7 Best fruits for your health - The Times of India:
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Saturday, March 31, 2012
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
Another man dies for Telangana, TRS calls for shutdown - Hindustan Times
Another man dies for Telangana, TRS calls for shutdown - Hindustan Times: "One more person died on Monday and another was battling burn injuries after he attempted to immolate himself for separate statehood to Telangana, prompting the Telangana Rashtra Samithi (TRS) to call for a shutdown in the region to demand immediate action from the central government."
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Monday, March 26, 2012
James Cameron completes journey to Earth's deepest point : Celebrities News - India Today
James Cameron completes journey to Earth's deepest point : Celebrities News - India Today: "Hollywood icon James Cameron has completed his journey to Earth's deepest point.
The director of Titanic, Avatar and other films used a specially designed submarine to dive nearly seven miles (11 kilometres). He spent time exploring and filming the Mariana Trench, about 200 miles (320 kilometres) southwest of the Pacific island of Guam, according to members of the National Geographic expedition."
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The director of Titanic, Avatar and other films used a specially designed submarine to dive nearly seven miles (11 kilometres). He spent time exploring and filming the Mariana Trench, about 200 miles (320 kilometres) southwest of the Pacific island of Guam, according to members of the National Geographic expedition."
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Saturday, March 24, 2012
Cabinet gives nod to quick divorces - The Times of India
Cabinet gives nod to quick divorces - The Times of India: "The Union Cabinet on Friday okayed changes in the Marriage Act to quicken the process, in a move that will be welcomed by couples trapped in unhappy alliances."
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Sunday, March 18, 2012
Brooklyn's Luckiest 2-Year-Old | InvestorPlace
Brooklyn's Luckiest 2-Year-Old | InvestorPlace: "Whatever stay-at-home mom Afsheen Hussain went into the Top Convenience store in Brooklyn for on Jan. 30, she ended up coming out with a whole lot more.
During her shopping excursion, Afsheen’s 2-year-old daughter, Anaya, reached a hand over the counter and placed it on a New York Poker lottery ticket. Afsheen determined her daughter’s action was a sign, and purchased the ticket."
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During her shopping excursion, Afsheen’s 2-year-old daughter, Anaya, reached a hand over the counter and placed it on a New York Poker lottery ticket. Afsheen determined her daughter’s action was a sign, and purchased the ticket."
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India’s Most Admired and Most Feared Politician: Narendra Modi - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution
India’s Most Admired and Most Feared Politician: Narendra Modi - Up Front Blog - Brookings Institution: "Meet India’s most admired and most feared politician: Narendra Modi. The world’s largest democracy, India, could elect him Prime Minister. And the world’s leading democracy, the United States, currently does not issue him a visa. "
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Calling ‘bitch’ amounts to sexual harassment: Madras high court - The Times of India
Calling ‘bitch’ amounts to sexual harassment: Madras high court - The Times of India: "Does calling a woman employee 'bitch' at the work place amount to sexual harassment? The Madras high court thinks so."
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Thursday, March 15, 2012
MUST READ! How India can steal China's thunder - Rediff.com News
MUST READ! How India can steal China's thunder - Rediff.com News: "A document titled "Nonalignment 2.0-A foreign and strategic policy for India in the twenty first century" -- the product of collective deliberations of Sunil Khilnani, Rajiv Kumar, Pratap Bhanu Mehta, Lietenant General (retd) Prakash Menon, Nandan Nilekani, Srinath Raghavan, Shyam Saran and Siddharth Varadarajan -- was released on Tuesday in New Delhi.
The group's activities were administratively supported by the National Defence College and Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. "
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The group's activities were administratively supported by the National Defence College and Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. "
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Friday, March 9, 2012
Kony 2012 Isn't Alone: 7 Other Charities Fighting For Child Soldiers
Kony 2012 Isn't Alone: 7 Other Charities Fighting For Child Soldiers: "After it exploded across social-media fronts Wednesday, the "Kony 2012" campaign was met with fiery reactions across the board.
Advocates, who were disgusted by the way the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army enlists Ugandan child soldiers to advance his corrupt regime, helped make the documentary about Joseph Kony go viral. It's racked up more than 38 million views on YouTube. But those with a more suspicious eye took a critical look at Invisible Children, the organization behind the documentary. They've questioned the organization's spending practices, military action support and failure to hold Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni accountable."
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Advocates, who were disgusted by the way the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army enlists Ugandan child soldiers to advance his corrupt regime, helped make the documentary about Joseph Kony go viral. It's racked up more than 38 million views on YouTube. But those with a more suspicious eye took a critical look at Invisible Children, the organization behind the documentary. They've questioned the organization's spending practices, military action support and failure to hold Uganda's President Yoweri Museveni accountable."
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Cat Detects Owner's Breast Cancer Before Doctors, Saving Her Life
Cat Detects Owner's Breast Cancer Before Doctors, Saving Her Life: "Call it a sixth sense, a special connection, or just plain mystery. But whatever gift cats and dogs have that allows them to detect health conditions in their owners sure has been saving a lot of lives.
Wendy Humphreys, a mother of two from Britain, found out first-hand how powerful that gift can be when her cat Fidge sniffed out a potentially fatal health condition that even doctors hadn't detected, the Daily Mail reports."
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Wendy Humphreys, a mother of two from Britain, found out first-hand how powerful that gift can be when her cat Fidge sniffed out a potentially fatal health condition that even doctors hadn't detected, the Daily Mail reports."
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Thursday, March 8, 2012
Between men and women there is no friendship possible
“Between men and women there is no friendship possible. There is passion, enmity, worship, love, but no friendship.” - Oscar Wilde
It’s an old quote that’s revisited by Billy Crystal in When Harry Met Sally -- there’s no such thing as a platonic relationship between a man and a woman. The man is usually consumed with the idea of sleeping with her. It’s a belief widely acknowledged by men, but rarely accepted by women. Remember that. Movie and dinner nights might mean one thing to you, but she certainly doesn’t view it as a precursor to intercourse.

The bald eagle is native to North America can reach a wingspan of up to eight feet
It's not what you do once in a while; it's what you do day in and day out that makes the difference."Jenny Craig

"If you don't mean it, they're going to know you don't mean it. " - Carrie Underwood

"Nobody counts the number of ads you run; they just remember the impression you make." -- William Bernbach

Another World
The planet Saturn is captured in a photograph taken by the Cassini orbiter. Carolyn Porco, the leader of the Imaging Team on the Cassini mission to Saturn, comments, "This year we had the thrill of observing the Saturn equinox. That's the moment when the sun, seen from Saturn, crosses the equator going from south to north. The sun sets on the rings, illuminating them edge-on. The geometry revealed structures and phenomena in the rings we had never seen before. We saw this famous adornment spring from two dimensions into three, with some ring structures soaring as high as the Rocky Mountains. It made me feel blessed."
As the Elvis song goes, "It's Now or Never". To set effective goals you need to be specific. Do your best, and just do it!!

"The first responsibility of a leader is to define reality. The last is to say thank you. In between, the leader is a servant." -Max DuPree
"Not he who has much is rich, but he who gives much." - Erich Fromm
PEACE, like every other rare & precious thing, doesn't come to you. You have to go... & get it" ~Faith Forsyte

Mount Roraima, Venezuela
Limitations live only in our minds-But if we use our IMAGINATIONS... our possibilities become limitless ~J Paolinetti

Hot air balloons, Turkey
"The world is your playground... why aren't you PLAYING?" ~Ellie Katz

Damnoen Saduak
The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it fall. – Che Guevera
Doubt everything... find your own LIGHT." ~Siddhārtha Gautama
ADVICE is what we ask for when we already know the answer... but wish we didn't." ~Erica Jong
Be not anxious about what you HAVE... but about what you ~A R E~" - Pope Gregory I
The more a man knows, the more he forgives. Catherine the Great

Sydney Opera House
Do a little more each day than you think you possibly can. Lowell Thomas
Every exit is an entry somewhere. ~ Tom Stoppar

Great Barrier Reef
Faith is the daring of the soul to go farther than it can see” William Newton Clarke
Without enough SLEEP... we all become tall two-year-olds." ~JoJo Jensen

Miami Beach, Florida
Do not LOOK where you fell... but where you SLIPPED." ~African proverb
To succeed, we must first believe that we can. - Michael Korda

Kilauea Lighthouse, Kauai, Hawaii
One who understands much displays a greater simplicity of character than one who understands little. Alexander Chase
Real DIFFICULTIES can be overcome, it is only the imaginary ones... that are unconquerable." ~Theodore N. Vail

Boston, Massachusetts
You only lose... what you CLING TO." ~Siddhārtha Gautama
"America is all about speed. Hot, nasty speed."
— Eleanor Roosevelt

Oranges in a nest ... looks like boobs
Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation - Kahlil Gibran
Coming generations will learn equality from poverty, and love from woes.
Kahlil Gibran
Doubt is a pain too lonely to know that faith is his twin brother.
Kahlil Gibran
Job worries can damage health

Job worries can damage health
Worrying about the looming threat of unemployment can be more damaging to a person`s health than actually being jobless, according to a US study.
With the United States suffering its worst recession since the depression, researchers set out to look at how job insecurity impacted the health of workers.
"This study provides the strongest evidence to date that persistent job insecurity has a negative impact on worker health," said sociologist Sarah Burgard of the University of Michigan Institute of Social Research.
"It may seem surprising that chronically high job insecurity is more strongly linked with health declines than actual job loss or unemployment."
Burgard and her colleagues James House and Jennie Brand, of the University of California, Los Angeles, assessed the impact of job insecurity by analyzing data on 1,700 adults and studies conducted between 1986 and 1989 and from 1995 and 2005.
In one group included in the research published in the journal Social Science and Medicine, they found that chronic job insecurity was a stronger predictor of poor health than either smoking or high blood pressure.
Unrelenting nature of uncertainty
The researchers questioned people about the likelihood of losing their main job in the next couple of years and the chances of holding on to the position.
They also asked people to rate their overall health and used a scale of depressive symptoms to gauge their mood and psychological health.
The research included people who had lost their jobs and those who had managed to get back into the labor force.
"We definitely found that persistent job insecurity had a stronger impact on health decline than those job losses. This is among people who managed to get back in," Burgard told Reuters.
"Persistent stress is a strain on people. It is the unrelenting nature of the uncertainty that really gets you."
She added that the long-term nature of job insecurity can raise blood pressure and change levels of stress hormones that over-time can lead to health problems.
"Anything that employers can do to provide more information for workers about what is likely to happen is probably a good thing," said Burgard.
One of the most stressful aspects of job loss is losing the benefits that go with it. Unlike many European countries which have nationalized health systems, health coverage in the United States is tied to employment.
"I think that is part of the reason we are finding the large effects of persistent insecurity. There are real consequences if you lose your job in the U.S.," Burgard explained.
"This is one of the big issues that we think make it a particularly salient stressor for people."
She suggested people facing potential unemployment should try to exert as much control as possible and to make a plan. If they have health coverage through their job they should use it while they still can.
source: spicezee
15 women who rock our world - in.com
15 women who rock our world - in.com: "After ruling the roost in the television arena, Ekta Kapoor trained her sights on films and has been pulling all the punches there too. Her movies with bold and provocative subjects, have been drawing in audiences by the thousands, making her one of the industry's most powerful women behind the camera"
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