Top 20 Sites in news Category
1. Yahoo News
Daily news and full coverage of current issues.
2. BBC Newsline Ticker
Headline ticker will automatically update throughout the day with the latest news, sport, travel, finance and weather from the BBC. Available for multiple OS platforms.
o Keywords: bbc, bbc news, iplayer, weather, radio 1
o From the site: I'm Tristan Ferne and I work in the Future Media & Technology team at BBC Audio & Music Interactive, the people that bring you http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio/ and http://www.bbc.co.uk/music/ , the Radio Player , podcasts , digital radio , our interactive TV services , our mobile sites and more. I do R&D within our team, working on innovative ideas and building prototypes and I thought you might like to know about some of the cool things we do. I also blog at cookin'/relaxin' . ... More...
3. CNN - Cable News Network
Includes US and international stories and analysis, weather, video clips, and program schedule.
o Keywords: cnn, news, cnn.com, cnn news, billy mays
o From the site: CNN.com is among the world's leaders in online news and information delivery. Staffed 24 hours, seven days a week by a dedicated staff in CNN's world headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, and in bureaus worldwide, CNN.com relies heavily on CNN's global team of almost 4,000 news professionals. CNN.com features the latest multimedia technologies, from live video streaming to audio packages to searchable archives of news features and background information. ... More...
4. BBC News
United Kingdom and international news headlines. Contains video and audio webcasts, forums, and in-depth articles.
5. My Yahoo
My Yahoo is a customizable web page with news, stock quotes, weather, and many other features.
6. Google News
Aggregated headlines and a search engine of many of the world's news sources.
7. The New York Times
Online edition of the newspaper's news and commentary. [Registration required]
o Keywords: new york times, nytimes, ny times, nyt, facebook
o From the site: To send a listing from www.nytimes.com/realestate to yourself or someone else for offline viewing, just click on the mobile icon in the "listing tools" area of a property. ... To search for properties directly from your mobile device, go to m.nytimes.com/re and enter your property criteria (such as location and price) or find a specific property by listing ID. ... From the NYTimes.com Real Estate Web site you can send the property information to your or a friend's mobile phone. ... More...
8. Weather.com
Offers forecasts for cities worldwide as well as radar and satellite maps. Also includes news stories and allergy information.
o Keywords: weather, weather.com, weather channel, www.weather.com, twc
o From the site: The Weather Channel is the nation's premier provider of weather information. ... Copyright © 1995-2008, The Weather Channel Interactive, Inc. weather.com® Licensed by TRUSTe | More...
9. MSNBC News
Breaking news online including US and world news.
10. Fox News Channel
Offers worldwide news coverage, analysis, show profiles, broadcast schedules, team biographies, and email news alerts.
o Keywords: fox news, foxnews, billy mays, erin andrews, news
o From the site: E-mail the show: friends@foxnews.com ... For FOX News Channel comments write to yourcomments@foxnews.com This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. © 2008 FOX News Network, LLC. More...
11. The Guardian
Home of the Guardian, Observer and Guardian Weekly newspapers plus special-interest web sites. Each includes news, comment and features plus breaking news, multimedia, ongoing special reports and free archives.
o Keywords: google, guardian, the guardian, michael jackson, torchwood
o From the site: The Guardian newspaper, of which guardian.co.uk is its online presence, was founded in 1821 and has a long history of editorial and political independence. ... Here she answers some of guardian.co.uk's most common queries. ... The Guardian, the Observer, and guardian.co.uk strive to maintain the highest editorial standards at all times. ... Buy Guardian and Observer photos guardian.co.uk Internships guardian.co.uk offers a small number of one or two-week internships. ... More...
12. Reuters
Breaking news, business, financial and investing articles from around the globe. Also provides technology solutions.
o Keywords: reuters, google, harry potter, yahoo, bing
13. The Huffington Post
Offers syndicated columnists, blogs and news stories with moderated comments.
o Keywords: huffington post, huffington, maria belen chapur, bruno, walter cronkite
o From the site: Barack Obama continued his media blitz tonight with an appearance on the Daily Show with Jon Stewart. ... ... Five Reasons Why the Obama Infomercial was Worth the Cost ... The most cringe-worthy political moment of the day, so far, came when Sen. ... Often while searching through the AP photo archive for serious news items,... More...
14. Wall Street Journal
International and national news with a business and financial perspective.
o From the site: To remove our cookies, you may access the following URL designed for this purpose: http://online.wsj.com/delete_cookie The Wall Street Journal's high standards extend to the Online Journal. You may view the full text of any of the Online Journal's legal documentation, including our Privacy and Cookie Policies, in the ... Your Online Journal subscription includes the Media & Marketing Edition, which can be accessed directly via the following URL: http://online.wsj.com/media ... More...
15. The Times of India
Indian national daily, political and entertainment news, some sections only available with registration.
16. Yahoo Weather
Yahoo weather including forecasts, resources and categories.
17. Washington Post
Daily. Offers news, opinion, sports, arts and living and entertainment. Includes archives since 1977 and subscription information.
o Keywords: yahoo, washington post, google, msn, yahoo mail
18. Los Angeles Times
Online version of local daily paper. Contains links to world, nation, and local news as well as weather, entertainment, business, and other links.
o Keywords: la times, erin andrews, michael jackson, latimes, cash for clunkers
o From the site: Some of the bodies appeared to be freshly buried, Hassan said. garrett.therolf@latimes.com
19. CNN Money
Combines practical personal finance advice, calculators and investing tips with business news, stock quotes, and financial market coverage from the editors of CNN and Money Magazine.
20. MSN Video
Main Video Portal powered by Microsoft Network featuring news, sports, and entertainment.
source: alexa
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