Tuesday, May 31, 2011

How To Increase The Traffic To Your Website

How To Increase The Traffic To Your Website
I get asked this all the time, whether via Alexa's forums, or after work by my friends: How do I get more traffic to my Web site? I wish there was just some simple button that I could tell people to push and that it would solve all their traffic issues. But it doesn't exist; if it did, everybody would already be using it.

But there are whole heaps of great advice, which if followed, will lead to more visitors to your site. What follows is a simple to follow list of best practices to help get you on your way.

1. On-Site Factors. Start with your site. You need to make it the best it can be. So that it will be attractive to visitors AND search engines.

Keywords. What is your site about? Find a few key words and phrases that you think describe your site and that people may actually enter into a search box on Google. If you pick very popular keywords and phrases, you might be disappointed. Millions of people will search for those keywords and phrases, but you will be way down the search results because lots of sites are optimized for those phrases. If you pick less popular keywords and phrases, you may have a shot of actually showing up in the search results because fewer sites have optimized for those keywords and phrases.
Optimize Your Site. Use your keywords and phrases on your site. Put them in the title of your page, in the H1 tags, metatags and throughout your site. Use them in the text of links that point to your page. Shoot for having keyword density of about 6%.

Have Good Content. You should strive to have something new on your site once per day. Don't let your site get stale... Google's algorithms will notice and so will visitors to your site. If you don't have a lot of time to create unique content every day, consider putting up a daily poll, creating a forum on your site, or leaving a comments field/Guest Book for visitors to fill out. If you use Twitter or Facebook, you can have your updates automatically appear on your site.

Unique Value Proposition. Give something away on your site to your visitors to remember you by. Otherwise people may forget your site and won't come back. You can find interesting content on widgetbox.com, or you can give them a custom Alexa Toolbar. Just give them something.
Create A Sitemap. Every time you update content on your site you should update your sitemap and submit the site map to Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, etc.. There are lots of free sitemap tools out there. Find one and get started. It is a great way to let Google know when your site is updated.
Return Visitors. How are you going to get people to return to your site after they have left? You may want to consider an e-mail newsletter. But don't spam... please. If people like your content let them sign up to get your newsletter. You should also allow people to subscribe to your updates via facebook or twitter. Most blogs offer easy plugins for this feature.
Link Bait. People love lists. Make lists of things that are relevant to your site and put them on your site, like top ten fishing sites. Then let the sites in your list know you have made your list. They may take that list and put it on their site... Or give out awards like "fishing site of the week." which brings us to...
2. Off-Site Factors. Once you have a great site you need to start thinking about other factors, mostly links. If nobody links to your site you are going to have a tough time getting seen in Google's results. More links = better placement in Google. So how do you get links?

Link Number One. The first link is easy. Alexa already has a link to your site, and Alexa's page rank is high, so the link from Alexa counts more than most. You just need to let Google know that Alexa has a link to your site. How do you do that? Install the Google Toolbar then visit Alexa. But be sure to put your Alexa Toolbar back!

Get Listed In Directories. Directories that are relevant to your site are generally more important than others, so if your site is about basket weaving, find a basket weaving directory and ask them to list your site. Get listed in as many as possible. And then find other general directories like DMOZ and get listed there. Are there Wikipedia articles that should list your site as a place for more information on a topic? Get listed.
Participate In Social Media. Find forums that are relevant to your content and participate... a lot. Update your signature footer on the forum to include a link to your site. Use Twitter, Facebook, Digg, but, in all cases, do not just post or write about your own site. Nobody cares. Write and post about things that you care about, sometimes your site, and people who like your posts may make their way over to your site.
Have Something Newsworthy. If you have something newsworthy, don't just blog about it. First post it as a press release on your site, then update your sitemap, then post it to the newswires, then submit it to ezine articles, Article Base and/or Go Articles, then blog about it, twitter about it, etc. If you do it right you will have at least a couple of new links to your site, and if you do it really right you could have dozens of new links.
Advertise. There are lots of great advertising solutions out there. Google AdWords is a great place to start and, if done well, can offer you a good deal on targeted traffic. Display advertising can be effective and affordable as well. The social networks are now offering do-it-yourself advertising at reasonable prices, and even Alexa allows you to advertise at inexpensive CPMs.

And, as always, install the Alexa Toolbar. It won't increase the traffic to your site, but it won't hurt and you will be helping Alexa to track your site and helping the entire Internet Community by contributing to Alexa's Traffic Data.

Getting more traffic to your site is a journey. Take the first steps today, and with a little hard work and some luck, you will be counting your visitors in the millions before too long.

source: alexa

Twitter Alert: Shock and awe at Captain Boom Boom’s retirement – The Express Tribune

Twitter Alert: Shock and awe at Captain Boom Boom’s retirement – The Express Tribune: "With the news about Pakistani cricket heartthrob breaking on the television, the local Twitterati reacted to news as per their own individual level of liking of Captain Boom Boom.
The commentary ranged from offering an eulogy on the cricketer’s career, calling for Ijaz Butt’s head, even a PTI dharna against the ad hoc chairman. Most of them were supportive of Afridi."

Monday, May 30, 2011

P Sainath

Sainath gets Magsaysay Award

P. Sainath, Rural Affairs Editor of The Hindu, is among the seven awardees of the prestigious Ramon Magsaysay Award for 2007, it was announced in Manila on Tuesday.
The Ramon Magsaysay Award Foundation said that Mr. Sainath won the award in the category ‘Journalism, Literature and Creative Communication Arts.’ The award will be presented in Manila on August 31.
The Board of Trustees of the Foundation recognised Mr. Sainath for his “passionate commitment as a journalist to restore the rural poor to India’s national conscious- ness.”
Mr. Sainath is the sixth Indian print media journalist to win the award. The previous awardee was R.K. Laxman in 1984.
Mr. Sainath, on learning of the award, said: “This award is as much The Hindu’s as it is mine… If my work has won the recognition it just has, it is because there was a newspaper backing it unreservedly and giving me total freedom of movement and agenda.” He said he would use the award to push the issue of agrarian crisis much harder.
According to the citation accompanying the award, “Sainath’s authoritative reporting led Indian authorities to address certain discrete abuses and to enhance relief efforts.” It added: “Sainath discovered that the acute misery of India’s poorest districts was not caused by drought, as the government said. It was rooted in India’s enduring structural inequalities — in poverty, illiteracy, and caste discrimination — and exacerbated by recent economic reforms favouring foreign investment and privatisation.”
Mr. Sainath joined The Hindu in June 2004 and wrote extensively on the agrarian crisis. He also reported on issues relating to Dalits, caste violence, water, food and hunger, employment, inequality, and media developments. Before he formally joined The Hindu, he contributed a large number of stories and photographs to the paper’s Sunday Magazine and to Frontline. Many laurels
Mr. Sainath has won several prestigious awards and fellowships, including the B.D. Goenka prize for Excellence in Journalism in 2000, the Prem Bhatia Journalism Prize, the European Commission’s Lorenzo Natali prize, the People’s Union for Civil Liberties’ Human Rights Journalism Prize, 1995, and the Eisenhower Fellowship.
His reports on some of the poorest districts of the country were published as a book — Everybody loves a Good Drought. His photo exhibition, “Visible Work, Invisible Women,” has been exhibited in several Indian cit ies and in the U.S., Canada, Japan, Switzerland and South Africa.
Established in 1957 in memory of the third Philippine President, the Ramon Magsaysay Award is given every year to individuals or organisations in Asia in recognition of their selfless service in different fields.

source: Hindu

Knowledge Process Outsourcing Careers

Knowledge Process Outsourcing Careers

knowledge management is the hottest subject of the day. The question is : what is this activity called knowledge management , and why is it so important to each and every one of us? The outsourcing industry is also termed as bpo industry which has given birth to its improved form termed as knowledge process outsourcing (kpo). Kpo is a refined form and an extension of business process outsourcing (bpo). Kpo provides value to the client through domain expertise rather than process expertise. The kpo which is an extension of bpo is the high value; high growth business that is independent of the co-existence of the bpo. According to the reports of global sourcing now the kpo is expected to reach $ 17 billion by 2010 out of which india’s share would be $ 12 billion. Knowledge process outsourcing, or kpo, is the latest wave to hit the outsourcing business in india. A booming sector with tremendous potential, the kpo sector in india employs around 25,000 people currently. Kpo is knowledge process outsourcing. It involves outsourcing for high-end knowledge work. This includes research and work on intellectual property, equity and finance, analytics, market research and data management, et cetera.

Kpo-suitability in india

1. It will be socially recognized in india.

2. It will be suitable to the indian work culture.

3. It will earn huge foreign exchange for the country.

4. It will help reduce educated unemployment in india

5. It will stop brain drain from india to developed countries like usa or uk.

India has a growing population of educated people capable of handling high-end knowledge-based work and research. With a huge talent pool, india could emerge as a global kpo hub as the sector requires specialized knowledge in respective verticals. With the mushrooming of engineering and technical institutes in india, there will no shortage of skilled manpower in india. A confederation of indian industry study states that india’s transition from a bpo destination to a kpo destination is imminent. Apart from india, countries such as russia, china, the czech republic, ireland and israel are also expected to bag a lucrative pie of the kpo industry. The cost advantage: more and more companies are turning to india for off shoring kpo work as quality work gets done at cheaper rates. India also offers significant cost advantages as much as 40 to 50 per cent in the areas of research and clinical trials. For instance, drafting and filing of patent applications in the us is very expensive. A typical application costs about $10,000 to $15,000 to draft and file with the united states patent and trademark office. Companies can save up to 50 per cent of the cost by off shoring the work to india.

Bpo verses kpo :- business process outsourcing means handing over the work of the company to outside company or agency for completion on contract basis. It is the delegation of one or more it intensive non core business processes to an external services provide that owns, administers and managers the selected process based on defined and measurable performance metrics knowledge process outsourcing is the field where the service providers, by using their specialized domain expertise, process the information in the most professional way and convert it into the most useful form for the client user and then deliver this processed information to client company for making most crucial decisions in the core business functions. In other words it is outsourcing of the core activities such as research and development analysis and crucial decision based function.

Functions :- the functions covered under bpo and kpo are moderately different. These functions are basically different in its natural form as the bpo covers non core functions and kpo covers core functions.

Bpo turn to kpo

Feature bpo kpo

Functions non core and routine core

Nature of for fresh graduates with for professionals like ca,

Employment good communication skills mba,engineers,phds etc.

Professional work on process expertise works on domain expertise


Career considered by people as job considered by professionals

Difference not as a career as career

Working hours type of working 24x7x365 normal 8 hours working

Employees very high (almost 40%) comparatively very less

Turnover rate

Growth rate expected to be 26% expected to be 46%

Kpo to surpass bpo:- india’s business process outsourcing industry will soon be edged out by the emerging kpo sector as the biggest revenue grosser, according to kiran karnik, president, national association of software and services companies. The global kpo industry is likely to become worth $17 billion by 2010, with the indian industry capturing between $12-$14 billion of it.

Challenges for the kpo industry

V maintaining data security and the confidentiality

V maintaining high control on the process operations

V world class infrastructure requirements

V maintenance of the talent pool in the country

V competition from the other countries like canada philippines etc.

V brain drain in india due to the people migration form india in search of jobs.

Kpo sector offers a good working atmosphere with global exposure and an opportunity to develop skill sets in a specialized field. The remuneration is high as a person with about two years experience can draw a pay packet of around rs 6 lakh (rs 600,000) to rs 8 lakh (rs 800,000) annually, while an experienced professional gets anywhere between rs 15 lakh (rs 1.5 million) and rs 20 lakh (rs 2 million). Like the bpo sector, kpo also faces attrition, as it is difficult for companies to retain talented and trained people. With higher pay packages and perks, people change jobs very frequently. Many people are still reluctant to join as they feel it is an unstable career. Many are unaware of the potential of this sector and the scope of future prospects. There is a lot of scope for teachers as this sector offers a good pay package. The sector also requires higher level of control, confidentiality and enhanced risk management.

Career building program :- bpo works on the process expertise. The process of routine work is managed by bpo more efficiently and effectively than the client companies if they do it in–house. Kpo works on domain expertise. The professional knowledge in particular field is used by kpo units to process highly critical information and data and makes it available to clients for crucial decision making in kpo industry people with high professional qualifications are employed. In this industry generally employees try to be loyal and make a career in one particular company and on the other hand the companies also try their level best to retain these employees try paying them well and providing them with better facilities.

Nature of employment :- bpo is the processing of the low end non core business functions which the people with minimum skills can do. Generally fresh or reasonably experienced bcom, ba, bsc graduates with good communication skills are preferred by bpo companies. Training is generally given by these bpo companies or by some outside training agency to the newly recruited graduates to make them suitable for the onshore as well as offshore bpo requirements. Kpo is the processing of high end core business functions and hence the people with professional knowledge and skills such as the people with the qualification like phd, ca, cwa, cs, and mba, engineering, mbbs, and llb etc are preferred by kpo industry. The specialized knowledge and expertise of these professionals is the major asset for the kpo industry.

Functions covered under kpo

1. R & d 1. Legal services

2. Business and technical research 2. Data analysis

3. Training and consultancy 3. Animations and designs

4. Network and management 4. Business and market research

5. Writing and content developments 5. Learning solutions

6. Pharmaceutical 6. Biotechnological

7. Medical services 7. Intellectual property research

Kpo’s focus areas :- areas with significant potential for kpo include pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, data search, integration and management services, financial services, research and analytics, technology research, computer-aided simulation and engineering design and professional services, such as business research and legal services. Off shoring research and development in pharmaceuticals and biotechnology also holds great potential for kpo.

Skills required for kpo jobs as distinct from bpo jobs :- kpo includes those activities that require greater skill, knowledge, education and expertise to handle than a typical bpo job. For example, an insurance company might outsource data entry of its claims forms as part of a bpo initiative, it may also choose to use a kpo service provider to evaluate new insurance applications based on a set of criteria or business rules; this work would require the efforts of a more knowledgeable set of workers than the data entry would and hence domain/industry skills are desired.

Who can join kpo :- unlike bpo where knowledge of english is essential, kpo focuses professional on educational qualifications. Educational qualification is important as the work involves specialized knowledge. People from diverse backgrounds can join this field. Teachers, engineers, mbas, professionals with financial background and even journalists are qualified to work in kpo. People with science background have a better chance as some tasks require data analysis and programming. Kpo tasks require domain expertise for projects involving moderate to high levels of analysis, especially those related to industrial sectors. The kind of work employees have to do includes abstraction of technical patents, extraction of legacy technical data, cataloguing and indexing, taxonomy building and database creation and updating. All this requires a basic interest and knowledge in specific domains besides an aptitude for working with data and information.

Job profile qualification work experience annual salary (rs. In lakh)

Customer care graduate /undergraduate freshers may also apply 1.3-1.6


Technical support technical graduation/diploma/certification fresher may also apply 1.3-1.6


Claims processes graduate fresher’s may also apply 1.3 -1.6


Voice & accent graduate with requisite experience in training 1-3 years 2.2 – 4.0


Team leader graduate with an experience of leading a team in 3-5 years 3.0- 5.0

a bpo

Manager operations graduate having experience of managing large 6-10 years 8.0-14

teams and p&l

Telemarketing graduate/ undergraduate freshers may also apply 1.4-2.2

Process associate commerce graduate freshers may also apply 1.3-1.7

Research analyst mba/postgraduate analytics iit/isi/ top b-school freshers may also apply 1.6-2.4 1-3 years 3.5-6.0

Equity research mba (finance)/postgraduate in finance 1-3 years 2.4- 4.5

Tax analyst commerce graduate/postgraduate in fixnance freshers may also apply 1.5-2.4

Recruitment procedure-career prospectus :- companies have a cut-off for marks (grades), depending on the kind of domain knowledge required for the particular project. The works also requires people to have a right aptitude and attitude for doing research-oriented work. Employment in bpo companies is still considered by people as job and not as a career. Generally graduates work in bpo in their initial working years to earn good money and then they either try to go for higher education or to go for another job. Thus jobs in bpo are still not recognized by society. Kpo employs only highly professional people and uses their expertise. Hense this sector is nowadays considered as career by many professionals for e.g. A chartered accountant going for employment in equity research in a kpo firm. After recruitment, the candidates are trained in various skills. Besides this, the candidate should possess good communication skills, should have an aptitude towards programming, and should be able to work in a team, under pressure and of course different shift timings.

The types of assessments used:- in the kpo space, domain-based assessments can be customized to count for the complexity of a job role or project and select eligible candidates. These are coupled with general abilities tests like analytical, attention to detail; communication skills like written english ability; and functional skills like typing to arrive at and select the best talent.

Kpo : skills essential career for success

The table below lists a few of the prominent kpos and the skills required to win.

Segments services skill sets required

Legal services reviewing transactional & litigation documents; drafting knowledge in us/uk laws; adept in

contracts; research memoranda & due diligence reports; legal application; ability to reason &

prosecuting patents; negotiations research

Engineering 3d modeling; conversion: 2d to 3d; finite analysis; cad/cam; drafting & modeling;

R&d computational fluid dynamics analysis; technical product design

specifications for tenders; value engineering

Market research secondary & primary research; conversion of findings to statistical tools; research techniques;

& analytics knowledge; writing & editing; formatting client reports report writing & presentations;

database research

Writing & content editorial; content delivery; digitization of content; data english communication skills;

Development enrichment & warehousing; pre-press work; proofreading; journalism; experience in writing

template designing; text composition

Pharma r&d research & development; drug discovery; clinical research doctors; master’s degree in science,


Healthcare diagnostic; genetic profiling; oncology tests; hiv & allergy medical degree; specialized subject

Services knowledge

Education & k-12; private tutors; curriculum design; pedagogy; content teaching methods/techniques; cultural

Training development sensitivity; online teaching methods

Captives outnumber third-party vendors in the kpo space
Keen to reap the benefits of outsourcing yet not willing to expose themselves to risks, a number of companies have opted for the captive route. This enables them to protect themselves against possible ipr threats and feared loss of patented material. For instance, several pharma and legal companies that deal with sensitive data have opted for captives.

(nineteen of the top 20 global pharma r&d companies have established r&d centers in india.)

These captive kpos are expanding their india presence:

l google has set up its second research center in hyderabad; the first center is in bangalore.

l goldman sachs is expected to grow its india headcount to reach employee strength of approximately 2,000 by the end of 2007.

Educational opportunities for knowledge process outsourcing

Akiko callnet 16, new rohtak road, karol bagh, holistic training solutions a-267, defence colony ( 1st floor ),

Near tribbia college, new delhi -110005 new delhi-110024, e-mail: holistic@csnl.com website: www.holistic-

Website : www.shermanindia.com enterprise.com

Alcatel udyog vihar, gurgaon-1220001,

Freedom of expression: New law robs journalists of their sources – The Express Tribune

Freedom of expression: New law robs journalists of their sources – The Express Tribune: "A ban has been imposed on all government officials from interacting with the media under the new “Protection and communication of official information” rule."

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Top 10 YouTube Videos of All Time

Top 10 YouTube Videos of All Time
According to a SMH article at the end of 2006, Laipply is a comedian and motivational speaker from Cleveland, Ohio. The video shows him dancing a six-minute routine encompassing 32 songs spanning more than 50 years of music and dance. In many ways this is your typical YouTube video - a funny, goofy, short and clever video, in this case uploaded by and starring a professional comedian. But there are tens of thousands of similar videos on YouTube, uploaded by enthusiastic amateurs (mostly teens).

Incidentally, on Laipply's website there is an accompanying cat video - proving once and for all that this success story was by and for the Web.

The next 3 most viewed YouTube videos are all music. Two of them professional, one amatuer.

2. Avril Lavigne's Girlfriend video, uploaded by RCARecords 5 months ago, has amassed 50 Million views.

3. My Chemical Romance's Famous Last Words is third, with 35M views.

4. Guitar, is fourth with 26M views. It's 5 minutes of Queen-like guitar licks, by some very talented dude.

5. SNL - Digital Short - A Special Christmas Box (comedy)

6. Tuğba Özay ve 250.000ci GarantiArkadas. com Üyesi (I have no idea what this is)

7. My Chemical Romance - Teenagers (music)

8. xxx (the title and promo image give the impression it is porn, but in fact it's a sappy Hong Kong pop video)

9. Beyonce ft. Shakira - Beautiful Liar (mv) (music)

10. Akon - "Don't Matter" (music)

source: readwriteweb

Micro-blogging takes the virtual world by storm

Micro-blogging takes the virtual world by storm
Micro-blogging or posting the details of one's doings on the Internet for the world to see is all the rage right now. It allows other people to have permanent access to the details of one's daily life.

As with traditional web-based diaries or blogs, micro-bloggers create a profile with a blog service and use it to post short entries. These posts are not normally more than 140 keystrokes long - shorter than a standard text message.

One need not call up the profile page with a browser to compose and read the micro-blog messages. They are instead sent and received via Instant Messenger, SMS, e-mail or other special micro-blogging software for the computer, depending on which distribution channel the respective service uses.

The best known service of this type is called Twitter. Launched roughly two years ago, it provides a solution for family members, friends, and colleagues who are curious to find out 'What are you doing right now?' The sender decides whether only specific recipients should receive the messages - 'tweets', in the site's lingo - or whether any and all Twitter users are welcome to read along.

Subscribe to enough tweets, and a permanent flow of messages begins pouring in, letting the recipient truly dive into the lives of others. 'Micro-blogging is like an ongoing hallway discussion, where there's always something new to experience and where you can plug in or tune out whenever you want,' explains Benedikt Koehler, a sociologist at the University of the German Federal Army in Munich. He is an expert in sociological internet phenomena.

The user is also fed interesting new titbits, as opposed to actively surfing to them on traditional blogs. Once subscribed, recipients automatically receive their messages. That is precisely the joy of this new communications form, Koehler says.

'Because of the character count limit, it doesn't take long to compose a micro-blogging post - and, as with chat, you can answer immediately and communicate with several discussion partners at the same time,' says Henning Behme from the Hanover-based computer technology magazine iX.

Success breeds imitation, and a series of new micro-blogging sites have sprung up of late. Pownce, Jaiku, and Friendfeed are all among the English-based variants. Versions in other languages have also appeared, such as the German sites Frazr, Wamadu and Niimo. Each promises additional functions and some twist of their own. Even popular social networks like Facebook, Myspace and Xing have now started working with the principle, and provide their members with an infrastructure for creating status reports.

But the original remains the big name in the field.

'Twitter has assumed a vanguard role in the world of micro-blogging and really has the potential to become the new digital communication service for the coming years,' says Behme. 'It could well be that 'to twitter' will find its place alongside 'to google' in the dictionary,' he says.

In Koehler's estimation, twittering has to date gained a foothold only among the most enthusiastic adherents of the Internet generation. The popularity of the short messages may grow beyond the borders of that group, though. Koehler is not yet ready to speak of a new mass medium, however. Micro-blogging is more likely to remain a niche player and serve as a complement to other communication means.

pigmediacraft presents: Content is King

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Social Media Distractions Are Costing Businesses Major Money [STUDY]

Social Media Distractions Are Costing Businesses Major Money [STUDY]: "How many times each day are you distracted by social media, email or instant messages?

According to a recent survey from social email software provider harmon.ie, you and other employees are blowing $10,375 in productivity each year, and all because we don’t disconnect from an online chat quickly enough, or we get sidetracked by a bulging email inbox, or we fall into a Facebook hole of photos, updates and messages."

Chris Gayle leads IPL's most valuable list - Rediff Sports

Chris Gayle leads IPL's most valuable list - Rediff Sports: "This has been Gayle's IPL. He has scored the most runs (511), hit the most sixes (38), won his team (RCB) the most matches, and proved to be the most influential player (with a MVPI of 782) even though he played just 9 of the 14 RCB matches."

Friday, May 27, 2011

BBC News - India female foeticide: Can Bihar save its girls?

BBC News - India female foeticide: Can Bihar save its girls?: "The latest census figures have come as a big jolt to the authorities in the northern Indian state of Bihar who are just waking up to the dangers of female foeticide. So what are they doing about it? The BBC's Geeta Pandey reports from Patna."

Thursday, May 26, 2011

whatever will happen, will happen for the good only...

Bhagavad Gita Summary
Whatever happened, happened for the good; whatever is happening, is happening for the good; whatever will happen, will also happen for the good only. You need not have any regrets for the past. You need not worry for the future. The present is happening...

Google gets creative, names new NFC payment system Google Wallet? (Updated) -- Engadget

Google gets creative, names new NFC payment system Google Wallet? (Updated) -- Engadget: "Yesterday, anonymous sources said that El Goog and Sprint would debut a new NFC payment system on May 26th -- otherwise known as tomorrow. Today, a leak allegedly from The Container Store appears to have spilled the beans on the moniker for Mountain View's mobile money method: Google Wallet. Not the most creative cognomen, but at least it sums up the service succinctly. Still, it's no Ice Cream Sandwich, but we'll find out how it tastes live at tomorrow's event."

Treat your kid like a darling #quote

Treat your kid like a darling for the first five years. For the next five years, scold them. By the time they turn sixteen, treat them like a friend. Your grown up children are your best friends.

Q1 Online Ad Revenues $7.3 Billion, Search Nearly Half

Q1 Online Ad Revenues $7.3 Billion, Search Nearly Half: "The IAB announced this morning that online ad revenues were $7.3 billion in the US in Q1 2011. This is a 23 percent increase over the same period last year. In 2010 total online revenues were $26 billion according to the IAB."

Eight years average term for rape - Crime, UK - The Independent

Eight years average term for rape - Crime, UK - The Independent: "One in seven rapists is sentenced to four years or less in jail, figures showed today.

But the average prison term for rape is more than eight years, compared with just over six years for manslaughter, the Ministry of Justice figures showed."

Manorama Online | Oprah Winfrey:From childhood poverty to talk show queen

Manorama Online | Oprah Winfrey:From childhood poverty to talk show queen: "Oprah Winfrey, considered the most influential woman on U.S. television, brings 'The Oprah Winfrey Show' to a close on Wednesday after 25 years."

100 Websites You Should Know and Use

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