13 BestFreelance Writing Job Websites
Elance is a great market place for professionals of all walks of life
Guru is designed to service freelancers of all kinds and has a very active bulletin board.
ScriptLance is probably the most known website for freelancers all around the world
oZLance is a freelance website focused to bring more connections to Australian and New Zealand professionals and connecting business owners with freelancers.
Freelance Writing is one of those sites to get lost in easily. They have a huge range of information and links leading to other related websites.
Journalism Jobs is simply put a job website for many professionals around the world. Some are in house based and others allow you to work remote.
25 Ways To Become An Effective Freelancer
“Producing the intended or expected result”
“A person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them”
So an effective freelancer would be “A person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them producing the intended or expected results.”
Of course, there are no long term commitments as you are not obligated to work for anybody for any amount of time unless you choose to. One reason you chose to go the ‘for hire‘ route is to become your own boss (among other reasons). But although there are no long term commitments, establishing a long term relationship should be close to the top of the list of priorities.
An effective freelancer not only produces intended or expected results but goes beyond that to provide clients with exceptional service. Here we’ll highlight some of the things that can help you become an effective freelancer:
Try to look at the service or product you offer through the client’s eyes - why hire you or order from you?
Be reliable and build credibility
Always meet, and if possible, beat deadlines
Do not over-promise or set unrealistic goals or expectations
When you have problems with a project, use it to your advantage and come up with a solution
Give undivided attention to each and every client, make them feel unique and special
Build a more personal relationship with the client (not too personal though)
Don’t leave your client in the dark - it takes a minute to send an e-mail
Ask questions to be able to better understand the project and meet expectations
Get feedback from your clients so you can better your services and products
Have an easy to navigate and simple website to offer your services so it’s easy even for the non-technically inclined to get to you
Acknowledge your clients and show recognition
Be quick replying to emails and show utmost respect
If you have a meeting with a client, be it on the phone, on IM or in person, arrive early. Early is on time, on time is late.
If possible gather as much information about your client as possible so it shows you are well prepared
Be a problem solver - No need to focus on problems, focus on finding solutions
Offer different packages and deals (example: 3 packages, bronze, silver and gold)
Let your work speak for you - Have you won a design award? Got your site featured on high profile sites? Got interviewed?
Give your customers what every human being wants : friendship, respect, recognition, concern, reliability and always keep your promises
Give your freelance business a personality so clients will see you and/or your company as being unique and friendly
It doesn’t matter how much your service or product is worth to you, make it worth for the client
Remember to send short emails to your previous clients every once in a while so as to stay in touch
When the client asks for little things that needs to be done, get them done. Keep in mind it’s the little things that matters the most
Don’t get intimidated if you get a high profile client, this person/company is offering you a job because he thinks you are worth his time and money - That’s a very good sign!
The most important thing we need to realize is that every client can become our biggest referral, without setting up an affiliate system. If we follow the tips above, chances are our clients will refer us to others. There is no better way to boost our freelancing business other than converting clients into evangelists.
Bonus Tip: One of the secrets of becoming an effective freelancer is to suggest and exchange ideas with other freelancers and like-minded people.
If you found this post helpful please take a moment to share your own tips and tricks and share your thoughts on how we can become an effective freelancer. How can we get repeat business from a client? How can we personalize our services according to the client’s needs? Anything you can think of that can help us become an effective freelancer, share with us. The comments section is yours now.
7 star strategies for your child's future
How can you put a price on the expression of pure bliss on your four-year-old's face
as she enjoys an ice-cream? When your 17-year-old whoops on hearing the news that
he has secured admission to his dream college, would your brain tick away at the
amount of money this is going to cost you?
These are non-questions to any parent. Parental love is unconditional and largely
unaccountable. It's heartless and clinical to count your child as a cost centre, and we
are not suggesting you do that.
Understanding expenses does not imply condemning them. On the contrary, it is only a
first step towards gaining an advantage over them. In fact, if you do manage to chip
away at the warm, fuzzy feeling of pride and accomplishment and examine the costs
of raising a child, you would be able to do a far better job of being the provider.
The dichotomy of spending on your children is a conflict between the present and the
future. Should you cave in and buy the Rs 25,000 Playstation 3 that your son has
been nagging you for? Will it come from the money you have been saving for his
graduation? Will that Barbie-themed Rs 50,000 party you threw on your daughter's
birthday be the reason she will have to do her hotel management in Goa instead of
Geneva? The only way to solve these dilemmas is to plan ahead and start investing.
Two big-ticket costs that all parents have to provide for fall under the heads
education and marriage. Post-graduate education is expensive, and in this globalised
world, if you want to give your child the advantage of an international education,
multiply the cost by 10 times, often even more. A grand celebration to mark your
child's wedding is a great Indian dream and something that all parents would like to
put some money away for.
1. Second baby
Most couples can afford one child and want to do the best for him or her. As financial
decisions go, the second child is usually one that swings the balances. The thought of
having to keep away double the amount of what you need for a child can be daunting.
Often, when the kids are young, one plus one does not add up to two - you could
re-use and recycle and keep your expenses slightly lower. But, as they grow older,
two children can be a real strain on finances. Guitar lessons for one, football coaching
for the other, science tuitions for one and mathematics for the other can add up to a
tidy sum every month.
A second child had always featured in Jayant Bhadauria and Kamalika Nandi's life
plans. It's just that they did not really have the time to have one. Jayant works in a
multinational software company in Mumbai and Kamalika looks after marketing for an
outsourcing company.
Between work, their travelling schedules and looking after Kamini, their four-year-old
daughter, the second child remained something to be done sometime in the future.
Which was why, in September, when Kamalika discovered she was pregnant, for a
minute she didn't know whether to be happy or sad.
"Of course, money was not the first thing I thought about," says Kamalika. "Once the
news sank in, I did realise that we would have to start looking at our expenses. So
far, if I have seen something and liked it, I have ended up buying it if I felt the price
was fair. Now, I feel, there would be a little bit of a compromise there. I do want the
best for my kids, but that does not necessarily mean the most expensive."
7 star strategies for your child's future
The baby is due in May and, for now, they are figuring out the expenses related to
having him - delivery and hospitalisation are just two of the heads. A normal delivery
in a reasonably good hospital costs about Rs 35,000. If there are complications, the
fee could be substantially higher. Kamalika reckons their monthly expenditure would
increase by at least Rs 7,000 for the first year of the new baby.
A substantial portion of the large expenses they incurred for Kamini would not have to
be repeated. Expensive baby paraphernalia like the cot, stroller, rocker and high chair
can be reused for the second baby.
Jayant has a couple of insurance policies. The rest of his investments are all in equity.
He has an employee stock option in his company. Besides this, he has also opted to
buy the equity of his employer, listed in the US, with a certain percentage of his
salary every month.
The rest of his portfolio is in various Indian companies. While equity investment is the
ideal route to create wealth for his young family, Jayant should also look at
diversifying his portfolio. A major chunk of his money is invested in one stock - that of
his employer.
Jayant is also evaluating a couple of child policies from insurance companies. He
wants to use these as vehicles to save for his kids' higher education and marriages.
He is confident that as the expenses of the kids increase, so will his wife's and his
own salaries and that there will not be a situation of having to face a financial crunch.
Kamalika plans to return to work once her maternity benefits expire. When she was
expecting Kamini, she had given up her job and stayed home till her daughter turned
two. "I will try and enjoy the baby more since this is the last one I will have, but it
might be difficult because I plan to go back to work," she says.
"My career has suffered because of the break I took the last time and I don't want to
do it again. But, my company is employee-friendly and I feel that I would be able to
get leave in case I need to spend more time at home."
For now, they are not thinking about late night feeds and diaper changes. They have
chosen to focus instead on Tahitian weddings and exotic holidays for their kids.
2. Nascent dreams
When Simran Kumar thinks about her kids' future, she is not worried about which
school they will secure admission in or how big a wedding they will have. But, as a
modern, aware mother, she does get anxious about the world they will occupy, what
with environmental pollution, global warming and the rest. "I am concerned about
security issues, about violence against women, childhood respiratory diseases from
living in a polluted and crowded city," she says.
Simran and her husband, Zafar Baig, have two children under the age of two -
daughter Ananya is 22 months, and son Vivan is four months old.
Simran is an anchor for a television channel and Zafar works for an export house. With
two well paying jobs, they have not been worried about spending on the luxuries, so
far. But as their young family grows, they want to make sure they get started on
laying the foundation for a sound financial future.
"Now, we do not spend carelessly and have cut out a little bit of our frivolous
expenses. I want the best for my kids," she says.
One of the dreams Simran and Zafar have for their children is to offer them an
opportunity to follow in their footsteps and study abroad. "We are not very
money-savvy, but now want to invest in our kids' future. We do not really know
where to start," says Simran.
7 star strategies for your child's future
They have, however, opened bank accounts in both kids' names and all the money
they have received as gifts has gone into them. Zafar has bought a couple of
insurance policies and invested a bit directly in equity, as well as in some mutual
He recently invested Rs 50,000 in HDFC Standard Life's Young Star Plan. Even as they
try and cope with the 'now and here' expenses of a family of four, as well as investing
in their dreams for their kids, Simran and Zafar would also like to buy a house.
They are not alone in wanting to do several things at once. Most couples are in the
early stages of their careers when they start their families. Often, the need to put
away for a rainy day is lost in the euphoria of youth and its maxim of living for the
When the kids come, several priorities tumble out of the financial closet -- a house,
some means of protecting income and insurance against unforeseeable events, buying
things for the baby, hiring someone to help look after them. Often, with this, also
comes a drastic drop in income levels if the mother chooses to stay back home and
look after the kids for a few years.
The key here is in being able to prioritise and not trying to do everything at once. The
important goals of higher education and marriage of children are quite far away and
even putting away a little sum of money starting right away would be enough.
What is key is getting into the discipline of saving, the amounts can be large or small.
As the goals are far away, most investments can be directed into equities. Systematic
investment plans (SIPs) of good funds, with a long-term view, are ideal here.
Short-term expenditure can be rationalised and reduced if there are opportunities.
Simran reckons she spends about Rs 10,000-15,000 a month now on the kids. This
includes diapers (about Rs 500 for a pack of 50), food and household help.
Simran works three days a week, and that leaves her with enough time to spend with
her children. Once they start school, she can go back to working full time. Simran is
optimistic about her future. "It's all there somewhere, I am a positive person in that
sense," she says. "For now, I want to focus on enjoying my babies," she adds.
3. Wonder years
The five years when the child has started school but is not yet in a higher class that
warrants private tuitions is the ramp up stage for the finances of parents. The goals
of higher education and marriage are some distance away, yet well within view.
Even though the primary schooler's ambitions vary widely from day to day, you could
still get a sense of the direction in which he is likely to head. This is the stage where
you could build your savings. If you have SIPs, you could increase the amount you
invest every month.
On the expense side, this is perhaps the easiest stage. You do not have the
heavy-duty everyday requirements of diapers and baby food, nor have you reached
the stage where you have to spend Rs 300 for one hour of mathematics tuition.
School fees, books, birthday parties and expenses on outings and excursions would be
areas of high spends. A birthday party can cost anywhere between Rs 3,000 and Rs
In Kolkata, nine-year-old Arkatapa wants to be an archaeologist one day and a
teacher the next. She attends classes on ancient mathematics, Bharatnatyam, singing
and drawing. But her mother, Arpita Roy, feels when it comes to choosing a career,
Arkatapa will pick an academically-oriented one.
7 star strategies for your child's future
Arkatapa's father, Barun Kumar Roy, is an officer in the West Bengal government. His
money mantra is that investments should be made for the short term and loans should
be taken for the long term. He spends 60 per cent of his salary and saves the
remaining 40 per cent.
Barun invests with a three-to-four-year view. His first priority is insurance policies, so
that in case anything happens to him, his family does not suffer financially. He has life
insurance policies and Ulips with accident covers. He also has some investments in
Prudential ICICI Mutual Fund. These are in both equity and debt funds. Child plans do
not attract him, he has not taken any for Arkatapa.
An ideal asset allocation at this stage of your child's life is to have 75 per cent of your
investments in equity. This implies that in the intervening years between 0-4 and
5-10, you move some part of your money from pure equity to balanced or debt funds.
Arpita never wanted a career, she was always keen on staying home and looking after
her family. But her advice to her daughter would be to be self-reliant and have the
financial ability to look after herself.
Arpita finds her joy in her daughter's accomplishments. "When she scores 15 out of 15
in a test, I feel very happy. Even though it is a little silly, I do feel happy," she says.
"My daughter is not a very brilliant student, but she is still young. I am not worried
about her career now, water will flow where it will."
Her husband agrees that it is too early to predict what their daughter will grow up to
be, but he is certain that he must invest in her future. "Whenever she makes her
choice of education or career, it should not get stuck because there is no money for
it," he says emphatically.
"Every moment as a father has been a proud one." His dream for his daughter is that
she grows up to be honest, respectful and a good human being. "Everything else is
extra," he says.
4. Early teenage mayhem
As Rishab Nanda grows tall and lanky, his parents, Manisha and Manish, are beginning
to anticipate the mood swings and door slamming that will start as their
soon-to-be-12-year-old grapples with adolescence. Already, there are arguments and
high drama about pretty much everything -- from walking the dog to going on trips
with friends.
Although Rishab is yet unsure of exactly what he wants to grow up to be, the options
are getting clearer by the day. His parents do not want to get caught on the wrong
foot at the last moment and are now quickly squirrelling away as much money as
possible to fund his dreams.
Rishab's school offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme and his parents
expect that once he finishes his class 10, he would opt for this. Not only is the IB
course more expensive than a regular school, the chance that a child going for it
would ultimately pursue his graduate programmes abroad is also high. A two-year IB
course costs about Rs 4 lakh, compared to Rs 1 lakh that you would pay for a regular
CBSE or ISC school.
Manisha and Manish know that this would be an expensive proposition. They would like
to save enough to fund the full cost of his foreign degree, but are not entirely sure
they would be able to. The actual amounts they would need would depend on the
course, college and country.
When the child is between the ages of 10 and 14, regular day-to-day expenses are
also high. School fees in secondary classes are higher than those in primary, and
children also need a lot of academic and non-academic stimulation outside school.
This would mean a mixture of tuitions and lessons. Rishab takes lessons in playing the
drums, speech and drama. These add up to Rs 18,000 a year.
7 star strategies for your child's future
February 26, 2008
This is also the age of having to make large-ticket purchases. Gameboys,
Playstations, the latest skating boards and other 'toys' cost quite a packet, some
starting upwards of Rs 25,000. You can manage to spin some yarn and convince your
eight-year-old that the Barbie she has is better than the Barbie she wants, but there
is no talking reason, logic or threat to a 13-year-old.
The Nandas have made several investments in equity mutual funds. They also have
two child-specific plans -- one from LIC and the other from UTI. Ideally, the Nandas
should move their portfolio more towards debt and balanced funds. One, they would
need a large sum of money to pay the IB fees after Rishab completes his 10th
Also, since he is likely to go abroad for his undergraduate studies, their requirements
of funds would be sooner than usual. In case the stockmarket enters a lull phase after
four years, the largely equity portfolio of the couple could prove a problem.
Right now, Rishab is keen on pursuing his athletics and art. The Nandas know that
these are unconventional choices, but if Rishab does stick to either of these and
decides to pursue a career in it, they would encourage his choice.
Manisha was an advertising executive who switched careers to become a teacher.
She wants Rishab to have the guidance that enables him to discover his aptitudes so
that he doesn't waste years working in a profession he does not really want to be in.
"But," she says proudly, "at the end of the day, I think he is a survivor. Like me."
5. Terrible teens
In Delhi, Priyanka Verma is one busy 16-year-old. She is in her 12th standard and
preparing for her board exams pretty much takes up all her time now. She has opted
for the science stream and is studying physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer
science at Shriram School in Gurgaon.
Her mother, Sarika Verma, is an arts teacher and had noticed, very early, Priyanka's
creative bent of mind. "But," she says, "my husband had the foresight to advise her
that even if she wanted to subsequently pursue a career in arts, it would benefit her
to opt for the science stream at this level." Priyanka's father, Ashutosh Verma, works
in the Indian Trade Promotion Organisation.
Priyanka has now found a career that will allow an artistic expression of her science
education - she wants to be an architect. Not only that, Priyanka also decided on a
foreign language early on, and now she is learning French at an advanced level. This
means that she could opt to study architecture at a good college in France, where
the cost of education would be lower than in the US or the UK.
The Vermas are self-confessedly not very money-savvy. They decided early on that
Priyanka's education would have the first claim on their finances; everything else
would be secondary. Right now, these education expenses are high. Priyanka takes
tuitions in a couple of subjects and these cost Rs 300-400 an hour. This, added to
school fees, the bus charges of going to school and coming back home and other
expenses aggregate to a neat Rs 20,000 a month.
"There was no room to splurge or go on binges. We knew we had limited resources
and, for us, spending was not a way of living. We set our priorities and refused to
worry about anything else," Sarika says.
The Vermas have left what they managed to save in their saving bank account. They
will have to drum up the funds once Priyanka secures admission in a college of her
choice. They are looking at the option of taking an educational loan to augment their
7 star strategies for your child's future
When the child is between 14 and 18, the first big goal draws close. The money
needed for higher education should be ready and ideally, a large chunk of it should be
moved into debt and balanced funds. A 50 per cent exposure to equity is sufficient at
this stage.
Those sending their children abroad - for undergraduate or post-graduate studies -
should be in a position to provide for at least the first couple of years. If you do not
have enough saved up, you can seek an educational loan from a bank. Usually, kids
find part-time work that helps fund a part of their education or, in the least, provides
for their living expenses once they settle down in their new country and campus.
Ideally, earmark your investments for your needs. If the monthly SIP of Rs 7,000 is
going into junior's college fund, the Rs 4,000 one could be the marriage resource. As
the event draws close, you could switch the investment from an equity to a debt
fund. This would allow it to continue earning higher returns than a bank account while
being absolutely liquid.
Sarika is certain that her daughter is a bright spark. "My only dream is that in her life
she should be able to get opportunities to use her many talents," she says.
As for her marriage, it is still far away. "Even if I am rich, I wouldn't splurge on her
wedding; I am totally against that kind of fanfare," she says.
6. Action!
It all comes to pass now, the years of swinging between anticipation and hope. Now
is when your constant refrain of "go to your room and study" goes through its test.
And the money you have put away finally finds its purpose.
Bina Sharma's older son Prabhat is doing his electronics and communications
engineering in Bangalore. As he prepares to finish this and zone in on an area of
specialisation for his post-graduate course, Bina feels a mixture of relief and anxiety.
For one, Prabhat is bright enough to have got through a better college. But, she did
not want him to stay home for a whole year and prepare for the engineering entrance
exam. So, he joined the college where he got admission. This means that if he does
not get through to an IIT for his post-graduate degree, it is best that he go abroad
for it. By the time that would be happening, the younger son would be starting his
first year of college, seeking a medical degree in all likelihood. Bina is remarkably calm
for someone who is juggling so much.
"Prabhat is in two minds and has not decided whether he wants to do a Master's in
Engineering or an MBA," she says. "My sense is that he'll stick to the technical line. If
he does, he might choose to pursue his Master's in aeronautical engineering or
continue in electronics and communications. Either way, if he does not make it to a
top rung college in India, he would go abroad."
A postgraduate degree abroad is much easier to manage compared to an
undergraduate one. All said, it would cost about Rs 40 lakh (Rs 4 million) a year to
study in the US. This means an outlay of Rs 80 lakh (Rs 8 million) for a postgraduate
course, compared to Rs 1.6 crore (Rs 16 million) for an undergraduate degree. Bina
has started planning and has put away a part of this. By the time Prabhat finishes his
degree, she should have the rest of the money on board. If her resources fall short,
the Sharmas may have to take an educational loan.
The Sharmas have been forecasting their finances towards these goals. While they
meet their monthly expenses from the money generated by the business of Bina's
husband, Vipin, her salary is saved in its entirety. They have invested in equities,
mutual funds, fixed deposits and provident funds. They also have bought some real
estate with the express purpose of liquidating it to meet the kids' college expenses.
7 star strategies for your child's future
February 26, 2008
A 25 per cent equity allocation is ideal at this stage. While the remaining money is
invested in lower-risk debt instruments, this 25 per cent would give the kicker of
higher returns.
College expenses cannot be calculated to the last rupee in advance as various factors
come into play on securing admission. Prabhat is planning to pursue a technical
degree, so the possibility of getting sponsorships and fee waivers is higher. However,
the couple needs to peg a basic minimum and work towards it.
The current expenses of the family are also high. Bina paid Rs 150,000 for the first
year of Prabhat's engineering. Over this, he incurs a monthly expense of Rs 8,000.
Bina is focused on her kids having a sound base in education. Once they graduate,
they are free to choose any career they want. She feels that Prabhat's rational
expectations would hold him in good stead through his education and career.
After the stress of steering two boys through their teens, Bina is looking forward to
the final satisfaction of seeing them settle down. "I will then put up my feet and
finally relax," she crystal gazes.
7. The last mile
Sumona Gupta did not want to make the career decisions of her daughters for them.
Snigdha, 23, works in advertising in Google for Hyderabad, and Shaila, 16, is an
aspiring fashion designer. Now that Snigdha is 'settled' professionally, Sumona is
certain that like her choice of an occupation, she would also let her daughter choose
who she wants to marry.
Sumona exudes the confidence of a successful parent -- one who has done the right
thing for her daughters and who can now take it easy and enjoy their success.
Sumona freelances in real estate, helping in renting, buying and selling of property.
Her husband, Sumit, has a shore-based job in a marine operations company in Dubai.
Together, they have set aside some money for their daughters. Most of this is in the
form of equities.
"When my daughter does get married, I would like it to be a big wedding; not overtly
so, but within our budget," Sumona says. A wedding dress for a bride would cost
between Rs 5,000 and Rs 60,000. Of course, if you have the resources you can even
spend a couple of lakh for an outfit. Food for guests sets you back by Rs 50-2,000 a
plate. Ideally, the funds for the kids should be moved out of equity at this stage.
If you have set aside enough, you could leave a small portion, about 5 per cent of the
portfolio, in equity to improve your returns. Investments in gold, ideally in bars and
coins or units of a gold exchange - traded fund, would also come into use now. There
are hardly any expenses you have to incur on behalf of the child now, they have their
own salaries to pay for most of their needs.
Sumona would rather worry about her daughters' financial stability than who they
would marry and when. "There is nothing very secure in a married life," she says. In
fact, she would like Snigdha to go for a postgraduate course, such as an MBA, than
find a man and settle down immediately.
Parenting is full of paradoxes. Even as we wait for the child to cross her next
milestone, we begin to miss the precociousness of the earlier stage. As they wean
themselves away, all we can do is gather all the special moments we have had and air
out their warmth every now and then.
When they grow into adults - people with careers, aspirations and points of view - we
can only wonder how they were ever so small that they fitted into the crook of our
arm. If we have planned ahead and made our children's journey to adulthood that
much easier, that is a job well done, a life well lived

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25 Ways To Become An Effective Freelancer
“Producing the intended or expected result”
“A person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them”
So an effective freelancer would be “A person who sells services to employers without a long-term commitment to any of them producing the intended or expected results.”
Of course, there are no long term commitments as you are not obligated to work for anybody for any amount of time unless you choose to. One reason you chose to go the ‘for hire‘ route is to become your own boss (among other reasons). But although there are no long term commitments, establishing a long term relationship should be close to the top of the list of priorities.
An effective freelancer not only produces intended or expected results but goes beyond that to provide clients with exceptional service. Here we’ll highlight some of the things that can help you become an effective freelancer:
Try to look at the service or product you offer through the client’s eyes - why hire you or order from you?
Be reliable and build credibility
Always meet, and if possible, beat deadlines
Do not over-promise or set unrealistic goals or expectations
When you have problems with a project, use it to your advantage and come up with a solution
Give undivided attention to each and every client, make them feel unique and special
Build a more personal relationship with the client (not too personal though)
Don’t leave your client in the dark - it takes a minute to send an e-mail
Ask questions to be able to better understand the project and meet expectations
Get feedback from your clients so you can better your services and products
Have an easy to navigate and simple website to offer your services so it’s easy even for the non-technically inclined to get to you
Acknowledge your clients and show recognition
Be quick replying to emails and show utmost respect
If you have a meeting with a client, be it on the phone, on IM or in person, arrive early. Early is on time, on time is late.
If possible gather as much information about your client as possible so it shows you are well prepared
Be a problem solver - No need to focus on problems, focus on finding solutions
Offer different packages and deals (example: 3 packages, bronze, silver and gold)
Let your work speak for you - Have you won a design award? Got your site featured on high profile sites? Got interviewed?
Give your customers what every human being wants : friendship, respect, recognition, concern, reliability and always keep your promises
Give your freelance business a personality so clients will see you and/or your company as being unique and friendly
It doesn’t matter how much your service or product is worth to you, make it worth for the client
Remember to send short emails to your previous clients every once in a while so as to stay in touch
When the client asks for little things that needs to be done, get them done. Keep in mind it’s the little things that matters the most
Don’t get intimidated if you get a high profile client, this person/company is offering you a job because he thinks you are worth his time and money - That’s a very good sign!
The most important thing we need to realize is that every client can become our biggest referral, without setting up an affiliate system. If we follow the tips above, chances are our clients will refer us to others. There is no better way to boost our freelancing business other than converting clients into evangelists.
Bonus Tip: One of the secrets of becoming an effective freelancer is to suggest and exchange ideas with other freelancers and like-minded people.
If you found this post helpful please take a moment to share your own tips and tricks and share your thoughts on how we can become an effective freelancer. How can we get repeat business from a client? How can we personalize our services according to the client’s needs? Anything you can think of that can help us become an effective freelancer, share with us. The comments section is yours now.
7 star strategies for your child's future
How can you put a price on the expression of pure bliss on your four-year-old's face
as she enjoys an ice-cream? When your 17-year-old whoops on hearing the news that
he has secured admission to his dream college, would your brain tick away at the
amount of money this is going to cost you?
These are non-questions to any parent. Parental love is unconditional and largely
unaccountable. It's heartless and clinical to count your child as a cost centre, and we
are not suggesting you do that.
Understanding expenses does not imply condemning them. On the contrary, it is only a
first step towards gaining an advantage over them. In fact, if you do manage to chip
away at the warm, fuzzy feeling of pride and accomplishment and examine the costs
of raising a child, you would be able to do a far better job of being the provider.
The dichotomy of spending on your children is a conflict between the present and the
future. Should you cave in and buy the Rs 25,000 Playstation 3 that your son has
been nagging you for? Will it come from the money you have been saving for his
graduation? Will that Barbie-themed Rs 50,000 party you threw on your daughter's
birthday be the reason she will have to do her hotel management in Goa instead of
Geneva? The only way to solve these dilemmas is to plan ahead and start investing.
Two big-ticket costs that all parents have to provide for fall under the heads
education and marriage. Post-graduate education is expensive, and in this globalised
world, if you want to give your child the advantage of an international education,
multiply the cost by 10 times, often even more. A grand celebration to mark your
child's wedding is a great Indian dream and something that all parents would like to
put some money away for.
1. Second baby
Most couples can afford one child and want to do the best for him or her. As financial
decisions go, the second child is usually one that swings the balances. The thought of
having to keep away double the amount of what you need for a child can be daunting.
Often, when the kids are young, one plus one does not add up to two - you could
re-use and recycle and keep your expenses slightly lower. But, as they grow older,
two children can be a real strain on finances. Guitar lessons for one, football coaching
for the other, science tuitions for one and mathematics for the other can add up to a
tidy sum every month.
A second child had always featured in Jayant Bhadauria and Kamalika Nandi's life
plans. It's just that they did not really have the time to have one. Jayant works in a
multinational software company in Mumbai and Kamalika looks after marketing for an
outsourcing company.
Between work, their travelling schedules and looking after Kamini, their four-year-old
daughter, the second child remained something to be done sometime in the future.
Which was why, in September, when Kamalika discovered she was pregnant, for a
minute she didn't know whether to be happy or sad.
"Of course, money was not the first thing I thought about," says Kamalika. "Once the
news sank in, I did realise that we would have to start looking at our expenses. So
far, if I have seen something and liked it, I have ended up buying it if I felt the price
was fair. Now, I feel, there would be a little bit of a compromise there. I do want the
best for my kids, but that does not necessarily mean the most expensive."
7 star strategies for your child's future
The baby is due in May and, for now, they are figuring out the expenses related to
having him - delivery and hospitalisation are just two of the heads. A normal delivery
in a reasonably good hospital costs about Rs 35,000. If there are complications, the
fee could be substantially higher. Kamalika reckons their monthly expenditure would
increase by at least Rs 7,000 for the first year of the new baby.
A substantial portion of the large expenses they incurred for Kamini would not have to
be repeated. Expensive baby paraphernalia like the cot, stroller, rocker and high chair
can be reused for the second baby.
Jayant has a couple of insurance policies. The rest of his investments are all in equity.
He has an employee stock option in his company. Besides this, he has also opted to
buy the equity of his employer, listed in the US, with a certain percentage of his
salary every month.
The rest of his portfolio is in various Indian companies. While equity investment is the
ideal route to create wealth for his young family, Jayant should also look at
diversifying his portfolio. A major chunk of his money is invested in one stock - that of
his employer.
Jayant is also evaluating a couple of child policies from insurance companies. He
wants to use these as vehicles to save for his kids' higher education and marriages.
He is confident that as the expenses of the kids increase, so will his wife's and his
own salaries and that there will not be a situation of having to face a financial crunch.
Kamalika plans to return to work once her maternity benefits expire. When she was
expecting Kamini, she had given up her job and stayed home till her daughter turned
two. "I will try and enjoy the baby more since this is the last one I will have, but it
might be difficult because I plan to go back to work," she says.
"My career has suffered because of the break I took the last time and I don't want to
do it again. But, my company is employee-friendly and I feel that I would be able to
get leave in case I need to spend more time at home."
For now, they are not thinking about late night feeds and diaper changes. They have
chosen to focus instead on Tahitian weddings and exotic holidays for their kids.
2. Nascent dreams
When Simran Kumar thinks about her kids' future, she is not worried about which
school they will secure admission in or how big a wedding they will have. But, as a
modern, aware mother, she does get anxious about the world they will occupy, what
with environmental pollution, global warming and the rest. "I am concerned about
security issues, about violence against women, childhood respiratory diseases from
living in a polluted and crowded city," she says.
Simran and her husband, Zafar Baig, have two children under the age of two -
daughter Ananya is 22 months, and son Vivan is four months old.
Simran is an anchor for a television channel and Zafar works for an export house. With
two well paying jobs, they have not been worried about spending on the luxuries, so
far. But as their young family grows, they want to make sure they get started on
laying the foundation for a sound financial future.
"Now, we do not spend carelessly and have cut out a little bit of our frivolous
expenses. I want the best for my kids," she says.
One of the dreams Simran and Zafar have for their children is to offer them an
opportunity to follow in their footsteps and study abroad. "We are not very
money-savvy, but now want to invest in our kids' future. We do not really know
where to start," says Simran.
7 star strategies for your child's future
They have, however, opened bank accounts in both kids' names and all the money
they have received as gifts has gone into them. Zafar has bought a couple of
insurance policies and invested a bit directly in equity, as well as in some mutual
He recently invested Rs 50,000 in HDFC Standard Life's Young Star Plan. Even as they
try and cope with the 'now and here' expenses of a family of four, as well as investing
in their dreams for their kids, Simran and Zafar would also like to buy a house.
They are not alone in wanting to do several things at once. Most couples are in the
early stages of their careers when they start their families. Often, the need to put
away for a rainy day is lost in the euphoria of youth and its maxim of living for the
When the kids come, several priorities tumble out of the financial closet -- a house,
some means of protecting income and insurance against unforeseeable events, buying
things for the baby, hiring someone to help look after them. Often, with this, also
comes a drastic drop in income levels if the mother chooses to stay back home and
look after the kids for a few years.
The key here is in being able to prioritise and not trying to do everything at once. The
important goals of higher education and marriage of children are quite far away and
even putting away a little sum of money starting right away would be enough.
What is key is getting into the discipline of saving, the amounts can be large or small.
As the goals are far away, most investments can be directed into equities. Systematic
investment plans (SIPs) of good funds, with a long-term view, are ideal here.
Short-term expenditure can be rationalised and reduced if there are opportunities.
Simran reckons she spends about Rs 10,000-15,000 a month now on the kids. This
includes diapers (about Rs 500 for a pack of 50), food and household help.
Simran works three days a week, and that leaves her with enough time to spend with
her children. Once they start school, she can go back to working full time. Simran is
optimistic about her future. "It's all there somewhere, I am a positive person in that
sense," she says. "For now, I want to focus on enjoying my babies," she adds.
3. Wonder years
The five years when the child has started school but is not yet in a higher class that
warrants private tuitions is the ramp up stage for the finances of parents. The goals
of higher education and marriage are some distance away, yet well within view.
Even though the primary schooler's ambitions vary widely from day to day, you could
still get a sense of the direction in which he is likely to head. This is the stage where
you could build your savings. If you have SIPs, you could increase the amount you
invest every month.
On the expense side, this is perhaps the easiest stage. You do not have the
heavy-duty everyday requirements of diapers and baby food, nor have you reached
the stage where you have to spend Rs 300 for one hour of mathematics tuition.
School fees, books, birthday parties and expenses on outings and excursions would be
areas of high spends. A birthday party can cost anywhere between Rs 3,000 and Rs
In Kolkata, nine-year-old Arkatapa wants to be an archaeologist one day and a
teacher the next. She attends classes on ancient mathematics, Bharatnatyam, singing
and drawing. But her mother, Arpita Roy, feels when it comes to choosing a career,
Arkatapa will pick an academically-oriented one.
7 star strategies for your child's future
Arkatapa's father, Barun Kumar Roy, is an officer in the West Bengal government. His
money mantra is that investments should be made for the short term and loans should
be taken for the long term. He spends 60 per cent of his salary and saves the
remaining 40 per cent.
Barun invests with a three-to-four-year view. His first priority is insurance policies, so
that in case anything happens to him, his family does not suffer financially. He has life
insurance policies and Ulips with accident covers. He also has some investments in
Prudential ICICI Mutual Fund. These are in both equity and debt funds. Child plans do
not attract him, he has not taken any for Arkatapa.
An ideal asset allocation at this stage of your child's life is to have 75 per cent of your
investments in equity. This implies that in the intervening years between 0-4 and
5-10, you move some part of your money from pure equity to balanced or debt funds.
Arpita never wanted a career, she was always keen on staying home and looking after
her family. But her advice to her daughter would be to be self-reliant and have the
financial ability to look after herself.
Arpita finds her joy in her daughter's accomplishments. "When she scores 15 out of 15
in a test, I feel very happy. Even though it is a little silly, I do feel happy," she says.
"My daughter is not a very brilliant student, but she is still young. I am not worried
about her career now, water will flow where it will."
Her husband agrees that it is too early to predict what their daughter will grow up to
be, but he is certain that he must invest in her future. "Whenever she makes her
choice of education or career, it should not get stuck because there is no money for
it," he says emphatically.
"Every moment as a father has been a proud one." His dream for his daughter is that
she grows up to be honest, respectful and a good human being. "Everything else is
extra," he says.
4. Early teenage mayhem
As Rishab Nanda grows tall and lanky, his parents, Manisha and Manish, are beginning
to anticipate the mood swings and door slamming that will start as their
soon-to-be-12-year-old grapples with adolescence. Already, there are arguments and
high drama about pretty much everything -- from walking the dog to going on trips
with friends.
Although Rishab is yet unsure of exactly what he wants to grow up to be, the options
are getting clearer by the day. His parents do not want to get caught on the wrong
foot at the last moment and are now quickly squirrelling away as much money as
possible to fund his dreams.
Rishab's school offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) programme and his parents
expect that once he finishes his class 10, he would opt for this. Not only is the IB
course more expensive than a regular school, the chance that a child going for it
would ultimately pursue his graduate programmes abroad is also high. A two-year IB
course costs about Rs 4 lakh, compared to Rs 1 lakh that you would pay for a regular
CBSE or ISC school.
Manisha and Manish know that this would be an expensive proposition. They would like
to save enough to fund the full cost of his foreign degree, but are not entirely sure
they would be able to. The actual amounts they would need would depend on the
course, college and country.
When the child is between the ages of 10 and 14, regular day-to-day expenses are
also high. School fees in secondary classes are higher than those in primary, and
children also need a lot of academic and non-academic stimulation outside school.
This would mean a mixture of tuitions and lessons. Rishab takes lessons in playing the
drums, speech and drama. These add up to Rs 18,000 a year.
7 star strategies for your child's future
February 26, 2008
This is also the age of having to make large-ticket purchases. Gameboys,
Playstations, the latest skating boards and other 'toys' cost quite a packet, some
starting upwards of Rs 25,000. You can manage to spin some yarn and convince your
eight-year-old that the Barbie she has is better than the Barbie she wants, but there
is no talking reason, logic or threat to a 13-year-old.
The Nandas have made several investments in equity mutual funds. They also have
two child-specific plans -- one from LIC and the other from UTI. Ideally, the Nandas
should move their portfolio more towards debt and balanced funds. One, they would
need a large sum of money to pay the IB fees after Rishab completes his 10th
Also, since he is likely to go abroad for his undergraduate studies, their requirements
of funds would be sooner than usual. In case the stockmarket enters a lull phase after
four years, the largely equity portfolio of the couple could prove a problem.
Right now, Rishab is keen on pursuing his athletics and art. The Nandas know that
these are unconventional choices, but if Rishab does stick to either of these and
decides to pursue a career in it, they would encourage his choice.
Manisha was an advertising executive who switched careers to become a teacher.
She wants Rishab to have the guidance that enables him to discover his aptitudes so
that he doesn't waste years working in a profession he does not really want to be in.
"But," she says proudly, "at the end of the day, I think he is a survivor. Like me."
5. Terrible teens
In Delhi, Priyanka Verma is one busy 16-year-old. She is in her 12th standard and
preparing for her board exams pretty much takes up all her time now. She has opted
for the science stream and is studying physics, chemistry, mathematics and computer
science at Shriram School in Gurgaon.
Her mother, Sarika Verma, is an arts teacher and had noticed, very early, Priyanka's
creative bent of mind. "But," she says, "my husband had the foresight to advise her
that even if she wanted to subsequently pursue a career in arts, it would benefit her
to opt for the science stream at this level." Priyanka's father, Ashutosh Verma, works
in the Indian Trade Promotion Organisation.
Priyanka has now found a career that will allow an artistic expression of her science
education - she wants to be an architect. Not only that, Priyanka also decided on a
foreign language early on, and now she is learning French at an advanced level. This
means that she could opt to study architecture at a good college in France, where
the cost of education would be lower than in the US or the UK.
The Vermas are self-confessedly not very money-savvy. They decided early on that
Priyanka's education would have the first claim on their finances; everything else
would be secondary. Right now, these education expenses are high. Priyanka takes
tuitions in a couple of subjects and these cost Rs 300-400 an hour. This, added to
school fees, the bus charges of going to school and coming back home and other
expenses aggregate to a neat Rs 20,000 a month.
"There was no room to splurge or go on binges. We knew we had limited resources
and, for us, spending was not a way of living. We set our priorities and refused to
worry about anything else," Sarika says.
The Vermas have left what they managed to save in their saving bank account. They
will have to drum up the funds once Priyanka secures admission in a college of her
choice. They are looking at the option of taking an educational loan to augment their
7 star strategies for your child's future
When the child is between 14 and 18, the first big goal draws close. The money
needed for higher education should be ready and ideally, a large chunk of it should be
moved into debt and balanced funds. A 50 per cent exposure to equity is sufficient at
this stage.
Those sending their children abroad - for undergraduate or post-graduate studies -
should be in a position to provide for at least the first couple of years. If you do not
have enough saved up, you can seek an educational loan from a bank. Usually, kids
find part-time work that helps fund a part of their education or, in the least, provides
for their living expenses once they settle down in their new country and campus.
Ideally, earmark your investments for your needs. If the monthly SIP of Rs 7,000 is
going into junior's college fund, the Rs 4,000 one could be the marriage resource. As
the event draws close, you could switch the investment from an equity to a debt
fund. This would allow it to continue earning higher returns than a bank account while
being absolutely liquid.
Sarika is certain that her daughter is a bright spark. "My only dream is that in her life
she should be able to get opportunities to use her many talents," she says.
As for her marriage, it is still far away. "Even if I am rich, I wouldn't splurge on her
wedding; I am totally against that kind of fanfare," she says.
6. Action!
It all comes to pass now, the years of swinging between anticipation and hope. Now
is when your constant refrain of "go to your room and study" goes through its test.
And the money you have put away finally finds its purpose.
Bina Sharma's older son Prabhat is doing his electronics and communications
engineering in Bangalore. As he prepares to finish this and zone in on an area of
specialisation for his post-graduate course, Bina feels a mixture of relief and anxiety.
For one, Prabhat is bright enough to have got through a better college. But, she did
not want him to stay home for a whole year and prepare for the engineering entrance
exam. So, he joined the college where he got admission. This means that if he does
not get through to an IIT for his post-graduate degree, it is best that he go abroad
for it. By the time that would be happening, the younger son would be starting his
first year of college, seeking a medical degree in all likelihood. Bina is remarkably calm
for someone who is juggling so much.
"Prabhat is in two minds and has not decided whether he wants to do a Master's in
Engineering or an MBA," she says. "My sense is that he'll stick to the technical line. If
he does, he might choose to pursue his Master's in aeronautical engineering or
continue in electronics and communications. Either way, if he does not make it to a
top rung college in India, he would go abroad."
A postgraduate degree abroad is much easier to manage compared to an
undergraduate one. All said, it would cost about Rs 40 lakh (Rs 4 million) a year to
study in the US. This means an outlay of Rs 80 lakh (Rs 8 million) for a postgraduate
course, compared to Rs 1.6 crore (Rs 16 million) for an undergraduate degree. Bina
has started planning and has put away a part of this. By the time Prabhat finishes his
degree, she should have the rest of the money on board. If her resources fall short,
the Sharmas may have to take an educational loan.
The Sharmas have been forecasting their finances towards these goals. While they
meet their monthly expenses from the money generated by the business of Bina's
husband, Vipin, her salary is saved in its entirety. They have invested in equities,
mutual funds, fixed deposits and provident funds. They also have bought some real
estate with the express purpose of liquidating it to meet the kids' college expenses.
7 star strategies for your child's future
February 26, 2008
A 25 per cent equity allocation is ideal at this stage. While the remaining money is
invested in lower-risk debt instruments, this 25 per cent would give the kicker of
higher returns.
College expenses cannot be calculated to the last rupee in advance as various factors
come into play on securing admission. Prabhat is planning to pursue a technical
degree, so the possibility of getting sponsorships and fee waivers is higher. However,
the couple needs to peg a basic minimum and work towards it.
The current expenses of the family are also high. Bina paid Rs 150,000 for the first
year of Prabhat's engineering. Over this, he incurs a monthly expense of Rs 8,000.
Bina is focused on her kids having a sound base in education. Once they graduate,
they are free to choose any career they want. She feels that Prabhat's rational
expectations would hold him in good stead through his education and career.
After the stress of steering two boys through their teens, Bina is looking forward to
the final satisfaction of seeing them settle down. "I will then put up my feet and
finally relax," she crystal gazes.
7. The last mile
Sumona Gupta did not want to make the career decisions of her daughters for them.
Snigdha, 23, works in advertising in Google for Hyderabad, and Shaila, 16, is an
aspiring fashion designer. Now that Snigdha is 'settled' professionally, Sumona is
certain that like her choice of an occupation, she would also let her daughter choose
who she wants to marry.
Sumona exudes the confidence of a successful parent -- one who has done the right
thing for her daughters and who can now take it easy and enjoy their success.
Sumona freelances in real estate, helping in renting, buying and selling of property.
Her husband, Sumit, has a shore-based job in a marine operations company in Dubai.
Together, they have set aside some money for their daughters. Most of this is in the
form of equities.
"When my daughter does get married, I would like it to be a big wedding; not overtly
so, but within our budget," Sumona says. A wedding dress for a bride would cost
between Rs 5,000 and Rs 60,000. Of course, if you have the resources you can even
spend a couple of lakh for an outfit. Food for guests sets you back by Rs 50-2,000 a
plate. Ideally, the funds for the kids should be moved out of equity at this stage.
If you have set aside enough, you could leave a small portion, about 5 per cent of the
portfolio, in equity to improve your returns. Investments in gold, ideally in bars and
coins or units of a gold exchange - traded fund, would also come into use now. There
are hardly any expenses you have to incur on behalf of the child now, they have their
own salaries to pay for most of their needs.
Sumona would rather worry about her daughters' financial stability than who they
would marry and when. "There is nothing very secure in a married life," she says. In
fact, she would like Snigdha to go for a postgraduate course, such as an MBA, than
find a man and settle down immediately.
Parenting is full of paradoxes. Even as we wait for the child to cross her next
milestone, we begin to miss the precociousness of the earlier stage. As they wean
themselves away, all we can do is gather all the special moments we have had and air
out their warmth every now and then.
When they grow into adults - people with careers, aspirations and points of view - we
can only wonder how they were ever so small that they fitted into the crook of our
arm. If we have planned ahead and made our children's journey to adulthood that
much easier, that is a job well done, a life well lived

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