Thursday, December 19, 2013

First Ever Registered Domain Changes Owners After 25 Years

First Ever Registered Domain Changes Owners After 25 Years
During the same year that you sat in a movie theater chomping on popcorn watching Marty McFly bend the time-space continuum, a computer manufacturer headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts laid claim to the first ever registered domain name:

You may recall as the first domain name ever created, which dates back to January 1985. But it wasn't until March of that same year that would go through the appropriate DNS process to be the first domain ever registered, after which it remained under its original ownership for a quarter of a century. Now almost 25 years later, finally changes hands following Investments' acquisition of the domain for an undisclosed sum.

It's unclear what the future holds for the Internet's first-ever registered domain name, or for Symbolics, which largely fell out of relevance long ago.
source: maximumpc

hi5 beaches of the world

Australia - Whitehaven Beach, Queensland

Africa - Beaches of Mauritius

Asia - Sanur Beach, Bali, Indonesia

North America - Bahias de Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico

South America - Praia do Rosa, Brazil

The 10th year of the 'blogger'

The 10th year of the 'blogger'
A personal diary or a daily pulpit; a collaborative space or a universe of rumours — attempts to define the blog probably outnumbers its roll call
on the web. And 10 years down the line, it’s growing and mutating into different avatars.
Never mind the different definitions. The blogosphere is basically can be seen as a popular online venue for coffeehouse conversation in text. A decade ago, Peter Merholz jokingly split Jorn Barger’s nerdy term ‘weblog’ into ‘we blog’, which then simply became the ‘blog’ we know today. This happened with Evan Williams’ launch of ‘Blogger’, a web-publishing software exactly 10 years ago today. Later, Williams was to found Twitter.

But the blog has changed much from the early days. “The first blogs were text-based; there were no videos or pictures,’’ explains Ashish Chopra, director of communication and PR of the Indian Blog and New Media Society. “As the net bandwidth increased over the years, the content also became rich.”

Simple text has given way to photoblogs, vblogs (videos), moblogs (posts from mobiles), audio bogs, podcasts, microblogs and more. Blogs have gone from being personal diaries or opinions to first-hand accounts of breaking news stories and other matters. “The earliest bloggers wrote on technical stuff. Now the content is diverse - films, celebrity diaries, fashion, religion, cooking, marketing and politics,” adds Chopra.

India’s earliest blogs were probably posted in 2001, he says. The Indian capital’s first blogger group,, was founded by Priyanka Sachar who goes by the name of Twilight Fairy. She recalls, “When I started my blog in 2003, I did not tell colleagues, just close friends. Few knew the term ‘blog’. We had to spell it out.” It was a small community and everyone knew each other. “Now, blogging is the ‘in’ thing,” she says. Many of the original bloggers have stopped — it was a hobby and they simple gave it up. “Now, it’s different; people are making a livelihood from blogging,” says Sachar.

The profile of the blogger has changed as well. From 20-somethings with loads of free time on their hands, to senior citizens, housewives and even young children. The Indian blogger is on a par with the global trend, says Chopra and many feature among the world’s leading blogs now. Renie Ravin, founder of the 10,000-member Chennai-based blogger network, says the Indian blogger appears more mature now.

Blogging has also diversified into various Indian languages. This was borne out by a 2009 report on the state of the blogosphere by Ravin and Gaurav Mishra of 20:20 Web Tech. Based on a survey of 7,895 blogs, it showed that 92% of Indian bloggers use English; Hindi is the most popular Indian language (52%), followed by Tamil (19%), Marathi (9%), Telugu (7%) and Malayalam (5%).

But in the final analysis, the fate of a blog depends on the content. “If you don’t have good content, people will not come back to your blog,” says Chopra. “Have a blog with a specific focus,” advises Ravin. Sachar says it helps if there is audience interaction.

With improving bandwidth and widening net access, Indian blogs are sure to multiply. But will they improve in quality? “We will see more convergence of services. Friendfeed is already doing that by aggregating content and updates from blogs, social networking sites, etc,” says Chopra.

The newest trend is micro-blogging, but the downside, says Sachar, is that the “frequency of blogging has come down because we say everything in short messages.” But those who keep a sharp eye on the blogpulse will continue to twitter and chatter because, as Sachar says, “it’s like a cellphone. Soon, it will be strange not to have one.”

source: Times of India

...being defeated is optional

You can hurt with your words, but you can also hurt with your silence - paulo coelho

Andrew Symonds
Andrew Symonds scored 53, took one wicket and three catches to help Deccan Chargers to a first home win
Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success." - Napoleon Hill

Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional." - Roger Crawford

inspirational quotes

Popular Travel Searches of 2009

Popular Travel Searches of 2009

1. Badrinath
2. Lakshadweep
3. Anjuna Beach
4. Milan
5. Jog Falls
6. Matheran
7. Hampi
8. Wayanad
9. Hogenakkal
10. New York
source: yahoo

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Progress involves risk

shilpa shetty
All that is gold does not glitter; not all those who wander are lost." - JRR Tolkien

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future.~Warren Buffett

Progress involves risk. You can't steal second base and keep your foot on first.
-- Frederick Wilcox

Alaska bull moose in Denali National Park, Alaska
"The downtrodden... are the great purveyors of slang." - Anthony Burgess

Pulau Semakau, Singapore
“One cannot buy, rent or hire more time. The supply of time is totally inelastic. No matter how high the demand, the supply will not go up. There is no price for it. Time is totally perishable and cannot be stored. Yesterday's time is gone forever, and will never come back. Time is always in short supply. There is no substitute for time. Everything requires time. All work takes place in, and uses up time. Yet most people take for granted this unique, irreplaceable and necessary resource.”
Peter F. Drucker

greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure

Most great people have attained their greatest success just one step beyond their greatest failure ~Napoleon Hill

Action stems from having dreams that are bigger than your fears. - Terry Litwiller

Rainbow frames German nuclear plant
Agriculture and industry meet in a surreal scene beneath a rainbow near the power plant at Grosskrotzenburg, Germany, on Nov. 25, 2002

Miss USA, Kristen Dalton, applies lipstick while posing for photographers on the "Top of the Rock" observation deck at the Rockefeller Center in New York September 2, 2009

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) employees work on the last-pre cast segments (rings) of the Phase-II underground tunneling project between neighborhoods Jangpura and Lajpat Nagar in New Delhi on October 12, 2009, part of a larger project to have metro lines to cover the entire National Capital Region for the 2010 Commonwealth Games
Hyderabad won’t be devalued nor will outsiders run away. The break-up will not result in the appropriation of poverty.” — K.G. Kannabiran Member, PUCL

YouTube co-founders Chad Hurley, 29, left, and Steven Chen, 27, pose with their laptops at their office loft in San Mateo, Calif., in this March 29, 2006, file photo

Struggling to prevent suicide
California Highway Patrol officers try to rescue Jorge Dominguez, who was threatening to kill himself March 1 at the interchange between State Route 55 and I-405 in Orange County. The officers lost their grip when the 32-year-old Tustin man pushed off with his free leg, and he fell about 60 feet. He suffered extensive injuries but survived.

A photo taken 09 July 2006 shows French midfielder Zinedine Zidane (left) gesturing after head-butting Italian defender Marco Materazzi during the World Cup 2006 final football match between Italy and France at Berlin's Olympic Stadium.
"The most merciful thing in the world is the inability of the human mind to correlate all its contents." - H.P. Lovecraft

An Indian woman mourns the death of her relative who was killed in a tsunami on Sunday in Cuddalore, some 180 kilometres (112 miles) south of the southern Indian city of Madras December 28, 2004.
Time is the best-kept secret of the rich." Jim Rohn

This is called the Hubble Ultra Deep Field. Starting in late 2003, astronomers pointed Hubble at a tiny, relatively empty part of our sky (only a few stars from the Milky Way visible), and created an exposure nearly 12 days long over a four-month period. The result is this amazing image, looking back through time at thousands of galaxies that range from 1 to 13 billion light-years away from Earth. Some 10,000 galaxies were observed in this tiny patch of sky (a tenth the size of the full moon) - each galaxy a home to billions of stars.
A GOAL is a dream... with a deadline." ~Napoleon

How to Blog When You’re Not a Writer

How to Blog When You’re Not a Writer
Have you ever accidentally slammed your hand in a car door? OUCH!

I think that very unpleasant feeling can be compared to how some small business owners feel about blogging. Until very recently, I would never have published anything on the Internet because I have never considered myself a writer.

Well, that all changed when I purchased my small business and suddenly I was forced to start producing content so that I could try to rank in Google, educate customers, and develop my backstory.

However, even though I started producing content, I still suffered from the inferiority complex that can only be associated with IMNOTAWRITER syndrome.

This syndrome, I’ve found, can be deadly to your small business blogging and it can cause countless hours of wasted time and frustration.

Plus, telling yourself, IMNOTAWRITER, is a very easy and convenient excuse not to blog, isn’t it?

As a small business owner, do you struggle with writing?

Growing up I was not one of those people who kept a journal or felt compelled to write as a form of self-expression. In fact, if you looked in the dictionary for the definition of ìnon-writer,î I would have been the poster child.

If you suffer from IMNOTAWRITER syndrome, but you’re contemplating blogging for your small business, please know that you are not alone and the fear (pain?) of writing can be overcome.

Typically, when it comes to blogging and small business, the three biggest complaints that I hear are:

* I don’t have the time.
* I am not a writer (or I hate writing!).
* I don’t know what to write about.

That’s it. Three little obstacles keeping small business owners from reaping improved search engine visibility (SEV), attracting new customers, and engaging existing clients.

Today, however, I am going to share a little secret with just you. Shhh… come closer… Closer… CLOSER.

You don’t have to be a writer in order to be a small business blogger.

Yes, you read correctly. You don’t have to be a writer in order to be a blogger.

Unfortunately, as far as I know, there is no writing fairy who will magically publish blog posts for you, so you won’t be able to avoid some of the hard work that producing content requires. But, to make the process more manageable, I am going to provide you with a couple of options and a bunch of tips that have helped me.
Option One: Blogging for Non-Writers

The suggestions below assisted me in getting over my uncertainty and fear of blogging and are recommended for those business owners who are hesitant to write, but are willing to give it a try.

1.) Start with your goals. What are you hoping to achieve through your blogging?

Do you want to be on Google front page?

Do you want to develop your brand?

Do you want to educate the public about your industry?

Do you want to increase your customer base?

Once you have your goals you can then create your content strategy around them.

2.) Get started. Make a commitment and set a specific date with your computer (or pen & paper) and get your ideas down. Do not skip this date for any reason, except an absolute emergency.

3.) Write your titles first. The titles will give you a simple, creative base from which you can structure the rest of your article.

4.) List out bullet points. Once you have your primary ideas down in a bulleted list you can then create formal paragraphs around your key message.

5.) Write in a human voice. You don’t have to be anyone else but you. There are a lot of impressive writers online (see: Darren Rowse, Seth Godin, Brian Clark, Chris Brogan, Jonathan Fields, & Colleen Wainwright) which can be intimidating and make you want to mimic them. Writing in your own voice adds a human element and will go a long way towards developing trust.

6.) Keep it simple. You don’t need fancy language or intricate grammar. One piece of handy advice I received is write as if you are drafting an email. Also, I find that focusing on one specific item in my small business blog posts keeps it as simple as you can get.

7.) Read your posts aloud. Before you publish your post, read it aloud. Does it make sense? Then go ahead and get it out on the Internet!

When writing for your small business blog, your post does not have to be perfect in order for it to be effective, but it most certainly does have to get published.
Option Two: Blogging for Those Who Refuse to Write.

Option two is for those of you who refuse to write one word. Amazingly, you can still rank for keywords and appear on the front page of Google even if you never write a blog post. Although, you still have to be willing to do some work (sorry there’s no way around the work part).

1.) Try speech recognition software. Do you like to talk about your business, your customers, or your amazing product? Speech recognition software allows you to speak into your computer and without ever typing a letter. The program will capture your words and create a text file that can be published on your blog. (Special bonus, there’s even a speech recognition iPhone option.)

2.) Use photos. Have you ever done a Google search and noticed photos on the front page? If you refuse to write, but love to take pictures, then photos are a great way to provide content for your small business blog. You can upload them to a site like FLICKR and then seamlessly add them to your blog.

3.) Take Video. If photos are good; video is great! With video you can provide some really useful blog content in the form of tutorials or even customer interviews. Remember, people have limited attention spans so keep the videos short, about 1-2 minutes in length should be sufficient.

Always remember, if you skip a week, two weeks, or even a month don’t give in to the temptation to quit altogether. Just get back at it, don’t apologize and get back to posting your content.

I think that what scares people the most about blogging in general isn’t the writing, photos, or videos at all, but the publishing. Once you hit the ‘Publish Post’ button you have effectively given up control and you will be judged.

In closing, I think it’s important to state that whatever avenue you choose to promote your business, the key is to make a commitment and do it consistently.

Do you have other suggestions that might help those of us who suffer from IMNOTAWRITER syndrome? Please leave them in the comment below.

(Mark Hayward is not the writing fairy, but he owns a business and can help improve the online presence of your business. Get his RSS Feed and follow him on Twitter @mark_hayward.)

source: problogger

The internet by numbers

The internet by numbers
Internet users in the world
E-mail messages sent today
Blog posts today
Google searches today

source: bbc

Do you care?

Self-confidence is the first requisite to great undertakings." Samuel Johnson

If you learn from defeat, you haven’t really lost.” Zig Ziglar


*** - Free Food
** - Free Rice
** - Free Bread
*** - Lots of free water!
** - Free water
*** - Just Click!
*** - Just Click!
*** - Click the green button!
*** - Just Click!
*** - Click the blue button!
*** - Click the white button!
*** - Click the green box!
*** - Click the blue box!
*** - Click the yellow box!
*** - Click the Bread button!
*** - Click the blue box!
*** - Just visit the site!
*** - Click on the small red ball.
*** - Just click!:
** - Click the blue box!
** - Click the blue button!
** - Click the red button!
* - Submit a word
** - German Rice Game!

inspirational quotes

Actions are seeds of fate

An Indian village boy runs through a parched field on World Water Day in Berhampur, Orissa state, India, Monday, March 22, 2010

Actions are seeds of fate. Seeds grow into destiny." - Harry Truman

The chief cause of human errors is to be found in the prejudices picked up in childhood – Descartes

1.6 lakh AP singers set record

A staggering 1.6 lakh musicians sang Annamacharya keertanas in praise of lord Venkateswara in the city on Sunday, setting a new world record.

The official adjudicator of Guinness Records, Mr Rey-mond Marshal, announced to huge applause that the event, Laksha Gala Sankee-rtanarchana, had broken the previous record of Poland where 60,000 people sang the national anthem together on August 2, 1937.

inspirational quotes