Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
#KBC Kaun Banega Crorepati: The Smart Quiz
He Pingping - the world's shortest man, at just 2ft 5in tall - died this week. In 2008, he was pictured with the world's tallest man Sultan Kosen (pictured above). What was the height difference between them - roughly?
For such a small man, he made a huge impact around the world," Craig Glenday, Guinness World Records editor-in-chief said. Sultan Kosen measures 8ft 1in tall.
The first dotcom domain name was registered 25 years ago this week. What does the 'com' stand for?
A row has broken out in France over a fake TV game show, in which contestants turn torturers by administering seemingly powerful electric shocks to a man hidden behind a curtain, not knowing he was an actor. What did programme makers say they wanted to highlight?
Contestants were asked to zap a man they believed was another contestant whenever he failed to answer a question correctly - with increasingly powerful shocks of up to 380 volts.
One of the top-hitting stories on the BBC news website this week featured a zebra apparently putting its head into a hippo's mouth. What was the zebra doing?
he extraordinary sight was captured by photographer at a zoo in Zurich.
David Beckham's dream of playing in a fourth World Cup was shattered after he tore an Achilles tendon. The name comes from Greek mythology - what is it otherwise known as?
The Achilles tendon is a large, strong band of tissue that connects the calf muscles at the back of the lower leg to the bone in the heel.
In Taiwan, officials have come up with a new initiative to try to increase the country's birth rate. It is?
Taiwan has already tried a number of measures to increase its birth rate, which is at a record low and still falling. Last year, its birth-rate stood at 1.0 births per woman, well below the replacement rate of 2.1.
Support for a planned walk-out by British Airways cabin crew is growing, with overseas unions - including the US labour giant the Teamsters - supporting them. What is the Teamsters' full name?
eamsters is one of the largest unions in the US, founded over a century ago, but it has a murky past. Much of this is to do with a former leader James Riddle Hoffa, who disappeared in 1975 when he went to meet a mob figure and another union official in Michigan.
source: bbc
A 14-year-old from New Zealand saved herself from the jaws of a shark, defending herself with:A body board
An Indonesian man has received $535 (�335) in compensation from a tobacco company because: A cigarette exploded and knocked out six of his teeth
President Jacob Zuma of South Africa is a polygamist, who has fathered up to 20 children with seven women. How many times has he married? 5
The so-called "don't ask, don't tell" policy in the US says that openly gay men and women may not:Serve in the armed forces
The term Restavek comes from the French "rester avec" meaning "to stay with". It refers to a practice where parents send children to live with more affluent families or relatives. In which part of the Americas does this occur? Haiti
A tourist who got lost after walking on to the frozen sea in northern Germany was spotted by a woman watching a webcam hundreds of kilometres away. What was she doing? Admiring the sunset
Which US state has named the Apollo 11 moon landing site a "state historical resource", as part of a move to get it designated as a UN World Heritage Site? California
source: bbc
1 When was the Indian Constitution formally adopted?
January 26, 1950 was when the Indian Constitution was formally adopted, although it had been passed by the Constituent Assembly on November 26, 1949.
2 Who is the father of the Indian Constitution?
Dr B.R. Ambedkar
3 How many Articles does the Constitution have?
When the Constitution had first been drafted there were 345 Articles. However, with subsequent amendments it rose. According to the last report there are 395 Articles.
4 Which word was added to the Preamble to the Constitution by the 42 Amendment Act in 1976?
5 From which Constitution was the concept of a Five Year Plan adopted?
Two contentious photographs were in the news this week: An image released by the FBI of how Osama Bin Laden might look today, and a picture of a wolf that was disqualified from a prestigious wildlife photo competition. Which one of the above is a photo montage apparently put together using an image from the internet?
An aged Osama Bin Laden
Spanish politician Gaspar Llamazares said he was shocked to find out the FBI had used his photo for a digitally-altered image showing how Osama Bin Laden might look. The FBI said they had found the image on the internet. The winner of the wildlife award was disqualified because the wolf was likely a "model", judges ruled.
esearchers believe they have found the remains of one of the earliest members of the English royal family, Queen Eadgyth. The 10th Century Saxon royal, who was sent to Europe to marry the Holy Roman Emperor, was found in a church in which European country?
Eadgyth, the granddaughter of Alfred the Great, married Otto I, Holy Roman Emperor, in 929. She died 17 years later, at 36. The team who discovered the remains aim to prove her identity by tracing isotopes in her bones.
The issue of obese passengers taking second seats on aircraft was in the news this week. Why do some airlines prevent an obese passenger from flying?
To ensure a flight can be evacuated within 90 seconds
Erich Segal, author of the book Love Story, which became an Oscar-winning 1970 film, died this week. Which Beatles film did he write the screenplay for?
The animated film Yellow Submarine
Pasta purists in Italy have been campaigning to defend the reputation of spaghetti bolognese. Top chefs say diners the world over are rarely served a genuine bolognese sauce. Which of the following is NOT included in the authentic recipe?
Red wine
Archaeologists in Egypt revealed that they had discovered a 2,000-year-old temple in Alexandria dedicated to the cat goddess Bastet. She was worshipped by the Greek-speaking Egyptians as a goddess to what?
The moon
Coded references to Biblical passages are inscribed on gunsights used by the US and British forces in Iraq and Afghanistan, it emerged this week. The manufacturer said that it...
Met Biblical standards
source: bbc
2009: The Year in Questions
9. What breed is Bo?
10. In what outbreak was Édgar Hernández said to be “patient zero”?
11. Who may have had “milk” just before dying?
12. Who did what in 9.58 seconds?
13. Who did Silvio Berlusconi of Italy say should pretend they were on a “weekend of camping”?
14. Who dismissed whom as “dirt and dust”?
15. With whose Bible did Barack Obama take oath?
16. July 20 marked the 40th anniversary of what event?
17. Which valley did Pakistan fight to free from the Taliban?
18. In July, unrest in China broke out between Han Chinese and which group?
19. Which country openly elected the world’s first gay head of state in February 2009? What is her name?
20. From which academic establishment were the “Climategate” email messages leaked?
21. Which inmate of a Scottish prison was released to a “hero’s welcome”?
22. Which Nobel Peace laureate was sentenced in August 2009 to 18 further months of house arrest?
23. Who was the “hero of the Hudson”?
24. Where was a non-flying Falcon found hiding?
25. According to documents released in April 2009, how many times was Khalid Sheikh Mohammed waterboarded?
26. Who was in his pajamas when he was exiled to Costa Rica after a coup?
27. Who was watched nearly 100 million times online within days of her debut?
28. What did Michaele and Tareq Salahi crash?
29. What did Samoa switch from right to left?
30. Who topped Forbes’ list of most powerful celebrities?
31. The last daily print issue of what was published on March 27?
32. Which group made its computer-gaming debut on September 9?
33. Who helped to free the journalists Euna Lee and Laura Ling from North Korea?
34. Who won a posthumous award at the Oscars?
35. What military assault was code-named “Operation Cast Lead”?
36. In February, Cosmos 2251 collided with Iridium
What were they?
37. This is the name of an IBM computer designed to compete against a human in the quiz show Jeopardy!”
38. What did astronauts drink for the first time in space in May?
39. Which musician did President Obama describe as a “jackass”, and why?
40. Who was not hiking on the Appalachian Trail?
41. Which film’s novel language features words like “kaltxì” (hello), “nga” (you) and “atxkxe” (land)?
42. Who claimed his company was doing “God’s work”?
43. Who accepted an Oscar with the words “You commie, homo-loving, sons of guns”?
44. Whose son overcame “Dmitri’s dilemma”, and how?
45. What prize did Herta Müller win?
46. Which judge was ambiguously faithful on January 21, 2009?
47. Which celebrity couple named their child “Sparrow James Midnight”?
48. Which actor’s expletive-ridden on-set rant was remixed as a dance track?
49. What do economists mean by ZIRP?
50. What was notable about the death of the 111-year-old Englishman Harry Patch?
51. Who won their 27th world title on November 4?
52. Whose visit to Israel had the security code “Operation White Robe”?
53. Who went rogue in print?
54. Whose death means no more Rabbit?
55. What did Joe Wilson shout at the President?
56. Aficionados lobbied for the official recognition of “Undulatus asperatus”. What is it?
57. How many zeros are there in one trillion?
58. Who was the first foreign leader to visit US President Obama in the White House?
59. What scandal did the “Murphy Report” detail?
60. Which company, valued at $1 billion in September, states, “We spend more money than we make”?
61. Who auctioned off his Olivetti Lettera 32?
62. Which geopolitical grouping was reformed by the Lisbon Treaty?
63. Into which building did Marian Robinson move in January?
64. Who are Noah, Jonah, Jeremiah, Josiah, Isaiah, Makai, Maliyah and Nariyah?
65. What did Mine That Bird win at odds of 50-1?
66. To how many years in jail was Bernard L. Madoff sentenced?
67. Which “wise Latina woman” got a new seat?
68. What virus is no longer a bar to immigration into the US?
69. Which publication starred in The September Issue?
70. Which foreign leader harangued the United Nations General Assembly for 90 minutes?
ANSWERS: 9. Portuguese water dog. 10. H1N1 flu. 11. Michael Jackson. 12. Usain Bolt ran 100 metres, breaking the world record. 13. Those left homeless by the Aquila earthquake. 14. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad dismissed those protesting against the Iranian election results as “dirt and dust”, 15. Abraham Lincoln’s. 16. The Apollo 11 moon landing. 17. The Swat Valley. 18. Uighurs. 19. Iceland; Johanna Sigurdardottir. 20. The University of East Anglia. 21. Abdel Basset Ali al-Megrahi. 22. Aung San Suu Kyi. 23. Capt. Chesley B. Sullenberger III. 24. In a box in a garage attic. 25. 183 times. 26. President José Manuel Zelaya of Honduras. 27. Susan Boyle. 28. A state dinner at the White House. 29. Driving side of the road. 30. Angelina Jolie. 31. The Christian Science Monitor. 32. The Beatles. 33. Bill Clinton. 34. Heath Ledger. 35. Israel’s January offensive in Gaza. 36. Communications satellites. 37. What is Watson? 38. Recycled urine, sweat and water condensation from exhaled breath. 39. Kanye West, for interrupting Taylor Swift at the MTV Video Music Awards. 40. Gov. Mark Sanford of South Carolina. 41. James Cameron’s film Avatar. 42. Lloyd C. Blankfein, the chief executive of Goldman Sachs. 43. Sean Penn. 44. Vladimir Nabokov’s son; by publishing Nabokov’s unfinished novel The Original of Laura even though Nabokov requested that the manuscript be burned. 45. The Nobel Prize in Literature.
46. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr. 47. Nicole Richie and Joel Madden. 48. Christian Bale. 49. Zero Interest Rate Policy. 50. He was the last Briton to fight in the trenches in World War I. 51. The Yankees. 52. Pope Benedict XVI. 53. Sarah Palin. 54. John Updike. 55. “You lie!” 56. A type of cloud. 57. 12. 58. Prime Minister Taro Aso of Japan. 59. The sexual abuse of children in Ireland by members of the Catholic Church, from 1975 to 2004, and allegations that these abuses were covered up by the church. 60. Twitter. 61. Cormac McCarthy. 62. The European Union. 63. The White House. 64. Nadya Suleman’s octuplets. 65. The Kentucky Derby. 66. 150 years. 67. Justice Sonia Sotomayor. 68. HIV 69. Vogue. 70. Muammar el-Gaddafi of Libya.
source: deccan chronicle
New research carried out on the painting of the Mona Lisa reveals that the enigmatic lady may have been suffering from what?
Dr Vito Franco, from Palermo University in Italy, said the Mona Lisa showed clear signs of a build-up of fatty acids under the skin, caused by too much cholesterol.
An Indonesia football fan disgruntled by his national team's lacklustre performance invaded the pitch and took possesion of the ball. What happened next
Police eventually overpowered 25-year-old Hendri Mulyadi, who later apologised on a website. "They never win. It's either lose or draw," he said.
A Swiss millionaire has been given a record speeding fine of $290,000 (�180,000). What did the court calculate the fine on?
The fine was more than double Switzerland's previous record speeding fine - handed to a Porsche driver in Zurich in 2008.
A hacker who briefly hijacked the website of Spain's Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero replaced the PM's image with a picture of which comedy character?
In Spain, the alleged similarity between Mr Zapatero and the Mr Bean is a long-standing joke.
The oldest evidence of four-legged animals walking on land has been discovered in south-east Poland. What kind of animal is thought to have left the footprints 397 million years ago?
The animals were probably crocodile-like in appearance and lived an amphibian-like existence (although those specific animal forms did not appear until many millions of years later)
What food item has just fetched the equivalent of $175,000 (�109,000) at auction?
he 232kg tuna was caught off the northern tip of Japan's main island of Honshu and sold at Tokyo's fish market for 16.28 million yen.
What have scientists from Kings College London concluded from their latest research on the G Spot - the mysterious area of the body supposed to be key to women's sexual pleasure?
A study of nearly 2,000 female twins by King's College London, found no evidence of the spot, based on the experiences of women who share similar genes.

The Russian painter first demonstrated that colors, shapes, and lines could convey powerful emotions all by themselves. A look at how Kandinsky's aesthetic DNA has continued and thrived in painting right to the present day.
The Smart Quiz
Of North Korea ruler Kim Jong Il’s three sons, his youngest, Kim Jong Un, is reportedly in line to succeed him. But he wasn’t always the top choice. Which of the following about his eldest son, Kim Jong Nam, is not true?
None of the above
Central and South American drug cartels are using more inventive methods to smuggle cocaine into the United States. Which of the following vessels has not recently been cited by authorities as a way these cartels have attempted to import drugs?
Beach balls
According to the New Economics Foundation's Happy Planet Index, an annual ranking of the world's most joyous countries, which Latin American country is the "greenest and happiest" in the world?
Costa Rica
Authorities say Aung San Suu Kyi, the Nobel Prize-winning leader of Burma’s pro-democracy movement, violated the terms of her house arrest by allowing an American man to rest after he swam more than a mile, with homemade flippers and a flotation device, to get to her home. What reason did the American man give his family for wanting to see her?
He wanted to interview her for a book on suffering
He wanted to warn her of a "terrorist" plot
He wanted to give her a copy of the Book of Mormon
According to Transparency International, an international nongovernmental agency that rates countries according to the perceived honesty of their governments (as assessed by businesspeople and analysts), what was the United States’ 2008 “honesty” ranking?
18th place
The United States was 18th place. Denmark was in first place, and Somalia in last place
Which world leader blamed the financial crisis on “the irrational behavior of white people with blue eyes?”
Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva
Brazil’s Lula, who has long argued that the world’s poor and developing nations have been victims of mistakes made by richer countries, caused by irresponsibility, and, in this case, a lack of regulation in the world’s banking systems.
In an audiotape released in July, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi allegedly told a prostitute to wait for him in whose bed?
Vladimir Putin’s
What country has been the deadliest for journalists so far in 2009?
Colombia has been the deadliest country for journalists in 2009, with 19 confirmed killings, according to the Committee to Protect Journalists.
Which of the following Muslim countries does not have a Shiite majority?
Several factors fueled suspicions of election fraud in Iran this spring. Which of the following was not among those factors?
Election returns were inconsistent with recent polling data
Election returns were inconsistent with recent polling data
8o percent
China and India comprise 40 percent of the world’s smokers. In Bangladesh, the poorest households spend 10 times more on tobacco products than on education.
source: newsweek
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#KBC Kaun Banega Crorepati general KNOWLEDGE
Sholay makes it to textbooks in MP
Guna (Madhya Pradesh): In Madhya Pradesh, Ramesh Sippy's blockbuster Sholay isn't just a movie any more, it's part of every child's education.
Miss India 2007
MUMBAI, APR 8 (UNI):- Femina Miss India beauty pageant winner Puja Chitgope Kar (L), Miss India Earth Sarah Gane Dias (C) and Miss India World Puja Gupta (R) in Mumbai on Sunday. UNI PHOTO-133U
TV9 to launch 5 channels, plans Rs 1.55 billion investment
Hyderabad-based Associated Broadcasting Company Pvt Ltd (ABCL), which operates in the news space under the TV9 brand, is planning to launch a string of channels with an investment outlay of Rs 1.55 billion.
79th Oscar winners
Actors Forest Whitaker, Jennifer Hudson, Helen Mirren and Alan Arkin pose backstage with their Oscars during the 79th Academy Awards, in Los Angeles. Whitaker and Mirren won for best actor and Hudson and Arkin won for best supporting actor
79TH OSCAR best director
Director Martin Scorsese holds up his Oscar for best director for his work on "The Departed" as he arrives at the annual Vanity Fair Oscar party at Morton's in West Hollywood, California.
2007 republic day chief guest
President Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with Russian President, Vladimir Putin, on their arrival for the 58th Republic Day celebrations at Raj Path, New Delhi.
PSLV-C7 bearing 4 satellites lifts off from Sathish Dhawan Space centre, Sriharikotta on Wednesday. It successfully put all the four satellites into orbit
Highest wickets in world cup
Glenn McGrath gives the thumbs-up to the crowd after becoming the highest wicket-taker in World Cup history
OU 77TH Convocation
President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam blessing a student at the 77th Convocation of Osmania University being held at the campus in Hyderabad on February 01, 2007
Kiran Desai
Shetty wins Celebrity Big Brother
Shilpa Shetty, the Bollywood actress at the centre of the race row that dominated Celebrity Big Brother, has been named this year's winner.
Sanath Jayasuria
He currently holds the record fastest fifty in ODIs, scored off just 17 balls. Jayasuria was the previous record-holder for the fastest century (off 48 balls), before losing that claim to Shahid Afridi of Pakistan. He has hit 231 sixes in one day internationals (ODIs) and currently holds the world record for most ODI sixes.
Roger Federer
Roger Federer underlined his 10th Grand Slam singles title by winning 21 straight sets, saving a set point in Sunday's final before finishing off Fernando Gonzalez 7-6 (2), 6-4, 6-4 Herschelle Gibbs smashes a record six sixes in an over
Herschelle Gibbs
Herschelle Gibbs smashes a record six sixes in an over
Herschelle Gibbs's six sixes off Dan van Bunge's (Netherlands) fourth over was a record for international matches
Hayden hits fastest World Cup century
On March 24th 2007, at the 2007 Cricket World Cup, Hayden scored the fastest World Cup century against South Africa in just 66 balls
Amitabh Bachchan
Caption: NEW DELHI: Amitabh Bachchan (R) poses with his wife Jaya Bachchan (C), son Abhishek Bachchan (L), soon to be daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai (2-L) and daughter Shweta Nanda during a function at the French Embassy in New Delhi on January 27, 2007. Amitabh Bachchan was conferred the top French honour of 'Officer of the Legion of Honour'. Photo: Sandeep Saxena
Brian Charles Lara
Brian Charles Lara (born May 2, 1969) (nicknamed "The Prince of Port-of-Spain" or simply "The Prince") is a record-breaking cricketer who is regarded as one of the greatest batsmen ever. : highest individual innings (400 against England) and the all-time leading run scorer. He also holds the record for the highest individual score in first class cricket, with a total of 501* for Warwickshire against Durham at Edgbaston in 1994. Played 299 ODIs, Tests 131. "I hold West Indies cricket close to my heart. I've spent 17 years playing. It's been testimony that I've been out there working very hard, toiling for West Indies cricket. I've enjoyed every single day I've played. It's been a very good run but at some point it has to come to an end," the Trinidadian left hander said. "I'm a student of the game. I've read a lot and I know the history of West Indies cricket and I know what it means to the people." Lara, who has captained the West Indies three times, has scored 11,953 runs in 131 tests and 10,405 runs in 299 one-day internationals.
Prof. Muhammad Yunus
Caption: Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate and Chief Architect of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh at a special session in New Delhi on January 30, 2007
September 28, 2006:Sania Mirza defeated Martina Hingis
Sania Mirza defeated Martina Hingis (ranked 8th in the world) 4-6, 6-0, 6-4 in the Korea Open. Hingis had knocked Mirza out of the semifinals of the Sunfeast Open last week
Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai
The wedding ceremony of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai, which was held on the auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya(April 20,2007), climaxed three days of festivities starting from a sangeet function and the traditional mehendi ceremony.
PSLV makes commercial launch
SRIHARIKOTA : The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Monday successfully made the first commercial launch of a foreign satellite through the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C8). Italian satellite, Agile, weighing 352 kg, was placed in a precise orbit about 550 km above the earth.
Virginia massacre
A student from South Korea, Cho Seung-Hui,23, opened fire in a dormitory and a classroom at Virginia Tech University campus on April 16 morning, killing 33 and injuring 12 people. An India professor and an Indian student were among his victims.
Gujarat MP Babubhai Katara
Gujarat MP Babubhai Katara was arrested on April 18 when he was about to board an Air India flight to Toronto along with a woman and a teenaged boy on the passports of his wife and son. The BJP suspended Babubhai from the party, and a Delhi court remanded the suspended MP to 10 days police custody for cheating and impersonation
Lara bye-bye
West Indies captain Brian Lara announced retirement from all international cricket after the team’s world cup match against England on April 20
Shaadi No. 1
It’s the mother of all weddings in Bollywood. Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan tied the knot on April 20 at Amitabh Bachchan’s Juhu bunglow in the presence of elite VIPs
Virginia Killer
A student from South Korea, Cho Seung-Hui, 23, opened fire in a dormitory and a classroom at Virginia Tech University campus on April 16 morning, killing 33 and injuring 12 people. An Indian professor G V Loganathan and an Indian student were among his victims.
Lara’s final match
Brian Lara walks through a guard of honour to start his final innings, England v
West Indies, Super Eights, Barbados, April 21, 2007
Lasith Malinga
Lasith Malinga enjoys the moment after taking four wickets with consecutive deliveries against South Africa. It is a world record known as the double hattrick.
Stephen Hawking
In this handout photo provided by Zero Gravity Corp., astrophysicist Stephen Hawking floats on a zero-gravity jet on Thursday. The modified jet carrying Hawking, a handful of his physicians and nurses, and dozens of others first flew up to 24,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean off Florida. Nurses lifted Hawking and carried him to the front of the jet, where they placed him on his back atop a special foam pillow. The plane made a total of eight parabolic dips, including two during which Hawking made two weightless flips like “a gold-medal gymnast”, said Peter Diamandis, chairman of Zero Gravity Corp., the company that owns the jet
Richard Gere
Actor Richard Gere has sparked protests in India after kissing Celebrity Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty at an Aids awareness rally in New Delhi.
1996 cricket world cup
Sri Lanka celebrate - watched by Warne, McGrath and Bucknor
Bob Woolmer
Pakistan's cricket coach Bob Woolmer was murdered in his hotel room on Sunday after the team's World Cup shock defeat to Ireland, Jamaican police say.
Amitabh Bachchan and Chiranjeevi
The Telugu Film industry garlands Amitabh Bachchan and Chiranjeevi for getting Padma Bhushan during the felicitation function at Gacchibowli Indoor Stadium in Hyderabad on April 23, 2006.
Ms Indra Nooyi
Trade & Industry: 2007: United States: PepsiCo Chief and Padma Bhushan Award.
Ratan Tata
India's Tata Steel has won the battle to take over the Anglo-Dutch steelmaker Corus by making a £5.75bn ($11.3bn) bid.
Tata chairman Ratan Tata is not among the Forbes' list of 40 richest Indians around the world.
Dainik Jagran
The largest circulated daily in India
Karnam Malleswari
First woman Olympic Medalist for India (2000)
Koneru Humpy
Koneru Humpy got India its first gold after she defeated Aketayeva in the Doha Asiad
Arvind Kejriwal
2006 Ramon Magsaysay award for Emergent Leadership. He won it for activating India’s right to information movement at the grassroots, and empowering New Delhi’s poorest citizens to fight corruption by holding a government answerable to the people.
Colombian singer and 10-time Grammy award winner Shakira performed in Mumbai.
Rakeysh Mehra
Best director award winner – Filmfare for Ran De Basanti
Tiger Woods
Highest earning sport person.
Maria Sharapova
Highest earning sport women
Stephen Hawking
In this handout photo provided by Zero Gravity Corp., astrophysicist Stephen Hawking floats on a zero-gravity jet on Thursday. The modified jet carrying Hawking, a handful of his physicians and nurses, and dozens of others first flew up to 24,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean off Florida. Nurses lifted Hawking and carried him to the front of the jet, where they placed him on his back atop a special foam pillow. The plane made a total of eight parabolic dips, including two during which Hawking made two weightless flips like “a gold-medal gymnast”, said Peter Diamandis, chairman of Zero Gravity Corp., the company that owns the jet
Amartya Sen
Nobel Laureate, author of Argumentative Indian
Liz Hurley and Arun Nayar
The Indian lege of their wedding celebrations With the final even held in Jodhpur, the line up to the big day was peppered with a whirl of glamourous parties in the city for the golden couple.
Pankaj Advani
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awardee, snooker champion
Glenn McGrath:
Player of the tournament: 2007 cricket world cup
Australia 2007 cup winner
Third World Cup in a row, fourth overall. Has there been any greater side to take the field
Angelina Jolie
Hollywood star Angelina Jolie continued shooting for the film A Mighty Heart in Mumbai. The film is based on the life of slain Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl.
Shilpa Shetty
According to a recent search engine database, Shilpa leads in the search of her name the world over, preceding names like Angelina Jolie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Beyonce Knowles, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Carmen Electra, Drew Barrymore, Eva Longoria, Halle Berry, Harry Potter, Hilary Duff, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Lindsay Lohan, Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton and Tobey Maguire.
Dixie Chicks
The clean sweep by the Dixie Chicks as tops in all five categories in which they were nominated for Grammys—Best Country Album and Album of the Year for Taking the Long Way, and Song and Record of the Year plus Country/Group Duo for “Not Ready to Make Nice,” their defiant single release from that album, their first since they criticized George W. Bush in London in 2003, and were vilified and ostracized by the Country Music Establishment for it, is an important milestone for us of the left, and a cause for celebration that we, just like the Dixie Chicks, will eventually be vindicated for our open resistance and refusal to back down.
It’s all nice, so nice.
Britney Spears
Spears, 25, is the biggest-selling female artist of the 2000s with more than 70 million records sold. In 2002, she was ranked the most powerful celebrity in the world by Forbes Magazine. The same year she earned a Razzie Award for worst actress for her movie debut 'Crossroads.
Leander Paes with Sania Mirza
Leander Paes set the Asian Games tennis arena ablaze by grabbing two gold medals as he claimed the men's doubles title and then paired up with Sania Mirza to bag the mixed doubles crown with a hard-fought victory over their Japanese rivals
Queen Mary 2
World’s largest, tallest and most expensive cruise liner queen Mary 2 having a capacity of 2500 passengers on board.
Wax museum at Madame Tussaud's London
Shah Rukh Khan joined with Amitabh Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai in the wax museum at Madame Tussaud's London. Amitabh Bachchan's wax statue at Madame Tussaud's is believed to be watched by 25 lakh visitors to the wax museum every year. The museum, every year, unveils a total of just 15 statues.
US photographer Spencer Platt wins premier award
The international jury of the 50th annual World Press Photo Contest selected a color image of the US photographer Spencer Platt of Getty Images as World Press Photo of the Year 2006
Queen of Pop Madonna crowned highest earning female singer on earth
Madonna is the highest-earning female singer on earth, her account books reveal.
The mother-of-two, who turned 48 last month, is reportedly making £26.6 million a year.
The Guinness Book of Records reported that the figure now makes her the top-ranking female singing artist in terms of earnings.
She has now knocked Britney Spears off the No1 spot. Britney has been on top - earning £20.5 million a year - since 2001
Pulitzer first prize for breaking news photo
Awarded to Oded Balilty of The Associated Press for his powerful photograph of a lone Jewish woman defying Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank.
A lone Jewish settler challenges Israeli security officers during clashes that erupted as authorities cleared the West Bank settlement of Amona, east of the Palestinian town of Ramallah. Thousands of troops in riot gear and on horseback clashed with hundreds of stone-throwing Jewish settlers holed up in this illegal West Bank outpost after Israel’s Supreme Court cleared the way of demolition of nine homes at the site
Awarded to Renée C. Byer of The Sacramento Bee for her intimate portrayal of a single mother and her young son as he loses his battle with cancer.
Guna (Madhya Pradesh): In Madhya Pradesh, Ramesh Sippy's blockbuster Sholay isn't just a movie any more, it's part of every child's education.
Miss India 2007
MUMBAI, APR 8 (UNI):- Femina Miss India beauty pageant winner Puja Chitgope Kar (L), Miss India Earth Sarah Gane Dias (C) and Miss India World Puja Gupta (R) in Mumbai on Sunday. UNI PHOTO-133U
TV9 to launch 5 channels, plans Rs 1.55 billion investment
Hyderabad-based Associated Broadcasting Company Pvt Ltd (ABCL), which operates in the news space under the TV9 brand, is planning to launch a string of channels with an investment outlay of Rs 1.55 billion.
79th Oscar winners
Actors Forest Whitaker, Jennifer Hudson, Helen Mirren and Alan Arkin pose backstage with their Oscars during the 79th Academy Awards, in Los Angeles. Whitaker and Mirren won for best actor and Hudson and Arkin won for best supporting actor
79TH OSCAR best director
Director Martin Scorsese holds up his Oscar for best director for his work on "The Departed" as he arrives at the annual Vanity Fair Oscar party at Morton's in West Hollywood, California.
2007 republic day chief guest
President Kalam and Prime Minister Manmohan Singh with Russian President, Vladimir Putin, on their arrival for the 58th Republic Day celebrations at Raj Path, New Delhi.
PSLV-C7 bearing 4 satellites lifts off from Sathish Dhawan Space centre, Sriharikotta on Wednesday. It successfully put all the four satellites into orbit
Highest wickets in world cup
Glenn McGrath gives the thumbs-up to the crowd after becoming the highest wicket-taker in World Cup history
OU 77TH Convocation
President A.P.J. Abdul Kalam blessing a student at the 77th Convocation of Osmania University being held at the campus in Hyderabad on February 01, 2007
Kiran Desai
Shetty wins Celebrity Big Brother
Shilpa Shetty, the Bollywood actress at the centre of the race row that dominated Celebrity Big Brother, has been named this year's winner.
Sanath Jayasuria
He currently holds the record fastest fifty in ODIs, scored off just 17 balls. Jayasuria was the previous record-holder for the fastest century (off 48 balls), before losing that claim to Shahid Afridi of Pakistan. He has hit 231 sixes in one day internationals (ODIs) and currently holds the world record for most ODI sixes.
Roger Federer
Roger Federer underlined his 10th Grand Slam singles title by winning 21 straight sets, saving a set point in Sunday's final before finishing off Fernando Gonzalez 7-6 (2), 6-4, 6-4 Herschelle Gibbs smashes a record six sixes in an over
Herschelle Gibbs
Herschelle Gibbs smashes a record six sixes in an over
Herschelle Gibbs's six sixes off Dan van Bunge's (Netherlands) fourth over was a record for international matches
Hayden hits fastest World Cup century
On March 24th 2007, at the 2007 Cricket World Cup, Hayden scored the fastest World Cup century against South Africa in just 66 balls
Amitabh Bachchan
Caption: NEW DELHI: Amitabh Bachchan (R) poses with his wife Jaya Bachchan (C), son Abhishek Bachchan (L), soon to be daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai (2-L) and daughter Shweta Nanda during a function at the French Embassy in New Delhi on January 27, 2007. Amitabh Bachchan was conferred the top French honour of 'Officer of the Legion of Honour'. Photo: Sandeep Saxena
Brian Charles Lara
Brian Charles Lara (born May 2, 1969) (nicknamed "The Prince of Port-of-Spain" or simply "The Prince") is a record-breaking cricketer who is regarded as one of the greatest batsmen ever. : highest individual innings (400 against England) and the all-time leading run scorer. He also holds the record for the highest individual score in first class cricket, with a total of 501* for Warwickshire against Durham at Edgbaston in 1994. Played 299 ODIs, Tests 131. "I hold West Indies cricket close to my heart. I've spent 17 years playing. It's been testimony that I've been out there working very hard, toiling for West Indies cricket. I've enjoyed every single day I've played. It's been a very good run but at some point it has to come to an end," the Trinidadian left hander said. "I'm a student of the game. I've read a lot and I know the history of West Indies cricket and I know what it means to the people." Lara, who has captained the West Indies three times, has scored 11,953 runs in 131 tests and 10,405 runs in 299 one-day internationals.
Prof. Muhammad Yunus
Caption: Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate and Chief Architect of Grameen Bank of Bangladesh at a special session in New Delhi on January 30, 2007
September 28, 2006:Sania Mirza defeated Martina Hingis
Sania Mirza defeated Martina Hingis (ranked 8th in the world) 4-6, 6-0, 6-4 in the Korea Open. Hingis had knocked Mirza out of the semifinals of the Sunfeast Open last week
Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai
The wedding ceremony of Abhishek Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai, which was held on the auspicious day of Akshay Tritiya(April 20,2007), climaxed three days of festivities starting from a sangeet function and the traditional mehendi ceremony.
PSLV makes commercial launch
SRIHARIKOTA : The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Monday successfully made the first commercial launch of a foreign satellite through the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV-C8). Italian satellite, Agile, weighing 352 kg, was placed in a precise orbit about 550 km above the earth.
Virginia massacre
A student from South Korea, Cho Seung-Hui,23, opened fire in a dormitory and a classroom at Virginia Tech University campus on April 16 morning, killing 33 and injuring 12 people. An India professor and an Indian student were among his victims.
Gujarat MP Babubhai Katara
Gujarat MP Babubhai Katara was arrested on April 18 when he was about to board an Air India flight to Toronto along with a woman and a teenaged boy on the passports of his wife and son. The BJP suspended Babubhai from the party, and a Delhi court remanded the suspended MP to 10 days police custody for cheating and impersonation
Lara bye-bye
West Indies captain Brian Lara announced retirement from all international cricket after the team’s world cup match against England on April 20
Shaadi No. 1
It’s the mother of all weddings in Bollywood. Aishwarya Rai and Abhishek Bachchan tied the knot on April 20 at Amitabh Bachchan’s Juhu bunglow in the presence of elite VIPs
Virginia Killer
A student from South Korea, Cho Seung-Hui, 23, opened fire in a dormitory and a classroom at Virginia Tech University campus on April 16 morning, killing 33 and injuring 12 people. An Indian professor G V Loganathan and an Indian student were among his victims.
Lara’s final match
Brian Lara walks through a guard of honour to start his final innings, England v
West Indies, Super Eights, Barbados, April 21, 2007
Lasith Malinga
Lasith Malinga enjoys the moment after taking four wickets with consecutive deliveries against South Africa. It is a world record known as the double hattrick.
Stephen Hawking
In this handout photo provided by Zero Gravity Corp., astrophysicist Stephen Hawking floats on a zero-gravity jet on Thursday. The modified jet carrying Hawking, a handful of his physicians and nurses, and dozens of others first flew up to 24,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean off Florida. Nurses lifted Hawking and carried him to the front of the jet, where they placed him on his back atop a special foam pillow. The plane made a total of eight parabolic dips, including two during which Hawking made two weightless flips like “a gold-medal gymnast”, said Peter Diamandis, chairman of Zero Gravity Corp., the company that owns the jet
Richard Gere
Actor Richard Gere has sparked protests in India after kissing Celebrity Big Brother winner Shilpa Shetty at an Aids awareness rally in New Delhi.
1996 cricket world cup
Sri Lanka celebrate - watched by Warne, McGrath and Bucknor
Bob Woolmer
Pakistan's cricket coach Bob Woolmer was murdered in his hotel room on Sunday after the team's World Cup shock defeat to Ireland, Jamaican police say.
Amitabh Bachchan and Chiranjeevi
The Telugu Film industry garlands Amitabh Bachchan and Chiranjeevi for getting Padma Bhushan during the felicitation function at Gacchibowli Indoor Stadium in Hyderabad on April 23, 2006.
Ms Indra Nooyi
Trade & Industry: 2007: United States: PepsiCo Chief and Padma Bhushan Award.
Ratan Tata
India's Tata Steel has won the battle to take over the Anglo-Dutch steelmaker Corus by making a £5.75bn ($11.3bn) bid.
Tata chairman Ratan Tata is not among the Forbes' list of 40 richest Indians around the world.
Dainik Jagran
The largest circulated daily in India
Karnam Malleswari
First woman Olympic Medalist for India (2000)
Koneru Humpy
Koneru Humpy got India its first gold after she defeated Aketayeva in the Doha Asiad
Arvind Kejriwal
2006 Ramon Magsaysay award for Emergent Leadership. He won it for activating India’s right to information movement at the grassroots, and empowering New Delhi’s poorest citizens to fight corruption by holding a government answerable to the people.
Colombian singer and 10-time Grammy award winner Shakira performed in Mumbai.
Rakeysh Mehra
Best director award winner – Filmfare for Ran De Basanti
Tiger Woods
Highest earning sport person.
Maria Sharapova
Highest earning sport women
Stephen Hawking
In this handout photo provided by Zero Gravity Corp., astrophysicist Stephen Hawking floats on a zero-gravity jet on Thursday. The modified jet carrying Hawking, a handful of his physicians and nurses, and dozens of others first flew up to 24,000 feet over the Atlantic Ocean off Florida. Nurses lifted Hawking and carried him to the front of the jet, where they placed him on his back atop a special foam pillow. The plane made a total of eight parabolic dips, including two during which Hawking made two weightless flips like “a gold-medal gymnast”, said Peter Diamandis, chairman of Zero Gravity Corp., the company that owns the jet
Amartya Sen
Nobel Laureate, author of Argumentative Indian
Liz Hurley and Arun Nayar
The Indian lege of their wedding celebrations With the final even held in Jodhpur, the line up to the big day was peppered with a whirl of glamourous parties in the city for the golden couple.
Pankaj Advani
Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna awardee, snooker champion
Glenn McGrath:
Player of the tournament: 2007 cricket world cup
Australia 2007 cup winner
Third World Cup in a row, fourth overall. Has there been any greater side to take the field
Angelina Jolie
Hollywood star Angelina Jolie continued shooting for the film A Mighty Heart in Mumbai. The film is based on the life of slain Wall Street Journal correspondent Daniel Pearl.
Shilpa Shetty
According to a recent search engine database, Shilpa leads in the search of her name the world over, preceding names like Angelina Jolie, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Beyonce Knowles, Brad Pitt, Britney Spears, Carmen Electra, Drew Barrymore, Eva Longoria, Halle Berry, Harry Potter, Hilary Duff, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Lopez, Lindsay Lohan, Pamela Anderson, Paris Hilton and Tobey Maguire.
Dixie Chicks
The clean sweep by the Dixie Chicks as tops in all five categories in which they were nominated for Grammys—Best Country Album and Album of the Year for Taking the Long Way, and Song and Record of the Year plus Country/Group Duo for “Not Ready to Make Nice,” their defiant single release from that album, their first since they criticized George W. Bush in London in 2003, and were vilified and ostracized by the Country Music Establishment for it, is an important milestone for us of the left, and a cause for celebration that we, just like the Dixie Chicks, will eventually be vindicated for our open resistance and refusal to back down.
It’s all nice, so nice.
Britney Spears
Spears, 25, is the biggest-selling female artist of the 2000s with more than 70 million records sold. In 2002, she was ranked the most powerful celebrity in the world by Forbes Magazine. The same year she earned a Razzie Award for worst actress for her movie debut 'Crossroads.
Leander Paes with Sania Mirza
Leander Paes set the Asian Games tennis arena ablaze by grabbing two gold medals as he claimed the men's doubles title and then paired up with Sania Mirza to bag the mixed doubles crown with a hard-fought victory over their Japanese rivals
Queen Mary 2
World’s largest, tallest and most expensive cruise liner queen Mary 2 having a capacity of 2500 passengers on board.
Wax museum at Madame Tussaud's London
Shah Rukh Khan joined with Amitabh Bachchan and Aishwarya Rai in the wax museum at Madame Tussaud's London. Amitabh Bachchan's wax statue at Madame Tussaud's is believed to be watched by 25 lakh visitors to the wax museum every year. The museum, every year, unveils a total of just 15 statues.
US photographer Spencer Platt wins premier award
The international jury of the 50th annual World Press Photo Contest selected a color image of the US photographer Spencer Platt of Getty Images as World Press Photo of the Year 2006
Queen of Pop Madonna crowned highest earning female singer on earth
Madonna is the highest-earning female singer on earth, her account books reveal.
The mother-of-two, who turned 48 last month, is reportedly making £26.6 million a year.
The Guinness Book of Records reported that the figure now makes her the top-ranking female singing artist in terms of earnings.
She has now knocked Britney Spears off the No1 spot. Britney has been on top - earning £20.5 million a year - since 2001
Pulitzer first prize for breaking news photo
Awarded to Oded Balilty of The Associated Press for his powerful photograph of a lone Jewish woman defying Israeli security forces as they remove illegal settlers in the West Bank.
A lone Jewish settler challenges Israeli security officers during clashes that erupted as authorities cleared the West Bank settlement of Amona, east of the Palestinian town of Ramallah. Thousands of troops in riot gear and on horseback clashed with hundreds of stone-throwing Jewish settlers holed up in this illegal West Bank outpost after Israel’s Supreme Court cleared the way of demolition of nine homes at the site
Awarded to Renée C. Byer of The Sacramento Bee for her intimate portrayal of a single mother and her young son as he loses his battle with cancer.