wishes of Telangana people. On November 1, 1956, Andhra Pradesh state was
formed merging Hyderabad (Telangana) state and Andhra state.
While forming the Andhra Pradesh state, a Gentlemen's Agreement of 1956, was entered between Andhra
and Telangana leaders, which assured of fair play for Telangana region in terms of education and
employment for its people, utilizing the excess revenue collected from Telangana region on the
development of Telangana only, and funds disbursement for the region to be shown separately and a
separate Telangana Regional committee to be constituted. At least two important portfolios in the Ministry
should be given to the Telangana ministers out of the five like a)Home b)Finance c)Revenue d)Planning
and Development, and e)Industries, apart from either Chief Minister or Dy. Chief Minister to the
region. The agreement was scuttled the same day after formation of AP Government led by N Sanjeeva
Reddy, the then Chief Minister, on November 1, 1956, wherein the Dy. Chief Minister position was denied
to Telangana person citing it as a sixth finger. Except Home Ministry, the other important portfolios were
given to Telangana ministers once in a while in 53 years.
After formation of Andhra Pradesh, the state government totally ignored the Mulki Rules, and Gentlemen’s
Agreements, and by 1968, more than 25,000 from Andhra region, have occupied jobs in Telangana region,
and there was a feeling of betrayal among the students and employees of the region for not implementing
the Agreements while forming Andhra Pradesh. Especially, employees felt that inspite of having good
qualifications, and competence, they were not getting jobs in their region, whereas non-locals were
occupying those positions, because of the nepotism of the senior officers who hail from non-Telangana.
The Government jobs were filled with people hailing from Andhra region ignoring Mulki Rules and
promotions were not given based on Seniority and to the Locals, but were filled with non-locals being
transferred from Andhra Region. By this time, the surplus funds collected in the form of taxes etc., to the
state exchequer from Telangana region were diverted to Andhra region and natural resources like coal and
water were diverted to develop Andhra region and for industrial purposes. This led to Students agitation
which is called as “JAI TELANGANA MOVEMENT “ in 1968-69.
Though the movement was started in Osmania University, very soon it was spread all over the region,
Government employees and opposition members of the state legislative assembly swiftly threatened "direct
action" in support of the students by observing pen-down strike as part of the movement. There were
protests all over the region, people from all walks of life including employees, teachers, students,
intellectuals, women, and general public joined the movement. Even, the political leaders like Sri Konda
Laxman Bapuji, the then Minister resigned and joined the movement. Subsequent to this, several political
leaders joined the movement including Madan Mohan, Mallikarjun, V B Raju, and Puli Veeranna
Over 9 months of the movement, about 370 youngsters and students were killed in police firings, more than
70,000 people were arrested of which 7000 were women. People were lathicharged 3266 times, about
20,000 people were injured in the lathicharges, and 1840 people had received bullet injuries and fractures,
tear gas was used 1870 times. This is the longest and biggest peoples movement in Indian history. But it
was suppressed by the then Kasu Brahmananda Reddy government by using brute force.
When the movement was going high, to safeguard the Telangana rights, an “All Party Accord” was entered
and was shelved in less than six months. Also the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's Eight Point formula
and Five Point formula were disobeyed by AP Govt.
When the movement was suppressed, people expressed their wish for a separate statehood in the form of
BALLOT in 1971 General Elections. There was an overwhelming support to the Telangana cause which
was evident from the election of 11 MPs from Telangana Praja Samithi (Telangana People’s Association)
party led by M Chenna Reddy, out of the 14 MP seats in Telangana region.
Despite electoral successes, however, some new party leaders gave up their agitation in September 1971
and, much to the disgust of many separatists including M Chenna Reddy, rejoined the safer political haven
of the Congress ranks.
In September 1971, PV Narasimha Rao hailing from Telangana region was made the Chief Minister, after
Kasu Brahmananada Reddy. He was a statesman, great administrator, reformist and intellectual.
In 1972, the highest Judicial body in the country Supreme Court, upheld the rule of reserving educational
and employment opportunities available in Telangana under Mulki Rules, exclusively for the residents of
the Telangana region.
This resulted in the “Jai Andhra” agitation, wherein Andhra people wanted to have their separate State.
Due to this, the then Chief Minister, Sri PV Narasimha Rao was forced to resign, and Central Government
declared President’s Rule, on the same day, when he declared his cabinet of ministers. Chandrababu
Naidu, and Venkaiah Naidu participated in the Jai Andhra agitation. The pressure tactics of Andhra leaders
are very powerful in influencing the central leadership.
Jai Andhra movement was a death blow to Telangana region. It resulted in the following decisions:
a) All Mulki Rules were diluted
b) Telangana Regional Committee was cancelled
c) Hyderabad though it comes under Zone VI, it was claimed as Free zone even though there is nothing
called as free zone. So, Andhra people started occupying the jobs meant for Telangana people.
d) Period of Residence brought down from 12 to 4 years, so any Andhra person with 4 years stay in
Telangana becomes local here and can capture the job meant for Telangana people.
e) Government stopped maintaining separate revenue accounts for Andhra and Telangana Regions.
f) Andhra people were now allowed to purchase lands from Telangana farmers, so entire Hyderabad City
became goldmine for Andhra realtors in selling out and encroaching government lands.
Resulted in a diluted Six Point Formula and the promises made to Telangana people and region were once
again disobeyed.
Since, 1972, there is no looking back for Andhra people in terms of looting the Telangana water resources,
jobs and educational opportunities and several other resources. Let’s look at the injustices meted out to the
Telangana Region.
Telangana is endowed with rich natural resources with largest coal deposits in the country, lime stone
deposits, and thermal power producing units and wide forests. The region has 70% of the catchment area of
the two major Rivers Krishna, Godavari in the state apart from several other tributaries like Tungabhadra.
Every time the Telangana people demand for self-respect and self-governance in the form of a separate
state, it was, and is denied by successive Governments on the grounds of common Telugu language, telugu
brotherhood, one state only for entire Telugu people, and call Telangana proponents as separatists. When
Andhra people fought in 1950s, for carving out a separate state in Madras Presidency, then why they were
not separatists and proclaim themselves as great leaders. In 53 years, they dishonored all the rules,
agreements and G.Os, which were entered for a fair share of Telangana region, and all the resources, jobs
and funds have been diverted for the development of Andhra region.
Several problems exist in Telangana districts like 6 lakh people affected with fluoride problem in
Nalgonda, continuous farmers and weavers deaths in rural Telangana, viral fevers in tribal areas, several
lakhs of people fleeing their homeland i.e., Mahboobnagar district for working as construction labour etc.,
all over India and Gulf.
(2001-2002 figures)
Details Andhra
(9 districts)
(4 districts)
(10 districts)
Area 33.75% 24.57% 41.47
Population 41.46% 17.77% 40.54%
Literacy rate 42 38 30
Total Schools 26,800 13001 17,594
No. of students 27,57,269 13,02,673 20,00,452
No. of Teachers 64,314 28,434 40,798
Junior Colleges 270 140 176
Degree Colleges 170 70 74
No. of Teachers (Lecturers) 10042 4663 8732
Grant-in aid for private degree
colleges(No. of posts)
96 (535 ) 32 (511) 31(204)
Medical Colleges 4 4 3
Libraries 630 243 450
Govt. grants for private-aided
58.87% 17.06% 24.07%
Govt. Grants per student Andhra University
Sri Venkateshwara
Amount Spent ( Crores.) 1308.56 382.47 163.39
From the above table, it is very clear that, even though the population is almost same in Andhra and Telangana
regions, there is a huge difference in terms of educational facilities and the no. of teachers engaged in teaching.
Out of 22 Universities in AP, each region has got two Universities, two universities are in Telangana
(Osmania in Hyderabad and Kakatiya in warangal).
JNTU was started initially in Warangal and Open University in Nalgonda (Telangana), but they were
shifted to Hyderabad within few months, stating that they are state-wide universities. However, successive
govts., have set up other state-wide universities in places like Vjayawada (Andhra) and Kuppam
(Rayalaseema), a remote place in Chittoor district (Chandrababu Naidu hometown); The main reason is to
help Andhra People to get into these universities in terms of employment and education. Also recently, IIT
which was supposed to be set up in Basar (Temple town of Saraswathi Matha) in Nizamabad (Telangana),
was shifted to Hyderabad outskirts to increase the land rates, and gain from real estate business by people
in power. But, in Vizag (Andhra) an IIM was started, then why it was not set up in Hyderabad.
Based on the National Knowledge Commission’s recommendations, recently new Universities have been
established. For establishing 4 New Universities in Telangana region, a total of Rs. 25 crores were
allocated (Telangana Universtiy, Mahatma Gandhi University, Sathavahana University and Palamoor
University), whereas about Rs.300 Crores have been allocated to the Knowledge University at Idupulapaya
(Home town of YSR) in Kadapa dist. (Rayalaseema region).
While the newly setup Yogi Vemana University in Kadapa already has all the necessary infrastructure and
staff, none of the newly formed Universities in Telangana region have basic amenities till date. This is a
gross injustice to the region.
As per Presidential orders, Telangana people should get 80 % reservation in district level posts, 70 % in
Zonal Posts, 60 % in Gazetted Posts and remaining 20%, 30%, 40% respectively should be in open
category – which is not being practiced in any of postings.
Between 1956-1968, about 28,000 jobs in Telagana were occupied by Andhra people and between 1975 to
1985, it became 58,000. As per the estimates of Griglani Commission 2001, more than 2 lakh Seemandhra
people have been working in Telangana.
Telangana Employees Associations now estimate that there are over 2.5 lakh non-locals employed in
Telangana region in various government organizations. The then Chief Minister, Mr.N.T. Rama Rao’s
Government issued G.O. No. 610 on 30/12/1985 with clear instructions to send back all non-locals to their
respective zones by 31/12/1986. But till date these orders are not being implemented. Instead of sending
non-Telangana people to their regions, the YS Rajashekar Reddy Government started transferring the
Telangana employees from one zone to the other within Telangana region.
There are more than 5,000 employees in the state’s secretariat, out of them not even 10% belong to the
Telangana region.
In the last 53 years of formation of Andhra Pradesh, not even once the Advocate General of the State
Government has been appointed from Telangana Region. Among the Judges, 84 belong to Andhra region,
15 from Rayalaseema and only 39 are from Telangana. If we look at Commercial Tax Officers, 418 are
from Andhra, 42 from Rayalseema and only 161 are from Telangana.
There are 320 IAS Officers, out of which only 27 are from Telangana Region. Similarly, out of 230 IPS
officers, Telangana officers are only 15. Out of the 23 district collectors, one rarely finds a collector from
the Telangana region and holding the senior level positions. It is very clear that the policy making authority
is in the hands of non-Telangana people, and obviously, no importance is given for the development of
Telangana region.
A Quick calculation of injustice meted out in monetary terms for last 25 years.
No. of non-Telangana people working in Telangana Region 2,50,000; Average Salary per month Rs.7,500,
Employed for last 25 year s= 300 months (much before 1960s only, thousands of people started occupying
the jobs) Hence, the opportunity income loss for Telangana employees in terms of Salaries is 2,50,000 X
Rs.7,500 X 300 months = Rs. 5,62,50,00,00,000 (Approx. Rs.56,250 Crores)
Any state govt. office in Hyderabad like secretariat, irrigation, R&B, police, high court is filled with 90%
of Non-Telangana employees and these officers don’t show much importance to projects in Telangana and
don’t take decisions judiciously which are due for Telangana region.
69% of Krishna River’s catchment area and 79% of Godavari River’s catchment area is in Telangana
Bachawat Tribunal awards Water shares between the states. Out of 811 TMC water allocated to Andhra
Pradesh from River Krishna, Telangana is entitled to get 480 TMC. But even today, only 130 TMC is
released for Telangana region. Krishna waters irrigate a total of 35 lakh acres, and out of it only 5 lakh
acres are in Telangana.
From Godavari out of 1430 TMC allocated, Telangana is entitled to get 760 TMC whereas the actual
allocation is just 200 TMC. Godavari waters irrigate over 12 lakh acres in Andhra while it is only 4 lakh
acres in Telangana.
Rajolibanda Diversion Scheme (RDS), taken up before the formation of Andhra Pradesh by the then
government of Hyderabad was envisaged to provide irrigation facilities to 87,500 acres in Mahabubnagar
district of Telangana region. Some landlords of Kurnool (Rayalaseema) district have not been allowing
this water to reach Mahabubnagar. Some of the ruling party leaders broke the gates of the RDS reservoir
and diverted water to their fields in Kurnool district, wherein Mahboobnagar farmers are starving.
Before 1956, total cultivated land in Andhra region was 30.65 lakh acres and by 2004, it increased to
69.27 lakh acres. Whereas in Telangana it was 18.2 lakh acres in 1956 and remained same.
As per the first five year plan, agriculture was given importance. Between 1956 to 2002, around
Rs.12,104 crores were spent on Agriculture in Andhra Pradesh, which is 25 per cent of total spending.
This resulted in increase in cultivation from 27.47 lakh acres to 55 lakh acres. Since, this amount is spent
on major irrigation projects it benefited Andhra region only, ignoring small irrigation projects in
As per the Planning Commission Report of Govt. of India more than 75% of canal irrigation in the state
is available to Coastal Andhra while it is at 17% in Telangana.
In 1960, there were over 4,000 large tanks and 20,000 small tanks (Cheruvulu & Kuntalu) irrigating 13
lakh acres in Telangana Region. Due to the negligence of the successive governments in AP, only about
5 lakh acres are being irrigated now out of 13 lakh acres in the region. The silt accumulated in the tanks
is not removed, breached tanks are not repaired and some of the tanks have been deliberately damaged to
promote urbanization. This has severely affected agriculture produce in Telangana region. The net
cultivated area in Telangana region has declined by 22% in the last 50 years.
Add to this, in Andhra the farmers get canal irrigation, whereas in Telangana, the farmer has to dig well
(investment on pumpsets) and gets the water using electricity from borewell. He had to spend about
Rs.300 per acre on electricity. While the Telangana farmer has to spend on electricity bills, Andhra
farmer gets free water from canals directly without any investment on pumpset and electricity.
Moreover, the Telangana farmers have lost thousands of acres of lands for irrigation projects, for
irrigating Andhra lands. And, the successive governments have spent thousands of Crores, in
constructing these projects but irrigating only the Andhra lands. The successive governments have spent
thousands of crores on these projects and helping only the Andhra region to prosper.
The entire cultivated land in just Guntur (Andhra) district is more than the total cultivated land in
Telangana Region.
If Telangana farmers would have got their fair share of Water from these two rivers, and if an extra 30
lakh acres of agriculture land would have been cultivated in the last 50 years in Telangana region,
A Quick calculation of potential income (opportunity loss) is indicated below:
30 lakh acres X Rs.10,000 per acre per annum (approx.) X 50 years (actually 53 years of AP formation)
So, the potential income lost on agriculture produce is Rs.1,50,000 Crores (approx.)
Through Pothireddypadu head regulator, water is diverted to Rayalaseema 400 KM away. This
exapansion will take major portion of (outgoing) water from Srisailam to Rayalaseema at the cost of
Telangana districts. This also badly affects ayacut in Nalgonda, Khammam (Telangana), Krishna, Guntur
and Prakasam (Andhra) districts. The allocated share is just 24 TMC, but 300 TMC water is diverted to
Rayalaseema region, which created havoc in the recent floods in Mahboobnagar and Kurnool districts.
The recent floods are purely man made disaster due to the back waters from Srisailam project. As excess
water was stored in Nagarjunasagar dam, and not permitting to flow them into Krishna district, the
backwaters from Srisailam drowned Mahboobnagar and Kurnool areas.
Since 1956, AP got nearly 40 major projects, of which 37 projects were implemented in Andhra region.
In Telangana, Devadula Project foundation was laid in 2001 and is yet to begin construction and Sriram
Sagar is yet be completed for the last 40 years. Apart from these SLBC (30TMC), SLBC beyond Musi
river (20TMC), RDS extension (10 TMC), LIS to high level areas in Mahaboobnagar District were not
yet taken up and moreover, Bheema LIS (20 TMC) is under construction for many years.
Whereas, in Seemandhra, Telugu Ganga Project (29 TMC), SRBC (19 TMC), KC Canal extension (10
TMC), Brahmamgari matham reservoir (10 TMC) are completed. Veligonda (40 TMC) and Handrineeva
sujala sravanthi (38 TMC) projects which are not recommended are almost completed and SRBC
beyond Gorakallu (20 TMC), Puchintala evaporation losses (5 TMC), Galerunagari sujala sravanthi (not
recommended) are under construction and will be shortly completed.
The proposed Polavaram project which is being constructed in Khammam district (Telangana) is going to
submerge around 220 villages, including Badrachalam, and around 3 lakh tribal population is going to
be evacuated. Though this project is being constructed in Telangana, it is not going to irrigate an acre in
Telangana, but it is going to irrigate 7 lakh acres in Andhra region.
The much talked about JALAYAGNAM by spending about one Lakh Crore Rupees on 26 irrigation
projects, is going to get additional 56 Lakh acres irrigated. Out of which 43 lakh acres are in Andhra
region, and only 16 lakhs in Telangana.
The irrigated zones of Telangana region i.e., the Godavari and Krishna belt in Nizamabad, Warangal,
Khammam, and Nalgonda districts is in the hands of Andhra settlers.
Irrigation projects taken up several years back in Telangana are not successfully completed but in
Seemaandhra, they have been completed on time.
Hyderabad State had a surplus revenue of Rs.34 Crore in 1956 when Andhra Pradesh state was formed
(assuming every 5 years the money gets doubled, it is worth Rs.70,000 Crores now). In the erstwhile
Andhra State, they had a 5 Crores deficit and the govt., was unable to pay employee salaries.
The Nizam had given 12 Crores worth of security bonds at the time of formation of AP.
Currently, Telangana Region contributes around 50% to the state exchequer in terms of Taxes (Sales Tax &
Excise), but less than 25% is spent back in Telangana Region.
In the last decade alone government lands worth about Rs.20,000 Crore have been sold out in and around
Hyderabad in the name of SEZs, IT Parks etc., and this amount was diverted to development of Andhra and
Rayalaseema regions.
Major portion of the loans brought from Asian Development Bank, IMF (World Bank) are spent in Andhra
and Seema regions.
Telangana region already had the following hospitals
Erragadda Institute of Mental Health, Niloufer Hospital,,Osmania General Hospital, Gandhi Hospital,
NIMS (Nizams Institute of Medical Sciences), ENT Hospital, Fever Hospital, TB Hospital, Koti General
Hospital and several Ayurveda and Unani Hospitals are existing since Nizam’s time.
Post-merger no major hospital has been established in Telangana region except MGM in warangal.
Region Andhra Rayalaseema Telangana
No. of Hospitals 666 303 270
Includes Allopathy, Homeopathy, Ayurvedic, Unani, and Veterinary hospitals
There are total 6054 small and medium scale manufacturing units in Andhra consuming 54% of total power, while
there are 773 in Rayalaseema consuming 23 % of power, but there are only 1253 in Telangana consuming 23% of
All the major industries in erstwhile Hyderabad state like Azam Jahi Mills, DBR Mills, Sirpur Paper Mills,
are closed down, and several thousands of Telangana people lost their jobs. However, several industries
have been opened in Vizag, Vijayawada, Kakinada, Nellore, Tirupathi, and Cuddapah by the govt., in the
last 53 years. Need to mention here, that the Govt., spent Rs.20,000 crore on Vizag steel plant alone.
The successive governments claim to have developed Hyderabad is meaningless. In and around Hyderabad
several Pharmaceutical (Bulk-drugs) manufacturing units have been set up polluting the air and water
(Patancheru, Katedan, Balanagar & Bollaram). And, 90% of the people working in these companies and
factories are from Andhra region.
Daily wage workers in these industries constitute 3.16 lakhs from Andhra, 0.7 lakhs from Rayalaseema and
only 0.81 lakhs from Telangana.
Several small and cottage industries including handloom and powerlooms in Telangana region, have
become sick due to government policies.
The establishment of ECIL, BHEL, IDPL, IDL and HMT etc., of Central Government at Hyderabad are of
no avail to the people of this region as the percentage of employment in these establishments from
Telangana is negligible.
In Telangana region, several small scale industries, cottage industries have been shut down due to govt.
policies, not encouraging the entrepreneurship in the region, while tax holidays and tax sops have been
given to Pharma industry and IT companies set up by non-locals.
For the current year, the Weavers loans to the tune of 324 Crores (total loans of weavers in AP and may be
around 140 crores of Telangana weavers) are not waived from the total AP budget of Rs.1 Lakh crore.
Everyday we hear about weavers deaths in several districts of Telangana. While Big Trading Houses like
Bommana Brothers, RS Brothers, and Chandana Brothers have been allowed to set up their big shopping
malls in all corners of Telangana region thereby directly hitting the poor weavers.
The entire Telangana is endowed with rich natural Toddy Trees, and the toddy is not allowed to be sold
publicly. People of Telangana consider it as a natural product derived from trees, but the successive
governments passed orders not to sell it in city limits. However, the Coconut Water which is a predominant
crop in Coastal Andhra, is supplied all over the state and including Telangana Region and thousands of
lorries are supplied thereby a turnover of hundreds of crores (approx. 400 Crores) benefitting Coastal
Andhra people.
The famous Pembarthi Sheet metal craft, and brassware craft which is famous from Kakatiyas period is
neglected, and the artworks from other regions and states are encouraged.
POLITICAL POWER : Political Power is one of the important factors for any area development. In the combined
AP history of last 53 years, Andhra Chief Ministers ruled for 24 years, Rayalseema CMs ruled for 22 years and
Telangana CMs for 6 years. In this 6 years also, 3 Telangana CMs were used as make-shift arrangements while
changing some of non-Telangana CMs. Telangana CMs never got power as CM and were never allowed to be CM
for their full term of five years by other area leaders. Each ruled for hardly a year or so before they were removed.
Telangana would not have been neglected if Telangana CMs were also allowed to rule. An all time intellectual like
Sri P V Narasimha Rao, also could not continue for full term due to the pressure politics. Also, there is a general
saying that for vacating Marri Chenna Reddy from the post of Chief Minister, the Rayalaseema leader, instigated
communal riots in Hyderabad. If Non-Telangana CMs are smarter/brighter, why they never developed anything in
Telangana area? Why no govt jobs/benefits/water projects in Telangana?
URBAN DEVELOPMENT: State Government gets funds from Centre for urban development projects, under
JNNURM. Hundreds of Crores funding received from Centre is spent in developing Hyderabad, Vijayawada, and
Vizag cities only in the State. It is a misconception that only Hyderabad is developed and not other cities, then who
had developed Vizag and Vijayawada. The biggest cities in United Andhra Pradesh include Hyderabad, Vijayawada,
Vizag and Tirupathi. Except Hyderabad, all other others are not in Telangana.
towns and cities especially in Hyderabad, the small and marginal farmers became helpless, were forced to sell their
lands to APIIC, for developing SEZs. The APIIC had become a broker in land dealings and the lands procured by it,
running into thousands of acres were allocated to companies floated by the rich migrants from Coastal Andhra and
Rayalaseema. While the SEZs get tax exemptions, and sops from the government, they were not providing
employment opportunities to the locals. The SEZs also create ecological imbalances, and create food shortage.
Hundreds of acres are allocated to SEZs but only one-fourth of it is used for their business operations, and the rest is
made into real estate ventures. The lands became a goldmine for the migrant settlers to do real estate business.
Lagadapati Rajagopal’s Lanco hills, project came up in the Wakf Lands (which have been encroached) and in govt.,
assigned lands, and in the name of SEZs, he converted them into real estate business ventures thereby earning
thousands of crores.
FLOURIDE LEVELS IN WATER OF NALGONDA DISTRICT: The Krishna river flows through Nalgonda
district, but the Krishna river water never reaches Nalgonda farmers, but the district is plagued with excessive
Fluoride in ground water. Fluoride levels in excess of 1.5 ppm (mg/l) in water make it not suitable for drinking. The
resulting Flourosis caused by the consumption of untreated water for Fluoride causes Dental and Skeletal Flourosis.
Fluoride levels in most of Nalgonda District reach levels above 4 ppm (mg/l). More than 885 villages and over 6
lakh people suffer from the flouride problem in the Nalgonda district. The successive govts., does not take any
measures for this problem except making false promises. World Health Organization (WHO) declared Nalgonda dist
affected with fluorisis so much that it is moving towards No Man Zone.
Telangana is endowed with rich natural resources with largest coal deposits in the country, lime stone deposits,
thermal power producing units and wide forests. 100% of Coal produced in Andhra Pradesh comes from Telangana
region, and the coal produced in Telangana region is used in Thermal power stations in Andhra, Rayalaseema and
Telangana. But the power produced in Telangana is catered to entire South India, while Telangana farmers are
provided with 2-4 hours of power only. Out of the coal produced, only 23% of it is used in Telangana.
Whereas it is observed that cent percent Simhadri Vizag thermal power is being utilized by Andhra region only.
Entrepreneurs from Andhra region, have come and set up Cement factories, after getting necessary license from the
govt., in Nalgonda district. There are thick forests in several districts of Telangana, and they are not utilized
optimally for the development of the region.
OPEN CAST MINING IN SINGARENI: There are 14 open cast minings going on in places like Manuguru,
Illandu, Koyagudem, Kothagudem, Kairiguda, Sattupalli, Dorli, Abbapur, Srirampur, and Bhupalpally Open cast
mining by Singareni Collieries is resulting in serious environment pollution, destruction of forests and displacement
of people in scores of villages and the Govt., is not suitably helping the people who have been displaced.
education and employment. Among the SC population in Andhra Pradesh, Madigas constitute 51%, Malas 43%, and
the other SCs are 6%. However, the Malas are occupying nearly the whole of 15% SC reservation, in government
sector and education field. In the last 10 years, Madiga Reservation Porata Samiti (MRPS) under the leadership of
Manda Krishna Madiga, is demanding categorisation of SCs into ABCD sub-groups for the distribution of
reservation benefits in proportion to population of each sub-caste which would greatly benefit the Madigas. The
categorization of SCs into ABCD sub-groups, was also recommended by Justice Ramachandra Raju Commission
and Justice Usha Mehra Commission. Though, the Congress has promised to introduce a bill in parliament on
categorization, due to the pressure tactics of dominant Malas from Andhra region, the bill was not introduced in the
parliament. In Telangana, Madigas account for 70% of the SCs, hence, the Telangana statehood would serve the
demands of Madigas for their fair share in reservations in jobs and education and the community as a whole would
ANDHRA COLONIZATION: Telangana registered highest population growth of 18% due to migration of people
from Andhra and Rayalaseema regions. You would find that several colonies have come up not only in Hyderabad
but also in major towns of Telangana region.
MEDIA PARTIALITY : One of the major handicaps suffered by the Telangana movement is the generally
indifferent, unfriendly and very often hostile and negative role played by media in the state, since there is a
monopoly control of the media by the anti-Telangana and pro-Andhra barrons.
IGNORING TELANGANA MATRYRS AND LEADERS: The successive governments have totally ignored the
Telangana stalwarts like Ramanand Thirtha, K. V. Ranga Reddy, Dasarathi Krishnamacharya, Vattikota Alwar
Swamy, Komuram Bhim, Ravi Narayana Reddy, Bhimreddy Narasimha Reddy, Chakali Ilamma, Shoebulla Khan,
Vandematharam Ramachander Rao, Makhdhoom Moinuddin, Moulvi Alauddin,
Turrebaz Khan, Baddam Yella
Reddy, Arutla Kamala Devi, Kaloji Narayan Rao, Konda Lakshman Bapuji, Narayan Rao Pawar, Mallu Swarajyam,
Shankar and a host of others. However, every where, we can find Andhra leaders names for parks, streets, roads,
colonies and statutes, who did not do anything to Telangana region. If we see on Tank Bund, out of several statues,
Telangana stalwarts are represented by just Rani Rudramadevi and Bammera Pothana.
impression is sought to be created that the development of twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad took place
after they became the capital of Andhra Pradesh. But in reality, the Hyderabad city had the entire infrastructure. At
the time of formation of Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad was the fifth largest city in the country and even now it
continues to be in the same position.
The Chalukyas, Cholas, Kakatiyas, The Bhamanis, The Qutub Shahi Sultans, the rampaging Mughal Army and
finally The Nizams, have all left an indelible print on the city Hyderabad. Hyderabad is famous for pearls, jewellery,
chudi bazaar, biryani, mughlai dishes, and the rich deccani culture (a mixture of South and North Indian culture).
There was a saying that on the streets of Hyderabad, the heaps of pearls were sold in yesteryears.
There were several Hindu and Muslim poets who had contributed in Urdu as well as Telugu literature. Quliqutub
shah was fondly regarded as Malkibharamudu for his contribution to art and literature by hindus.
The city is home for Kannadigas, Marathis, Tamils, Malayalees, Sindhis, Parsis, Gujarathis, Rajasthanis, Bengalis,
etc., apart from Telugu speaking and Urdu speaking people since centuries. Before formation of Andhra Pradesh,
there were no communal riots.
Much before independence to India, in the Nizam’s time itself, in and around Hyderabad there were more than 200
lakes providing fresh drinking water.
Hyderabad was a tourist attraction since centuries. The famous tourist spots include Charminar, Minarets, Qutub
shahi Tombs, Hussainsagar, Gandipet lakes, Khairatabad Ganesh, and its excellent weather. Several Scholars,
historians, and travellers visited this place and lauded for its rich heritage and culture. Merchants from Turkistan,
Arabia and Persia used to frequent Telangana and found their trade attractive and prosperous.
Several IT companies and multinational corporations like IBM, GenPact, Oracle, Deloitte, Motorola, Dell,
Infosys, Wipro, TCS have set up their operations in Hyderabad in the last decade. There are very few set up
by Andhra entrepreneurs. The main reason for setting up their operations in Hyderabad is availability of
infrastructure, govt. subsidies, tax sops, govt., providing land at cheap rates, and also skilled manpower,
and geographically convenient time of 11 and half hours difference from US timings. Only 15 to 20% of
the people employed in these companies are from the region.
Construction of flyovers, widening of roads, development of Hi-Tech cities etc., will not address the
serious problems confronting the people in the other nine districts of Telangana. Cholera deaths in
Adilabad, spread of malaria in the tribal belt, suicides by farmers in Warangal, Karimnagar and Khammam,
suicides by weavers in Karimnagar, eternal famine conditions in Mahabubnagar, flurosis in Nalgonda, fall
of ayacut under Nizamsagar, pollution in Ranga Reddy and Medak and so on need to be attended to on a
priority basis. But they never get the attention they deserve.
Even for the development of Hyderabad, it’s the TELANGANA people who lost their land & water for
roads, road expansions, airport projects, SEZs projects and GOT NOTHING in return.
For the people who say Andhra and Rayalaseema people invested/developed Hyderabad, they did it for
their business gains, NOT FOR DEVELOPING TELANGANA and they are getting their profits for it.
The film industry that has flourished in the capital city because of innumerable concessions given to it in
terms of allocation of land, water, electricity to the major film producing houses and studios. Unfortunately,
the two big Production houses have either bought or taken on lease the majority of the Cinema Halls in
Telangana region. They dictate the movie industry in the region and due to this the small time producers
from the Telangana region don’t dare to enter film industry. Even if the small producers produce cinemas,
they won’t be able to get theatres for showing the pictures.
The state of Andhra Pradesh has more than 2800 Cinema theatres, of which around 1000 are in Telangana
region and the annual turnover of the industry is upwards of Rs. 500 crore. In the film industry, only 5-10
per cent are from Telangana out of the total 12,000 people directly and 1,00,000 indirectly employed. And
most of the locals are either light boys or technicians.
The sons of soil, Telangana people have been relegated to second class citizens in their homeland, as the
total political clout is in few hands, and the demeaning of Telangana culture, dialect, attributing the
language with villains, jokers, and the political leadership portrayed as power mongers in movies produced
by Andhra and Rayalseema Producers, is projecting negative character to Telangana.
The near monopoly control enjoyed by the Andhra and Rayalaseema settlers on real estate transactions and
land speculation in and around Hyderabad and Rangareddy, is now spread to around 75 to 100 kilometers
Hyderabad – Scam capital of India
Hyderabad was touted as the emerging IT destination of India. But of late the city has been getting a
dubious distinction of emerging as the scam capital of India. The city has witnessed several scams in the
recent past. The Krushi Bank case, the Charminar Bank case, the Vasavi and Prudential bank cases, the
Gobal Trust bank case and the Nagarjuna Finance cases are still fresh in everyone’s mind.
We now have the biggest scams of them all. Ramalinga Raju of Satyam Computer has committed the
biggest white collar fraud in the country. Raju has admitted that the fraud in Satyam is to the tune of 7,000
crores and more. Source :
It seems the actual loss to the investors in Satyam scam would be to the tune of Rs.14,000 Crore, and not
Rs.7800 crore, as reported by the media and govt., the CBI pegged it at Rs.14000 crore.
Unfortunately, all the scamsters (not originally the Hyderabadis) gang up, using the political might, get
favors and dupe the common public, in the name of business, and get bad name to the Hyderabad City. And
the National and International media attribute this to Hyderabad city. Are these Andhra and Rayalaseema
entrepreneurs not damaging BRAND HYDERABAD. Any answers.
There are several reasons for demanding a separate state of Telangana. But, let us list out a few:
Telangana was a separate state before 1956.
Telangana people want self-respect, self-governance and development, as the post-merger in 53 years, the
area is under managed by Andhra and Rayalaseema Political leadership, and systemically the Telangana
economy is weakened and collapsed.
Though the language spoken is Telugu which is common, the dialect in Telangana is different from the
other regions, and there is a cultural diversity.
In terms of geography, Telangana region with 1,14,800 sq.kms is bigger than 18 states in India (Assam,
Nagaland, Meghalaya, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Jharkhand, Uttaranchal, J&K, Mizoram,
Himachal Pradesh, Haryana, Punjab, Goa, Chhattisgarh, Manipur, West Bengal and Kerala) and 133
countries in the world.
The Population of Telangana is more than 3.5 Crores. The people here are deprived of their fair share under
the dominance of Andhra/Rayalaseema rulers who ruled for 47 years out of 53 years of AP formation.
Since, last 5 decades, the Telangana movement is alive and people aspire to be in a separate state as they
are deprived of their fair share in education, employment, resource allocation, finance, facilities, and in all
Telangana demand is not for separation from the Nation, but it is a genuine and democratic demand of its
people for restoration of erstwhile Hyderabad (Telangana) state. More than anything else, it was the
students and youth who raised the banner of revolt against their systems and political regimes.
Telangana leadership and people want self-governance wherein they will be able to fully utilize their latent
talent and using the natural resources in the region they will be able to fully exploit them and ensure a
growth model for the new state.
Muslim community constitute a major population in Telangana, in the erstwhile Hyderabad state, about
40% of the employees were muslims, and today, they are hardly 2 to 3 percent.
With the Telangana State, not only self-respect and self-governance, the people will have increased
opportunities of education, and employment.
In letter and spirit all the Agreements, Accords, Formulas, G.Os, Plans and Assurances on the floor of
legislature and Lok Sabha, and court orders in last 53 years, could not be honoured, and Telangana was
forced to remain neglected, exploited and backward. The experiment to remain as one state proved to be a
futile exercise and therefore, separation is found to be the best solution.
In united Andhra Pradesh, the Telangana weaker sections, minority, and women could not have their voice
heard and their problems are unattended.
the State of Telangana does not require any special money for the construction of its State capital city, as
the centuries-old Hyderabad is located in the heart of Telangana itself.
Telangana people waited patiently for last 50 years. Nothing happened but this discrimination increased. IT
IS THE DUTY OF ALL TELANGANA PEOPLE to see that our next generations don’t suffer the similar
The saga of the Telangana struggle continues unabated, and there is no end in sight! It is immaterial if the
movement is led by KCR of the TRS today or any other leader tomorrow, for that matter. Ultimately, the
democratic component of the Telangana demand will keep the Jai Telangana movement alive in the days
and years to come.
Historically speaking, the Constitution of India has a provision, under Article 3, which facilitated the
creation of at least one dozen new States in the last 50 years, and that too without the recommendation of
any States Reorganisation Commission (SRC). Irrespective of the opinion of the concerned parent State,
the provision empowers Parliament to alter the boundaries of any State, if such a demand is found to be
democratic and popular.
In 1997, in its Kakinada resolution, the BJP Party said it is for Telangana state and if comes to power it will
create the state. However, due the pressures from its ally Telugu Desam Party, it could not create
Telangana state though three new states Uttarakhand, Chhatisgarh, and Jharkhand were formed in 2000.
In September 2000, 41 sitting MLAs from Congress party from Telangana region met APCC president M
Satyanaryana Rao and CLP leader Y S Rajasekhar Reddy and apprised them about their demand for a
separate Telangana state before going to Delhi to meet Sonia.
The movement took new turn since 2001, after Telangana Rastra Samiti (TRS) party was formed.
The TRS Party and Telangana proponents have been now and then demanding Governments to implement
G O 610, and repatriate non-locals to their respective regions.
In 2004, Congress Party in its manifesto, and the UPA government in its Common Minimum Program,
assured Telangana State, and in the Presidential Address and Prime Minister’s address also, it was specified
that the Telangana state would be declared.
In the recently held 2009 elections BJP included in its manifesto that it would create Telangana state if it
comes to power within 100 days.
In 2009 elections also, the Congress assured that only the UPA government can deliver the Telangana
Based on the demands to send non-locals to their regions, the Government started sending Police working
in Hyderabad to their respective zones in the recent past. Though Girglani Committee identified
Hyderabad under Zone VI (as indicated in Presidential Orders), the non-locals went to Supreme Court, and
on October 9, 2009, the SC order that Hyderabad is a free zone. There is no word called FREE ZONE
because all the districts in the state are divided into six zones. This triggered a lot of unrest among the
Telangana Employee Associations, which fear that the non-locals would grab their right ful share of jobs
meant for Telanganites in Hyderabad.
In the last two months, the movement got a fresh breath with employees, intellectuals, journalists, lawyers,
engineers, doctors, students, NRIs, women, and children voicing against the free zone, and also for the
Telangana Statehood.
Twelve Student organizations have come onto the single platform and formed Joint Action Committee
(JAC), for participating in the Telangana statehood movement.
On November 29, the President of TRS Party President Sri K Chandrashekar Rao, started his fast-untodeath
against the free zone, and for achieving Telangana Statehood.
Telangana movement gained momentum after Students of various Telangana Universities viz., Osmania
University, Kakatiya University, Palmoor and Telangana Universities, join and intensified it. Several Lakhs
of students, lawyers, teachers, professors, lecturers, intellectuals, women and even children coming out to
the streets for Telangana statehood. NRIs in USA, Canada, Australia, London, Dubai and Middle East also
joined the Telangana movement.
In AP, all the Political parties, including Congress, BJP, TDP, PRP, CPI declared that they would support
for the Telangana statehood.
On December 7, 2009 in Assembly, all parties expressed that they would support for Telangana state, if bill
is introduced in the Assembly.
On December 8, 2009, in Parliament also, all parties expressed concern over Telangana issue and the major
opposition party BJP, said it would support the bill for Telangana state if it is tabled in the parliament.
A historical day for the Telangana people, on December 9, 2009, at 11.35 PM, Sri P Chidambaram,
Home Minister, Govt. of India, announced that “the process of Telangana State formation will be
Within hours of announcement of the process of Telangana state formation by P Chidambaram, Home
Minister, Govt. of India, the MLAs, and MPs from Andhra and Rayalaseema regions started resigning
citing the reason, that the announcement was made without taking them into confidence and it was
announced late night. All these days, the Congress representatives were telling that they would honour
Congress central leadership’s (High Command) decision, and overnight they changed their colors and
putting spokes in the formation of Telangana state. The Chandrababu Naidu led TDP party MLAs, and
MPs from Andhra and Seema also gave up their resignations against the formation of Telangana state. The
newly formed PRP party headed by Chiranjeevi’s MLAs, from Andhra and Seema also tendered
resignations against the Telangana statehood. All in all 140 plus MLAs, and MPs, rendered resignations.
The Central Ministers of Andhra and Seema regions, also threatened to resign from Central Govt., if the
decision is not taken back. This is a clear dominance of Andhra and Seema leaders and somehow stalling
the formation of Telangana state.
After one day, the leaders of Andhra and Rayalaseema organized protests in their regions, propogating
“Samaikya Andhra”. Public properties and private properties have been damaged during the protests. Mr.
Lagadapati Rajagopal, MP, Vijayawada announced fast-unto-death for achieving Samaikya Andhra.
Several public representatives went on strike and fasts in the Andhra and Seema regions. All the leaders in
Congress party, who said that they will stick to the High command’s decision, started changing their colors
and joined this agitation including PRP’s Chiranjeevi, who proclaimed Samajika Telangana in his party
manifesto also said Samaikya Andhra. The TDP party was confusing people singing “Samaikya Andhra” in
Andhra and Seema regions, whereas their party leaders in Telangana, say they are for Telangana.
However, in the entire Telangana region including Hyderabad, after December 9th announcement, normalcy
restored and there were no protests. Several Telangana organizations, including the Telangana Settlers
Front also welcomed the decision of central government about formation of Telangana state. No one in
Telangana region out of 3.5 Crore people are for Samaikya Andhra.
In the midst of demands for Telangana statehood, the AP State Govt., on October 11, 2009 (this is after
Home Minister of India declared the process of formation of Telangana State), blatantly issued G.O. No.
1845, wherein the Government sought loan from NABARD for construction of roads, and it issued orders
to allocate Rs.131.13 Crores to Andhra and Rayalseema regions, and only Rs.9.31 Crores to Telangana
Region. This is a tip of iceberg to the kind of injustices to the region in the last 53 years.
Absolutely there is ‘No Resolution necessary’ under Article-3 of Constitution. Only Draft Bill requires to
be sent to A.P. Legislative Assembly for expressing their views on the Bill. But there would be ‘No Voting’
on the Bill in the Assembly. It is only a formality.
There was some news that the UPA allies NCP Party, Trinamool Congress, and DMK party said, that the
UPA government should have taken its decision on formation of Telangana state after consulting them. All
these parties, earlier extended their hand for Telangana Statehood. These parties expressed that there will
be similar demands in their home states or they could have been influenced by anti-Telangana forces.
Since the announcement of Telangana state formation on December 9, 2009, MPs and MLAs of coastal
Andhra and Rayalseema regions protested vehemently and carried out a campaign with almost daily
meetings with central leaders and ministers demanding a statement that the creation of Telangana would
not be initiated without a consensus.
On December 23, 2009, Chidambaram, Home Minister, Govt. of India, once again announced that the
Centre made the statement of formation of Telangana state on December 9, 2009 on receipt of Minutes of a
Meeting of all Political Parties convened by Chief Minister K Rosaiah in which a 'consensus' emerged on
the formation of a separate state of Telangana. Since then the situation in Andhra Pradesh had altered and
that "a large number of political parties were divided on the issue". And, wide-ranging consultations would
now be held with all political parties and groups in the state, adding that the Centre will take 'steps to
involve all concerned in the process'. With the announcement of this statement, the Telangana cause is
once again betrayed by the Centre, the Telangana peoples democratic demand is unheard.
Based on these developments, all the political parties including TRS, Congress, BJP, TDP, ex-PRP party
members, and CPI formed Joint Action Committee (JAC). The NRI Associations, and Women’s
Associations, and all the Telangana Associations and Forums strengthened JAC by joining it.
On December 31, 2009, Home Ministry, Government of India, announced that the process of Telangana
State is already initiated, and invited 8 political parties of the state for a meeting on January 5, 2010 at
Small States will give better benefits to the masses and help to create wealth as well as help in nation
development also. Small states like Punjab, Haryana, Kearala where the GDP is highest in the country, and
newly formed states like Chhatisgarh, Uttaranchal, and Jharkhand are progressing in terms of development
in all sectors, and improved GDPs, Health services, Infrastructure development etc.
Telangana people can have self-governance and self-respect in all aspects.
There will be an end to exploitation of resources in Telangana Region, and the resources can be fully
utilized for the development of Telangana region
e-Governance can be implemented effectively and efficiently to reach out to the rural Telangana.
Telangana will be able to utilize its fair share of Krishna and Godavari rivers thereby irrigating 39 lakh
acres of new ayacut. This will generate an additional income of Rs.7800 Crores per annum on agriculture
produce and create more employment opportunities in the agriculture and allied sectors.
Utilizing the coal produced in Telangana region, more thermal power plants can be set up and the extra
energy produced can be utilized for agriculture and industry, without any power cuts in rural areas.
The lime deposits available in the region would help the local people to set up cement factories, and the
thick forests available will help to establish forest based industries.
Over 2 lakh government job opportunities would be available for local people. This will generate an extra
Rs.4800 Crore income potential for Telangana economy
Students will have their increased opportunities and facilities for pursuing higher education and career
growth. Special Institutions can be set up for skill development, english and foreign language labs.
Special thrust can be given to Arts and Handicrafts units, and cottage industries for promoting the culture
of Telangana.
Since Madigas constitute 70% of SC population in Telangana, the demand for sub-categorization of SC
reservation in education and employment, would be resolved in the new state.
More number of new educational institutions, world-class Universities can be set up by locals and NRIs of
the region, and specialized courses can be offered thereby more employment opportunities.
Heavy and Engineering industries can be set up attracting foreign direct investment.
Diversified and Balanced development with focus on Growth Corridors in Tier II cities of the Region (for
ex: One District can be a Textile Zone, second can be IT corridor, and the other one can be a Small Scale
and Cottage center etc.)
Rural Electrification can become a reality with increased power generation, and rural telangana will have
no power cuts.
Infrastructure in the form of Roads, Buildings, and Railway network can be improvised.
More industries would be set up thereby providing increased employment opportunities and encouraging
entrepreneurship among locals.
NGOs and other agencies can be given adequate importance to encourage and counsel rural and urban poor
in all walks of life which would improve Human and Social Development Index.
Agriculture is main activity of Telangana and it can be empowered by constituting a separate commission
which would review all current policies and enhance them for the benefit of farmers exclusively.
Small and Cottage industries in the villages and towns can be encouraged.
Telangana culture and language will have its due recognition and respect including its unique festivals and
Tribal population in Telangana constitute 12% and they will have increased opportunities in education and
employment through reservations.
Economically weaker sections, poor, deprived, minority classes and women can be given their due share in
all sectors. Assurance of food, clothing and housing may be provided under various schemes.
Historical places can be improvised for attracting Tourism, and thereby more employment opportunities in
tourism and hospitality.
Health, Sanitation and Public Utility services can be given prominence
Express Highway projects between various metro cities, major cities and connecting national highways
There will be no farmers and weavers suicides.
Roadmap GREEN TELANGANA. Finally, it would turn out to be a Self-Reliant State and more of a
People-Centered growth and People-centric Governance and People-driven State.
Compiled and Research inputs from various papers, articles, documents, and Govt.Reports and World wide web
Dr. Srinivas Raj B
Annexure I
INDUSTRIES: Singareni Colleries (Year 1871), First Spinning Mill (1873), Phirani Factory (1876), Govt.
Printing Press (1876), Soda Factory (1910), Iron Factory (1910), Deccan Button Factory (1916), VST
Factory (1919), Chemical Laboratory (1921), Deccan Glass Factory (1927), DBR Mills (1929), Azam Jahi
Mills (1931), RTC (1932), Nizam Sugar Factory (1937), Sirpur Paper Mill (1939), Golconda Cigarette
Factory (1941), Hyderabad State Bank (1942), Hyderabad Allwyn Metals (1942), Praga Tools (1943),
Sirsilk (1946), Hyderabad Asbestos (1946), Hyderabad Lamination Products (1947).
DEPARTMENTS: Revenue (1864), Customs (1866), Formation of Districts (1866), Health (1866),
Printing & Stationery (1867), Endowments (1867), Forest (1867), Municipal (1869), Public Works (1869),
Education (1870), High Court (1870), Survey Settlement (1875), Land Settlement (1876), Population
Census (1881), Excise (1882), Police (1883), Mines (1892), Industries and Commercial (1892), Local Fund
(1893), Irrigation (1896), State Life Insurance Fund (1911), City Improvement Board (1912), Agriculture
(1913), Hyderabad Civil Service (1913), Archaeology (1914), Akasha vani (Radio) (1932), Labour (1945).
SCHOOLS, COLLEGES, & UNIVERSITIES : Dar-ul Uloom School (1856), Chadarghat School
(1872), Mufi-dul Anaam School (1879), Alia School (1879), Secunderabad Mahboob College (1884),
Nizam College (1874), Nampally Girls School (1887), Warangal (Telugu) School (1890), Asafia School
(1894), Medical College (1894), Viveka Vardhini School (1904), Mahboobia Girls School (Gunfoundry)
(1910), City College (1920), Osmania University (1920), Osmania Medical College (1921), Hyderabad
Public School (1923), Marwadi Hindi Vidyalaya (1924), Hindi Vidyalaya Secunderabad (1926), Physical
Education College (1930), College of Veterinary Science (1946). Koti Womens College, Nampally
Womens College.
LIBRARIES: Mudigonda Shankaradyula library, Secunderabad (1872), Asafia State Central Library
(1892), Bharat Gunvardhak Library, Sha-ali-banda (1895), Bollaram Lirbary (1896), Sri Krishnadevaraya
Library, Sultan-bazar (1901), Raja Raja Narendra Library, Hanamkonda (1904), Vignana Chandrika
Library (1905), Pratapa Rudra Library, Warangal (1913), Samskruta Kala Vardhini, Secunderabad (1913),
Bala Saraswati Library (1923), Jogipeta Library, Medak (1930)
LAKES, BRIDGES, AND HISTORICAL BUILDINGS: Hussainsagar Lake (1562), Puranapool (1578),
Charminar, Gulzar House, Char Kaman (1589-91), Saroornagar Colony (1793), Sultan-shahi Mint (1803),
Miralammandi (1805), Miralam Lake (1806), Bristish Residency Bhavan (1808), Chandulal Baradari
(1828), Chadarghat Bridge (1831), Afzal-gunj Bridge (1859-66), Post Offices (1862), Public Gardens
(1873), Falaknuma Palace (1884), Chanchalguda Jail (1882), Muslim-Jang Bridge (1884), Hanuman
Vyayamasala (1893), Raj Bhavan, High Court Building (1920), Osmansagar Gandipet (1920),
Himayatsagar Anacut (1927),
CEMENT ROADS : Construction of cement Roads in Hyderabad 1930
RAILWAY LINE – Bombay to Raichur (1866), Mumbai –Secunderabad (1873), Nizam Railway Board
(1874), Nampally Railway Station (1883),
TELEPHONE NETWORK: (1885), Nizamia Observatory Telescope (1890),
(1909), Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya, Prepared a Scheme for Flood Protection work and underground
drainage for Hyderabad City.
HOSPITALS : Ayurveda, Unani Hospital (1890), Medical College (1894), Mental Hospital Erragadda
(1897), Gigjikhana Victoria Memorial Nursing Home (1905), Homeopathy College (1916), Charminar
Unani Ayurvedic Hospital (1927), Niloufer Hospital (1925), Osmania General Hospital (1945). Gandhi
Hospital, TB Hospital, Cancer Hospital, ENT Hospital, Nizam Orthopaedic Hospital, Koranti Hospital,
Publications from Telagana Region before 1947 (Newspapers, Weekies, and Monthlies)
Year of Publication Name of Publication Published from
1886 Shedyachandrika Hyderabad
1890 Dinavarthaman Sultanbazar, Hyd
1909 Samyukta Sanghavarthamani Madhira, Khammam
1913 Hithabodhini Vanaparti
1917 Andhramata Secunderabad.
1920 Mulaag Varthamani Khammam
1921 Suvarathamani Mahabubnagar
1922 Tenugu Warangal
1922 Neelagiri Nalgonda
1923 Shaiva Pracharini Warangal
1923 Rayyath Hyderabad
1925 Nedu Secunderabad
1925 Bhagyanagar Hyderabad
1926 Golkonda Pathrika Hyderabad
1927 Adhi Hindu Hyderabad
1927 Sujatha Hyderabad
1938 Telugu Talli Hyderabad
1934 Deccan Kesari Hyderabad
1936 Vibhuti Hyderabad
1937 Divya Vaani Hyderabad
1937 Shobha Warangal/ Hyderabad
1944 Telangana Hyderabad
1947 Imroj Hyderabad
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