Laugh Your Way to Good Health
Top 10 Ways to Stay Energized
1. Master the power nap.
2. Switch from venti to smaller caffeine doses.
3. Put your senses to work.
4. Eat the right nutrition mix.
5. Crank out some morning exercises.
6. Get outside—even if it's cloudy.
7. Schedule around your energy peaks.
8. Deal with job burnout.
9. Listen to brain-stretching music.
10. Make your own energy products.
The Fountain of Youth at Your Fingertips
The Top 7 Bad-Ass Babes of Cinema

Anil Ambani
Leaders communicate -- Anil Ambani is India's highest paid CEO. Reliance ADAG has a market capitalisation of Rs 325,000 crore ($81 billion), net assets in excess of Rs 115,000 crore ($29 billion), and net worth to the tune of Rs 55,000 crore ($14 billion)
Peter Drucker's mantras for success
The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.
Doing the right thing is more important than doing the thing right.
# Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.
# The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.
Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship... the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.
Performing organisations enjoy what they're doing.
Ten asanas for good sex
Healthy Diet Can Help You Prevent Hair Loss
Blog for Scholarship Money or Tutor Online
Some Students Are Using Little-Known Web Resources to Finance Their Futures
College is stressful enough without having to worry about the faltering student loan market and the credit crisis.
When you add on the "smaller" expenses such as $100 textbooks, and gas money, the cost of attending school can seem overwhelming.
Some Internet-savvy students, however, are using three relatively unknown Web sites to make money online. The best part? There are no long essays or forms required, and no need to worry about getting scammed.
'This Award Could Not Have Come at a Better Time'
Kim Klein is the kind of student whom schools refer to as "non-traditional." She was a stay-at-home mom to her three kids for 13 years before deciding to go to law school at Loyola University in Illinois.
"It was something I had always wanted to do," said Klein, a 42-year-old breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed at the end of her second year of graduate school.
Despite the difficulty of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, she continued studying law, and her blog, which was originally meant as a place to reflect on law school, turned into a way to keep loved ones informed about her health.
In the fall, while surfing the Net, Klein came across a blogging competition for the best student blog on She applied, but then said she went about her day and put it out of her mind. Not long afterward she was excited to find out that she had been chosen as one of 20 finalists. A public vote on would determine the winner.
Once word got out that Klein was one of the finalists, more than 9,000 votes poured in, many from people Klein had never met.
"My situation was so unique and so different," Klein said, explaining that family and friends often feel helpless when one is diagnosed with cancer. "People jumped on the bandwagon. So many people said to me they felt like it was something they could do to help."
After winning the contest in October, she celebrated her $10,000 victory in true blogger fashion by posting a thank you note to all of her supporters. "This award could not have come at a better time for me and my family, and we are all deeply grateful," she wrote in her Oct. 29 post. "I plan to use the money to pay some of the principle and interest on my student loans.
"The scholarship was a drop in [the] bucket of law school debt, but every drop helps," she said. "I used a lot of it to pay the interest on my student loans and also used some of it for book and supplies and there's a little left to make loan payments. It definitely helps with keeping up with the expenses I'm incurring."
As it happens, her 17-year-old daughter will graduate from high school soon, and her college tuition bills will begin arriving at the same time that Klein's school loan bills become due.
Today, Klein is cancer free and continues to attend school part time. She plans to finish her degree in May 2009.
'We Want to Keep It Real'
Husband and wife team Aaron and Giovanna Villanueva, both 28, are the publishers of and The college scholarships on their Web site are funded by ads generated from their other Web sites. Their scholarship competitions, which also fund awards for women and students of color, aren't well-publicized -- recent applicants found out about them largely via word-of-mouth. In addition to the larger scholarships, gives out $250 a month to one lucky person who tells them how to best improve their site.
"We spread organically across the Web, we don't heavily advertise," Aaron said. "Unlike most Web sites, we aren't aggressive in our ad placement."
Another way in which they are unusual: and don't collect any information from their users. In January 2009, the Villanuevas will launch a free scholarship search site that also does not require that users submit personal information. The two have vowed to never bombard students with offers from advertisers, such as student loan companies.
"We're Internet junkies -- we see a lot of junk on the Web," Giovanna said. "It's hard for a student to distinguish what is authentic information or what is something that's useful versus a marketing message. We want to keep it real."
Law As A Career
A few years back if you happened to enquire from some talented students about the career/profession they plan to pursue after their schooling (10+2), the reply of most of them was on the expected lines. Their foremost preferences were Engineering or Medicine. Some of them, however, would show their inclination towards Management after graduation. Few would ever think about pursuing a programme in law. In those days the study of law was an option for those who were not interested in serious studies or for those who just wanted to pass some years of their life or for those who wanted to join their parents already established in the field of law. Since there was no restriction of age for joining the law course, even persons in the age group of 50 years plus could be seen studying law. Law was a least attractive career amongst the talented students at that time. But in the changed economic and social scenario, a good number of talented students are clear in their minds to join law after their schooling (10+2) or graduation. With the advent of multinational companies in India, and the country embracing a free market economy and corporate culture, the talented students are attracted towards the study of law.
Besides, being financially lucrative and respectable option, law is also an adventurous and thrilling profession. A degree in law not only provides decent opportunities for livelihood but it is also a tool to fight against injustice in the society. In past, a law graduate had the option either to join judiciary or become a practicing lawyer but options open to him today are wide and varied. The prestige attached to the profession is an added attraction.
Earlier the image of a lawyer was that of a man in black robes arguing the case of his clients before the courts. Today a lawyer has become an indispensable part of the modern life. He plays a decisive role in every sphere of society. He tenders legal advice to his clients in their individual needs and helps in resolving their disputes with opposites-parties. He understands laws and ensures that the people live within four corners of law. He pleads for legal rights of his clients before the courts.
A lawyer must possess excellent drafting, presentation and communication skills. He must have good intellectual ability, should be hardworking, self-confidence and should possess physical and mental stamina. He must have quick grasping power. He must be a man of impeccable integrity because he holds secret briefs of his clients.
There are many career opportunities available to law graduates in India. Some of fields open to them are as follows :
1. Corporate World
2. NGOs
3. Govt. & PSUs
4. Banking Sector
5. Teaching/Academics in Law Colleges
6. Defence Forces
7. Judiciary
8. Law Firms
9. LPOs
10. Litigation
11. Freelance Journalism
Courses offered in Law Schools are :
1. Three-Years Bachelor of Laws programme (LL.B.)
2. Five-Years Integrated undergraduate programme. (B.A., LL.B)
3. Two-Years Master of Laws programme (LL.M.)
However, the students completing the above programmes and interested in higher degrees can join the following programmes:
LL.D (Doctor of Laws)
Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy)
M.Phil (Master of Philosophy)
In the law schools besides the above-mentioned programmes, some short-term specialized law programmes are also offered to students to familiarize themselves with the new developments taking place in the field of law. Some of the specialized law programmes are :
1. Diploma in Patents Law
2. Diploma in Media Law
3. Diploma in Cyber Laws
4. Diploma in Human Rights Laws
5. Diploma in Environmental Laws
6. Diploma in Medical Laws and Ethics
7. Diploma in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare
8. Diploma in Securities Law
9. Diploma in Taxation Laws
10. Diploma in Intellectual Property Laws
11. Diploma in Banking Laws
12. Diploma in Criminology and Penology
Legal education in India has never been as good as it is today. For a very long time three-year LL.B course was in vogue in Indian universities. A bold and creative decision was taken on the part of the Bar Council of India by allowing an integrated five-year programme in the year 1987 when National Law School of India University was established in Bangalore by the NLSUI Act 1986 of the Karnatka legislature. The other universities continued to pursue the pattern of three year LL.B course. The outstanding success of the National Law School experiment invited attention from policy planners. The All India Law Ministers Conference at Bhubaneswar in 1992 endorsed a proposal of a Committee of Parliament for setting up model law schools on the type of Bangalore law school in every State. Thereafter, States of different legislatures enacted Acts to establish national law schools in their respective States - the State of Madhya Pradesh in Bhopal (1997), the State of Andhra Pradesh in Hyderabad (1998), the State of Rajasthan in Jodhpur (1999), the State of West Bengal in Kolkata (1999), the State of Chattisgarh in Raipur (2003), the State of Gujarat in Gandhi Nagar (2003), the State of Kerala in Kochi (2005), the State of Uttar Pradesh in Lucknow (2005), the State of Punjab in Patiala (2006), the State of Bihar in Patna (2006) and the National Capital of Delhi in Delhi (2008). A number of universities and their constituent colleges followed suit by starting five year integrated LL.B. courses in addition to the existing three-year LL.B. courses.
Prior to 2008, all the national law schools were conducting their own entrance tests for admission but from the year 2008, admissions to all the national law schools are being made strictly on the basis of merit of Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). The maiden CLAT was conducted by the NLSUI on 11th May, 2008 since it was decided earlier by all the schools to conduct the test in rotation on the basis of seniority- senior most law school starting first. This year CLAT 2009 is being conducted by NALSAR University of Law. The eligibility for undergraduate five year integrated programmes is 10+2 with 50% marks and eligibility for two year LL.M. programme is LL.B. with 55% marks. The age limit for undergraduate five year integrated programme is 20 years as on 1st July, 2009. All the national law schools are fully residential. Prestige of gaining admission in national law schools is comparable to IITs, IIMs and CPMTs. The following eleven national law schools (National Law School of Delhi has kept itself out) will be part of the CLAT.
2. NALSAR UNIVERSITY OF LAW, HYDERABAD 3-4-7 761, Barkatpura, Hyderabad - 500027
Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700098.
5. NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR NH-65, Nagaur Road, Mandor, Jodhpur-342304
E- 3820284, GIDC, Electronics Estate, Sector-26 Gandhinagar-382028
Sec-D1, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road Scheme, Near Power House, Lucknow - 226012.
9. RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB, Mohindra Kothi, The Mall, Patiala - 147001
10. CHANAKYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies Campus, Gandhi Maidan, Patna - 800 001.
The pattern of the test paper for the undergraduate programme will be as follows;
1. English including comprehen-sion - 40 marks
2. General Knowledge/Current Affairs - 50 marks
3. Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability) - 20 marks
4. Legal Aptitude - 45 marks
5. Logical Reasoning - 45 marks
Almost all the National law schools are running five-year integrated undergraduate programme B.A., LL.B (Hons) and two year post graduate course (LL.M). After completing their under graduate or post graduate programme, the students can pursue courses in specialized fields of their choice.
Besides the above-mentioned law schools covered under the CLA T, there are a number of other reputed law schools/colleges/universities which are running three year LL.B. programmes or/and five year integrated LL.B and two year LL.M programmes. They are conducting their own entrance tests for admission or taking admissions on the basis of scores
obtained in 10+2 or graduation.
(The author is a lawyer based in Lucknow)
K.L. Adlakha
Education should lead pupils towards the inculcation of values that shape their lives. Education is much more than literacy, information, or knowledge, it should be a means for a successful life. Securing a job for survival is an objective of education, but that should not be the ultimate objective. It should create confidence to face the new challenges of technology, economics, or any other subject for that matter.
Vedas and Upanishads
The relevance of the history of education is the fact that education is not only an engine of change, but a barometer of the prosperity of a country.
The Vedas, the repository of knowledge edge, dates back to the beginning of Indian civilization. The word Veda is form the root ‘vid’- to know. Rigveda came into being between 1500 BC and 500 BC. Three other Vedas, Yajurveda, Samveda, and Atharvaveda followed, thereafter, Upanishads clearly set forth the primer Vedic doctrines, in the Gurukul system. The disciples lived in the asharms of the Gurus (great teachers) for long period, and mastered various facets of knowledge and skills. Women’s education was given importance in the Vedic period, as evidenced by the stories of the Vedic scholars like Gargi and Maitreyi.
The Insurance Sector
Insurance today encompasses a variety of services from life and health to travel and house insurance. Freshers and graduates wanting to become insurance agents should take a qualifying exam. The agents task is to sell insurance policies other task is to sell insurance policies on behalf of the company and act as a consultant to customer. Other openings in these areas is that of a development officer who deals with marketing and getting new clients, a professional underwriter who assesses risks involved in the business, an administrative officer who deals with the registration of claims and policies and checks details for the insurance company and a surveyors, to become which one he/she must complete a degree or a short term programme in actuarial science.
The Call Center Sector
A company’s first interface with customer is the call center. Call center executives are often fresh graduates and sometimes undergraduates who have knowledge of computer and are trained to respond to Customer queries promptly, politely, using state of art telephony and computing technology to give correct information. Those willing to work in day and night shifts, with good interpersonal skills, language proficiency, good vocabulary and accent, a polite manner and sales skill can think of beginning their careers in this industry, which offers attractive pay and package.
The Non Governmental Organization Sector
A graduation in social work, psychology or any other related field, coupled with a genuine interest in helping people, patience, the ability to be empathetic and to be able to provide hope and relief, makes one eligible for entry level jobs in NGO’s and social welfare organizations. You will know if your heart goes out to the needy, physically or mentally challenged people, juvenile delinquents or the poor!
The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Sector
One of the most sought after industries today is the BPO sector. To it’s credit is the fact that it has created immense work opport-unities of youngsters as well as experienced professional. The concept of BPO has come in vogue because companies world over have realized that even minuscule operation need storage for smooth functioning. BPO’s in India have helped them achieve this increase in productivity are reduced costs. A fresher usually joins the sphere as a process associate or analyst and works on processing applications related to areas of finance, banking others, maintaining a high level of accuracy.
BPO Sector: The sector is likely to employ 23 lakh people by 2010. Owing to soaring property prices, rising wages and high attrition rates, companies tend to move to Tier II cities of India.
KPO : Knowledge Process Outsourcing is emerging as lucrative job destination for the youth. KPO may touch $10-12 million by 2010, creation 2.5 lakh jobs spanning different backgrounds as science, engineering, law, accounting, pharmaceuticals, not to speak of technological stream. Legal field is sure to boom, netting around 80,000 jobs by 2010.
The Human Resource Sector
The hugely growing HR and recruitment companies are today themselves hunting for good resources to services them. Placement agencies often require the services of graduates or postgraduates utilize them in their head - hunting or recruitment campaigns for job openings in organizations. The job profiles of these youngsters vary from analyzing client requirements in the context of job openings. Doing the preliminary short listing of profiles of candidates, checking the availability and interests of candidate their resumes to the client.
The IT Enabled Services (ITES) Sector
The huge demand for manpower by companies abroad wanting to provide information and support services to their customer using technology has led to ITES becoming a booming sector in India with it’s large English speaking workforce is servicing such companies in the sphere of interaction transaction, customer interaction service, technical support, business process outsourcing besides others. The field is a more stable one for youngsters and even offers entrepreneurial opportunities to the technically qualified.
There are many more opportunities in Services Sector
Finance professionals are in great demand. Maximum demand comes from sectors like banking, trading and real estate. The financial sector is estimated to hire lakh people this year.
Another new economy sector is the retail sector. Bharti Enterprises on a tie-up with Wal-Mart forecasts a Billion Dollar market by 2010. Two million jobs will be created by 2010. A healthy off-shoot will be the spurt in advertising industry throwing up a vista of opportunities. Client servicing, creative department, media department, production, television, photo-graphy, market research, exhibition, event management and direct marketing constitute the job profile. The sector lacks training facilities. Indian Retail School (IRS) in New Delhi and various other Institutions are providing training in Retail Management in many states of India.
Hospitality : With business travel on the up, hotel industry would require a workforce of around 95,000 by 2010. Graduate from Home Science, Commerce, Physics and Engineering can look forward to suitable openings at different levels of work.
Entertainment Industry is churning out handsome jobs potential for RJs, DJs and sound engineers. Close to 3 lakh professionals will be employed by the year 2010. 30% per year growth hasbeen recorded by the animation industry.
Aviation Sector is growing at a whopping 25% a year, creating new job opportunities. Alteon Training, a subsidiary of Boeing Company forecasts that number of pilots required in India will increase from 3000 to 15,000 in coming years. Cabin crew, airline managers and ground staff constitute the rest.
Top 10 Emerging Career Options for the youth of India
1. Software Engineering
2. Call Center
3. Animation/Graphics
4. Hotel Management
5. Advertising
6. Tourism Management
7. Radio Jockeying
8. TV Presentation/Journalism
9. Investment banking
10. Fashion Photography
There are more of emerging in various sectors such as -
a) Retail in one of the emerging sectors, say employers.
(b) According to Placement agencies, hotel, management is one of the top emerging sectors.
(c) For course counselors, investment banking is one of the emerging sectors.
Why are these Emerging Career Options?
1 2 3 4 5
Software Engineering Higher pay Qualification International Dream Snob
Job value
Call Centre Higher pay Qualification International Snob Peer
value pressure
Animation Graphic Higher pay International Dream Job Qualification Snob
exposure value
Hotel Management Higher pay International Qualification Snob Dream
exposure value Job
Advertising Higher pay International Qualification Snob Dream
exposure value Job
Tourism Management Higher pay International Qualification Dream Snob
exposure Job value
Radio Jockeying Higher pay International Dream Job Snob Qualifica-
exposure value tion
TV Presentation/ Higher pay Dream Job International Snob Qualifica-
Journalism exposure value tion
Investment Banking Higher pay Qualification International Snob Dream
exposure value Job
Fashion Photography Higher pay Dream Job International Snob Qualifica-
exposure value tion
Cities and Jobs
1 2 3 4 5
Software Engineering Bangalore Hyderabad Mumbai Delhi Chennai
Call Centre Bangalore Mumbai Delhi Hyderabad Chennai
Retailing Mumbai Bangalore Delhi Hyderabad Chennai
Hotel Management Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Chennai Hyderabad
Investment Banking Mumbai Bangalore Delhi Chennai Kolkata
Tourism Management Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Chennai Kolkata
Advertising Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Hyderabad Chennai
Animation Graphic Mumbai Bangalore Delhi Hyderabad Chennai
In-flight Hospitality Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Chennai Kolkata
Expected Salary
Figures in Rs. 5,001- Rs. 10,001- Rs. 20,001- Rs. 25,000+
10,000 20,000 25,000
Software Engineering 5 41 16 34
Call Centre 29 48 8 1
Animation Graphic 16 43 19 11
Hotel Management 0 62 14 6
Advertising 14 53 12 9
Tourism Management 11 63 8 5
What Employers look for while Recruiting
Required skills Ranking
1 2 3 4 5
Software Engineering Education Aptitude Soft skills Experience Training
Call Centre Soft skills Aptitude Training Education Experience
Retailing Soft skills Aptitude Training Education Experience
Hotel Management Education Soft skills Training Aptitude Experience
Investment Banking Education Training Experience Soft skills Aptitude
Tourism Management Education Soft skills Aptitude Training Experience
Advertising Soft skil Education Training Aptitude Experience
Animation Graphic Training Aptitude Education Experience Soft skills
In-flight Hospitality Training Soft skills Aptitude Education Experience
Event Management Experience Soft skills Aptitude Training Education
Mode of Recruitment
1 2 3
Software Engineering Campus Placement Advertisement
recruitment consultants
Call Centre Advertisement Placement Campus
Prof. (Dr). P.K. Dutta
source: employment news
Top 10 Ways to Stay Energized
1. Master the power nap.
2. Switch from venti to smaller caffeine doses.
3. Put your senses to work.
4. Eat the right nutrition mix.
5. Crank out some morning exercises.
6. Get outside—even if it's cloudy.
7. Schedule around your energy peaks.
8. Deal with job burnout.
9. Listen to brain-stretching music.
10. Make your own energy products.
The Fountain of Youth at Your Fingertips
The Top 7 Bad-Ass Babes of Cinema

Anil Ambani
Leaders communicate -- Anil Ambani is India's highest paid CEO. Reliance ADAG has a market capitalisation of Rs 325,000 crore ($81 billion), net assets in excess of Rs 115,000 crore ($29 billion), and net worth to the tune of Rs 55,000 crore ($14 billion)
Peter Drucker's mantras for success
The most important thing in communication is to hear what isn't being said.
Doing the right thing is more important than doing the thing right.
# Efficiency is doing things right; effectiveness is doing the right things.
# The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.
Innovation is the specific instrument of entrepreneurship... the act that endows resources with a new capacity to create wealth.
Performing organisations enjoy what they're doing.
Ten asanas for good sex
Healthy Diet Can Help You Prevent Hair Loss
Blog for Scholarship Money or Tutor Online
Some Students Are Using Little-Known Web Resources to Finance Their Futures
College is stressful enough without having to worry about the faltering student loan market and the credit crisis.
When you add on the "smaller" expenses such as $100 textbooks, and gas money, the cost of attending school can seem overwhelming.
Some Internet-savvy students, however, are using three relatively unknown Web sites to make money online. The best part? There are no long essays or forms required, and no need to worry about getting scammed.
'This Award Could Not Have Come at a Better Time'
Kim Klein is the kind of student whom schools refer to as "non-traditional." She was a stay-at-home mom to her three kids for 13 years before deciding to go to law school at Loyola University in Illinois.
"It was something I had always wanted to do," said Klein, a 42-year-old breast cancer survivor who was diagnosed at the end of her second year of graduate school.
Despite the difficulty of chemotherapy and radiation treatments, she continued studying law, and her blog, which was originally meant as a place to reflect on law school, turned into a way to keep loved ones informed about her health.
In the fall, while surfing the Net, Klein came across a blogging competition for the best student blog on She applied, but then said she went about her day and put it out of her mind. Not long afterward she was excited to find out that she had been chosen as one of 20 finalists. A public vote on would determine the winner.
Once word got out that Klein was one of the finalists, more than 9,000 votes poured in, many from people Klein had never met.
"My situation was so unique and so different," Klein said, explaining that family and friends often feel helpless when one is diagnosed with cancer. "People jumped on the bandwagon. So many people said to me they felt like it was something they could do to help."
After winning the contest in October, she celebrated her $10,000 victory in true blogger fashion by posting a thank you note to all of her supporters. "This award could not have come at a better time for me and my family, and we are all deeply grateful," she wrote in her Oct. 29 post. "I plan to use the money to pay some of the principle and interest on my student loans.
"The scholarship was a drop in [the] bucket of law school debt, but every drop helps," she said. "I used a lot of it to pay the interest on my student loans and also used some of it for book and supplies and there's a little left to make loan payments. It definitely helps with keeping up with the expenses I'm incurring."
As it happens, her 17-year-old daughter will graduate from high school soon, and her college tuition bills will begin arriving at the same time that Klein's school loan bills become due.
Today, Klein is cancer free and continues to attend school part time. She plans to finish her degree in May 2009.
'We Want to Keep It Real'
Husband and wife team Aaron and Giovanna Villanueva, both 28, are the publishers of and The college scholarships on their Web site are funded by ads generated from their other Web sites. Their scholarship competitions, which also fund awards for women and students of color, aren't well-publicized -- recent applicants found out about them largely via word-of-mouth. In addition to the larger scholarships, gives out $250 a month to one lucky person who tells them how to best improve their site.
"We spread organically across the Web, we don't heavily advertise," Aaron said. "Unlike most Web sites, we aren't aggressive in our ad placement."
Another way in which they are unusual: and don't collect any information from their users. In January 2009, the Villanuevas will launch a free scholarship search site that also does not require that users submit personal information. The two have vowed to never bombard students with offers from advertisers, such as student loan companies.
"We're Internet junkies -- we see a lot of junk on the Web," Giovanna said. "It's hard for a student to distinguish what is authentic information or what is something that's useful versus a marketing message. We want to keep it real."
Law As A Career
A few years back if you happened to enquire from some talented students about the career/profession they plan to pursue after their schooling (10+2), the reply of most of them was on the expected lines. Their foremost preferences were Engineering or Medicine. Some of them, however, would show their inclination towards Management after graduation. Few would ever think about pursuing a programme in law. In those days the study of law was an option for those who were not interested in serious studies or for those who just wanted to pass some years of their life or for those who wanted to join their parents already established in the field of law. Since there was no restriction of age for joining the law course, even persons in the age group of 50 years plus could be seen studying law. Law was a least attractive career amongst the talented students at that time. But in the changed economic and social scenario, a good number of talented students are clear in their minds to join law after their schooling (10+2) or graduation. With the advent of multinational companies in India, and the country embracing a free market economy and corporate culture, the talented students are attracted towards the study of law.
Besides, being financially lucrative and respectable option, law is also an adventurous and thrilling profession. A degree in law not only provides decent opportunities for livelihood but it is also a tool to fight against injustice in the society. In past, a law graduate had the option either to join judiciary or become a practicing lawyer but options open to him today are wide and varied. The prestige attached to the profession is an added attraction.
Earlier the image of a lawyer was that of a man in black robes arguing the case of his clients before the courts. Today a lawyer has become an indispensable part of the modern life. He plays a decisive role in every sphere of society. He tenders legal advice to his clients in their individual needs and helps in resolving their disputes with opposites-parties. He understands laws and ensures that the people live within four corners of law. He pleads for legal rights of his clients before the courts.
A lawyer must possess excellent drafting, presentation and communication skills. He must have good intellectual ability, should be hardworking, self-confidence and should possess physical and mental stamina. He must have quick grasping power. He must be a man of impeccable integrity because he holds secret briefs of his clients.
There are many career opportunities available to law graduates in India. Some of fields open to them are as follows :
1. Corporate World
2. NGOs
3. Govt. & PSUs
4. Banking Sector
5. Teaching/Academics in Law Colleges
6. Defence Forces
7. Judiciary
8. Law Firms
9. LPOs
10. Litigation
11. Freelance Journalism
Courses offered in Law Schools are :
1. Three-Years Bachelor of Laws programme (LL.B.)
2. Five-Years Integrated undergraduate programme. (B.A., LL.B)
3. Two-Years Master of Laws programme (LL.M.)
However, the students completing the above programmes and interested in higher degrees can join the following programmes:
LL.D (Doctor of Laws)
Ph.D (Doctor of Philosophy)
M.Phil (Master of Philosophy)
In the law schools besides the above-mentioned programmes, some short-term specialized law programmes are also offered to students to familiarize themselves with the new developments taking place in the field of law. Some of the specialized law programmes are :
1. Diploma in Patents Law
2. Diploma in Media Law
3. Diploma in Cyber Laws
4. Diploma in Human Rights Laws
5. Diploma in Environmental Laws
6. Diploma in Medical Laws and Ethics
7. Diploma in Labour Laws and Labour Welfare
8. Diploma in Securities Law
9. Diploma in Taxation Laws
10. Diploma in Intellectual Property Laws
11. Diploma in Banking Laws
12. Diploma in Criminology and Penology
Legal education in India has never been as good as it is today. For a very long time three-year LL.B course was in vogue in Indian universities. A bold and creative decision was taken on the part of the Bar Council of India by allowing an integrated five-year programme in the year 1987 when National Law School of India University was established in Bangalore by the NLSUI Act 1986 of the Karnatka legislature. The other universities continued to pursue the pattern of three year LL.B course. The outstanding success of the National Law School experiment invited attention from policy planners. The All India Law Ministers Conference at Bhubaneswar in 1992 endorsed a proposal of a Committee of Parliament for setting up model law schools on the type of Bangalore law school in every State. Thereafter, States of different legislatures enacted Acts to establish national law schools in their respective States - the State of Madhya Pradesh in Bhopal (1997), the State of Andhra Pradesh in Hyderabad (1998), the State of Rajasthan in Jodhpur (1999), the State of West Bengal in Kolkata (1999), the State of Chattisgarh in Raipur (2003), the State of Gujarat in Gandhi Nagar (2003), the State of Kerala in Kochi (2005), the State of Uttar Pradesh in Lucknow (2005), the State of Punjab in Patiala (2006), the State of Bihar in Patna (2006) and the National Capital of Delhi in Delhi (2008). A number of universities and their constituent colleges followed suit by starting five year integrated LL.B. courses in addition to the existing three-year LL.B. courses.
Prior to 2008, all the national law schools were conducting their own entrance tests for admission but from the year 2008, admissions to all the national law schools are being made strictly on the basis of merit of Common Law Admission Test (CLAT). The maiden CLAT was conducted by the NLSUI on 11th May, 2008 since it was decided earlier by all the schools to conduct the test in rotation on the basis of seniority- senior most law school starting first. This year CLAT 2009 is being conducted by NALSAR University of Law. The eligibility for undergraduate five year integrated programmes is 10+2 with 50% marks and eligibility for two year LL.M. programme is LL.B. with 55% marks. The age limit for undergraduate five year integrated programme is 20 years as on 1st July, 2009. All the national law schools are fully residential. Prestige of gaining admission in national law schools is comparable to IITs, IIMs and CPMTs. The following eleven national law schools (National Law School of Delhi has kept itself out) will be part of the CLAT.
2. NALSAR UNIVERSITY OF LAW, HYDERABAD 3-4-7 761, Barkatpura, Hyderabad - 500027
Sector-III, Salt Lake, Kolkata - 700098.
5. NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, JODHPUR NH-65, Nagaur Road, Mandor, Jodhpur-342304
E- 3820284, GIDC, Electronics Estate, Sector-26 Gandhinagar-382028
Sec-D1, LDA Colony, Kanpur Road Scheme, Near Power House, Lucknow - 226012.
9. RAJIV GANDHI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF LAW, PUNJAB, Mohindra Kothi, The Mall, Patiala - 147001
10. CHANAKYA NATIONAL LAW UNIVERSITY, A.N. Sinha Institute of Social Studies Campus, Gandhi Maidan, Patna - 800 001.
The pattern of the test paper for the undergraduate programme will be as follows;
1. English including comprehen-sion - 40 marks
2. General Knowledge/Current Affairs - 50 marks
3. Elementary Mathematics (Numerical Ability) - 20 marks
4. Legal Aptitude - 45 marks
5. Logical Reasoning - 45 marks
Almost all the National law schools are running five-year integrated undergraduate programme B.A., LL.B (Hons) and two year post graduate course (LL.M). After completing their under graduate or post graduate programme, the students can pursue courses in specialized fields of their choice.
Besides the above-mentioned law schools covered under the CLA T, there are a number of other reputed law schools/colleges/universities which are running three year LL.B. programmes or/and five year integrated LL.B and two year LL.M programmes. They are conducting their own entrance tests for admission or taking admissions on the basis of scores
obtained in 10+2 or graduation.
(The author is a lawyer based in Lucknow)
K.L. Adlakha
Education should lead pupils towards the inculcation of values that shape their lives. Education is much more than literacy, information, or knowledge, it should be a means for a successful life. Securing a job for survival is an objective of education, but that should not be the ultimate objective. It should create confidence to face the new challenges of technology, economics, or any other subject for that matter.
Vedas and Upanishads
The relevance of the history of education is the fact that education is not only an engine of change, but a barometer of the prosperity of a country.
The Vedas, the repository of knowledge edge, dates back to the beginning of Indian civilization. The word Veda is form the root ‘vid’- to know. Rigveda came into being between 1500 BC and 500 BC. Three other Vedas, Yajurveda, Samveda, and Atharvaveda followed, thereafter, Upanishads clearly set forth the primer Vedic doctrines, in the Gurukul system. The disciples lived in the asharms of the Gurus (great teachers) for long period, and mastered various facets of knowledge and skills. Women’s education was given importance in the Vedic period, as evidenced by the stories of the Vedic scholars like Gargi and Maitreyi.
The Insurance Sector
Insurance today encompasses a variety of services from life and health to travel and house insurance. Freshers and graduates wanting to become insurance agents should take a qualifying exam. The agents task is to sell insurance policies other task is to sell insurance policies on behalf of the company and act as a consultant to customer. Other openings in these areas is that of a development officer who deals with marketing and getting new clients, a professional underwriter who assesses risks involved in the business, an administrative officer who deals with the registration of claims and policies and checks details for the insurance company and a surveyors, to become which one he/she must complete a degree or a short term programme in actuarial science.
The Call Center Sector
A company’s first interface with customer is the call center. Call center executives are often fresh graduates and sometimes undergraduates who have knowledge of computer and are trained to respond to Customer queries promptly, politely, using state of art telephony and computing technology to give correct information. Those willing to work in day and night shifts, with good interpersonal skills, language proficiency, good vocabulary and accent, a polite manner and sales skill can think of beginning their careers in this industry, which offers attractive pay and package.
The Non Governmental Organization Sector
A graduation in social work, psychology or any other related field, coupled with a genuine interest in helping people, patience, the ability to be empathetic and to be able to provide hope and relief, makes one eligible for entry level jobs in NGO’s and social welfare organizations. You will know if your heart goes out to the needy, physically or mentally challenged people, juvenile delinquents or the poor!
The Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Sector
One of the most sought after industries today is the BPO sector. To it’s credit is the fact that it has created immense work opport-unities of youngsters as well as experienced professional. The concept of BPO has come in vogue because companies world over have realized that even minuscule operation need storage for smooth functioning. BPO’s in India have helped them achieve this increase in productivity are reduced costs. A fresher usually joins the sphere as a process associate or analyst and works on processing applications related to areas of finance, banking others, maintaining a high level of accuracy.
BPO Sector: The sector is likely to employ 23 lakh people by 2010. Owing to soaring property prices, rising wages and high attrition rates, companies tend to move to Tier II cities of India.
KPO : Knowledge Process Outsourcing is emerging as lucrative job destination for the youth. KPO may touch $10-12 million by 2010, creation 2.5 lakh jobs spanning different backgrounds as science, engineering, law, accounting, pharmaceuticals, not to speak of technological stream. Legal field is sure to boom, netting around 80,000 jobs by 2010.
The Human Resource Sector
The hugely growing HR and recruitment companies are today themselves hunting for good resources to services them. Placement agencies often require the services of graduates or postgraduates utilize them in their head - hunting or recruitment campaigns for job openings in organizations. The job profiles of these youngsters vary from analyzing client requirements in the context of job openings. Doing the preliminary short listing of profiles of candidates, checking the availability and interests of candidate their resumes to the client.
The IT Enabled Services (ITES) Sector
The huge demand for manpower by companies abroad wanting to provide information and support services to their customer using technology has led to ITES becoming a booming sector in India with it’s large English speaking workforce is servicing such companies in the sphere of interaction transaction, customer interaction service, technical support, business process outsourcing besides others. The field is a more stable one for youngsters and even offers entrepreneurial opportunities to the technically qualified.
There are many more opportunities in Services Sector
Finance professionals are in great demand. Maximum demand comes from sectors like banking, trading and real estate. The financial sector is estimated to hire lakh people this year.
Another new economy sector is the retail sector. Bharti Enterprises on a tie-up with Wal-Mart forecasts a Billion Dollar market by 2010. Two million jobs will be created by 2010. A healthy off-shoot will be the spurt in advertising industry throwing up a vista of opportunities. Client servicing, creative department, media department, production, television, photo-graphy, market research, exhibition, event management and direct marketing constitute the job profile. The sector lacks training facilities. Indian Retail School (IRS) in New Delhi and various other Institutions are providing training in Retail Management in many states of India.
Hospitality : With business travel on the up, hotel industry would require a workforce of around 95,000 by 2010. Graduate from Home Science, Commerce, Physics and Engineering can look forward to suitable openings at different levels of work.
Entertainment Industry is churning out handsome jobs potential for RJs, DJs and sound engineers. Close to 3 lakh professionals will be employed by the year 2010. 30% per year growth hasbeen recorded by the animation industry.
Aviation Sector is growing at a whopping 25% a year, creating new job opportunities. Alteon Training, a subsidiary of Boeing Company forecasts that number of pilots required in India will increase from 3000 to 15,000 in coming years. Cabin crew, airline managers and ground staff constitute the rest.
Top 10 Emerging Career Options for the youth of India
1. Software Engineering
2. Call Center
3. Animation/Graphics
4. Hotel Management
5. Advertising
6. Tourism Management
7. Radio Jockeying
8. TV Presentation/Journalism
9. Investment banking
10. Fashion Photography
There are more of emerging in various sectors such as -
a) Retail in one of the emerging sectors, say employers.
(b) According to Placement agencies, hotel, management is one of the top emerging sectors.
(c) For course counselors, investment banking is one of the emerging sectors.
Why are these Emerging Career Options?
1 2 3 4 5
Software Engineering Higher pay Qualification International Dream Snob
Job value
Call Centre Higher pay Qualification International Snob Peer
value pressure
Animation Graphic Higher pay International Dream Job Qualification Snob
exposure value
Hotel Management Higher pay International Qualification Snob Dream
exposure value Job
Advertising Higher pay International Qualification Snob Dream
exposure value Job
Tourism Management Higher pay International Qualification Dream Snob
exposure Job value
Radio Jockeying Higher pay International Dream Job Snob Qualifica-
exposure value tion
TV Presentation/ Higher pay Dream Job International Snob Qualifica-
Journalism exposure value tion
Investment Banking Higher pay Qualification International Snob Dream
exposure value Job
Fashion Photography Higher pay Dream Job International Snob Qualifica-
exposure value tion
Cities and Jobs
1 2 3 4 5
Software Engineering Bangalore Hyderabad Mumbai Delhi Chennai
Call Centre Bangalore Mumbai Delhi Hyderabad Chennai
Retailing Mumbai Bangalore Delhi Hyderabad Chennai
Hotel Management Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Chennai Hyderabad
Investment Banking Mumbai Bangalore Delhi Chennai Kolkata
Tourism Management Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Chennai Kolkata
Advertising Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Hyderabad Chennai
Animation Graphic Mumbai Bangalore Delhi Hyderabad Chennai
In-flight Hospitality Mumbai Delhi Bangalore Chennai Kolkata
Expected Salary
Figures in Rs. 5,001- Rs. 10,001- Rs. 20,001- Rs. 25,000+
10,000 20,000 25,000
Software Engineering 5 41 16 34
Call Centre 29 48 8 1
Animation Graphic 16 43 19 11
Hotel Management 0 62 14 6
Advertising 14 53 12 9
Tourism Management 11 63 8 5
What Employers look for while Recruiting
Required skills Ranking
1 2 3 4 5
Software Engineering Education Aptitude Soft skills Experience Training
Call Centre Soft skills Aptitude Training Education Experience
Retailing Soft skills Aptitude Training Education Experience
Hotel Management Education Soft skills Training Aptitude Experience
Investment Banking Education Training Experience Soft skills Aptitude
Tourism Management Education Soft skills Aptitude Training Experience
Advertising Soft skil Education Training Aptitude Experience
Animation Graphic Training Aptitude Education Experience Soft skills
In-flight Hospitality Training Soft skills Aptitude Education Experience
Event Management Experience Soft skills Aptitude Training Education
Mode of Recruitment
1 2 3
Software Engineering Campus Placement Advertisement
recruitment consultants
Call Centre Advertisement Placement Campus
Prof. (Dr). P.K. Dutta
source: employment news
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