How to Find Easy Money
1. Be prepared! Money can be anywhere.
2. Keep an eye out where people handle money a lot e.g. supermarkets, school cafeterias, soda machines, etc.
3. Look down side alleyways and most used footpaths people may drop their spare change, etc.
4. Walk or even look in bushes and trees. Some people climb them & drop their money or loose change.
5. Check around parking lots of night clubs and bars in the morning hours before traffic starts moving. It is amazing what people will drop when they are drunk, tired, and distracted!
6. Inspect under bleachers at sporting events, fairs, and other venues with open-bottomed bleachers.
7. Check the coin return slots in vending machines! Look behind them for change that has rolled out of sight when it is accessible.
8. Find empty aluminum cans around garbage cans and recycle bins. Look out for beer bottles! They cost more than pop cans. Collect a good amount and cash out at a local recycle depot.
You can find lots of change in a washer/dryer. Your family will forget to take their money out of their pockets, but if the amount is over $5.00, give it back to your relative!
Dig really deep into the cushioning and support system of living room upholstered furniture all the way to floor level. On bulk trash garbage night the curbside discarded furniture will yield hidden coins with your utility razor blade knife used to open the bottom covers.
(source: wiki how)
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