Thursday, June 23, 2011



Officials rejected a candidate for a news broadcasters post Since his voice was not fit for a news broadcaster. He was also told that with his obnoxiously long name, He would never be famous. He is Amitabh Bachchan.

In 1962, four nervous young musicians played their first record audition For the executives of the Decca Recording Company. The executives were not impressed. While turning down this group of musicians, One executive said, " We don't like! Their sound. Groups of guitars are On the way out." The group was called The Beatles.


In 1944, Emmeline Snively, director of the Blue Book Modeling Agency Told modeling hopeful Norma Jean Baker, " You'd better learn secretarial work or else get married". She went on and became Marilyn Monroe.


In 1954, Jimmy Denny, manager of the Grand Ole Opry, Fired a singer after one performance. He told him, " You ain't goin' nowhere son. You ought to go back to drivin' a truck". He went on to become Elvis Presley.

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A small boy--the fifth amongst seven siblings of a poor father, Was selling newspapers in a small village to earn his living. He was not exceptionally smart at school but was fascinated by Religion and rockets. The first rocket he built crashed. A missile that he built crashed Multiple times And he was made a butt of ridicule. He is the person to have scripted the Space Odyssey of India Single-handedly. He is Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. President of India.


When Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone in 1876, It did not ring off the hook with calls from potential backers. After making a demonstration call, President Rutherford Hayes said, " That's an amazing invention, but who would ever want to see one of them?"


When Thomas Edison invented the light bulb, He tried over 2000 experiments before he got it to work. A young reporter asked him how it felt to fail so many times. He said, " I never failed once. I invented the light bulb. It just happened to be a 2000-step process".


In the 1940s, another young inventor named Chester Carlson Took his idea to 20 corporations, including some of the biggest in The country. They all turned him down. In 1947, after 7 long years of rejections, He finally got a tiny company in Rochester, NY, the Haloid Company, To purchase the rights to his invention--an electrostatic Paper-copying process. Haloid became Xerox Corporation.


A little girl--the 20th of 22 children, Was born prematurely and her survival was doubtful. When she was 4 years old, She contracted double pneumonia and scarlet fever, Which left her with aparalyzed left leg. At age 9, she removed the metal leg brace she had been dependent on And began to Walk without it. By 13 she had developed a rhythmic walk, Which doctors said was a miracle. That same year she decided to become a runner. She entered a race and came in last. For the next few years every Race she entered, She came in last. Everyone told her to quit, but she kept on running. One day she Actually won a race. And then another. >From then on she won every race she entered. Eventually this little girl-- Wilma Rudolph, went on to win three Olympic gold medals.


A schoolteacher scolded a boy for not paying attention to his mathematics And for not being able to solve simple problems. She told him that you would not become anybody in life. The boy was Albert Einstein

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lady Gaga’s next single should be…

Lady Gaga’s next single should be…: "It’s time to choose the next single from Lady Gaga’s latest album Born This Way, which has already sold more than 3 million copies worldwide. Which song do you think to become Gaga’s next hit? Vote using the Facebook and Twitter buttons below…"

The Best Links on the Web for June 21, Presented By Rashida Jones -

The Best Links on the Web for June 21, Presented By Rashida Jones - "Tonight's best links on the web is brought to you by Quicy Jones' oh oh oh so fine daughter, Rashida Jones, who has some extra hot pics in the June issue of GQ. Check her out in Our Idiot Brother, which we're kinda stoked for. Links after the click."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Great People Are Overrated - Bill Taylor - Harvard Business Review

Great People Are Overrated - Bill Taylor - Harvard Business Review: "Last month, in an article in the New York Times on the ever-escalating 'war for talent' in Silicon Valley, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg made a passing comment that has become the entrepreneurial equivalent of a verbal tick — something that's said all the time, almost without thinking."

Radio Mirchi celebrates World Music Day - The Times of India

Radio Mirchi celebrates World Music Day - The Times of India: "Ever heard of a share market broker perform tabla or an architect/planner perform Bollywood songs on accordion? All this and many more such unconventional music performances will blow you away on Radio Mirchi's exclusive event 'Melody Bajao Khud Jaan Jao' in conjunction with World Music Day on Tuesday."

Monday, June 20, 2011

Alyssa Campanella, Miss California, Crowned 2011 Miss USA (PHOTOS)

Alyssa Campanella, Miss California, Crowned 2011 Miss USA (PHOTOS): "A 21-year-old auburn-haired California girl has won the Miss USA crown in Las Vegas and will represent the nation in this year's Miss Universe pageant.

Alyssa Campanella of Los Angeles topped a field of 51 beauty queens to take the title Sunday night at the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino.

Campanella won after strutting across the stage in a blue bikini with white polka dots and a dark turquoise evening gown with beading on its top.

She also answered a question about legalizing marijuana by saying she didn't think it should be fully legalized but it should be available to those who need it for medical purposes.

Miss Tennessee Ashley Durham was the first runner-up.

Contestants from Alabama and Texas placed third and fourth."

Short And Tweet: The Top 5 Tweets Of The Week

Short And Tweet: The Top 5 Tweets Of The Week: "Short and Tweet, our weekly series, brings you the newsiest, most buzzworthy tweets of the past seven days. What's in store this week? Hugh Hefner posts some sad news about his betroved, Sarah Palin addresses a rumored 'big announcement,' McDonald's addresses a racist photo circulating the Twitterverse and more."

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Essential notes for MA English entrance test, OU

If winter comes, can spring be far behind? These lines reveal Shelly's optimism (Ode to West Wind)

1500 – 1600 The Renaissance
1600 – 1798 The Neoclassical Period
1660 – 1700 The Restoration Period
1798 – 1832 The Romantic Period
1832 – 1901 The Victorian Period
1901 – 1914 The Edwardian Period

Victoria Period: Tennyson and Browing

A man's face is his autobiography. A woman's face is her work of fiction. - Oscar Wilde

Doone's Good Marrow, Canonisation

Dryland's “Absalom and Achitophel

Congrev's “Way of the World”

Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews

Wordsmith's Ode to an Intimations of Immortability

Coleridg's The Rime of the Ancient Marines

Keats – Ode to Autumn

Shelly – Ode to the West wind

Dickens – Hard Times

Lawrence's – Sons and Lovers

Yeats – Sailing to Byzantium

Eliot – The Love song of J Alfred Prufrock, Hollow Men – 1925

Francis Bacon is considered as the Father of the English Essay.

A sonnet is a poem of 14 lines usually in iambic pentameter with a definite rhyme scheme.

Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour, sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity – Albert Einstein

Beckett – Waiting for Godot

Marlowe's Dr Faustus

Francis Bacon - “Of Friendship”, “Of Studies”

Shakespeare wrote
38 plays
154 sonnets
5 long poems
His plays are generally classified into
histories (10)
comedies (13)
tragedies (10)
romances (5)
The downfall is due to a mixure of the hero's own faults/weaknesses such as:
revenge and indecision : Hamlet
ambition and desire : Macbeth
jealousy: Othello (Osmania University MA English test 2008)
anger and lack of judgment: King Lear

Francis Bacon, alongwith Galileo is known in literature as “The great anti-Aristotelians who created the modern scientific view of nature”.

King Lear characters:
Lear: King of Britain
Gonerill, Regan, Cordelia: Lear's daughters
Fool: A clown in Lear's service
Kent: King Lear's loyal and selfless companion
Edger: The banished son of Gloucester and brother to the villain Edmund

Gone with the Wind – Margaret Mitchell

Mill on the Floss – George Eliot

“Newspeak” coined by George Orwell in his novel 1984. It means deliberately misleading ambiguous language, especially by government officials.

The seventeenth century is also referred to as the Age of Milton and the Age of Dryden

The Ballad of Father Gilligan – Yeats

Full title of Othello...
Othello, the Moor of Venice is a tragedy by William Shakespeare

Robert Burns is regarded as a pioneer of the Romantic movement

The Mill on the Floss – George Eliot

Charles Dickens – victorian novelist

Oliver Twist deals with London crime

Nicholas Nickleby with brutal Yorkshire schools

Old curiosity shop is the tale of an unhappy girl and her gambling grand father

Barnby Rudge, a story of the Lord Gordon riots in London

A Tale of Two cities, a story of the French revolution.

Dryden was the outstanding writer of the Restoration period.

The Romantic Age:-
William Blake
Robert Burns
William Wordsworth
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
George Gordon
Lord Byron
Peraj Byssche Shelley
John Keats

Victorian Poetry and Prose
Thomas Carlyle
Alfred, Lord Tennyson
Elizabeth Barrett Browining
Robert Browning
Mathew Arnold
Water Peter
Oscar Wilde

The Victorian Novel:-
William Makepeace Thackeray
Charles Dickens
Anthony Trollope
Charlotte Bronte
Emily Bronte
George Eliot
Samuel Butler

Modern Poetry:-
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Rudyard Kipling
WB Yeats
TS Eliot
WH Auden
Dylan Thomas

The Modern Novel and Drama:-
Thomas Hardy
Henry James
George Bernard Shaw
Joseph Conrad
EM Forster
Virginia Woolf
James Joyce
DH Lawrence

Fire on the Mountain – Anita Desai

Identity and Violence – Amartya Sen

Victorian Writer – Swinburne

Scott, Byron and Goethe were inspired by Romantic Movement

The Prelude – Wordsworth

Kubla Khan – ST Coleridge

Sage of Highgate – ST Coleridge

Sordellow – Browing

A Tale of Two Cities started with the famous sentence - “It was best of times, it was worst of times.”

At one point in The Mill on the Floss, George Eliot asserts that “character is destiny”.

Middle march - George Eliot

The Jungle Book – Rudyard Kipling

Caesar and Cleopatra – George Bernard Shaw

The Rime of the Ancient Mariner – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

George Bernard Shaw thesis:- Poverty is a crime because it robs people of self-respect and self belief.

Everything exists, nothing has value – A Passage to India

The busy bee has no time for sorrow. The most sublime act is to set another before you. The thankful receiver bears a plentiful harvest – William Blake

Gravity's Rainbow – Thomas Pynchon

The exquisite art of idleness, one of the most important things that any university can teach – Oscar Wilde

Seventh and last Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows

One Hundred Years of Solitude – Gabriel Garcia Maquez

Everyone who is incapable of learning has taken to teaching – Oscar Wilde

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Bala: I am the audience first, director later - Movies

Bala: I am the audience first, director later - Movies: "Filmmaker Bala won the National Award for Best Director for his Tamil film Naan Kadavul in 2010. His new film Avan Ivan is more in the entertainer genre with Arya and Vishal in lead roles.

Bala had assisted well known director and cinematographer Balu Mahendra for 10 years before venturing to make a film of his own. It took him five years to make Sethu with Vikram in the lead. This was followed by Nandha and then Pithamahan for which Vikram won a National Award. In the last 12 years, Bala has made only five films."

Friday, June 17, 2011

Part II: Lifestyle

Part II: Lifestyle: "At AskMen, it's our goal to understand exactly what it means to be a man. It's a goal we pursue every day through our articles and our interaction with readers, and it's why we're once again turning to our readers to ask: Who is the modern man? We invite you to participate in our annual Great Male Survey to find out what has changed, what is new and what remains constant about being a man."

Facebook users more trusting, engaged - Tech News - IBNLive

Facebook users more trusting, engaged - Tech News - IBNLive: "Facebook, it turns out, isn't just a waste of time. People who use it have more close friends, get more social support and report being more politically engaged than those who don't, according to a new national study on Americans and social networks.
The report comes as Facebook, Twitter and even the buttoned-up, career-oriented LinkedIn continue to engrain themselves in our daily lives and change the way we interact with friends, co-workers and long-lost high school buddies.
Released Thursday by the Pew Internet and American Life Project, the report also found that Facebook users are more trusting than their non-networked counterparts."

Yana sets pulse racing in ‘Murder 2’

Yana sets pulse racing in ‘Murder 2’: "Looking at Emraan Hashmi and Jacqueline Fernandez’s smoldering chemistry in the teasers of ‘Murder 2’, one thing is for sure that Bhatt’s can go any length to grab eyeballs."

Shahrukh Khan's 'Chhota' Ra.One, 'Bada' -

Shahrukh Khan's 'Chhota' Ra.One, 'Bada' - "One film for the masses while other for classes. SRK wants to win the hearts of both masses and classes and children too."

No sequel of Lagaan...says Aamir Khan -

No sequel of Lagaan...says Aamir Khan - "Aamir Khan has no plans of making a sequel of ‘Lagaan- Once Upon a Time in India’. In fact, he clearly denies any realistic possibility of ‘Lagaan 2’ unless Ashutosh Gowarikar pens down something which interests Aamir."

Tired Teens Crave Carbs, Lose Sleep Over Weight Woes - ABC News

Tired Teens Crave Carbs, Lose Sleep Over Weight Woes - ABC News: "Sleep can be a Catch-22: Most people who are sleep-deprived feel lousy; and people who feel lousy often struggle to sleep. Two new studies suggest food can perpetuate this unhealthy cycle in teens, particularly in teenage girls."

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Swami Nigamanand: He was just not famous enough | Firstpost

Swami Nigamanand: He was just not famous enough | Firstpost: "Swami Nigamanand did not die a famous man. As he fasted to save the Ganga from the quarrying mafia, he did not have television cameras following him, newsmen waiting for that precious byte and political groupings rallying behind him. He did not have Sri Sri Ravi Shankar to coax him out of his fast."

The 10 Best Things About Being Single

The 10 Best Things About Being Single
Singles often feel left out in our couple-driven society. Whenever you're tempted to feel down because of your singularity, remember these reasons why flying solo can be the best way to go:
1. You can make last-minute plans with your friends and stay out all night if you want.
2. You can lie on both sides of your bed and have all the covers to yourself.
3. You can flirt with the opposite sex without someone saying, "“Who are you looking at?”
4. You can make your own decisions.
5. You don't have to remember your significant other's birthday or anniversary.
6. You have no one to clean up after.
7. You can leave the toilet seat permanently up if you're a man, or permanently down if you're a woman.
8. You can make a list of things you always wanted to do...and actually do them.
9. You can listen to your favorite radio station in the car.
10. You can actually hold on to the remote control.

source: yahoo

A Lot Can Happen In Five Years

A Lot Can Happen In Five Years
There's a saying I heard recently from someone in the tech business that goes something like this:

Things take longer in the short run but they happen faster in the long run

I am sure I've bastardized the quote but the point is important. Nothing happens as fast as you'd like but if you have a longer term horizon, it is amazing what you can accomplish.

I was reminded of this today when I saw the news of our portfolio company Indeed's five year anniversary. launched five years ago. I have no idea how many job searches or visitors it had that day, but I can assure you it wasn't many. Five years later, they are the leader in the jobs industry online. Check out these stats:

• The #1 employment website in the US by job search unique visitors and page views (comScore Media Metrix, Oct 2009).

• Websites in 19 countries and 10 languages.

• 24 million unique visitors and one billion job searches per month worldwide.

• The leading pay-for-performance recruitment advertising network.

• The source of thousands of success stories from job seekers andrecruitment advertisers.

• A leading data provider, including Job Analytics, job trends, industry trends, job market competition, and salaries.

They did that in just five years. It's a pretty amazing accomplishment if you ask me. And they did it by keeping their heads down, focusing relentlessly on their product and users, and rolling out a better economic model for employers.

So when you are frustrated that you can't get your next release out of engineering, you can't recruit that person you really want, or that VCs just won't open their checkbooks and fund your deal, take a deep breath and relax. Nothing happens as fast as you want it to, but if you stay focused on the long term goal and keep building toward it, you can reach your goals and it won't take forever.

source: avc

Bill Gates Interview: 5 Facts You Didn't Know About The World's Second Wealthiest Man

Bill Gates Interview: 5 Facts You Didn't Know About The World's Second Wealthiest Man: "You might have heard that Bill Gates and Bono are buddies -- the two philanthropists, along with Melinda Gates, were named Time's 2005 persons of the year together -- but did you know that the U2 frontman crashes at the Gates residence when his band plays a show in Seattle?

That's according to a recent interview with the Daily Mail, in which Gates speaks candidly about wealth, family and sharing his fortune. He also hums the Bruno Mars song 'Billionaire' to himself and may have let the cat out of the bag on Mark Zuckerberg's engagement (or perhaps not).

What else didn't you know about the world's second wealthiest man? Check out these five facts on the Microsoft founder turned philanthropist, Bill Gates."

Mark Zuckerberg engaged to girlfriend Priscilla Chan? | Deccan Chronicle

Mark Zuckerberg engaged to girlfriend Priscilla Chan? | Deccan Chronicle

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has hinted that his pal and Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg has got engaged to his long time girlfriend Priscilla Chan.

Kate Middleton learns to recycle her style to celebrate Duke's 90th birthday | Mail Online

Kate Middleton learns to recycle her style to celebrate Duke's 90th birthday | Mail Online: "She has injected new life into the monarchy with her much-admired sense of style.

But it seems the Duchess of Cambridge is also following a considerably older royal tradition – recycling favourite garments.

At a church service yesterday to mark the 90th birthday of the Duke of Edinburgh, Kate wore the same periwinkle blue Jacquard coat dress that she donned in 2009 for the wedding of her husband’s close friend, Nicholas van Cutsem."

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Narayana Murthy turns nostalgic at his last Infosys AGM - The Times of India

Narayana Murthy turns nostalgic at his last Infosys AGM - The Times of India: "Indian IT bellwether Infosys' founding chairman and chief mentor NR Narayana Murthy turned nostalgic on Saturday as he presided for the last time over the blue chip company's 30th annual general meeting ( AGM) here."

What we learned from the E3 Expo -

What we learned from the E3 Expo - "It's been a big week for video gamers.
Nintendo showed off a new version of the Wii -- called the Wii U. Its controller has a giant screen built into it, enabling 'second screen' effects.
Microsoft will put live TV on the Xbox."

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.

Ain't It Cool News: The best in movie, TV, DVD, and comic book news.: "Ahoy, squirts! Quint here. Let me set the stage for this. I put out my feelers out a couple months back with some people at Dreamworks (with much help from mega publicist Deb Wuliger) about getting Steven Spielberg on the phone to talk Jaws, the idea being we could time it to its pending anniversary."

Monday, June 6, 2011

Namaste Telangana launched

Namaste Telangana launched: "A long-anticipated newspaper to support the movement for a separate Telangana state, Namaste Telangana, was launched here on Monday. The publisher, Telangana Publications Pvt Ltd, would also come out with a sister publication in Urdu titled Rahbar-e-Telangana on August 2.

Telangana Rashtra Samithi chief K Chandrasekhar Rao, the force behind the paper as well as the T News television channel, said it would fulfil the need for a paper that would focus on the region."

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Gisele Bundchen: World's first billionaire model? - Trends News - IBNLive

Gisele Bundchen: World's first billionaire model? - Trends News - IBNLive: "Gisele Bundchen is expected to become the world's first billionaire model, according to Forbes magazine.
Bundchen has been named as the first women to earn the figure, according to US currency rates, which will include her earning from modelling work, endorsement deals and design work."

Foods That Burn Calories!

Foods That Burn Calories!

Eat Foods High in Fiber
Celery and cabbage have long been touted as "calorie burning" foods, simply because the energy used to digest these foods is greater than the energy, or calories, ingested by eating the foods. An added benefit of these foods is that they are fibrous and filling, which means you will feel satisfied faster and on many fewer calories that other food choices. Keep in mind, however, that you don't want your caloric intake to be too low to cause a drop in metabolism. When your metabolism drops, you will retain more weight as the body responds to what it thinks is a period of malnutrition.

Vitamin C is also believed to be a calorie burner and a weight loss booster. Foods that are high in Vitamin C and also high in fiber and low in calories include oranges, tangerines (fresh, not canned), grapefruit (which are 90 percent water!), limes and lemons.
Eat Low-Fat Dairy Products

Recent studies have been pointing to the fact that dieters who eat at least two to three servings of low-fat dairy products a day, like cottage cheese and yogurt, lose weight faster, keep it off longer, and lose more weight in the belly area than dieters who don't include dairy products in their diets.

Easy lunch additions include single-serving sizes of low-fat string cheese, individually wrapped low-fat cheese wedges, milk cartons (not just for elementary school cafeterias anymore) and even fat-free sour cream in place of other condiments.
Choose Foods Rich in B12

Eggs, milk, low-fat cheese and cereals that have been vitamin-enriched are all good sources of vitamin B12. Some sources state that B12 increases the body's fat-burning ability. Every gram of fat equals 9 calories, so when you burn fat, you burn calories, too. Vitamin B12 is also known to fight fatigue and speed up the metabolism, which are benefits that can give a boost to any dieter.

For more about burning up calories and losing weight, check out

About this Author

Jennifer Nichol has been a contributing editor of food and wine for Inside Roseville Magazine and was editor of Piper Jaffray's eFinance Weekly. A fresh food and healthy living advocate, Nichol is currently writing a book about raw living and the art of meditative exercise.
source: shine

Updating a Resume for 2011 -

Updating a Resume for 2011 - "While the résumé as you know it from 10 years ago is still alive and kicking, there have been a number of modifications to it. No longer do job candidates simply present a Word document of their qualifications. Today, they need to craft a package both online and off to present to a prospective employer. This needs to include both a résumé and an online profile as well as an easy way for a prospective employer or recruiter to move back and forth between the two."

Friday, June 3, 2011

John and Bipasha's bizarre connections! -

John and Bipasha's bizarre connections! - "Bollywood’s macho man, John Abraham and bong babe, Bipasha Basu’s nine year old relationship might have come to an end now, but they still manage to grab headlines together with every thing they do. After calling it quits, both the actors walked their separate ways but something or the other crops up that connects them back to each other."

The Toughest Words From The 2011 Scripps National Spelling Bee Championship (WORDS)

The Toughest Words From The 2011 Scripps National Spelling Bee Championship (WORDS): "To be honest, we have a hard time believing that some of these words are even really members of the English language.

Sukanya Roy walked away the champion at the end of the finals of the 2011 Scripps National Spelling Bee last night, spelling a word that may have blown your mind. But she wasn't the only one to pull off some incredible spelling.

Spellers as young as 8-years-old competed for the top prize, and in the end the level of difficulty rose to a level few could compete at.

The list below contains the last 28 words (the final 7 rounds) of the bee. The words that took down 4 of the 5 final contestants? Numbers 17, 8, 7, and 3.

Do you think you could have gotten them right?"

Sukanya Roy Wins Scripps National Spelling Bee 2011

Sukanya Roy Wins Scripps National Spelling Bee 2011: "Sukanya Roy has won the 2011 Scripps National Spelling Bee.

The 14-year-old from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania, spelled cymotrichous correctly to win the Bee. The word is an adjective which means having wavy hair.

According to NESN, as '[the champion] finished the word -- a word she admitted to knowing -- she broke out into a huge smile.'"

Thursday, June 2, 2011

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cell Phone Exposure – TIME Healthland

5 Easy Ways to Reduce Your Cell Phone Exposure – TIME Healthland: "For the past several years, a small band of doctors and activists have been raising concerns about the possible connection between cell phone use and brain cancer. The cell phone industry — along with nearly all major national and international medical associations — have always responded with the same answer: there's no evidence that cell phone radiation can even affect the brain, let alone cause cancer."

Good luck Baba Ramdev, hope you get the black money back | Firstpost

Good luck Baba Ramdev, hope you get the black money back | Firstpost: "“I am going to Delhi with full confidence and I hope to bring back all the Indian black money,” said Ramdev at Ujjain before heading for his fast in New Delhi. It’s difficult to guess whether the Baba’s confidence comes out of years of yoga practice or a vision of glory that the flashing television cameras and action-hungry media can bring. Whatever it is, one wishes him luck. His intention is noble and if he manages to recover even a fraction of the black money stashed abroad, it will be a great service to the country."

Indian media coy about reporting sexcapades | Firstpost

Indian media coy about reporting sexcapades | Firstpost: "It may be a politically incorrect thing to say but one can’t help feel a little sorry for the 85-year-old Congress veteran and one of the country’s most powerful leaders in his prime, ND Tiwari, on a day when he goes through a DNA test in a paternity case.

Before feminists and other social activists cry foul (and more) and tear me to shreds let me explain why I believe Tiwari has already been punished enough. He is one of the few Indian politicians who has suffered enough public humiliation for his misdemeanor and alleged sexual escapades in the past. The videos showing him frolicking with women in the Hyderabad Raj Bhavan not just cost him his gubernatorial assignment but also made him the butt of contemptuous ridicule across the length and breadth of the country."

How to become an entrepreneur at a young age

How to become an entrepreneur at a young age

A 'teenager' company
Of the youth, by the youth, for the youth. That is how a start-up firm by a group of teenagers from Mumbai proudly describe their company.

The brain child of eighteen-year-old Samayak Chakrabarty, Electronic Youth Media (EYM) offers an array of personalised services. EYM launched a social networking portal in February 2008. A one-stop destination for the youth, this portal will also offer online advertising and research services. The idea is to offer companies with ideas and concepts to market their products. EYM has received a good response with an average of 1.5 million hits on the portal every week.

"One needs to think differently to succeed," said Chakrabarty, a first year mass communication student at Jai Hind College, Mumbai. One of India's youngest CEOs, he believes in the power of his strong business model and has successfully managed to enroll about 100 teenagers in the company. For him work is a passion, not a compulsion.

"Two years ago three of us, myself, Bhavyash Agarwaal(director, EYM) and Vatsal Thakkar (director, EYM) decided to start this venture," Chakrabarty sid. His mantra is not to mint money, but create value, great services and be known the world over. Money comes secondary for this off-beat, ambitious and cool CEO!

"I am not a topper. I don't believe in rote learning. What we learn from the textbooks for degrees is just for the resumes, I learn more from the newspapers. Most of our academic courses like BCom, HSC, SSC are all outdated," says Samyak Chakrabarty in an interview. So what is it like to become a teenager CEO? Read on. . .

Electronic Youth Media. How did it begin and what is the idea behind such a venture?

I always wanted to do something different, unconventional. There is no fun in following the conventional jobs. I believe that the media, Internet and the marketing industry is booming now and we hope to capitalise on this huge opportunity. Initially, I discussed my plans with two of my friends, Bhavyash Agarwaal and Vatsal Thakkar. Today, we have a strength of about 104 employees. All are on our payroll.
What services would Electronic Youth Media offer?

Electronic Youth Media will have a social networking site, We are currently studying user's likes and dislikes and finding out newer and simpler methods to attract youngsters with exclusive features.
We also have an online advertising and research agency, 'Concrea.' The idea is to offer companies with ideas and concepts to market their products. We have talked to people across the industry. We have got a good response. Since we are young, it is easier for us to understand the market needs better.

We will create advertising strategies and media plan for clients. We will be looking at brands whose customer base comprise 16 to 28-years-olds.

How to become an entrepreneur at a young age

A student CEO
How do you plan to handle outsourcing of jobs?

Ours won't be normal BPO operations. We plan to handle the whole thing differently. We will give personalised services to people in the United States and Europe and thus have hired professionals. It is challenging, as we need to convince people, build trust and work efficiently. If a person in the US needs his accounting work done, we will do it at a competitive rate in India. We have competent people among us to handle such stuff.
How do you balance ork and studies? Do you have a brick and mortar office?

I am doing my first year Mass Communication course in Jai Hind College, Mumbai. We find time for work as well as study. I have just finished my semester exams. It's all a matter of getting things done. We all work from home. Our employee base is diverse as we have people from different streams like banking, commerce, business administration and mass communication.
How are you as a student? How important is education for an entrepreneur?

I am not a topper. I score 60-70 per cent marks. I don't believe in rote learning. What we learn from the textbooks is just for the resumes, I believe more in informal learning, I learn more from the newspapers.

Most of the courses that our academic system offers like BCom, HSC, SSC are all outdated. I do read a lot to be familiar with finance, markets, trading, etc. Education is important for an entrepreneur. But rote learning will not help. It is very important to be knowledgeable.

How to become an entrepreneur at a young age

A student CEO
How does it feel to be one of the youngest CEO? Don't you think it is a huge burden to start such an initiative at such a young age?

It feels very good, however, I don't believe in such titles. My idea was to start early and do things at a young age rather than wait till I am 50 to start a new venture.
So where do you see yourself at 50?

I don't want to keep such benchmarks. I want to do a great jobs and excel in whatever we do. More than revenues, I want my company to be successful and reputed. I would rather like to be known for our work, than as a Rs 1,000 crore (Rs 10 billion) company.
What would be your major revenue generators?

We are looking at advertising and content-based revenues. Stock Talk is a new feature on the portal. In about six months time we will launch an artificial online share trading platform in association with Kotak Securities. Youngsters can learn about stock market strategies. I don't want to disclose more details now. We will also offer online tutorials.
Our market research agency has got a good response. We have bagged an order from a sports goods company called Orthofit within two weeks of the launch.

How is the portal doing? How many users have registered?

We get about 1.5 million hits every week. We are getting a good response, with more than 3,000 registered users so far.
How many people have you recruited? Since you all work from home, how to you manage work?

We have recruited 104 people in Mumbai. We have plans to open offices in New Delhi and Chennai. We will be hiring more people there in the next three months.

How difficult was it to start an initiative like this?

It was very difficult to convince people about our idea and get finance. But once we crossed the first hurdle, it was easier to get things done. We had several rounds of discussion with senior people like financial advisors and banking experts before we decided to take the plunge.

How to become an entrepreneur at a young age

It's not an easy job!
Do you find it difficult to deal with the older generation, employees or business associates or rivals?

Initially, it was hard to get people to have faith in us and believe in the business model. Since all of us are teenagers it becomes more difficult to convince people about the feasibility of the business plans. We do a very good research, because people try to test us. But since we have a good understanding about the subject, we can prove that we have a good knowledge base.
How has your family supported you?

My father, who has a media background has been very supportive.
What kind of investment did you make while setting up the company? How did you arrange the finance?

The initial funding of Rs 20 crore (Rs 200 million) was pooled in by 26 entrepreneurs who came together for the venture. People who have faith in our business model from the corporate sector have also helped us with the funding.
What kind of revenue/profit do you foresee in the coming year?

The gestation period is about six months. EYM expects to touch Rs 60 crore (Rs 600 million) by 2011, this is based on the business model that we have worked out. We see revenue coming in from the market research agency. We also plan to offer exclusive services through our youth networking channel. We have heard many people say that Orkut and Facebook are a bit complicated. So we are studying the market to offer simpler and better services.
For online transactions how will you ensure security?

We will do a proper background check of all users. We will convince our clients of efficient service and will work it out well.
What kind of problems do you face?

It is very difficult to convince people to join a venture like ours. Retaining them with us once we have hired them is another big challenge. But it is exciting to work with a young group. This is the time when people like to hang out and have fun, so to get work done is also a big task.
Since all of you work from home. How is the performance evaluated?

We evaluate people on the basis of work done. The tasks assigned are performance based. We also give them deadlines so that work gets done on time. We have divided people into groups of ten. Every group convenes a meeting during the weekend.

How to become an entrepreneur at a young age

A passion to work

Not many people like to take risks though they may have great ideas. What drives you?

It's a passion to work, work differently. There is no fun in doing conventional jobs. This is a very exiting time for the media industry, we see lot of big opportunities and it is great to be a part of it.
What are your views on economic slowdown, inflation in India and US? How do you plan to sustain the company at a difficult time like this?

The economy is going through a recession, the economy as a whole is suffering. Prices are zooming but this has not affected the media industry, nor the rich. The rich are getting richer and spending more. So it is all the more challenging for marketers to sell their products aggressively. This will turn out to be a great opportunity for us.
Internet is also a booming media and I don't think the recession will have any impact on the Internet or the marketing sectors. The US economy is going through a troubled phase but it will be on track. The Fed rate cuts should bring respite to the economy.

What do you think about India's talented youth?

Talent is a very subjective issue. A commerce student may be more talented than an IIT student. Just because you score 99% in your exams, you don't become talented. A lot of people in India are academically oriented. Most of them are left brain users (analytical). It's is very important to use both right and left sides to be creative and analytical.

How to become an entrepreneur at a young age

And miles to go. . .
What are the qualities that an entrepreneur must have?

One must have a good business model. A great business model or plan is very essential to succeed. One must have excellent team management skills. Even if it is team of five people, it is difficult to manage a team so you have to be geared up for that. You must also have people management skills since you have to deal with lot of people, you have to impress people and make them believe in what you do. Finance is a major issue. One must get a good funding. You should have a passion and drive to get you going.
What is your success mantra? You make it sound very easy?

Work is a passion for me rather than a compulsion. There is no formula for success, you have to put in a lot of hard work, believe in yourself, have faith in whatever you do. I make it sound easy because if you think it's difficult it makes things tougher. It's better to believe that we can do it and works towards achieving our goal.
Advice to budding entrepreneurs?

There is a general belief that young people can't do anything. You must go against this and prove what you can go. The initial steps will be difficult but never give up. You have to break the barriers and strive for excellence.
What are your future plans?

We plan to set up a film production house and a football league for youngsters.
What are your interests? How to you spend your spare time?

Now it's just work, work and more work. However, I like reading, music and going for long walks.


India's top sportspersons, 2007
The hockey team

Back to winning ways
It was a year hope for Indian hockey.
Under the guidance of a new coach the eight-time Olympic champions salvaged a slice of lost glory after failing to make it to the semi-final of the Asian Games in Doha and ending up 11th among 12 teams at the World Cup in Germany in 2006.
Former Olympian Joaquim Carvalho's no-nonsense approach and straight talking harnessed the team to three podium finishes, including a title-triumph at the Asia Cup in Chennai.
Carvalho's persistence with youth paid off as the team thrashed Korea, which finished fourth at the World Cup, 7-2 in the final of the seventh edition to finish unbeaten in the tournament.
In fact, it was a third place finish in the eight-nation Sultan Azlan Shah Cup at Ipoh, Malaysia, in May that provided the stepping stone for better days ahead. The team then proceeded to Antwerp for the Champions Challenge in a bid to qualify for the Champions Trophy. Though it couldn't, it did extremely well, beating England twice to finish third. The only defeats were against New Zealand and Argentina.
Carvalho's forthrightness also brought monetary gain for his players. Irked by the 'step-motherly treatment' meted out to them by the central and four state governments, when compared to the sops given to cricketers after India's triumph in the Twenty20 World Cup, he objected to the announcement of cash awards announced by Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel and the state governments of Maharashtra, Haryana, Jharkhand and Karnataka to the cricketers while ignoring the title triumph of his wards in the Asia Cup.
'Why are our hockey players orphaned? Why are our politicians biased towards hockey, the national game?' he asked.
His angry demand was heard and the above-mentioned governments rewarded the players handsomely; even commercial houses chipped in.
When he took over as chief coach he scotched speculation that his appointment was a stop-gap arrangement and declared he would quit if his team fails to qualify for the Olympics.
'I have set goals for myself,' he said. 'The Beijing Olympics is just over a year away, but my goal is to get the team qualify for it. If I fail to do so, I will quit and will not wait to be given the boot.'

Anup Sridhar

Shuttling with success
India woke up one rainy August day with a new sporting hero to talk about.
The telephones at the Sridhar home and the Prakash Padukone Academy, both in Bangalore, were swamped by interview requests from the media.
Badminton has always had an inconsistent relationship with the country of its birth. Prakash Padukone, Pullela Gopichand and Aparna Popat are wellknown names, yet the game lacks a following. Its success stories have been few and far between; even before the country starts warming up to its shuttle heroes the excitement dies down.
Anup Sridhar's performance at the World Badminton Championships was one such brilliant spark. The talented and temperamental Banglorean, who had reached the semi-final of the Asian badminton championship earlier this year, burst into the Indian consciousness when he beat Indonesia's Olympic gold medallist Taufik Hidayat.
He followed it up with the scalp of the then world number 16 Hafiz Hashim of Malaysia to enter the final eight of the world championships. But, with that marathon three game (21-19, 18-21, 21-15) match taking the wind out of him, he, however, fell to top seed and eventual winner Lin Dan of China.

Sridhar also attained a career-best ranking of 25 in the Badminton World Federation's November ranking list.
The ace is now looking for sponsors to keep his presence on the circuit.
'It will be very difficult for me to train and play tournaments abroad without any financial backing. I have already spent so much this year from my pocket,' Sridhar said as the corporate world -- including the IT giants in his hometown Bangalore -- showed little interest in his awesome exploits.

Narain Karthikeyan and Karun Chandhok

The Southern Speedos
Motor sport had a certain tryst with India in 2007.
Outside of the seat-edge thrill of the championship race between Lewis Hamilton, Fernando Alonso and Kimi Raikkonen, India, a massive country with little stake in Formula One, began to find its feet in the speed business.
And who better than the fastest Indian on wheels to firmly hold it!
Coimbatore's Narain Karthikeyan, left, made a historic drive at the Zhuhai international circuit in China, flying the Indian car to its first A1 Grand Prix victory. The Indian driver had given up the test spot with the Williams F1 team to shape India's fortunes in A1 and he once again emerged a winner.
While Karthikeyan bid good-bye to F1 for the time being, Karun Chandhok has his first taste of it. The 23 year old from Chennai was called up for a test session with Red Bull Racing and drove alongside the likes of Michael Schumacher and David Coutlhard during the weekend at Circuito de Catalunya in Barcelona.
Chandhok was rewarded for his impressive performances in the GP2 series. The former Asian champion won the sprint race at the challenging Spa Francorchamps circuit in Belgium with Durango Corse. The victory earned him praise from F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone, who has tipped Chandhok to follow Karthikeyan's steps into motor sports' biggest competition.
To complement Karthikeyan and Chandhok's success on track, progress also brewed in the Indian paddocks.

Flamboyant businessman Vijay Mallya bought over the Spyker team and renamed it Force India. Though the car hasn't received flattering reviews, Mallya is determined to put out a competent team for the coming season.
India's promise as one of the biggest markets bore testimony as Ecclestone made sure that the country stages a Grand Prix by 2010. Formula One signed a 10-year deal with Indian company JP to build a race track in Greater Noida in a bid to bring the first race to India.

Sania Mirza

Fitter, stronger, higher
Success, injuries, controversies, acclaim. Sania Mirza had her hands full in a year that saw her climb to a career-high of 27.
After a disappointing 2006, Sania came back fitter, stronger, and better-prepared.
She started the year with a blazing run at the Hopman Cup, and, in Rohan Bopanna's company, helped India beat higher-ranked teams like Croatia and the Czech Republic.
Just when her fortunes started to turn on the WTA charts, injury struck, and she was confined to a wheelchair with a knee injury.
With the demanding clay season ahead, the 21 year old got back to her feet just in time. Her return to the circuit after almost three months wasn't promising as she crashed out in the first round in Morocco. But Sania added mettle to her credentials as she won the first round at the French Open, breaking the Parisian jinx that most Indians have found impossible to shake off.
After crashing out in the second round to Russia's Nadia Petrova at Wimbledon, Sania truly gathered steam on the hard courts in the US, in the run-up to the year's final Grand Slam.
Seen before as a talented player who somehow couldn't put it together against the bigger names, Sania produced a streak of upsets that had the tennis world take notice.

Tatiana Golovin, Patty Schnyder, Shahar Peer, Dinara Safina, Martina Hingis. All ranked in the top 25, all falling to the Indian's new-found tenacity. Sania later admitted that winning against defensive players like Peer and Schnyder was an indicator that her performance is 'maturing.'
Despite making three semi-finals and one final in the year, she was unable to claim a title that has eluded her since her home triumph at the 2005 Hyderabad Open.
Post-US Open, her results showed a clear decline -- losing in the quarter-finals at the Japan Open and first-round exits in Moscow and Zurich. Another injury -- the wrist this time -- saw her bring an early end to the season.
The brief sabbatical from tennis didn't keep her off the front pages though. The rumour mills grinded into action as soon as she mentioned Shoaib Akhtar as one of her favourite Pakistani cricketers. She was also linked with a Pakistani tennis player and a Bollywood actor, as the focus shifted away from the courts.
Decemeber saw Sania in trouble when she shot advertisements on the premises of Hyderabad's Mecca Masjid. Cases were filed before she apologised.
Being a star is not new for Sania, but she is beginning to understand the consequences of stardom.

India's top sportspersons, 2007

Ruling the chessboard
The lightning kid. That's how Viswanathan Anand was referred to after his spectacular success as a junior.
Though the Indian ace made rapid strides on the 64 squares board, to be rated among the world's best, he only achieved the position of numero uno this April.
In more ways than one, 2007 was a landmark year for Anand.
Triumph at the Linares-Morelia tournament in March ensured him the top spot in the Elo ratings -- only the sixth player to be ranked No 1 since the birth of the rankings in 1970.
Then followed the ultimate honour. In September, he won the FIDE World Championship in Mexico and became the undisputed world champion.
A 20-move draw against Hungary's Peter Leko in the 14th and final round gave the 37-year-old from Chennai the crown. Battling with seven of the world's top chess players, Anand won four of his 14 games and drew 10 to emerge the only unbeaten player in the competition.
Anand's place in chess history is assured. As far as his significance among his countrymen is concerned, it would suffice to say that in the last 20 years -- since 1987, when he became India's first Grandmaster -- 16 Indian men have attained Grandmaster status, but when it comes to winning major tournaments, chess aficionados still look up to the charming genius from Chennai.
Viswanathan Anand is truly a class apart.