words of wisdom
There are but two ways of paying a debt; increase of industry in raising income or increase of thrift in laying out – CARLYLE
Debt is to a man what the serpent is to the bird. Its eyes fascinate, its breath poisons, its coil crushes sinews and bones, its jaw is the PITILESS GRAVE – BULWER LYTTON
Defeat the test of the great man. Your true general is not he who rides to triumph on the tide of an easy victory, but the one who, when crushed to earth, can bend himself to the task of planning methods of rising again – P.G. WODEHOUSE
A wise man will desire no more than he may got justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully and live contentedly – BURTON
Simple diet is best; for many dishes bring many diseases –PLINY
Difficulty is the soil in which all manly womanly qualities best flourish. His very failures, throwing him upon his own resources, cultivate energy and resolution; his hardships teach him fortitude: his successes inspire self-reliance – W MATHEWS
The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it – are
Exercise, and
These six will gladly attend. If you are only willing, your ills they’ll mend, your cares they’ll end, and charge you not a shilling – THE SUNSHINE
WERE YOU RAISED IN A BARN?: Close the door. This can be a reminder to close the house door or the refrigerator door. Don’t let heat or cold escape through an open door. Respect your home. Don’t leave a mess behind you, be kind to others, and remember your manners.
SAVE FOR A RAINY DAY: Set some money aside for when you need it later, such as an emergency or retirement. More importantly, pay yourself first.
A STITCH IN TIME SAVES NINE: This is especially helpful with confronting money issues and repairs. It’s better to handle them early rather than later when it gets worse.
A PENNY SAVED IS A PENNY EARNED: Save some money. Saving small amounts of money bit by bit is as beneficial as earning it.
WASTE NOT, WANT NOT: Think before you spend. Don’t be greedy. Take what you will use and not more than you need. Don’t waste anything that you might need later. Make the most of your resources.
ALL THAT GLITTERS ISN’T GOLD: Look for value beyond the packaging. What looks good on the outside doesn’t mean it is. This can be helpful if you’re ever feeling envious of others, too. Not everything is the way it appears.
THE GRASS IS ALWAYS GREENER: Don’t compare yourself to others. Often, other situations look better than your own, but rarely are any better. Appreciate what you have. Be content with who you are.
K.I.S.S.: Keep it simple, stupid. Enough said.
NEVER FORGET WHERE YOU CAME FROM: Help boost someone else when you can, and stay true to yourself.
MONEY DOESN’T GROW ON TREES: You have to work to earn money. It takes effort and isn’t instantly available.
A SMALL LEAK WILL SINK A BIG SHIP: Track your spending. Watch the small expenses because they will cause big problems later. Small problems can become a big deal.
GIVE A MAN A FISH: Teach or show someone how to do something instead of doing it for them. Learn to do something for yourself in case you ever need to.
A FOOL AND HIS MONEY ARE SOON PARTED: Think before you buy. Comparison shop, do some research before buying impulsively.
PUT A SWEATER ON: Turn down the thermostat. Save some energy and money.

Copacabana Beach, Rio de Janeiro

Times Square, New York City
Never REGRET. If it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad... it's experience." ~Victoria Holt

Sydney Harbor, Sydney
WORRYING... is the same thing as banging your head against the wall. It only feels good when you stop" ~John Powers

Since the dawn of time, artists have been trying to get to the bottom of what makes the human form so fascinating. Now a pair of French writers are publishing their own cheeky run-down of society's fascination.... with the behind
Don't lose your focus, anticipate your future, activate your faith then pursue your dreams.~ Dr. Tawandia Smith

London Eye fireworks display, London
A wise man will desire no more than he may got justly, use soberly, distribute cheerfully and live contentedly – BURTON

Central World or Sanam Luang, Bangkok
Defeat the test of the great man. Your true general is not he who rides to triumph on the tide of an easy victory, but the one who, when crushed to earth, can bend himself to the task of planning methods of rising again – P.G. WODEHOUSE

Champs-Elysees, Paris
Debt is to a man what the serpent is to the bird. Its eyes fascinate, its breath poisons, its coil crushes sinews and bones, its jaw is the PITILESS GRAVE – BULWER LYTTON

Las Vegas Strip, Las Vegas
Difficulty is the soil in which all manly womanly qualities best flourish. His very failures, throwing him upon his own resources, cultivate energy and resolution; his hardships teach him fortitude: his successes inspire self-reliance – W MATHEWS

Lit candles in a menorah
There are but two ways of paying a debt; increase of industry in raising income or increase of thrift in laying out – CARLYLE
Simple diet is best; for many dishes bring many diseases –PLINY
The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it – are
Exercise, and
These six will gladly attend. If you are only willing, your ills they’ll mend, your cares they’ll end, and charge you not a shilling – THE SUNSHINE

An arctic fox, curled against a rock, in Manitoba, Canada
A well-spent day... brings happy SLEEP." ~Leonardo da Vinci

Annual Thanksgiving Parade marches down Central Park West, in Manhattan
SILENCE... is the sleep that nourishes wisdom." ~Francis Bacon

Tools in hand, astronaut Randy Bresnik works on the exterior of the Columbus module of the International Space Station during the Atlantis crew's second spacewalk
Be like the SUN for grace and mercy. Be like the NIGHT... to cover others' faults." ~Rumi

To aspiring writers" Whether you write well or not, write bravely" Bill Stout
Love sought is good but given unsought is better -- Shakespeare
Tis better to have loved and lost than to have never loves at all--Tennyson
Be wild crazy and drunk with love.If you are too careful, love will not find you-Rumi
We are such stuff that dreams are made on-Shakespeare
Longing for eternity exists because we cherish ourselves, provided our daily life is happy. But if it is miserable you want to shorten life - Dalai Lama
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