Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Make the workmanship surpass the materials

Receiving the plaudits: Sachin Tendulkar is congratulated by South Africa after his double ton
"Sometimes you've got to go to the wrong place just to show that you're not afraid to go there. " - Leonardo DiCaprio

"If the cops didn’t see it, I didn’t do it!" ~ George Carlin

"To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom." - Bertrand Russel

Appreciation is a wonderful thing, Giving and receiving ~ Neerja Pande Tiwari

“You can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” - Zig Ziglar

Make no mistake about why these babies are here - they are here to replace us. -Jerry Seinfeld

The Most Accurate, Highest Resolution Earth View to Date

"Make the workmanship surpass the materials."-- Ovid, Poet

Beauty is a short-lived tyranny.

aim at excellence... inspirational quotes

Today is your last chance to do something about tomorrow." - Rajesh Setty

Heaven goes by favor. If it went by merit, you would stay out and your dog would go in." - Mark Twain

Palolem beach, Goa
Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiam." - Winston Churchill

Nagin Lake, India
The highest result of education is tolerance. H.Keller

"Reality is what refuses to go away when you do not believe in it." - Steven Pinker

Honolulu, Hawaii
Be KIND, for everyone you meet... is fighting a hard battle." ~Plato

View of a star cluster in outer space. Astronomers have discovered a new Earth-like planet that is larger than our own and may be more than half covered with water, according to a study published Wednesday in the science journal Nature
Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress.” ~Nicholas Murray Butler

Riders urinate during the 17th stage of the Tour of Spain "La Vuelta" cycling race between Ciudad Real and Talavera de la Reina, September 16, 2009.

The global sex toy industry is worth an annual 15 billion dollars (22 billion euros), and uses up a mountain of batteries in the process, many of which end up as toxic waste.

"I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll be glad to make an exception." ~ Groucho Marx

The ultimate reason for setting goals is to entice you to become the person it takes to achieve them - Jim Rohn

The sinner & saint are merely exchanging notes. The saint has a past& the sinner has a future. Nisargadatta

REUTERS PICTURES OF THE DECADE. A turkey named "Liberty" surprises U.S. President George W. Bush at the annual turkey pardoning event at the White House, three days ahead of Thanksgiving, November 19, 2001. The fortunate bird will spend the rest of his days on a farm in Virginia. With the president are turkey industry representatives Jeff Radford (L) and Stuart Proctor.

“Happiness is the real sense of fulfillment that comes from hard work.” ~Joseph Barbara

Discipline comes through doing difficult but essential things daily - Robin Sharma

When your devotion to doing great work is larger than your dedication to fortune and fame your career will explode into high success - Robin Sharma

Amazing how far you will get just by staying with something long enough. Too many people's fears are bigger than their faith- Robin Sharma

If you don't like how things are, change it! You're not a tree - Jim Rohn

Monarch butterflies migrating to Mexico
The SUN... is new each day." ~Heraclitus

Honesty is the brother of courage - stevepavlina

You won't figure out your life purpose by sitting at home pondering what your life purpose could be- stevepavlina

Define your success by how happy you are-not by how many things you have - Robin Sharma
top 5 values (robin sharma)

Louvre Museum , Paris, France
"Years teach us more than books." - Berthold

River Dee as seen from the hill of Craeg Coinich in Braemar, Aberdeenshire
He who hesitates is lost. Proverb

Twin Cascades on Bamawester Creek
Keep steadily before you the fact that all true success depends at last upon yourself. Theodore T. Hunger


"Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success." Henry Ford

It's never too late to be what you might have been. ~ Dinah Mulock Craik

Of all the possessions on earth. The most valuable is to have a heart. Goethe

Fortune favors the brave. Publius Terence

The best way out is always through. Robert Frost

Experience is the child of thought, and thought is the child of action. Benjamin Disraeli

Nothing will ever be attempted if all possible objections must first be overcome. Samuel Johnson

Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking. William B. Sprague


There is only one success--to be able to spend your life in your own way. Christopher Morley

A failure is a man who has blundered, but is not able to cash in on the experience. Elbert Hubbard

Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out. Robert Collier

Your heart, I hope “Trust, but verify.” ~Damon Runyon

A man's truest monument must be a man. - Minot Judson Savage

"The things that scare you are nothing more than opportunities to know more of the best within you. From "The Leader Who Had No Title"

"a name is worth everything-until it is questioned. When suspicion clings to it, it is worth nothing." Orison Swett Marden

To forget one's ANCESTOR'S is to be a brook without a source... a tree without root” ~Chinese Proverb

Who finds a FAITHFUL FRIEND... finds a treasure" ~Jewish Saying

Intense LOVE does not measure... it just G I V E S." ~Mother Teresa

True religion is real living; living with all one's soul, with all one's goodness and righteousness- Albert Einstein

"Blame not on stupidity that which is best explained by ignorance." -- Robert A. Heinlein

Who aims at excellence will be above mediocrity; who aims at mediocrity will be far short of it. Burmese

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Doubt is a pain

King penguins

Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother - Khalil Gibran

key to failure

“I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone.”- Bill Cosby

Solar Vector Canada Geese flying home

Woman feeling the heat!!!

inspirational quotes

A jug fills drop by drop #quote

One-legged Seagull

A jug fills drop by drop.

Friday, September 14, 2012

general KNOWLEDGE for KBC

India successfully test fired the Astra, meaning "weapon" in Sanskrit, air-to-air missile from a specially-made launcher
Only 1411 tigers left in India (Zee news: February 12, 2008)
From 3,500 estimated in the last major survey in 2002, there are only 1,411 big cats left in the country
1. Kalinga award is presented by – UNESCO
2. UNICEF headquarters located in – New York
3. The highest building in the world is located in – Dubai
4. Founder of the Asaf Jahi dynasty – Chin Qilich Khan (Nizam –ul- Mulk)
5. Islam’s third holiest place, after Mecca and Medina – Al Aqsa Mosque (Jerusalem)
6. First Hydrogen bomb tested in Bikini (Pacific) Atoll in the Marshall islands
7. Who classified human blood into four groups – K Land Steiner
8. The largest bone of human body – femur in the thigh
9. World’s first skyscraper – Sears Tower, Chicago was built in 1885
10. Highest active volcano in the world – Cotopaxi (Ecuador)
11. World’s most visited site – Eiffel Tower
12. Who discovered blood circulation – William Harvey
13. When did Mahatma Gandhi return to India from South Africa – 1915
14. First spinning and weaving mill in Bombay was established in 1857
15. First screening of a film at Watson’s hotel, Bombay – 1896
16. Who coined the word Pakistan – Choudhry Rehmat Ali
17. National Education Day – November 11
18. USA bought Alaka from Russia in 1867
19. First Europeans to enter India – Portuguese
20. Who nationalized Suez canal – Nazar (1956)
21. What was the source of Egypt civilization – River Nile
22. What invention brought revolution in the field of production and commerce – wheel
23. Who wrote Indian Philosophy – Dr Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan
24. First Indian actress to be on Cannes jury – Aishwarya Rai
25. Founder of Swatantra Party – Chakravarti Rajagopala Chari
26. Founder of Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore – Dr CV Raman
27. Who translated Geetanjali into Telugu – Chalam
28. The national income of India is calculated by – Central Statistical Organization
29. First Indian to receive the Nobel Prize– Rabindranath Tagore
30. First woman to win the Nobel Prize in Economics – Elinor Ostrom
31. Internet @ 40 years – October 29, 1969 birth date of internet
32. Who discovered the malaria parasite – Ronals Ross
33. River Ganga is known as Padma in Bangladesh. It is known as Jamuna after joining Brahmaputra
34. Who invented World Wide Web – Tim Berners Lee
35. The first municipal corporation in India was set up at Madras (civil services, 2009)
36. Who is called the father of local self government in India – Lord Ripon
37. The Hindu first published in September 1878
38. To whom did the British call the father of Indian unrest – Bal Gangadhar Tilak
39. December 9- International Anti-corruption Day
40. December 14 – National Energy Conservation Day
41. c-dot : center for development of telematics
42. Mercury is the nearest planet to Sun
43. Venus is the nearest planet of Earth
44. National Institute of Ocean Technology is in Chennai
45. Dronacharya award is given for excellence in coaching in sports
46. The biggest employer in India – Indian Railways
47. Name the US president who took decision to drop the first atom bomb – Henry Truman
48. PT Usha missed the Olympic medal by what fraction of time – 1/100th of a second
49. After whom the America named- Vespucci Amerigo (Italian explorer)
50. The fixed venue for the International Children’s Film Festival – Hyderabad
51. The first all India census was attempted in 1872
52. The battle of Plassey – 1757
53. India is the largest producer of mica in the world
54. What is the other name for Mahabharat – Jayasamhita
55. What will be the population of the world by 2050 as per UN – 9.2 billions
56. India’s share of land mass in the world – 2.4 per cent
57. The highest broad gauge railway line in India – Kajagund in Kashmir
58. Newspaper vending machine, for the first time in India started in Tamil Nadu
59. Commander of the British forces during the American war of independence – Charles Cornwallis
60. First capital of Pakistan – Karachi
61. Most populous city in India – Mumbai
62. The highest capital in the world – La Paz (Bolivia) (3621m)
63. Father of white revolution in India – Verghese Kurien
64. Father of space programme in India – Vikram Sarabhai
65. Father of atomic energy programme in Inida – Homi J Bhabha
66. Who is popularly known as the Missile man of India – APJ Abdul Kalam
67. Largest producer of rice in India – West Bengal
68. James Bond’s favorite drink – Smirn off vodka
69. The world’s largest office building – Headquarters of US Defence department, Pentagon (USA)
70. Gandhiji’s first fast in India was in connection with – the strike of mill workers at Ahmedabad
71. Speed of the earth – 1610 km per hour.
72. Who is known as Indian Nepolean – Samudragupta
73. The longest railway in the world – Trans-Siberian Railway
74. World’s highest lake – Tticaca (Peru-Bolivia border) 3810 m
75. The first Indian English film – Noorjahan (1931)
76. Who is known as the custodian of Lok Sabha – Speaker of Lok Sabha
77. India’s first genetically modified (GM) food for commercial use – Bt Brinjal
78. First country to implement right to vote for women – New Zealand (1893)
79. First woman ruler of India – Razia Sultana
80. Birth place of Rajiv Gandhi – Mumbai
81. One barrel of oil is equivalent to how many litres- 160
82. Life time of red blood cells – 120 days
83. Gold is also known as – Yellow metal
84. Which state has the highest number of agricultural labourers in India – Bihar
85. A giant tortoise can live upto how many years – 150
86. Indian Institute of Spice Research – Kozhikode
87. India’s first indigenously built nuclear submarine – INS Arihant
88. First woman in Asia to get Reuters Fellowship – Shobhaa De
89. In ‘circa 1750’ circa means – about
90. The disease that kills about 4,400 Indians every day – Tuberculosis
91. Asia’s busiest airport – Tokyo Haneda
92. FACEBOOK was founded by Mar Zuckerberg (it was launched on Feb 4, 2004)
93. Hippocampus is the par of the brain responsible for – memory
94. Mothers Day is observed on the second Sunday in which month – May
95. Yellow roses indicate – friendship
96. How many islands are there in India – 247
97. First economist to estimate national income in a scientific way – VKRV Rao
98. Which state has the highest share in National Income- Maharashtra
99. Which state started the pension scheme for rikshaw pullers for the first time in India – Tripura

Thursday, September 13, 2012

World's 10 most innovative nations

World's 10 most innovative nations
1. Singapore
2. South Korea
3. Switzerland
4. Iceland
5. Ireland
6. Hong Kong
7. Finland
8. United States of America
9. Japan
10. Sweden

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The most common pitfalls of CV writing

sultry... Una
The most common pitfalls of CV writing
Writing your CV is a much more challenging task than you would initially expect before you start putting it together. The challenge though is not about things you do not need to include; it is more about things you should include and presenting them the right way.

What you need to know is that your CV does not have to be tremendously creative to get noticed. A simple listing of your experience and qualifications will suffice. What you do need to do, however, is pay attention to the details and avoid common mistakes.

This article is an attempt to help you dodge these pitfalls while you write the most important document of your career.

CV or Curriculum Vitae at the top
You don't need to mention CV or Curriculum Vitae on the top. Some people might argue, how would recruiters know that it's a CV until you give it a heading? This can be explained with a simple example. Do you see "Newspaper" written as the heading of your daily paper? No, still as soon as you see a newspaper, you know what it is. Similarly when recruiters see a CV, they know it's a CV.

Flashy fonts and images
Your CV is a formal document. Avoid attempting to make it decorative with flashy fonts and images. These might be helpful only if you are applying for a creative position with some magazine, publisher or advertising company.

Explaining gap in employment
The CV is not the place to explain the gap you have in your employment. If you have a gap in your employment, focus your CV more on your experience and achievements rather than where you have been for how long. Such things are better explained at the personal meeting with interviewer.

Contact information
Provide your contact information in a easily noticeable spot on your CV since this is the first thing your prospective employer will look if they like your CV. Provide a phone number where you are reachable rather than providing the contact details of your parents. Employers want to speak to you and doing this may cost you the opportunity.

Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors
Spelling mistakes and grammatical errors reflect badly on you. They show your insincerity towards your job hunt and the most important document of your career. Read your CV well after you are done writing it. Maybe ask some of your friends to read it before you start sending it out.

Faking it
Do not lie about your experience or qualifications. If these things are caught at a later stage, they will cost you the job.

Using jargon and abbreviations
CVs are screened by people from the HR department who might not know the abbreviations and jargon used in every industry. Try to avoid using jargon and abbreviations in your CV as far as possible, if the HR personnel do not understand the terms, you might miss an interview call.

Irrelevant details
Including details like your father's name, sex, expected salary, passport number will occupy space without adding much value to your candidature. Provide them only when asked or if the position demands.

The author is a contributor to, a website that addresses technical and personal aspects of an IT interview.
source: rediff

7 Ways Larry Page Is Defining Google's Future | Fast Company

7 Ways Larry Page Is Defining Google's Future | Fast Company: "It's not Helen of Troy or the assassination of an archduke, but this spelling-bee-worthy 10-cent word also launched a war, the Great Search Engine War of 2011, between Google and Microsoft. Over the past few years, one of Google's primary technical goals has been to improve its search engine for misspellings of unusual queries. It's relatively easy for Google to figure out that you mean 'Obama' when you type 'Onama.' But what about something that people rarely search for -- and that they rarely spell correctly when they do? For a search scientist, that's the beautiful challenge of tarsorrhaphy, a gruesome-sounding surgical procedure."

Monday, September 10, 2012

Five Best Work-From-Home Jobs - ABC News

Five Best Work-From-Home Jobs - ABC News: "Thousands of 'Good Morning America' viewers have said our reports helped them reach their goals of making extra money while working at home. If you're one of the success stories, I invite you to visit my Web site to tell me your story.

For those of you who haven't yet made the leap, I've co-authored a new book, 'Will Work From Home: Earn the Cash Without the Commute,' which is filled with resources and ideas to help you get going on this path too."

Saturday, September 8, 2012

In the News - Feb 2009

Headline News
Broadcasting pioneer Paul Harvey dies at age of 90 (ap)
Five going jobless every passing minute this year (ECONOMIC TIMES)
Arranged marriage is here to stay: Survey (dnaindia)
Man says bogus conviction leaves him without wife, job (cnn)
Oxford University newspaper editors resign over racist and explicit spoof (guardian)
Water cannons turned on Malaysian Indians, 17 held (hindu)
'Taliban could take Karachi hostage at any point' (zeenews)
Opel eyes a future without GM (reuters)
New Bangladesh graves discovered (bbc)
India may bid as Gandhi's glasses are auctioned (cnn)
U.S. recession deepens further (reuters)
Porn in the USA: Conservatives are biggest consumers (newscientist)
Sonia kick-starts poll campaign in Andhra Pradesh (rediff)
Newsday to charge for website, online cable service (reuters)
Bangladesh troops find mass grave (bbc)
Pakistan Navy flip-flops on Qasab's sea route theory (ndtv)
Obama tells powerful lobbies: Bring it on (ap)
MBAs, engineers take up call centre jobs (dnaindia)
GDP growth loses steam, logs 5.3% (economic times)

Rs 10,000cr may be spent on Lok Sabha polls: Survey (PTI)
Daytime sleepiness among elderly may indicate increased cardiovascular death risk (topnews)
Obama unveils his $3.6tn budget (bbc)
'Good life' barred, blame it on Ajmal (dnaindia)

AR Rahaman
India tops world hunger chart (Times of India)
Officials: Obama says Iraq pullout by Aug 2010 (ap)
Young 'Slumdog' stars back in Mumbai slums (cnn)
General Motors posts $9.6 billion quarterly loss (msnbc)
Washington Post profit plunges 77% (huffingtonpost)
SC appoints committee to look into clash in Madras HC (PTI)
Marriott Hotel ablaze in Pakistan (cnn)
Tata Motors to launch Nano on March 23 (hindustan times)
Money managers accused of $550 million fraud (ap)
Satyam scam: AP govt not supporting in probe, CBI to HC (zeenews)

Lily Allen poses topless in a sexy photoshoot for 'Q' magazine.
Obama wants to watch 'Slumdog Millionaire' (hindustantimes)
Hugh Hefner wants Kate Winslet nude on Playboy (spicezee)
Obama pitching a broad economic case to nation (ap)
Slumdog Millionaire rakes in millions of dollars (dnaindia)
Oscars to 'Slumdog' bring smile on Atal's face (screenindia)
Study: Taking B vitamins can prevent vision loss (ap)
Indian woman accused of selling baby for $130 (cnn)
FBI recovers 48 juveniles in prostitution raid (cnn)
Rushdie slams 'Slumdog Millionaire' (sify)
Asia Follows Wall St.’s Downward Slump (wsj)
AR Rahman wins Oscars for music (bbc)
Rahman wins 2 Oscars; Slumdog bags 8 in all (ibnlive)
A.R. Rahman wins two Oscars for "Slumdog" (reuters)
Bollywood legend picks up Academy Awards for his work on Slumdog Millionaire (masala)
JAI HO : Rahman regales the world, gets India 2 Oscars (ndtv)
'Jai Ho' Rahman wins two Oscars, Slumdog eight (business standard)
Indian music genius AR Rahman wins two Oscars (khabrein)
Rahman bestows honour on homeland, wins two Oscars (zeenews)
Slumdog Mill ionaire sweeps the Oscars (indian express)
Best Film: Slumdog Millionaire makes it India's night at the Oscars (dnaindia)
Rahman's Oscar wins give Bollywood big reason to celebrate (sify)
AR Rahman wins 2 Ocsar awards (ubnews)
A R Rahman creates history, Slumdog... sweeps Oscars (hindu)
Jai ho... A R Rahman brings home glory; wins two Oscars (myiris)
Rahman, Resul win Oscars for Slumdog (rediff)
Slumdog is king with 8 Oscars, Pinki smiles too (ndtv)
A R Rahman brings Oscar glory to India (ndtv)
Chidambaram favours tax exemption to Oscars given to Rahman (livemint)
Slumdog big winner at Oscars, garners eight awards (livemint)
'Slumdog' rules Oscars with 8 prizes, best picture (ap)
Rahman creates history as 'Slumdog' wins 8 Oscars (expressbuzz)
President, PM and leaders congratulate Rahman, Pookutty (Times of India)
Rahman dedicates Oscars to god, mother (Times of India)
'Slumdog' composer Rahman wins 2 Oscars (mercurynews)
Centre trying to ruin Nano car project: Modi (newspostonline)
Sharada dumps TD to join Cong(ga)
Abhishek Bachchan on record breaking tour (samaylive)

San Francisco man faces fallout from `Wife Swap'(ap)
TDP to choose contestant for Gudur, Nellore dist through SMS poll (tv9)
Noida MMS is available at Download websites for free (samaylive)
Mala Mahanadu to support Praja Rajyam: Karem Shivaji (ntv)
CBI registers case against Satyam founder Ramalinga Raju, an erstwhile director and auditor(hindu)
CBI registers case against Raju, others in Satyam scam (ians)
No compensation for victims of Satyam fraud: Govt (businessstandard)
Grand Alliance leaders ask Centre to prosecute YSR (telugupeople)
Israeli President Shimon Peres has chosen Benjamin Netanyahu to form Israel's next government(cnn)
SEBI team starts questioning Satyam ex-CFO (hindu)
L&T says studying Satyam decision (reuters)
Netanyahu to form Israel cabinet (bbc)
ndia News Digest: TCS Places 1,000 Workers Under Lens (wsj)
Govt cancels Rs 1000 crore multi-complex awarded to Nagarjuna Construction Company (ntv)
Aamir convinces Sallu to give up drinking (screenindia)
Paris Hilton, Gisele Bundchen strut braless in Big Apple (spicezee)

Satyam Scam: Jagan says his only mistake is being YSR's son (ibnlive)
Chennai clash: HC orders CBI probe, ruckus in House (ndtv)
TDP shells Rs 7.5 crore on chicks ad!(tahtstelugu)
Kurnool: Chiru celebrates wedding anniversary (greatandhra)
Madras HC clashes: 150 lawyers held, CBI to probe (zeenews)
Kapil Dev: Almost all political parties have approached me (timesnow)
Indians are highest earners in the US (PTI)
Chiranjeevi's road show is a hit (rediff)
Jessica Alba named Worst Actress Of The Year (spicezee)
Pawan Kalyan won't contest: Allu Aravaind (greatandhra)
Brides opt for fake jewellery as gold prices soar(Economic Times)

For Azhar, the toss is between Hyderbad and Secunderabad (msnindia)
Indian Muslims hailed for not burying Mumbai attackers (ians)
Being closer to nature helps longevity, good health (Economic Times)
Financial links between RSS and ISI (thaindian)
North Korea warns of war ahead of Clinton visit (yahoo)
Support Maoists to join mainstream, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar urges people (newkerala)
Film actor Nirmalamma dies at 89 (tv9)
MRPS locks Vizag collectorate (eenadu)
Lakshmi Parvati to support Congress in the next elections (sakshi)
Danica Patrick's back tat a no-go for SI swimsuit issue (yahoo)
Tyson Chandler back to New Orleans Hornets after trade rescinded (espn)
Obama throws $75 billion lifeline to homeowners (yahoo)
Chimp attack victim 'critical but stable' (cnn)
PRP a silent revolution: Chiru (sakshi)

1.09 lakh people lost jobs in last five months: Govt (Economic Times)
Facebook U-turn on privacy changes (guardian)
'Peace march' in Pakistan's Swat (aljazeera)
IL&FS awaits Feb 24 CLB decision to take a call on Maytas (moneycontrol) Obama plan seeks to save millions from foreclosure (ap)
Military action against Pak 'off table': Pranab (zeenews)
Dr K Ashok Raju to release his research work on Naidu in five languages (eenadu)
Pak asks India to hand over Kasav (times now)
Two-year-old 'married' to a dog to ward off evil spirits (newkerala)
Every Indian to have debt of Rs 30k by March '10 (msnindia)
Sada celebrated 25th birthday (buzz18)
Bangalore serial killer sentenced to death (times now)
Mulayam open to poll tie-up with BJP (timesnow)

Azhar to join Cong today, seeks ticket from Hyderabad (rediff)
MPs don’t deserve one paisa of public money: Somnath (zeenews)
We are like condoms. They just use & throw us: script writer Kamlesh Pandey msnindia)
Satyam may finalise bid criteria next week (reuters)
Abhishek all set to enter Guinness Book (midday)
Satyam to exercise cost-cutting; to relocate onsite staff (dnaindia)
Bindu Madhavi to host talk show in Sakshi TV (idlebrain)
Jaya tells Congress to sever ties with DMK, join her party (Times of India)
Cricketer Kaushik Reddy joins Congress (eenadu)
Seth Rogen to feature on Playboy''s March cover? (topnews)
Pranab assures complete help to Satyam (samaylive)
Gold at all-time high, inches towards Rs-16K mark (business standard)
Hiss with the longest kiss (mumbaimirror)
Irrfan-Divya lock lips for a love-romp sequence in ‘Hissss’ (spicezee)
Former Satyam directors asked to disclose assets (reuters)
MIM faces challenge as journalist jumps into poll fray (siasat)
Ash more bankable than Khans in Hollywood: Forbes (screenindia)
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar accuses UPA of protecting 26/11 accused (samaylive)
Sex MMS rocks Delhi B-school (midday)
I enjoy Shahid's company: Priyanka (buzz18)
7.2 million more Asians to be jobless in 2009: ILO (zeenews)
SEBI gets Court nod to quiz Satyam ex-CFO Vadlamani Srinivas (sakshi)
Satyam-Maytas political fallout: Naidu to meet Gupta (Economic Times)
Indira Gandhi's rare portrait to go under hammer (dnaindia)
We will win 205 seats, says Chiranjeevi's party (rediff)
PR to fight outside state too (Deccan Chronicle)
Sania-Mara in Dubai pre-quarters (zeenews)
SEBI quizzing of Satyam accused starts (Economic Times)
Slumdog Millionaire actress Freida Pinto 'has secret husband' (telegraph)
Kissing banned at railway station (telegraph)
Pawan Kalyan to tour Khammam district from Feb 19 (eenadu)
Shilpa Shetty to shoot IPL music video with Ken Ghosh (bollywoodhungama)
Indian porn, a rage among voyeurs (dnaindia)
US tycoon charged over $8bn fraud (bbc)
Mobile phone users given hope of universal charger (bbc)
Facebook blinks, scraps new policy on user info (ibnlive)
TDP alleges Andhra CM's son got money from Satyam (ibnlive)

Indian media seen crossing 1 trln rupees by 2013 - report (reuters)
Andhra educational institutions to be banned in 'T' state: KCR (Suryaa)
Sources: Taliban plan to target India (times now)
I am pro Telangana: Sambasivudu (tv9)
Satyam says looking to trim senior management (reuters)
BPO, offshoring may go obsolete by 2015 (business standard)
I’m not good enough for politics: Sourav Ganguly (Hindustan Times)
Founder of Islamic TV station accused of beheading wife (cnn)
Troubled firm Satyam gets offers - WSJ (FC)
Chiru claps for Srikanth's 100th film (suryaa)
Plane that crashed near Buffalo was on autopilot (ap)
Top Maoist Sambasivudu surrenders (Times of India)
Browsing child porn will land you in jail (Times of India)
Forced marriage, manhandling mar V-Day celebrations (hindu)
The science of the smooch is chemistry (ap)
Bailed-out US firms cannot hire workers with H1-B visas (zeenews)
Saudi gets first woman minister (deccan)

T.Subbarami Reddy, with total assets of Rs 239.6 cr is one of the richest politician (indiatoday)
L Mittal, M Ambani among 'Most Powerful Billionaires' (Times of India)
Another train mishap in Bihar; 15 injured (samaylive)
Sania Mirza storms into Pattaya Open semi-finals (ibnlive)
Report: Jackson battling serious staph infection (msnbc)
Harshad Mehta's Mumbai flat fetches Rs32.60 cr! (msnindia)
Andhra Techie found dead in Spain (greatandhra)
Britney’s ‘Womanizer’ named ‘Sexiest Video of 2008’ by Playboy (spicezee)
Monica Bellucci bares all in sizzling shower scene for new movie (spicezee)
Muthalik arrested in preventive custody ahead of V-Day (Hindustan Times)
Kamal Haasan remakes 'A Wednesday' in Telugu and Tamil (india glitz)
Pakistan missile hit 'kills 20' (bbc)
Kisses unleash chemicals that ease stress levels (ap)
SFIO grills Raju brothers, Srinivas (Times of India)

Raju served IT notice (siasat)
Rajasthan HC stops shooting of Salman Khan's film at Amer Fort (dnaindia)
“Satyam is a stand alone case. Our corporate sector is very matured and our IT sector is respected worldwide,” Prem Chand Gupta, Minister of Corporate Affairs (livemint)
Baby-faced boy is father at 13 (sun)
Nude photo of Madonna goes for $37,500 (cnn)
Heidi Klum poses nude for magazine cover(ians)
CitiFinancial shuts down 280 branches (financial express)
CBI set to nail Mulayam in corruption case (NDTV)
400 employees quit Maytas in 2 months (Economic Times)
Shah Rukh Khan's house attacked in Mumbai (Times of India)
Congress to win 272 seats if Rahul Gandhi projected as PM (ANI)
Lashkar's Lakhvi planned Mumbai carnage: Pak minister (msnindia)

Cover girl Bar Refaeli adorns Southwest Airlines jet (dnaindia)
AP Govt has no objection in principle to Telengana formation (zeenews)
Obama’s Battle on Stimulus Shows Threats to His Agenda (nytimes)
Mumbai Attacks Partly Planned in Pakistan (wsj)
Mischa Barton shocks with sudden weight loss (dnaindia)
Pandit to take $1 salary, no bonus until Citi turns corner (Economic Times)
Kate Moss shows off her endless legs in sexy ad campaign (spicezee)
Director attacked for making film on Kasab (cnn-ibn)
Rajnikanth won't join politics: Roja (telugupeople)
10 minutes of exercise can help you quit smoking (rediff)
'Big fish' gets bail (sakshi)
The Statesman's editor, publisher arrested for hurting Muslim feelings, out on bail (ANI)
Husbands Behaving Badly (yahoo tv blog)
IANS sites attacked by suspected Pakistani hackers (indiaenews)
Satyam's final roadmap in next 10 days: Karnik (ibnlive)
Indian scientists clone world's 'first' buffalo calf (rediff)
Bajrang Dal vandalise shop selling Valentine cards (msnindia)
RPT-Hindus plan cow urine drink to rival Western sodas (reuters)
63% - Reject Darwin's Theory of Evolution (pwe research center)
Ex-Karnataka CM S Bangarappa quits SP, to join Congress (zeenews)
SP may join hands with NCP in LS polls (Economic Times)
Indian professionals find going tough in UK (FC)
SRK to invite barbers for Billu premiere (ndtv)
Russian and US satellites collide (bbc)
Chittur: IT raids on Praja Rajyam leaders (suryaa)
WSJ allowed to publish facsimile edition in India (ians)
Gandhi''s sandals, spectacles to be sold at New York auction (topnews)
Is love keeping Maria Sharapova away from tennis circuit? (msnindia)
Walt Disney, Dream Works strike Bollywood deal (dna)
Tsvangirai sworn in as Zimbabwe PM (cnn)
Cop probing Rizwan case found dead (Times of India)
Indevus’ Sex Gel Shows First AIDS Protection in Women (bloomberg)
Capgemini says Satyam not on acquisition radar (Economic Times)
Satyam to pay February salaries; bank loans coming: Chairman (Economic Times)
La. governor to give GOP response to Obama speech (ap)
Nithari: Pandher, Koli found guilty of rape, murder (zeenews)
Moral policing: Girl commits suicide in M'lore (zeenews)

Satyam fraud reaches Parliament; LS to discuss tomorrow (pti)
Amitabh Bachchan to play superstar in autobiographical film `The Actor` (spicezee)
Michelle Obama is first lady of fashion (IANS)
Satyam rocks AP Assembly; Oppn MLAs suspended (zeenews)
MLAs suspended after ruckus in AP Assembly (NDTV)
SC asks colleges to ban ragging immediately (samaylive)
Sensual Sonam Kapoor on 'Verve' magazine (samaylive)
'Slumdog Millionaire' to top counterfeit market, say experts (Times of India)
Teens spend average of 87 hours a year looking at porn online (dailymail)

Union Minister Mahavir Prasad booked in murder case (rediff)
Katrina Kaif to play Sonia Gandhi? (ndtv)
Dev D strikes gold at the box office (ndtv)
UP governor played role in SP-Congress deal: Amar Singh (Times of India)
SP, Cong war breaks out; leaders trade charges (ibnlive)
Unemployed use time for health, hobbies and family (ap)
China becomes biggest auto market (bbc)
Miniter Koneru Ranga Rao hand alleged in Maytas (tv5news)
K Sudhakar, of Sudha cars custom designs vehicles for polls (topnews)
HC spends Rs 6,000 per minute on hearing cases (indiatimes)

Pak: Elements in India helped carrying out Mumbai attacks (Hindustan Times)
Priyanka Chopra queen of endorsements in 2008 (indiainfo)
Rihanna Bloodied, Beaten, Bitten By Chris Brown: Reports (huffingtonpost)
Dasmunsi cannot recognise people, condition remains critical (newkerala)
Tickets for winning horses only: Chiru (tv5news)
Mugdha Godse's on and off love story! (hindustan times)

What is a vote-on-account?

Ruckus in UP Assembly as Mulayam slams Governor (zeenews)
Pia Glenn: The new woman in Salman Rushdie's life (rediff)
For Saving of Raju, CID Probe Into Satyam: Naidu (
Al Qaeda warns India of more Mumbai-style attacks (rediff)
Priyanka and Shahid flirt on Facebook now! (spicezee)
IPL, coming soon to a theatre near you (msnindia)
Chittur: Tomotoes @ 10 paisa kg in Madanapally market(tv9)
Satyam account cleaning to take six months (FC)
Shakeel gets supari to kill Ajmal (dnaindia)
CBI acting at Centre's behest in Mulayam case: SC (indian express)

SL: 28 killed in Tamil Tiger suicide blast (timesnow)
SRK to undergo surgery on February 16 (timesnow)
Reliance signs up Julia Roberts (buzz18)
Satyam: Naidu wants Andhra CM's son probed (rediff)
Soon, cars may run on beer! (sify)
Nissan to slash 20,000 jobs and sees annual loss (ap)
Female suicide bomber kills 28 in Sri Lanka (ap)
Jennifer Figge, 56, Becomes First Woman to Swim Atlantic (foxnews)
Vajpayee stable, responding to treatment (rediff)
Fiza gives Chand one last chance (indiainfo)
Mukesh Ambani meets Karat(rediff)
Major tragedy averted at Mumbai airport (rediff)
Zakir Hussain wins Grammy award (hindustan times)
Car bomb explodes in Madrid; no one hurt: radio (reuters)
Rajus pledged entire stake to lenders: Maytas (Economic Times)
Bobby Jindal among '10 people who could change world' (Economic Times)
Creator of iconic Obama 'Hope" poster arrested for graffiti: report (AFP)

7 Bafta awards for Slumdog Millionaire (deccan)
INews all set to roll soon out of the box (hindu)
108 killed in deadliest-ever Australian wildfires (ap)
Ramalinga Raju has close relations with YSR, hence special treatment in jail: K Narayana
Naxals trigger nearly 100 blasts every year (indiainfo)
Cambridge girls' booze and sex shame(sun)
Australia inferno toll nears 100 (bbc)
Scores killed in raging Australia bushfires (cnn)
Rajus' jail 'luxuries' raises brows (siasat)
Slumdog bags Writers Guild award (deccan)
Conservative Chennai gets lesbian helpline (rediff)

Sri Lanka denies India 5-0 rout (iht)
India set to beat China in growth rate (Economic Times)
Slumdog,' 'Benjamin Button' up for UK film awards (Economic Times)
CPI (M) does not rule out supporting a Govt. including Congress (topnews)
Ration card woe for Tendulkar, Aamir (midday)

Ganguly to host quiz show on small screen (ians)
Mumbai attacks without internal help not possible: Modi (PTI)
Wedding bells to ring soon for sex bomb Shakeera (
Advani promises death to Afzal Guru within 100 days (dnaindia)
Shah Rukh assures to change ‘Billu Barber’ to ‘Billu’ (spicezee)
Jr NTR to begin 40 day roadshow from March 12 (tv5news)
Two years on Coke pays Aamir 10 cr (buzz18)

Stop making irresponsible statements: Yeddyurappa to Renuka (Times of India)
NATO commander: Afghanistan drug raids imminent (ap)
Dhoni's new girl: Sakshi Singh Rawat, a 20-year-old third year student of Hotel Management at IHM, Aurangabad, who recently finished her training at the front office at Taj Bengal

Total prohibition in a phased manner in the Sate: Chiru (eenadu)
Raju in 'protective custody', says ex-Sebi chief (rediff)
Govt to come out with stimulus package for media industry (fc)
Vajpayee's condition serious; Sonia, Somnath pay visit (Hindustan Times)
All government high schools in Kerala to get laptops (msn)
Sebi satisfied with Raju's probe, has enough evidence (moneycontrol)
IPL: India Inc splurges over Rs 37 cr on 17 players (Economic Times)
Poll shows Obama atop list of most respected (iht)
Kate Moss is the most copied fashion icon: Poll (ians)

Raju brothers get VIP status, privacy in jail (Times of India)
Jessica Alba wears a girdle and other tidbits from the new issue of ELLE (yahoo)
Dino and I have grown up together: Lara Dutta (dnaindia)
Sex confessions of sexy starlets revealed (spicezee)
Chiru to tour Guntur district from Feb 9 to 14 (eenadu)
US senate imposes strict conditions on H-1B hiring (PTI)
Fanta Drops Rani Mukerjee As Its Brand Ambassador (topnews)
'Slumdog Millionare' poised to gross Rs.300 mn in India (newkerala)
Recession-hit youth opting for govt jobs (ndtv)
Attack on Telugus: AP summons US diplomat (NDTV)
Keira Knightly loves Indian curry (newkerala)
Will rebuild Ram Temple if voted to power: BJP (zeenews)
Kim Kardashian poses nude, says she’s fought big boobs and big butts! (spicezee)
Holly Willoughby loves keeping her high heels on during sex! (spice zee)
Kingfisher cuts pilots' salaries by Rs 80,000 (Econic Times)
Satyam pledges land to secure Rs600 cr loan (livemint)
India climbs up in ICC rankings, pushes Australia to third place (Economic Times)
Kiran Karnik named Satyam chairman (ntv)
Vajpayee put on mechanical ventilator as infection worsens (Times of India)
Corporate Affairs minister says investigating 325 companies, 25 individuals (reuters)
Shilpa to shoot new video to promote Rajasthan Royals (screenindia)
Indian-American appointed to Obama's interfaith council (Times of India)
Obama fires up House Democrats to help push through stimulus bill (cnn)
Barack Obama is tired of your motherfucking shit (

Flintoff, Pietersen add spice to IPL Auction (thesportscampus)
Pietersen and Flintoff fetch record prices (
England duo head IPL auction (
Pietersen, Flintoff in the IPL money (smh)
Pietersen and Flintoff: the most expensive cricketers on earth (thisislondon)
Pietersen and Flintoff top IPL auction bids (ft)
Flintoff, Pietersen emerge as world's most expensive players (PTI)
BBC star Jeremy Clarkson calls Gordon Brown ‘a one-eyed Scottish idiot’ (topnews)
England players top IPL auction (bbc)
Citibank’s online money transfer service for NRIs (Economic Times)
Only 17 players on sale in IPL auction: Modi (NDTV)
Exotic dancer set on fire outside LA bar (ap)
Kajol charges a jaw dropping Rs2.5 crore for ‘My Name is Khan’ (spicezee)
Pietersen and Flintoff become most expensive cricketers in world - England pair to earn £500,000 for three weeks' work (dailymail)
Pietersen and Flintoff claim record IPL prices after bidding war (guardian)
Pietersen and Flintoff join IPL (sun)
Kevin Pietersen and Andrew Flintoff set IPL auction record (telegraph)
Kevin Pietersen and Andrew Flintoff sold for record $1.55m in IPL auction (Times)
Unflinching Nayantara to brave Kollywood ban! (msnindia)
Pietersen, Flintoff hit jackpot at IPL auction (cricket next)
'IPL auction shows Indian economy is growing' (Hindustan Times)
Hrithik's Kites sold for Rs 150 crore (buzz18)
KP leads big boys in IPL auction (
Pietersen and Flintoff set new IPL auction records (inthenews)

Flintoff, Pietersen replace Dhoni as highest paid IPL players (Hindustan Times)
I have no cash for top players: Shah Rukh Khan (Hindustan Times)
State’s debt to touch Rs 1 lakh cr in 2010 (deccan)
IPL auction (dt 6.2.2009) place Goa

Flintoff and KP most expensive buys

Shaun Tait -Rajasthan Royals- $ 375,000

Tyron Henderson (all rounder - South Africa) - Rajastan Royals - $ 650,000 (Rs 3.18 crore)

Ravi Bopara Kings 11 Punjab $ 450,000 (Rs 2.20 crore)

Jesse Ryder - Royal Challengers $ 160,000 (Rs 78.4 lakh)

Kyle Mills - Mumbai Indians - $ 150,000

Thilan Thushara - Chennai Super Kings - $ 140,000

Deccan Chargers get the West Indian all-rounder Dwayne Smith at his base price of $100,000.

Mashrafe Mortaza sold for $600,000 to Kolkata Knight Riders.

Mumbai Indians rope in Mohammad Ashraful for $75,000.

Kings XI Punjab take in West Indies' Jerome Taylor goes for $150,000.
Murali becomes highest wicket-taker in ODIs (cricinfo)
Dismay on Wall Street over Obama pay cap (afp)
AS Murthy appointed Satyam CEO (Economic Times)
SEBI grills Satyam's Rajus, US team wants to quiz too (ibnlive)
Woman Sets Breast Implants Record: 38KKK (foxnews)
Satyam names new CEO, gets bank funding (NDTV)
Asin jumps out of car to save a child (Hindustan Times)
US SEC team meets Satyam board (business standard)
NAB drops Satyam from IT roster (australianit)
No Space For Sex Offenders on MySpace (techtree)
Will Leon Panetta be the next body under Obama's bus? (latimes)
Apex court allows Sanjay Dutt to extend visit abroad (indiaenews)
Hudson's Bay Company, which is probably the world's oldest corporation, on Wednesday, announced it was cutting 1,000 jobs in Canada as part of its plans to streamline business in tough economic times. (IANS)
National Australia Bank suspends new Satyam contracts (FC)
Satyam board split over L&T as suitor: report (reutors)
Vedavyas joins PR (Sakshi)
UPA trying to woo back Left parties (rediff)
Centre summons top cops of Naxal-hit states (rediff)
Sony bags rights for Slumdog...and KBC (msn)
More arrests likely in Satyam fraud case (rediff)
Dev Patel's mum urged him to strip off for TV show (newkerala)
Obama caps salaries of bailed-out cos' top execs (moneycontrol)
Atrocity case against film star, TDP leader Kavitha (eenadu)
Facebook turns 5 -- but can it survive? (cnn)
# Social-networking site Facebook celebrates fifth anniversary this week
# Web site founded by Harvard student is estimated to have 150 million users
# Founder Mark Zuckerberg is estimated to have personal fortune of $1.5 billion
# Business valued at $15 billion in 2007, but likely to be hit by financial crisis

Internet, Rahul Gandhi's new way of reaching partymen (ibnlive)
Michael Clarke pulls out of IPL (mid day)
Ambanis up, Lakshmi Mittal slips on Forbes’ richest CEO list (FC)
BBC sacks Margaret Thatcher's daughter for racist comment (rediff)
Satyam board extends meet, regulator questions founder (reuters)
Gisele strips off for a photoshoot to support a charity (spicezee)
Areva wins India nuclear deal worth at least $10 bln (reuters)
Mel B says she`s got higher sex drive than most men (spice zee)
Even my Bikinis and zero figure make news: Kareena (msn)
500,000 jobs lost in 3 months in India (rediff)

Anil & Mukesh Ambani
Ambanis up on Forbes' richest CEO list (rediff)
Nun rape case: More arrests likely(midday)
WR Chaos: BEST increases Goregaon-Borivali services(midday)
American woman molested at ISKCON (midday)
Balakrishna justifies Naidu backstabbing NTR (ntv)
AP police close to solve 2007 twin terror blasts case (zeenews)
Raju brothers to file a counter petition against SEBI (sakshi)
Indian media new target for Radio Pakistan (topnews)
U.S. Plans to Curb Executive Pay for Bailout Recipients (nytimes)
Panasonic warns of $4.2 billion loss, to cut 15,000 jobs (reuters)
Grand alliance is no competition for us: Chiru (eenadu)
Satyam e-auction: Spice proposes, L&T opposes (business standard)
Raju owned 'palatial mansions' in 63 countries? (ciol)
Muslims are against BJP, not me: Kalyan (expressindia)
Record 19 Million U.S. Homes Stood Vacant in 2008 (bloomberg)

Obama admits errors over cabinet (bbc)
Sebi team arrives in Hyderabad to quiz Rajus (livemint)
India's fraud-hit Satyam wins new clients: company (AFP)
India couple's kiss 'not obscene' (bbc)
Satyam may name CEO, CFO today (rediff)
MySpace ejects 90,000 convicted sex offenders (Economic Times)
Praja Rajyam to go to court over symbol issue (ntv)
Major fire in Pushpanjali complext at Koti (eenadu)
You are making a mistake Vyas: YSR (eenadu)
Pawan Kalyan to tour Adilabad district from Feb 6 (telugupeople)

Muralitharan equals record for one-day wickets tally (Hindustan Times)
Mulayam holds closed door meeting with Muslim leaders (Financial Express)
US SEC to visit SEBI, Satyam Board in next two days (Economic Times)
Two former partners of PwC sent to police custody (Economic Times)
Lara Dutta launches her website (aol)

Google Earth's latest realm is under the sea (sfgate)
Congress MLA from Malleswaram B Vedavyas to join Praja Rajyam (tv9)
SC allows SEBI to interrogate Satyam's Ramalinga Raju (NTV)
Satyam wins 15 new contracts in Jan; just one terminated (Times of India)
Roger Federer's tears for succession by Rafael Nadal (telegraph)
Sex Pistol helps boost Dairy Crest butter sales (reuters)
People will teach a lesson to KCR: Peddi Reddy (sakshi)
We will not allow Valentine's Day celebrations': Pramod Muthalik: (rediff)
Miranda Kerr’s steamy lap dance for beau Orlando Bloom (spicezee)
'Girls Gone Wild' founder arrested in LA court (ap)
Playboy model Daniela Arnaut: 'I'll bed Ronaldo'(the sun)
RAW officer arrested by CBI on graft charges (rediff)
Satyam Board meet on Wed, to discuss buyout offers (ibnlive)

Shilpa shetty and partner Raj Kundra buy stake in IPL team of Rajasthan Royals (Times of India)
Kerala CM Achhuthanandan may float new party (timesofindia)
Cops beat up a 5-year-old girl in Etawah (NDTV)
Only Supreme Court can resolve row: ex-CEC (rediff)
Team Chandrayaan wins CNN-IBN Indian of Year award (msn)
Celina Jaitley dating Tusshar Kapoor? (Hindustan Times)
China's job losses send 20M migrants home (cnn)
Preity Zinta’s pretty deeds; adopts 34 orphaned girls (spicezee)
Mandira to host ‘Jo Jeeta Wohi Superstar’ (spicezee)

Hyderabad: Watchman killed, Rs 9 lakh stolen from GPO (tv9)
Satyam says won new deals despite fraud revelation (reuters)
Nano likely to roll out by March end (rediff)
Maytas Infra loses projects in Orissa, West Bengal (indiainfo)
I am a very sexless person: Kangana (santabanta)
US newspapers fight back (newstoday)
Priyanka plays 12 roles, dances for 22 hours (dnaindia)
Surgeons Successfully Remove Donated Kidney Through Vagina (foxnews)
AP to benefit from Indo-US nuclear deal: Tiwari (UNI)
Terrorism, inflation sounding death knell for cinemas in Pakistan (topnews)
Pakistan bars its cricketers from IPL (ndtv)

Image of the day
Tearful Fed laments his loss (skysports)
Rafael Nadal leaves little doubt who is No. 1 (washingtonpost)
Nadal: Shorter season for less injuries (inquirer)
Oz Open champ Nadal calls for shorter ATP Tour season (thaindian)
Rafa roars home in classic (heraldsun)
Nadal elated after epic win (press association)
Nadal wins first Australian Open title (xinhuanet)
Spain heralds 'King of Australia' Nadal (iht)
Nadal wins Australian Open (
Tennis-Nadal overcomes injury scare to win Australian Open (reuters)
Nadal wins Australian Open (itv)
Nadal the champion! (bbc)
Rafael Federer goes to water (heraldsun)
Nadal calls for fewer hardcourt events on calendar (guardian)
Nadal's toughest moment comes after match (heraldsun)
Chand Mohd begged me to marry him: Fiza (Times of India)
Shah Rukh puts surgery on hold for ‘Billu Barber’(spicezee)
Satyam Computers disburses January salary (Economic Times)
Malaysian firm IJM refutes land dealings with Satyam (myirish)
Phelps admits 'bad judgment' after marijuana-pipe photo (cnn)
Super Strategy went out window in frantic finish (washingtonpost)
Soon, Keira Knightley’s saucy ‘Domino’ sex scene in finer Blu-ray details (spicezee)

Nadal Defeats a Tearful Federer at Australian Open (nytimes)
Nadal beats Federer to win Australian Open (cnn)
Defeat leaves Roger Federer a broken man (Times)
Downcast Federer rues lost chances in Melbourne final (guardian)
Nadal crashes Federer at Australian Open final (sofiaecho)
Federer legacy challenged by Nadal (
Tireless Nadal claims victory over Federer (abc)
Rafa joins Roger among the greats (canberratimes)
Sorry Roger, Nadal's now king of all courts (foxsports)
On Tennis: Nadal's finale in Melbourne brings Federer to tears (seattlepi)
his one stings for Federer (espn)
Nadal beats Federer to win Australian Open (AP)
Roger Federer: Of Triumphs, Trials and Tears (bleacherreport)
Spain celebrates Nadal's triumph in Australian Spectacle (philstar)
Nadal Wins Australian Open to Deny Federer Record (bloomberg)
Nadal among the greats after epic Aussie triumph (AFP)
Rafael Nadal has Roger Federer in tears (
Rafael Nadal finishes the revolution with Roger Federer win (telegraph)
2009 Australian Open: Nadal Beats Federer In Final (huffingtonpost)
Federer still to earn 'greatest' accolade (abc)
Federer stranded on 13 (tnvz)
Tireless Nadal claims victory over Federer (abc)
Guys, Roger Federer Is a Human After All (bleacherreport)
Nadal satisfied after sweep to 6th Grand Slam title (Hindutan Times)
Ghajini rocks Pakistan too (NTV)
IT professional foretold Satyam-type case in novel (indiainfo)
I'm a qualified lawyer, will fight it out with wife: Adnan Sami (newkerala)
Ramalinga Raju possibly smarter than regulators: Hinduja (dnaindia)

Americans' saving more, spending less (ap)
Glaxo 'to cut thousands of jobs' (bbc)
Pakistan: 43 civilians die in Taliban crossfire (cnn)

Spice firms up plan for Satyam buy (business standard)
Satyam's headcount figures could well be correct (business standard)
Nadal defeats Federer in epic to win Australian Open (rediff)
"Grand alliance" won't succeed in AP: Chiranjeevi (pti)

Beijing’s Bird’s Nest to anchor shopping complex (AP)
Serena thrashes Safina to win Aus Open (rediff)
Five babies die in fire at India hospital (cnn)
Serena Williams wins 10th Grand Slam title (ap)
Chawla is biased, president should remove him: BJP (thaindian)
Major parties question CEC's recommendation, BJP backs it (expressbuzz)
Barack Obama getting tough on 'Wall Street idiots' (Economic Times)
CEC's recommendation binding on government: Jaitley (Hindustan Times)
Me married to Salman? What rubbish: Katrina Kaif (santabanta)
The title was the best way to make a comeback: Sania (IANS)
Volcano erupts near Tokyo raining ash down on city (AP)
Mischa Barton unzips top; flaunts her assets (spicezee)
Govt may relax takeover rules for Satyam - reports (reuters)
Total literacy in the State by 2015: Govt (suryaa)
Ministers' assets exempted from RTI queries: PMO (NDTV)
Satyam board to announce new CEO, CFO today (NDTV)
Spice eyes Satyam but not interested in piecemeal buyout (moneycontrol)
CEC should not act like a "political boss": Law Minister (zeenews)
Seven Indians make it to Forbes` Midas List 2009 (zeenews)

Viagra quiz

Mallika Sherawat

How does a penis become erect?
The penis becomes erect when its two cigar-shaped tubes called corpora cavernosa (singular: corpus cavernosum) fill with pressurized blood.

How does the blood flow to the penis change during an erection?
When a man becomes aroused sexually, the arteries in his penis expand and the veins contract. This leads to a net gain of blood -- and an erection.

The first drug developed to treat erectile dysfunction was called phentolamine. How was it originally demonstrated?
In front of urologists attending the 1983 American Urological Association Meeting, Dr. Giles Brindley did indeed drop his pants after injecting his penis with phentolamine. The first-ever, drug-induced erection wowed the crowd, and proved that erectile dysfunction is not primarily all in the head.

What were the down sides of phentolamine that lead to further research in treating erectile dysfunction and the development of Viagra?

Phentolamine causes an instant and uncontrolled erection -- not always the most sure-fire way to impress the ladies, and a little awkward if something besides love-making suddenly comes up.
Phentolamine has to be delivered via an injection because it affects a common type of muscle tissue -- smooth muscle -- that's not unique to the penis in particular. As a pill, it could cause problems for smooth tissue in other parts of the body like the intestines and blood vessels.

Let's get back to the arteries and veins in the penis. Under normal circumstances, how do they know when to expand and contract?
As long as a man is aroused, his brain will continue triggering this simple chemical reaction that acts like an on/off valve. Nerve endings in the penis' corpora cavernosa receive signals to release nitric oxide, nearby enzymes react by producing cGMP (cyclic guanosine monophosphate), and this chemical tells the smooth muscles in the artery walls to relax and expand.

Monday, September 3, 2012

From small beginnings come great things

Be the best, but get ready to be attacked. Only mediocrity is safe - paulo coelho

"I'll probably never be the best actor in Hollywood, but I hope to be the hardest working." - Ashton Kutcher

"The thought manifests as the word. Word manifests as the deed. Deed develops into habit. And habit hardens into character." ~Buddha

"In true dialogue, both sides are willing to change." ~Thich Nhat Hanh

Trust men and they will be true to you; treat them greatly and they will show themselves great. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

royal albatrosses
"Your outlook on life is a direct reflection on how much you like yourself." ~Lululemon

"From small beginnings come great things." ~Proverb

By working faithfully eight hours a day you may eventually get to be boss and work twelve hours a day - Robert Frost